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The manager wants to know how each product (A, B and C) sales in all continents is
going on. As the data analyst what can you report to the manager? Explain your
1. Splitting files
This step is used to compare subgroups or organize output by subgroups. With this data
we can organize output by continent, we can do this step with SPSS software
Data > Split file > Compare groups.

2. Copying data from SPPS to Excel

After we got the sequential data based on the continent, then the next step is copying the
data based on sub-groups in excel as shown below

3. Visualizing the data with bar chart

Visualizing data is the easiest way to analyze the data, because we want to know how
each product sales in all continents is going on and the products are qualitative data type
so we can use bar chart or pie chart to visualize the data with excel like this step below
4. Interpretation of the data visualization

116 124


Product A Product B Product C Product B Product C



Product A Product B Product C Product A Product B Product C




8 9

Product A Product B Product C Product A Product B Product C

Based on some data visualization results above, the first for the Africa continent
products that have the highest number of sales is product A which is 116 products sold, while
the highest number of sales after product A is product B which is 44 products sold, while the
rest of the total products sold is 7 from product C.
Another case of product sales in Asia, for product A there is no sales results at all and
very inversely with the product C sales which is as many as 124 products sold, while product
B on this continent has 62 total sales.
On the Australian continent, sales of product B has the highest number of the others
product sales which is 76 product sold, and has great difference between product B and
product C which is 58 product sold. For the position of the product B sales is among of both
products which has 56 product sold.
If seen on the European continent charts, Products A, B, C do not have a great
difference between each product. Where for products A, B, C have sales amounts 63, 71 and
39 of each. And the highest sales amount is filled by product B as well as the Australian
In addition to Australia and Europe, on the North American continent product B sales
is the best-selling sales either which has 101 products sold. Whereas for product C has ow
number enough of sales which is 8 products sold.
For the last product sales is on the South American continent, sales with the highest
amount is filled by product A that is 108 products sold. And on this continent the number of
product C sales has the smallest number either which is 9 products sold as compared to
product B which is 24 products sold.
It can be concluded that for sales with the highest amount by product C that’s only
found in Asia continent, while for product B sales with highest amount that is on Australia
Europe and North America continent. In addition to the highest sales on product A is found
on the Africa and South America continent, where the number of products is very inversely
with product A in the Asian continent that no sales at all.
2. Do the homogeneity of variances test of revenue in Australia, Europe and Africa!
Interprete your result!

1. Coding the data

We’ll do this step for making code of sample “1” is for revenue in Australia, then
sample “2” is for revenue in Europe, and “3” is for revenue in Afrika, do this step using
excel like picture below

2. Combine the data

For this step we’ll combine the data of revenue in Australia, Europe and Africa use data
in number one from excel then copy to MINITAB then what we have to do are
 Data  stack  stack columnstack of the following column: 'Revenue_AUST'
'Revenue_EUR' 'Revenue_AFR' klik column to current worksheet : C7  OK
 Data  stack  stack columnstack of the following column: 'FACTOR_1'
'FACTOR_2' 'FACTOR_3' klik column to current worksheet : C8  OK
Then the results as shown below
3. Normality Test
Before we’ll do the homogeneity of variances test, we should know that the data has
normal distribution or not, so we have to do normality test use MINITAB software as
Stat  Basic Statistic  Normality Test Klick Variable : “....” (as what you want
to test) Choose Kolmogorov Smirnov for Normality Test
With hypothesis
H0 : Data revenue is normally distributed
H1 : Data revenue isn’t normally distributed
Probability Plot of REVENUE
Mean 701,0
StDev 252,1
99 N 488
KS 0,102
95 P-Value <0,010


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Based on the probability plot above of data combine by revenue in Australia,

Europe, and Africa continent, plots of the data stay away from straight line and its p-
value (0.01) is less than the significance level α = 0.05 so that based on statistic theory
it might be to reject H0 which means that the revenue data of the three continents is not
normally distributed. Having obtained the conclusion can be used homogenity test
using Levene test because the data is not normally distributed.
4. Homogeneity of Variances with Levene Test
With hypothesis
H0 : the Australia, Europe and Africa continent have the same variance.
H1 : the Australia, Europe and Africa continent doesn’t have the same variance.
After we know that the data isn’t normally distributed, so we can do the
homogeneity of variance with Levene test using MINITAB as follows
Stat  ANOVA Test for Equal Variances response : Revenue  factor :factor
And the output is as picture below
Test for Equal Variances for REVENUE

Bartlett's Test
Test Statistic 74,23
1 P-Value 0,000
Lev ene's Test
Test Statistic 31,59
P-Value 0,000


100 125 150 175 200 225

95% Bonferroni Confidence Intervals for StDevs

Berdasarkan hasil output diatas diketahui bahwa nilai p-value dalam

levene test sebesar 0 yang mana kurang dari 𝛼 = 0,05. Sehingga keputusan yang diambil
adalah tolak H0, artinya data revenue dari benua Australia, Europe and Africa tidak memiliki
varians yang sama.
Based on the output above we know that the p-value in the levene test result is 0
which is less than α = 0.05. So the decision taken is reject H0, it means that data revenue from
the Australia, Europe and Africa continent doesn’t have the same variance.

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