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Year  1  –  First  of  two  placements  over  two  years  in  the  Early  Stage  of  
Professional  Experience.  
Please  refer  to  the  following  guidelines  but  be  aware  the  Professional  Experience  Office  staff    
welcomes  calls/email  contact,  particularly  if  you  have  questions.  

As  a  Pre-­‐Service  Teacher,  you  are  expected  to:  

• take  part  in  pre-­‐placement  and  placement  meetings  with  the  university  representatives;  
• make  contact  with  your  school  based  coordinator  prior  to  placement  to  discuss  starting  details  
and  expectations;  
• ensure  your  first  meeting  with  your  mentor  teacher/team    clarifies  teaching  time  and  specific  
expectations  for  the  placement;  
• learn  about  the  context  of  the  school,  its  culture,  community  and  values;  
• understand  and  follow  all  school  based  expectations;  
• set  learning  goals  based  on  the  Australian  Professional  Standards  for  Teachers  and  collect  
evidence  of  having  attained  them;  
• document  all  lesson  plans  and  discuss  content  and  planning  approaches  prior  to  and  after  
• be  actively  involved  in  the  school  community  (yard  duty,  professional  learning  activities  etc.);  
• be  open  and  proactive  about  collecting  feedback  from  students,  mentors  and  other  colleagues;  
• reflect  in  order  to  monitor  progress,  identify  learning  needs  and  interests  and  critically  examine  
teaching  practice;  
• keep  a  copy  of  the  completed  Professional  Experience  Report.  

As  a  School  Mentor  teacher,  you  agree  to:  

• meet  with  the  PST  to  discuss  professional  goals  and  expectations;  
• support  the  PST  by  welcoming  them  to  the  school  introducing  them  to  students  and  colleagues,  
providing  resources,  workspace,  timetables,  policies  and  curriculum  materials;  
• arrange  regular  meeting  times  with  the  PST  to  discuss  lesson  plans,  offer  support  and  reflect  on  
• share  personal  professional  knowledge/readings,  teaching  experiences  and  passion  for  teaching;  
• offer  both  written  and  verbal  feedback  in  a  timely,  ongoing  manner;  
• pose  thoughtful,  open  questions  to  encourage  the  PST  to  think  about  their  practice  and  justify  
their  actions;    
• be  involved  in  the  PST’s  final  assessment  by  completing  the  report,  sharing  the  contents,  having  
the  student  sign  off  and  ensuring  that  he/she  takes  a  copy  and  that  the  school  based  coordinator  
is  able  to  return  the  evaluation  form  to  the  Professional  Experience  Office  as  soon  as  possible  
after  the  placement.  
By  completion  of  this  placement,  the  PST  is  expected  to  have:  
• observed  a  range  of  students  in  different  contexts  and  subject  areas;  
• planned   and   assessed   sequential   units   of   curriculum   so   that   student   learning   is   effectively   conceptualized,  
evaluated  and  organized;  
• discussed  lesson  plans  with  their  school  mentor  teacher/s  prior  to  each  lesson  as  well  as  after;  
• reflected  on  their  strengths  and  future  needs  as  learners  and  teachers;  
• familiarised  themselves  with  the  school  policies  and  practices;  
• engaged  in  extra-­‐curricular  activities,  attended  meetings  and  become  familiar  with  the  diversity  of  roles  and  
expectations  of  being  a  teacher;  
• reflected  on  their  learning  and  researching  questions  as  they  arise;  
• continue  to  develop  a  professional  portfolio  that  provides  evidence  of  professional  knowledge,  professional  
practice   and   professional   engagement   based   on   the   Australian   Professional   Standards   for   Teachers  

The  Coordinator  is  asked  to:  

• allocate  pre-­‐service  teachers  to  appropriate  supervising  teachers;  
• meet  with  pre-­‐service  teachers  at  the  beginning  of  the  placement  and  provide  them  with  information  
relating  to  the  school  procedures,  programs  and  administration;  
• provide  pre-­‐service  teachers  with  information  about  what  materials  and  resources  are  available  within  the  
school  to  assist  their  planning  and  teaching;  
• receive  and  distribute  Deakin  University  material;  
• see  each  pre-­‐service  teacher  and  provide  them  with  feedback  if  possible;  
• ensure  that  assessment  and  report  forms  are  completed,  discussed  with  the  pre-­‐service  teacher  and  then  
email  back  to  Deakin  University  at  the  conclusion  of  the  placement  (please  keep  a  copy  for  school  records);  
• ensure  that  any  days  a  pre-­‐service  teacher  is  absent  are  made  up;  
• contact  Deakin  University  if  a  pre-­‐service  teacher  fails  to  attend  at  all,  is  absent  for  more  than  2  days,  is  likely  
to  receive  an  unsatisfactory  or  “at  risk”  report  or  is  experiencing  difficulties;  
• forward  the  claim  forms  for  payment  to  Deakin  University  Professional  Experience  Office  

Supporting  Professional  Experience  “At  Risk”  or  “Unsatisfactory”  

