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Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Mechanical Engineering


Under the esteemed guidance of


Assistant Professor


(Affiliated to J. N. T. University Anantapur, Anantapuramu)
SreeSainath Nagar, TIRUPATI-517 102(A.P)
2016 - 2019

A.Rangampet, Tirupati-517102

This is to certify that the seminar report entitled“ MONITORING &
CONDITIONING OF STEM TURBINE USING IOT” is the bonafied work done by
Mr.G.Venkateswarlu(16125A0312) of IV B.Tech, I semester in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering,SreeVidyanikethan Engineering College (Autonomous),
A.Rangampet, Tirupati and is submitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Anantapur, Anantapuramu in partial fulfillment of requirement of the award of B.Tech
Degree in Mechanical Engineering during the academic year 2018-2019.

Seminar Guide Seminar Incharge HOD

A.Rangampet, Tirupati-517102


I hereby declare that the work described in seminar report entitled “ monitoring &
conditioning of steam turbine using IOT” which is submitted by me has not been
submitted to any other courses or University for award of any Degree.

Name of the Student


I express our deep sense of gratitude, appreciation and indebtedness to my seminar

guide Mr.D.Rakesh, Assistant Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering for his valuable

guidance. His sincere interest, support and constant encouragement during the seminar

preparation & report have helped me in completing this seminar report.

I wish to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to Dr.K.C.Varaprasad, Professor

&Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVEC.

I express our profound gratitude to the Dr.P.C.Krishnamachari, principal of SVEC

and Dr.M.Mohan babu, chairman of SVEC for permitting us to do my seminar report.

Last but not least, thanks to our parents for their numerous support in many different

ways throughout the study.

I also thank all who have helped directly or indirectly in completing the seminar


Student Name with Signatures


Condition monitoring is the process of monitoring a parameter in order

to identify the cause of a significant change in the performance of the turbine. The
main aim of Condition monitoring is to suppress the faults at its initial stage before
they lead to major failure. The two major failures which are most common in turbines
are Misalignment and Unbalance. Data collection, refinement, processing, arriving at
diagnostic is analysing the data for causes of misalignment and unbalance of turbine
and proper actions are taken. The time domain signal received from the turbine due to
the vibrations is transformed to the frequency domain signal using Fast Fourier
Transform. In this MEMS is used for vibrational analysis. The magnitude and the
frequency at the peaks of the signal decide the severity of the fault.
The data which is attained from the MEMS is uploaded to cloud now
this data can be retrieved from cloud any number of times and from any place in the
world. It means we can monitor the condition of the turbine which is at one place
from any other place in the world through internet.The main advantage of condition
monitoring is to increase the life time of the turbine.


S.NO Description Page no

1 Introduction 8
2 Turbine description 9
3 Blade and stage design 10
4 Operation and maintenance 13
5 Internet of things 14
6 Major causes of failure in turbine 17
7 Fault detection in turbine 19
8 Extraction of data from mems 20
9 Processing of data 23
10 Results and discussion 24
11 Conclusion 27
12 References 28


Figure no Description Page no

1 Rotor of a modern steam turbine 9

2 Stage difference b\w an impulsive and 50% reaction turbine 11
3 Failures in the turbine pie chart 17
4 Balancing by counter masses 18
5 Connection made to turbine to record readings 20
6 Time domain signals without fault of housing 21
7 Frequency domain signals without fault of housing 21
8 Time domain signals without fault of shaft 22
9 Frequency domain signals without fault of shaft 22
10 Transformation of time domain to frequency domain signals 23
11 Time domain signals with fault of housing 24
12 Frequency domain signals with fault of housing 24
13 Time domain signals with fault of shaft 25
14 Time domain signals with fault of shaft 25

The Electricity produced for the large consumption of the human
need is produced by Steam turbines. Construction of the turbine is very complex as it is
the integration of large number of components. A small fault in any of these components
can leads to failure of the turbine. Therefore, the real time monitoring and diagnosis for
the steam turbine generator is very important. Vibration analysis is the most widely used
and the effective method for the fault detection of turbines.
The Internet of Things is the arrangement of physical contraptions,
vehicles, home machines. Distinctive things embedded with equipment, programming,
sensors, actuators, and accessibility which engage these articles to interface and exchange
data. We can monitor the condition of the turbine which is at one place from any other
place in the world through internet. IOT involves extending Internet connectivity beyond
standard devices, such as desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets, to any range of
traditionally dumb or non-internet-enabled physical devices and everyday objects.
Embedded with technology, these devices can communicate and interact over the
Internet, and they can be remotely monitored and controlled. With the arrival of driverless
vehicles, a branch of IOT, i.e. the Internet of Vehicles starts to gain more attention.


