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Antonio A.

English for Specific Purpose

Activity 3

My name is Antonio A. Castillo, I earned my bachelor’s degree from the University of Santo Tomas,
my Master of Business Administration from La Consolacion University Philippines and at presently a third
year student, studying Juris Doctorate in law at the Bulacan State University.

When I was studying for my undergraduate degree, I was required to complete several English
class subjects, such as Fundamentals in the English Language, English correspondence, English Literature,
speech classes and when I was studying at the College of Southern Nevada I was required to enroll for the
Advance English Composition class.

Since I moved back to the Philippines, I been working for a loan consultancy agency, and working
as such, it gives me a feeling of fulfillment, this is because overseas workers are a huge portion of my
clientele, and they are looking for soft term loans. Being able to provide this type of loan, gives them great
relief, as the payment is not burdensome to their finances. And another reason that I get the feeling of
fulfillment is the feeling every time I talked to clients it seem to be a novelty, a new experience every time.

Looking at Law in its various subjects, I can definitely say the one that sparks my greatest interest
is the subject of criminal law. This area of law stir my interest the most, because many of the accused have
no real access to a dedicated legal service that can devote on their case. The Public Attorney’s Office and
other free legal aid services are over whelmed with cases they could no longer keep up with each cases,
my intention is to take certain cases that I can managed to devote both time and resources.

With regards to my future plans, I intend to continue my father’s law office and to provide free
legal advice for the poor and representation as-well.
Activity 4

The Courts:
The courts, are places where legal issues and facts are argued by the litigants and where judges
decides on the merits of the evidences deduced by their legal representation.

A Law:
A law is a set of rules and violating them would result to either penal sanction or penalty of fine
or both.

The branch of government that enact laws

Judicial precedent:
A supreme court decision, wherein any case with similar issues must be decide in the same
manner, as in what has been decided should not deviate from it.

A unicameral form of government, wherein the members of parliament select the Prime Minister.

The 1987 Philippine Constitution guarantee certain rights for its citizens, as protection against the
abuses of from government.

The constitution:
The constitution is the supreme law of the law and any other law enacted by legislation which is
contrary to it will be declared an invalid law by the Supreme Court.

A Judge:
A person in authority, which presides over legal controversies.

A certain practice, which has been passed down since time immemorial and as a result, becomes
a legal right.

A code:
A codification of rules compiled to become a law.

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