Deakin  has  developed  the  Pre-­‐service  Teacher  at  Risk  Procedure.  This  process  is  to  be  used  only  when  a  PST  has  
been  identified  as  being  ‘at  risk’  of  failure  during  placement.    
1. Mentor   teacher   identifies   the   likelihood   of   an   “At   Risk”   or   “Unsatisfactory”   assessment   and   contacts   the   School  
Based  Coordinator  (SBC).  
2. The  SBC  arranges  a  visit  from  a  Deakin  representative  as  soon  as  possible.  
3. Shared  consultation  and  support  for  all  stakeholders  offered  with  direction  to  continue  or  options.  
4. A  Deakin  representative  must  be  engaged  before  an  “At  Risk”  or  “Unsatisfactory”  assessment  can  be  recorded.ded.  
Deakin  will  conduct  a  formal  review  process  for  every  pre-­‐service  teacher  deemed  “At  Risk”  or  “Unsatisfactory”.  
A  Deakin  representative  will  be  available  “at  call’  every  placement.  Every  pre-­‐service  teacher  will  meet  with  a  Deakin  
representative  at  least  once  for  every  placement  from  the  beginning  of  second  year  

Assessing  the  PST  and  completing  the  Report  Form  

• The   Report   Form   includes   criteria   that   are   aligned   with   the   Australian   Professional   Standards   for   Teachers  
• Report   Forms   must   be   completed   before   the   end   of   the   placement.     Mentor   Teachers   should   arrange   a  
meeting   with   the   PST   to   discuss   the   feedback   and   PSTs   should   complete   a   personal   reflection   on   their  
learning  during  the  placement.  
• The  PST  should  be  assessed  against  the  expectations  for  a  competent  beginning  teacher  in  a  school  at  the  
completion  of  their  placement.  
• Report  Forms  must  be  promptly  returned  within  one  week  of  the  completion  of  the  placement,  to  the  
Professional  Experience  Administrator  at  Deakin  University,  located  at  the  Professional  Experience  Office.

Year  1  –  Early  Stage    

Professional  Experience  Office  
of  Professional  Experience  
  Faculty  of  Arts  and  Education  
ETP  102   Deakin  University  
(5  days)   PO  Box  423    
Theme  for  the  Practicum  –  Social   WARRNAMBOOL  VIC  3280    
Contexts  of  Education  –  social  issues   Return  email     ETP102  
and  social  theories  and  concepts  
Phone   5563  3261  
Pre-­‐service  teacher  name:   Rachel  Logan   Deakin  PST  #:    

School:   W.E.P.S   School  ABN:    

School  Coordinator  of  pre-­‐service   Nicki  Colderwood     Year  level/s:   1/2    
Name  of  supervising  teacher:   Christie  Smith     Total  number  of  days:   5  

Dates  of  attendance:   29/08/16-­‐2/09/2016   Dates  absences  made  up:   0  

Dates  of  absence:   N/A      

Guidelines for using this report form:

This is the pre-service teacher’s first experience in a primary education setting. Mentor teachers
should review the expectations laid out here with pre-service teachers (team, pair or individual)
on or before day one of their placement. The main focus of this practicum experience is to begin
the development of their pedagogical repertoire and understanding of the influence time, space
and place has on the provision of learning opportunities for students.

During this placement the student, either individually, in pairs or in teams, will:

• Professional Knowledge
o Undertake an orientation to the school environment
o Collect documentation on, observe and analyse the physical and organization
structures of the school and how they influence the learning opportunities for different
o Collect and discuss with mentor teacher and/or school leadership school policy
documents directly related to inclusivity and learning relationships including learning
support programs
• Professional Practice
o Conduct and record observations of class, teacher and school routines
o Supervise the learning activities of small groups of students within the classroom
o Conduct learning conversations with individual students
o Conduct team teaching with mentor teacher and where possible pre-service

• Professional Engagement
o Attend meetings, yard duty, school activities and any other professional activities
that the school offers
o Collate all observations, teaching reflections, policies, anecdotal data, timetables
and records of participation in professional activities into a teaching portfolio
The pre-service teachers will probably require extensive guidance and support. The experience
should begin with observation of teacher, supervision of learning activities set by mentor and
move to collaboratively preparing for and team teaching with their colleagues and mentor teacher
for at least one lesson. Mentor teachers may wish to comment on whether the pre-service
teachers have taken up opportunities to assist and learn in both the classroom learning routines
and school activities. The information in this report should mainly refer to the degree to which the
pre-service teacher orientates him/herself to the new role of teacher in the primary learning
The report and the teaching portfolio should be used as catalysts for constructive discussion and
the report should be completed by the mentor teacher in consultation with the pre-service
* In each rubric, codes are used to identify the domain, standard and focus from the AITSL National
Professional Standards for Graduate Teachers to which the attribute can be associated.

Please  click  on  the  appropriate  check  box  to  make  one  selection  only  for  each  standard.    Simply  click  again  if  you  wish  to  remove  
the  check.  