A steam turbine is a device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steamand
uses it to do mechanical work on a rotating output shaft. Its modern manifestation was
invented by Sir Charles Parsons in 1884.
Because the turbine generates rotary motion, it is particularly suited to be used to
drive an electrical generator – about 90% of all electricity generation in the United States in
the year 1996 was by use of steam turbines.The steam turbine is a form of heat engine that
derives much of its improvement in thermodynamic efficiency from the use of multiple stages
in the expansion of the steam, which results in a closer approach to the ideal reversible
expansion process.

Figure 1: Rotor of a modern steam turbine

The present-day manufacturing industry for steam turbines is dominated
by Chinese power equipment makers. Harbin Electric, Shanghai Electric, and Dongfang
Electric, the top three power equipment makers in China, collectively hold a majority stake in
the worldwide market share for steam turbines in 2009-10 according to Platts. Other
manufacturers with minor market share include Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Siemens,
Alstom, General Electric, Doosan Škoda Power, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and Toshiba.
The consulting firm Frost & Sullivan projects that manufacturing of steam turbines will
become more consolidated by 2020 as Chinese power manufacturers win increasing business
outside of China.


Turbine blades are of two basic types, blades and nozzles. Blades move
entirely due to the impact of steam on them and their profiles do not converge. This results in
a steam velocity drop and essentially no pressure drop as steam moves through the blades. A
turbine composed of blades alternating with fixed nozzles is called an impulse turbine, Curtis
turbine, Rateau turbine, or Brown-Curtis turbine. Nozzles appear similar to blades, but their
profiles converge near the exit. This results in a steam pressure drop and velocity increase as
steam moves through the nozzles. Nozzles move due to both the impact of steam on them and
the reaction due to thehigh-velocity steam at the exit. A turbine composed of moving nozzles
alternating with fixed nozzles is called a reaction turbine or Parsons turbine.
Except for low-power applications, turbine blades are arranged in multiple
stages in series, called compounding, which greatly improves efficiency at low speeds. A
reaction stage is a row of fixed nozzles followed by a row of moving nozzles. Multiple
reaction stages divide the pressure drop between the steam inlet and exhaust into numerous
small drops, resulting in a pressure-compounded turbine. Impulse stages may be either
pressure-compounded, velocitycompounded, or pressure-velocity compounded. A pressure-
compounded impulse stage is a row of fixed nozzles followed by a row of moving blades,
with multiple stages for compounding. This is also known as a Rateau turbine, after its
inventor. A velocity-compounded impulse stage (invented by Curtis and also called a "Curtis
wheel") is a row of fixed nozzles followed by two or more rows of moving blades alternating
with rows of fixed blades. This divides the velocity drop across the stage into several smaller
drops.A series of velocity-compounded impulse stages is called a pressurevelocity
compounded turbine.

Figure 2: Schematic diagram of outlining the stage difference between an impulse and
50% reaction turbine

Blade design challenges

A major challenge facing turbine design was reducing the creep experienced by
the Blades. Because of the high temperatures and high stresses of operation, steam turbine
materials become damaged through these mechanisms. As temperatures are increased in an
effort to improve turbine efficiency, creep becomes significant. To limit creep, thermal
coatings and superalloys with solid solution strengthening and grain boundary strengthening
are used in blade designs.
Protective coatings are used to reduce the thermal damage and to limit
oxidation. These coatings are often stabilized zirconium dioxide-based ceramics. Using a
thermal protective coating limits the temperature exposure of the nickel superalloy. This
reduces the creep mechanisms experienced in the blade. Oxidation coatings limit efficiency
losses caused by a buildup on the outside of the blades, which is especially important in the
high-temperature environment.

