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Lesson Plan: Dimensions of Wellness

Lesson Components Description

Curriculum content name, Curriculum framework name: Nutrition and Wellness

number and description:
Number: NW 14.1

Description: Identify the importance of each aspect of wellness.

Analyze the importance of each aspect of wellness. Develop a
“Wellness Wheel” to determine characteristics of a balanced lifestyle.

Learning Objective: The students will learn what wellness is and the different dimensions
of wellness. They will learn what each dimension is and why they are
important for a person’s wellness.

Learning Activities: The students will watch a video about the eight different components
of wellness. This video demonstrates what each component of
wellness are and explains what they each mean and why they are
important. As the students watch and listen to the video they will fill
out the graphic organizer.

Activity 1: Video

Before watching the video, I will ask the students what they believe
wellness is. Then I will explain that there are 8 different dimensions of
wellness, and I will ask the students to pay attention to the video so
that they can learn what wellness is.

Activity 2: Graphic organizer

As they watch the video the students will fill out the graphic organizer
I have created for them. This graphic organizer will have key points
and phrases from the video. This will allow students to learn the
different dimensions of wellness and learn how to take good notes. I
will ask the students if they learned anything new about wellness. I
want the class to be engaged and participate in discussion amongst
each other.

Activity 3: Personal Wellness Chart

After the students have watched the video and filled out their
graphic organizers and have discussed new information they have
learned. I will ask the students to analyze their own wellness. On the
back of their graphic organizer or on a separate piece of paper they
will list all the eight dimensions of wellness and will write down how
each one relates to them. Then I will ask them if there are any they
need to work on, and if so I will ask them to write down goals on how
they think they can improve that certain aspect of wellness. This will
be personal, so I will not take these up, instead I want them to
analyze their lives and see how wellness also pertains to them and
their lives.
Assessment/evaluation: Graphic organizer: The students will be assessed on how well they
filled out their graphic organizers. The graphic organizer is divided into
eight different dimensions of wellness. I want the students to learn
and memorize what each one is and why they are important for their
health, and they must write the name of each dimension of wellness
and then fill in the blanks under each. This information will be useful
for a future test or quiz I will give the students to test their knowledge
of health and wellness.

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