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Curriculum FKEP

No. Code Subject Name Type Grade

1 ASKM120 Keterampilan Mengetik I/ Keyboarding I (3) Prerequisite

2 LMTR999 Mata Kuliah Pembatas/ Limiter Subject (1) Prerequisite

3 FENG000 Bahasa Inggris Dasar/ Foundation of English (3) Prerequisite

4 ASKN120 Keterampilan Mengetik I/ Keyboarding I (3) Prerequisite

5 WEDU001 Pendidikan Keterampilan/ Work Education (1) Prerequisite

Semester 1

1 INGU121 Bahasa Inggris I/ General English I (3) General

2 FUND111 Psikologi Keperawatan/ Nursing Psychology (2) Basic

3 BION111 Ilmu Biologi/ Biological Science (2) Basic

4 BION112 Fisika Keperawatan/ Physics in Nursing (1) Basic

5 BION113 Kimia Dasar/ Basic Chemistry (2) Basic

6 BION115 Anatomi dan Fisiologi I/ Anatomy and Physiology I (3) Basic

7 FUND112 Keperawatan Dasar I/ Fundamentals of Nursing I (3) Major

8 BINN106 Bahasa Indonesia/ Indonesian Language (2) General

9 AGMA181 Hidup dan Ajaran Yesus I/ Life and Teaching of Jesus I (2) General

10 BINA106 Bahasa Indonesia/ Indonesian Language (2) General

Semester 2

1 BION126 Anatomi dan Fisiologi II/ Anatomy and Physiology II (3) Basic

2 INPE122 Bahasa Inggris II/ General English II (3) General

3 AGMK182 Hidup dan Ajaran Yesus II/ Life and Teaching of Jesus II (2) General

4 PENN131 Filsafat Pendidikan Kristen/ Philosophy of Christian Education (2) General

5 FUND125 Praktik Keperawatan Dasar I/ Fundamentals of Nursing Practice I (3) Major

6 FUND124 Keperawatan Dasar II/ Fundamentals of Nursing II (3) Major

7 BION124 Biokimia/ Biochemistry (2) Basic

8 FUND123 Etika dan Hukum Keperawatan/ Nursing Ethics and Law (2) Major

9 PEND131 Filsafat Pendidikan Kristen/ Philosophy of Christian Education (2) General

10 INGU122 Bahasa Inggris II/ General English II (3) General

11 AGMA182 Hidup dan Ajaran Yesus II/ Life and Teaching of Jesus II (2) General
Semester 3

1 AGMK283 Prinsip-Prinsip Alkitab I/ Biblical Principles I (2) General

2 BION217 Mikrobiologi dan Parasitologi/ Microbiology and Parasitology (3) Major

3 INPE223 Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan I/ General English III for Nurse (3) General

4 FUND216 Praktik Keperawatan Dasar II/ Fundamentals of Nursing Practice II (3) Major

5 MSNG213 Keperawatan Respirasi/ Respiratory Nursing (2) Major

6 MSNG212 Keperawatan Gastrointestinal/ Gastrointestinal Nursing (2) Major

7 MSNG211 Keperawatan Kardiovaskular/ Cardiovascular Nursing (2) Major

8 FARN212 Penghitungan Obat dan Larutan/ Drugs and Solutions Calculation (1) Major

9 FARN211 Farmakologi Keperawatan/ Pharmacology in Nursing (2) Major

10 COMP211 Komputer Keperawatan/ Computer in Nursing (2) Basic

11 AGMA283 Prinsip-Prinsip Alkitab I/ Biblical Principles I (2) General

Semester 4

1 AGMK284 Prinsip-Prinsip Alkitab II/ Biblical Principles II (2) General

2 FUND227 Praktik Keperawatan Dasar III/ Fundamentals of Nursing Practice III (2) Major

3 AGMA284 Prinsip-Prinsip Alkitab II/ Biblical Principles II (2) General

4 INPE224 Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/ General English IV for Nurse (3) General

5 BION228 Nutrisi dan Terapi Diet/ Nutrition and Diet Therapy (2) Major

6 BION229 Patofisiologi/ Pathophysiology (2) Major

7 STAN221 Biostatistik/ Biostatistics (3) Basic

8 MSNG224 Keperawatan Persyarafan/ Neurologic Nursing (2) Major

9 MSNG225 Keperawatan Endokrin/ Endocrine Nursing (2) Major

10 MSNG226 Keperawatan Muskuloskeletal/ Musculoskeletal Nursing (2) Major

Semester 5

1 MSNG318 Keperawatan Penyakit Menular/ Communicable Diseases Nursing (2) Major

2 HPEN311 Promosi dan Pendidikan Kesehatan/ Health Promotion and Education (2) Major

3 CLIN311 Praktik Klinis Keperawatan I/ Nursing Clinical Practice I (6) Major

4 MSNG317 Keperawatan Persepsi dan Sensori/ Perception and Sensory Nursing (2) Major

5 AGMK385 Nubuatan Alkitab I/ Biblical Prophecies I (2) General

6 MATN311 Keperawatan Maternitas/ Maternity Nursing (3) Major

7 PEDN311 Keperawatan Anak/ Pediatrics Nursing (3) Major

Semester 6

1 STAN322 Metodologi Riset Keperawatan/ Research Methodology in Nursing (3) Basic

2 CLIN322 Praktik Klinis Keperawatan II/ Nursing Clinical Practice II (6) Major

3 AGMK386 Nubuatan Alkitab II/ Biblical Prophecies II (2) General

Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Keperawatan/ Leadership and Management in

4 MGTN321 Major
Nursing (3)

5 ADVN321 Keperawatan Perioperatif/ Perioperative Nursing (1) Major

6 ADVN322 Keperawatan Intensif/ Intensive Care Nursing (2) Major

Keperawatan Hemodialisa dan Genitourinari/ Hemodyalisis and Genitourinary

7 ADVN323 Major
Nursing (2)

8 ADVN324 Keperawatan Gawat Darurat/ Emergency Nursing (2) Major

Semester 7

1 PSYN411 Keperawatan Jiwa/ Psychiatric Nursing (3) Major

2 NRSG411 Skripsi I/ Baby Thesis I (3) Major

3 GERN411 Keperawatan Gerontik/ Gerontologic Nursing (2) Major

4 FAMN411 Keperawatan Keluarga/ Family Nursing (2) Major

5 COMN411 Keperawatan Komunitas/ Community Nursing (3) Major

6 CLIN413 Praktik Klinis Keperawatan III/ Nursing Clinical Practice III (6) Major

Semester 8

1 PPKN301 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan/ Indonesian Civics (3) General

2 CLIN424 Praktik Klinis Keperawatan IV/ Nursing Clinical Practice IV (3) Major

3 NRSG422 Skripsi II/ Baby Thesis II (3) Major

4 PPKN101 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan/ Indonesian Civics (3) General

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