The nickel-based blades are alloyed with aluminum and titanium to improve strength
and creep resistance. The microstructure of these alloys is composed of different regions of
composition. A uniform dispersion of the gamma-prime phase – a combination of nickel,
aluminum, and titanium – promotes the strength and creep resistance of the blade due to the
Refractory elements such as rhenium and ruthenium can be added to the alloy to
improve creep strength. The addition of these elements reduces the diffusion of the gamma
prime phase, thus preserving the fatigue resistance, strength, and creep resistance.


Because of the high pressures used in the steam circuits and the materials used,
steam turbines and their casings have high thermal inertia. When warming up a steam turbine
for use, the main steam stop valves (after the boiler) have a bypass line to allow superheated
steam to slowly bypass the valve and proceed to heat up the lines in the system along with the
steam turbine. Also, a turning gear is engaged when there is no steam to slowly rotate the
turbine to ensure even heating to prevent uneven expansion. After first rotating the turbine by
the turning gear, allowing time for the rotor to assume a straight plane (no bowing), then the
turning gear is disengaged and steam is admitted to the turbine, first to the astern blades then
to the ahead blades slowly rotating the turbine at 10–15 RPM (0.17– 0.25 Hz) to slowly
The warm-up procedure for large steam turbines may exceed ten hours. During
normal operation, rotor imbalance can lead to vibration, which, because of the high rotation
velocities, could lead to a blade breaking away from the rotor and through the casing. To
reduce this risk, considerable efforts are spent to balance the turbine. Also, turbines are run
with high-quality steam: either superheated (dry) steam, or saturated steam with a high
dryness fraction. This prevents the rapid impingement and erosion of the blades which occurs
when condensed water is blasted onto the blades (moisture carry over). Also, liquid water
entering the blades may damage the thrust bearings for the turbine shaft. To prevent this,
along with controls and baffles in the boilers to ensure high-quality steam, condensate drains
are installed in the steam piping leading to the turbine.

The Internet of things (IOT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home
appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors,actuators, and
connectivity which enables these things to connect, collect and exchange data.
IOT involves extending Internet connectivity beyond standard devices, such as
desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets, to any range of traditionally dumb or non-
internet-enabled physical devices and everyday objects. Embedded with technology, these
devices can communicate and interact over the Internet, and they can be remotely monitored
and controlled. With the arrival of driverless vehicles, a branch of IOT, i.e.the Internet of
Vehicles starts to gain more attention.
Defining the Internet of things as "simply the point in time when more 'things or
objects' were connected to the Internet than people. The extensive set of applications for IOT
devices is often divided into consumer, commercial, industrial, and infrastructure spaces.
5.1 Consumer applications
A growing portion of IOT devices are created for consumer use, including connected
vehicles, home automation, wearable technology, connected health, and appliances with
remote monitoring capabilities.
5.2 Smart home
IOT devices are a part of the larger concept of home automation, which can include
lighting, heating and air conditioning, media and security systems. Long term benefits could
include energy savings by automatically ensuring lights and electronics are turned off.
A smart home or automated home could be based on a platform or hubs that control
smart devices and appliances. For instance, using Apple's HomeKit, manufacturers can get
their home products and accessories be controlled by an application in IOS devices such as
the iPhone and the Apple Watch. This could be a dedicated app or IOS native applications
such as Siri.This can be demonstrated in the case of Lenovo's Smart Home Essentials, which
is a line of smart home devices that are controlled through Apple's Home app or Siri without
the need for a Wi-Fi bridge. There are also dedicated smart home hubs that are offered as
standalone platforms to connect different smart home products and these include the Amazon
Echo, Apple's HomePod, and Samsung's Smart Things Hub.

