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Student Teacher: Mia Angelis Date: 02/13/19

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson Topic: Sh, Th digraphs & Sight Words

Grade: 1st grade Length of class: 45-50 minutes

Learning Objective (performance, conditions, criterion): Students will demonstrate their

understanding of sh and th digraphs and grade level sight words.

Student Friendly Objective: I can sort, spell, and create sentences with my sight words and
sh/th digraphs.

State Core Standard Alignment:

Reading: Foundational Skills Standard 3

a.) Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
b.) Decode regularly spelled one-syllable word

Core and Supplemental Materials:

Teacher Materials: Student Materials:
Smartboard board White boards, markers, erasers
Elkonin boxes/ Sound tokens
Digraph word cards

Context for Learning:

Organization of the
students (e.g., small Small group (Aaron, Amelia, Daniel)
groups, whole group,
Pre-Lesson Assessment N/A stop and checks (informal) throughout the lesson

IEP Goal Links Amelia:

(Also describe individual Annual Goal 1
student modifications & Amelia will demonstrate understanding of spoken word, syllables,
and sounds (phonemes) at grade level with 75% accuracy as
measured by 4 out 5 weekly curriculum-based assessments.
Annual Goal 2
Amelia will know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis
skills in decoding words at 75% accuracy as measured by 4 out of 5
weekly curriculum-based assessments

Annual Goal 2
Aaron will know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis
skills in decoding words with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive
probes as measured by informal teacher assessment., with 25%
current achievement, with 90% target achievement.

Pre-Instructional Set: (Approximately 3 minutes)

Gain students’ “Friends… today we are going to play some fun #/minutes
attention (Activity and language arts games to work on sigh words and
Script) digraphs. Has anyone heard the word digraph before?” (2 minutes)

“A digraph is when 2 letters make one sound. For

example, sh makes the /sh/ sound (shhh). Lets try it
together. Great! It doesn’t make the /s/ /h/ sound—
instead it makes one sound /sh/”

Inform students of “Today, we are going to practice sorting, writing, and #/minutes
learning objective(s) creating sentences with our sight words and digraphs.”
Check for understanding: (30 seconds
to 1 minute)
“Amelia what are we doing today?! Aaron what are we
doing today?!”

“This is important to “This is important to know because sometimes we can’t #/minutes

know because…” sound out words, we just have to know them. That’s
(Informed instruction) what our sight words are for. We are working hard on (1-2
recognizing those words because they can sometimes
trick us. Same with our digraphs. It’s important to know
that sometimes two letters work together to make one

Preparing students for instructional content: (Approximately 6 - 15 minutes)

Pre-requisite skills to Review Behavior #/minutes
review, if applicable  Today we are going to be using the
Smartboard… thumbs up or down – is this how I (2 to 5
use the Smartboard? (Show various examples)
 Show that sometimes the board can be funky,
and the letters might not appear right where you
write it. Is it okay for me to cry and whine
because it didn’t work? No. What could I do?
 If I ask ____ to answer a question. Whose voice
should I hear? Is it kind to speak over our
 If we have a question what should we do?
Review of prior #/minutes
knowledge, if N/A
applicable (0 minutes)

Vocabulary to pre- Digraph: #/minutes

teach, if applicable A digraph is when two letters work together to make
one sound. (2 to 5
They both have two letters, but they only produce
one sound.

Instruction: (Approximately 20 to 60 minutes – depending on length of class)

Explicit Modeling of (Materials: Elkonin boxes/ sound tokens/ sh & th word cards) #/minutes
Skill (what cognitive
steps should the students Show (or write) full word – example: Smash
be using to successfully
perform the skill?) T: This word is smash. What’s the word?
(I DO IT) S: Smash
(10 minutes)
T: Great! Daniel, do you see or hear a digraph – two letters
that make one sound – in this word?
S: “sh”
T: Awesome! Sh is a digraph. Watch as I break this word up.

Break the word up into the Elkonin boxes. Once the word is
broken up as the students to tap the word together with you.
Put a token in for each sound – emphasizing how only one
token is put in for two letters (digraph sh or th).

Repeat these steps with multiple diagraphs.

Guided Practice (Materials: Smartboard board, Smartboard board slides – #/minutes
(WE DO IT) possibly individual white boards, markers, and erasers)
(15 minutes)
“Okay friends we are going to play a few games on the
Smartboard. ** Go over Smartboard expectations **”
 Today we are going to be using the Smartboard
board… thumbs up or down – is this how I use the
Smartboard? (Show various examples)
 Show that sometimes the board can be funky, and the
letters might not appear right where you write it. Is it
okay for me to cry and whine because it didn’t work?
No. What could I do?

All three of these games are new to the students. This will be
the first time using the Smartboard with these kids. Provide
students with brief explanation of each activity before
Go over behavior expectations.
Note: These activities could cause frustration and anger.
Scaffold accordingly.

Begin with diagraph word sort.

Show example.
(Students will touch and drag the word to the correct digraph
under the th/sh t-chart)
Next, word scramble sh words
Show example.
(Unscramble sh words)
Finally, word scramble th words.
Show example.
(Unscramble th words)

Image of Smartboard board slides attached at the bottom of

the lesson.

Strategies to check for Quick check for understanding:

“What is a digraph?”

On your board write one word that has a digraph in it.

Independent Practice
(YOU DO IT) Briefly re-introduce sight words—students are familiar with
these words.

Read and go over words together.

Word list: all, call, her, day, want, the

(Teacher says the word, students repeat) #/minutes

Play fill in the blank. minutes)

One student will come up to the board and choose one sight
word to solve/fill in the blank. While one student solves at
the board, the other students solve on their white boards. *
Note: remind students who are solving on white boards that
they do not need to draw the ___ lines.

Complete until all words have been solved.

Concrete and tangible Okay friends, final task for the day. You’ve been working so hard
assessment to know and I am so proud of you! On your board I want you to write the
whether students have word want. “I want to go to snack, want. What’s the word? Want.”
met learning objective
Repeat with “the.”

Closure: (1 – 5 minutes)
Organization/transition Amazing work today, Amelia, Aaron and Daniel! I #/minutes
routines (e.g., put want you guys to go wash your hands for snack.
assignments in folders,
prepare for bell,
transition to next (1 minute)

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