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Greetings in Ukrainian

Привіт! Мене звати Анна - My name is

Anna. I am a Ukrainian teacher and native
speaker and I am happy to introduce to you your As I mentioned in the podcast, I met with my
first Lesson Notes in Ukrainian Lessons Podcast. friends in the Shevchenko Park in Київ, we had
some ice cream - морозиво. Here is how our
The episode #1 is about the very basics of any conversations started:
conversation - saying “hello” and “how are
you?” Do you know all the ways to say it in -1-
Ukrainian? They are here in these Ukrainian Анна: Привіт!
Lessons Podcast lesson notes. Інна: Привіт!
Please, note that the red color means the word’s Анна: Як справи?
stress. Інна: Чудово! Рада тебе бачити.
Анна: Я теж.
Інна: А у тебе як справи?
Анна: Добре.
Анна: Привіт!
Катя: Привіт!
Анна: Як ти?
Катя: Нормально.
Анна: А ти як?
Катя: Теж нормально.
Literally, it means “And with you?”
Hi! - Привіт!
And that is how we ask back for Як ти?:
The basic informal “Hi!” in Ukrainian is:
А ти як?
Привіт! =

We use this one very often to greet our friends,

close family, people we work with without any
А як ти?
superiority between. You do not usually say
The word order does not matter, as in many
Привіт! to your boss or a cashier. We will learn
cases in the Ukrainian language.
that next time.
Pay attention on a short and common word:
It is easy to pronounce /pryv’it’/ Just smile when
you say it! :)
It means “and” and is used when we are talking
How are you? - Як справи? about contrasting things, especially at the
beginning of the sentence or between two
There are two ways to ask “How are you?” in sentences, for example:
Ukrainian. You have heard them both in the Я люблю чай, а він любить каву.
I like tea, and he likes coffee.
Як справи? Я люблю зелений чай. А ти?
I like green tea. And you?
Як ти?
What is справи? It means something like
“things”, “things to do”. “Як у тебе справи?” I am glad to see you - Рада
means “How are things with you?” тебе бачити!
“Як ти?” simply means “How are you?” We do
not translate “are”, because in Ukrainian the Inna said one sentence that can be very useful to
verb to be in the present tense is usually omitted. you when you meet Ukrainians and you are glad
to see them.
The possible answers to those questions can be:
Pay attention. Men must use the first phrase
• Чудово! – Great! Wonderful!
below; women must use the second one:
• Дуже добре – Very good!
• Добре – Fine.
• Нормально – Normal, I am okay.
Радий тебе бачити!
• Погано – Bad.
• Дуже погано – Very bad.
Рада тебе бачити!
This is the basics of Ukrainian adjectives: most
This is how to ask Як справи? back:
of them in masculine end in –ий and in feminine
in –a.
А у тебе?
Also – Також Bonus exercise

These are three ways of saying “also, too” in Each Lesson Notes of Ukrainian Lessons
Ukrainian: Podcast will contain a bonus exercise for you to
practice your more. Do this small exercise and
Також post a “Homework” post at
Також I will also include the answer at the end of the
next episode’s lesson notes.
Fill in the blanks. Feel free to use the dictionary
First two ones are just two options of stress. to get some new useful words and the bonus
In the dialogues, we used теж, but we could vocabulary below:
have used також with no difference of meaning:
Олег: 1) ___________
Рада тебе бачити – Я теж or Я також. Марічка: Привіт!
А ти як? – Теж нормально or Також Олег: 2) ___________
нормально. Марічка: Все 3) ___________ А у тебе?
Олег: Так собі.
Марічка: 4) ____________ тебе бачити!
Олег: 5) ______________
Марічка: Як мама?
Here is the practice exercise from the podcast.
Олег: 6) ______________ А як 7)
What do you say, if I say to you:
1. Привіт!
Марічка: 8) ______________ добре!
2. Як справи?
3. Рада тебе бачити!

The possible answers:

1. Привіт!
Привіт! Радий (рада) тебе бачити!
Привіт! Як справи?
2. Чудово!
Дуже добре!
3. Я теж.
Я також.
Я також.
Ukrainian Lessons Podcast 1-01- Key Vocabulary
Мене звати Анна My name is Anna
морозиво Ice cream
Привіт! Hi!
Як справи? - А у тебе? How are you? – And you?
Як ти? - А ти як? (= А як ти?) How are you? – And you?
чудово! Great! Wonderful!
добре Fine
погано Bad
дуже Very
Normal; I’m okay.
Радий тебе бачити
I am glad to see you (masculine).
Рада тебе бачити
I am glad to see you (feminine).
теж = також Also, too
До побачення! Good bye!

Ukrainian Lessons Podcast 1-01- Bonus Vocabulary

Як поживаєш? How are you doing? (Literally “How
are you living?”)
Що нового? - Нічого What’s new? – Nothing.
Все добре Everything is fine.
Все гаразд Everything is alright.
помаленьку Alright, little by little
так собі So, so
непогано Not bad

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