5.3 Elder care
One key application of smart home is to provide assistance for those with
disabilities and elderly individuals. These home systems use assistive technology to
accommodate an owner's specific disabilities. Voice control can assist users with sight and
mobility limitations while alert systems can be connected directly to cochlear implants worn
by hearing impaired users. They can also be equipped with additional safety features. These
features can include sensors that monitor for medical emergencies such as falls or seizures.
Smart home technology applied in this way can provide users with more freedom and a
higher quality of life.
5.4 Medical and healthcare
The Internet of Medical Things (also called the internet of health things) is an
application of the IOT for medical and health related purposes, data collection and analysis
for research, and monitoring. This ‘Smart Healthcare’ as it can also be called, led to the
creation of a digitized healthcare system, connecting available medical resources and
healthcare services.
IOT devices can be used to enable remote health monitoring and emergency
notification systems. These health monitoring devices can range from blood pressure and
heart rate monitors to advanced devices capable of monitoring specialized implants, such as
pacemakers, Fitbit electronic wristbands, or advanced hearing aids. Some hospitals have
begun implementing "smart beds" that can detect when they are occupied and when a patient
is attempting to get up. It can also adjust itself to ensure appropriate pressure and support is
applied to the patient without the manual interaction of nurses. A 2015 Goldman Sachs report
indicated that healthcare IOT devices "can save the United States more than $300 billion in
annual healthcare expenditures by increasing revenue and decreasing cost."Moreover, the use
of mobile devices to support medical follow-up led to the creation of ‘m-health’, used “to
analyze, capture, transmit and store health statistics from multiple resources,including sensors
and other biomedical acquisition systems”.
Specialized sensors can also be equipped within living spaces to monitor the health
and general well-being of senior citizens, while also ensuring that proper treatment is being
administered and assisting people regain lost mobility via therapy as well. These sensors
create a network of intelligent sensors that are able to collect, process, transfer and analyse
valuable information in different environments, such as connecting in-home monitoring
devices to hospital-based systems. Other consumer devices to encouragehealthy living, such
as connected scales or wearable heart monitors, are also a possibility with the IOT.
End-to-end health monitoring IOT platforms are also available for antenatal and chronic
patients, helping one manage health vitals and recurring medication requirements.
As of 2018 IOMT was not only being applied in the clinical laboratory industry, but
also in the healthcare and health insurance industries. IOMT in the healthcare industry is now
permitting doctors, patients and others involved (i.e. guardians of patients, nurses, families,
etc.) to be part of a system, where patient records are saved in a database, allowing doctors
and the rest of the medical staff to have access to the patient’s information.[45] Moreover,
IOT-based systems are patient-centered, which involves being flexible to the patient’s
medical conditions. IOMT in the insurance industry provides access to better and new types
of dynamic information. This includes sensor-based solutions such as biosensors, wearables,
connected health devices and mobile apps to track customer behavior.This can lead to more
accurate underwriting and new pricing models.
5.5 Transportation
The IOT can assist in the integration of communications, control, and information
processing across various transportation systems. Application of the IOT extends to all
aspects of transportation systems (i.e. the vehicle, the infrastructure, and the driver or user).
Dynamic interaction between these components of a transport system enables inter and intra
vehicular communication, smart traffic control, smart parking, electronic toll collection
systems, logistic and fleet management, vehicle control, and safety and road assistance.In
Logistics and Fleet Management for example, The IOT platform can continuously monitor
the location and conditions of cargo and assets via wireless sensors and send specific alerts
when management exceptions occur (delays, damages, thefts, etc.). If combined with
Machine Learning then it also helps in reducing traffic accidents by introducing drowsiness
alerts to drivers and providing self driven cars too.
5.6 Building and home automation
IT devices can be used to monitor and control the mechanical, electrical and
electronic systems used in various types of buildings (e.g., public and private, industrial,
institutions, or residential) in home automation and building automation systems. In this
context, three main areas are being covered in literature:
The integration of the Internet with building energy management systems in order to
create energy efficient and IOT driven “smart buildings”.The possible means of real-time
monitoring for reducing energy consumption and monitoring occupant behaviors. The
integration of smart devices in the built environment and how they might to know who to be
used in future applications.

It is well established certainty that all the machines are mechanical gadgets and
that mechanical powers related with pivot, particularly outward power, are following up on
them. Reaction on rotational recurrence and potentially on its products relates to this power.
It is known that every machine is not working alone, however it is dependably a machine
comprising of not less than one driven component and one driving component, due to the
forces acting by the connection of these machines and corresponding reactional forces are
also developed. Other forces and particular reaction forces may be associated with contact
between a rotor and a stator, etc.