Professional  Knowledge  –  Early  Stage  –  First   No  opportunity   Needs  work   Meets   Exceeds  
to  observe   on  meeting   expectations   expectations    
interaction  with  students  and  teachers.   expectations  
understands  how  students  learn  and  the  implications  for  
Professional   Practice   –   Early   Stage   –   First   No  opportunity   Needs  work   Meets   Exceeds  
to  observe   on  meeting   expectations   expectations    
interaction  with  students  and  teachers.   expectations  
demonstrates  empathy,  and    a  positive  regard  for  and  rapport          
with  learners    
PP3.5,  PP4.1,  PP4.4,  PE7.1  
Recognizes  the  persona  of  a  teacher  in  interaction  with          
PP4.3,  PE7.1  
shows  respect  to  school  staff,  teachers  and  colleagues          
PP4.3,  PE6.1,  PE7.1  

No  opportunity  to   Needs  work  on   Meets   Exceeds  

Professional   Engagement   –   Early   Stage   –   First   observe   meeting   expectations   expectations    
interaction  with  students  and  teachers.   expectations  
Begins  collecting  for  a  Professional  Experience  Journal  
PE6.1,  PE6.2          

develop  rapport  with  staff  and  teachers  

PE6.3,  PE7.1  

engages  with  the  teaching  profession  

PE6.2,  PE7.2  

takes/shows  initiative  
PE6.3,  PE7.1.  PE7.2  

is  punctual  &  reliable  

PE7.1,  PE7.2  

Is  groomed  and  dressed  appropriately  


Pre-­‐service  Teacher  Evidence  (space  will  expand  as  you  add  text)  I  found  being  in  the  classroom    
environment  to  be  extremely  interesting  and  felt  as  though  I  have  learnt  a  lot  about  learning  strategies  of  
different  levels  of  learning  abilities.  Being  able  to  observe  and  work  alongside  different  teachers  and  
students  has  given  me  many  ideas  to  take  with  me  and  put  to  use  in  the  future.    
Teacher  Comment  (space  will  expand  as  you  add  text)  Rachel  wrote  notes  of  what  she  observed  and  
anything  that  took  her  interest  to  take  back  to  Deakin  and  for  her  own  teaching  use.  She  participated  in  

all  lessons  and  moved  around  in  our  learning  commmunty  space  assisting  particular  students/  groups  
that  were  more  in  need.  Rachel  was  involved  in  yard  duty,  our  PLT  and  department  meetings.  She  was  
very  reliable  and  arrived  at  school  on  time  while  dressing  appropriately.    Rachel  was  a  plessure  to  have  in  
our  learning  community  this  week.  She  was  willing  to  help  when  needed  and  was  always  asking  for  jobs  and  things  
to  do.  She  intereacted  well  with  the  children  and  made  friendly  relationships.  Well  done  Rachel  for  a  great  
placement  hope  we  see  you  around  soon!  

Reflections  (completed  by  pre-­‐service  teacher):  Areas  of  strength,  areas  needing  development  
Being  in  the  classroom  environment  has  been  a  great  learning  experience.  I  feel  as  though  I  need  to  work  on  my  
confidence,  such  as  talking  to  the  class  as  a  whole.  I  feel  like  I  have  a  greater  understanding  of  different  student  
abilities  within  a  classroom  as  I  was  able  to  observe  and  work  with  3  classes  during  my  time  at  Warrnambool  
East  Primary  School.  

General  Comments  (completed  by  supervising  teacher):  Areas  of  strength,  areas  needing  development  
Overall  Rachel  had  a  great  week  at  W.E.P.S  she  participated  in  all  lessons  and  activities  with  the  children.  As  she  
experiences  more  she  will  grow  with  confidence  which  will  help  when  she  is  in  her  3rd  and  4th  placements.  I  
would  encourage  Rachel  to  volunteer  her  time  in  a  class  to  gain  as  much  knowledge  and  experience  as  she  can  to  
help  develop  her  confidence  around  children.  

General  Comments  (completed  by  School  PST  Coordinator,  Assistant  Principal  or  Principal):    

In  relation  to  the  relevant  developmental  stage  and  in  response  to  the  comments  made  above  
please  tick  the  appropriate  comment  for  this  pre-­‐service  teacher.  

  Has  exceeded  the  expectations  for  this  Professional  Experience  

  Has  satisfied  the  expectations  for  this  Professional  Experience  

Is  at  risk,  having  fulfilled  some  but  not  all  expectations  for  this  Professional  
Will  require  support  to  meet  the  expectations  of  the  next  placement.  

  Has  not  satisfied  the  expectations  for  this  Professional  Experience  


Signature  of  pre-­‐service  teacher  coordinator:   Christie  Smith    

Date:   9/2/2016  

Signature  of  pre-­‐service  teacher:   Rachel  Logan    
(verifying  they  have  sighted  this  report)  

Date:   2/9/2016  

“I  understand  that  comments  made  in  this  report  will  be  seen  by  the  pre-­‐service  teacher  and  
may  be  used  by  the  pre-­‐service  teacher  for  inclusion  in  a  portfolio  for  employment  purposes  in  
the  future.    I  consent  to  the  Deakin  University  pre-­‐service  teacher  named  in  this  report  retaining  
a  copy  of  this  report.”  
Signature  of  supervising  teacher:       Christie  Smith  
Date:               9/2/2016  

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