Figure 3: Possibilities of failure in the turbine

We can see that the major cause to the failure of the turbine is due to bearings.
The faults which results in improper functioning of bearings are mainly Misalignment and
Unbalance. Misalignment is the most cause of machine vibration. Due to misalignment
different types of forces acts on the bearings which leads to failure. In industry 30% of the
machine’s down time is due to the poorly aligned machine. Understanding and honing the
basics of pivoting shaft parameters is the initial phase in diminishing pointless vibration,
lessening support costs and expanding machine usage. When the unbalance rotor is made to
rotate freely on the bearing in the absence of friction it stops at nearly fixed orientation. It
demonstrates that the unbalance constrains acting at focal point of gravity pulls the rotor to a
fixed orientation because of its eccentricity. The situation of the unbalance is likewise called
the heavy (or hot) spot. Unbalance is mainly due to the force which always acts away from
the center which is one of the common forces in rotating machines. It starts with a rotating

component (rotor), it isn't conceivable to accomplish that center of gravity to be precisely on
the hub of revolution and this hub of turn to correspond with the central hub of idleness.
Unbalances are categorized as Static, Couple and Dynamic unbalance.

Figure 4: How to overcome the several types of unbalances by adding counter mass

The turbines are very complex in both construction and working, moreover the
turbines are very large in size. Therefore, in order to carry and continue our work a small
laboratory turbine is considered and vibration analysis is performed on that signature which is
produced by that turbine. Generally, Vibration signal contains data about the reason for
vibration and through its investigation utilizing distinctive techniques, the origin and
extending of fault can be identified. This is the most common methods which are using in
recent era to identify the failure in rotating machines


A transducer is a component which is meant for sensing the physical

parameters (mostly vibration in this work, but it is also meant to sense pressure, temperature,
etc.) and transforms it into an electrical signal as output, which is directly related to measured
parameter. As such, the transducer holds very much importance in the measurements. Exact
results of analysis depends on the exact electrical reproduction of the measured parameters.
In the event that data is missed or twisted amid estimation, it can't be recouped later. Thus,
the choice, situation, and legitimate utilization of the right transducer are imperative strides in
the usage of a condition checking and fault diagnostics program. In order to know whether
the turbine is experiencing the fault we have to study the vibrations of turbine which are
generated by the turbine with the help of accelerometers which is a transducer.
Accelerometers are one of the mainly used transducers for measuring and estimating
vibrations on machine components which are at rest. An accelerometer is a complete contact
type transducer mounted straightforwardly on a experimental device or device under test
(DUT). These accelerometers are capable of measuring the vibrations generated by the
turbines in all the three directions namely x, y, z. You can use accelerometers in applications
involving frequencies from a few hertz to few megahertz. Since most accelerometers have a
low powerful flag reaction underneath 10 Hz, you can't utilize accelerometers for low
frequency estimations. In order to overcome this problem MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical
Systems) are introduced. These MEMS sensors can measure very low frequencies as well as
very high frequencies If the turbine is free from fault the vibrations that are generated by the
MEMS are of very low frequencies. In case, If the turbine is experiencing any fault the
resulting frequencies of the vibrations generated by the MEMSs are very high which form
peaks. In this experiment we artificially impinged the fault to the turbine by removing one of
the blades. This is because the main objective is how to identify the turbine which is
experiencing the fault.


The turbine for which we are monitoring the condition is very small when compared
to the size of the actual turbine as it is meant for laboratory use. So, the shaft of the turbine is
also very small which makes us difficult to mount the MEMS on the shaft of the turbine. To
come over this hurdle, we are using the concept called principle of transmissibility which
states that the point of application of force can be moved anywhere along its line of action
without changing the external reaction forces on the rigid body. It means the vibrations which
are generated by the turbine due to misalignment or any other fault are transmitted from shaft
to pedestal of the turbine by means of bearing, housing, supports. The MEMS which are used
for measuring the vibrations are placed on the pedestal of the turbine. In order to calculate the
vibration developed by a machine, some equipment with technical aspectsisnecessary. In
general, different apparatuses are utilized, from basic instruments estimating general
vibration to multichannel analyzers furnished with various highlights that encourage the
estimation itself as well as the examination of the deliberate information. The MEMS
measure the vibrations and display them on the desktop with the help of the Arduino. The
connections which we used to measure the vibrations are as shown.

Figure 5: The connections made to turbine to record readings

The most interesting part is to include IOT (Internet of Things) technology. The
Internet of Things is the arrangement of physical contraptions, vehicles, home machines and
distinctive things embedded with equipment, programming, sensors, actuators, and
accessibility which engages these articles to interface and exchange data. This exchange of
data is done with the help of the cloud. There are some free cloud platforms available on the
web one of such clouds is “ubidots”. It means the data which is attained from the MEMS is
uploaded to cloud now this data can be retrieved from cloud any number of times and from
any place in the world. It means we can monitor the condition of the turbine which is at one
place from any other place in the world through internet.

Figure 6: Time domain signals from MEMS which are kept on the housing
without fault

Figure 7: Frequency domain signals obtained from Fourier transform of housing

Figure 8: Time domain signals from MEMS which are kept of rotating shaft without

Figure 9: Frequency domain signals obtained from Fourier transform of rotating shaft


The data which is obtained from turbine through MEMS and other equipment is
downloaded from the cloud to the desktop and it loaded in the excel sheet. The data which we
obtained from the cloud is time domain. So, carry out the Fourier analysis to transform the
data from time origin to frequency origin. A fast Fourier change (FFT) is a calculation that
samples a signal over some period of time (or space) and these samples are converted it into
its constituent frequency components. These parts are single sinusoidal motions at different
frequencies each with their own magnitude and phase. The transformation illustrated as
shown in figure. Over the time period estimated, the signal contains 3 particular predominant

Figure 10: The transformation of time domain signal to frequency domain signal

The Fourier Transform (FT) of f (x) which is a function is F(w), where

A FFT calculation registers the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a

succession, or its Inverse (IFFT). Fourier investigation changes the signal from its native
domain to a representation in the frequency domain and vice versa. It is necessary to convert
the time domain to frequency domain because by looking the frequency values we can easily
identify the maximum frequency value which indicates the presence of faults.


Figure 7 shows frequency domain signals obtained by applying Fourier transform

to the time domain signal when MEMS are placed on housing which is shown in figure 4.
Since these signals are obtained when there is no fault in the turbine, the signals obtained are
of less magnitude when compared to the signals which are obtained in the presence of fault as
shown in the figure.

Figure 11: Time domain signals from MEMS which are kept on housing with fault

Figure 12: Frequency domain signal which are obtained from Fourier transform of
above signal

Similarly figure 9 shows frequency domain signals obtained by applying Fourier
transform to the time domain signal when MEMS are placed on shaft which is shown in
figure 6. The signals obtained are when there is no fault in the turbine so, the signals obtained
are of less magnitude when compared to the signals which are obtained in the presence of
faults as shown in the figure 14.

Figure 13: Time domain signals from MEMS which are kept on rotating shaft with fault

Figure 14: Frequency domain signal which are obtained from Fourier transform of the
rotating shaft with fault

• Accessing information easily
• To increase the cycle time of the turbine.
• Down time of turbine is reduced
• Easy to detect the faults
• Less human effort
• Cost effective

• Privacy and security issues
• Complexity
• Lesser jobs
• Dependability
• Required skilled labour


As the vibration signals of the turbine is continuously monitored. If any

disturbance in the turbine cause the change in signals frequency. So we can detect the fault
quickly before it leading to the major failure. By using this technique with the help of IOT an
expert can handle many turbines which are at different places across the world and monitor
them, preventing them from the failure due to the development of fault.


By extending this work we can not only monitor the turbine but also
control the turbine using IOT technology.

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Sadhana, 06/1997. [3] Alena Bilošová, Jan Biloš Vibration Diagnosis [4] Sachin.D.Dere,
LaxmikantDhamande “Rotor bearing system FEA analysis for misalignment.
[5] Dr.R.Tiwari,
Vibration based condition monitoring in rotating machineries
[6] Chris K. Mechefske Machine Condition monitoring and fault diagnostic
[7] Nivedhitha.G, T. Sujithra, Aksheya Suresh, Bhavadharani, Automation of Parcel Delivery
Collection using IOT – Smart Freight Box. International Journal of Civil Engineering and
Technology, 8(9), 2017, pp. 966–972.


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