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- Fritz Karinthy
Ql) What did the teachers decide to do when Wasserkopf asked for a
A: Wasserkopf, a former student of a school, tells the Principal that as he has
not learnt anything he is entitled to a refund. A re- examination, he says,
would prove his claim that he had not gained any Knowledge.
The Principal is taken aback. He discusses the matter with the teachers. All
of them are puzzled. The Mathematics teacher says that all the teachers must
ensure that Wasserkopf somehow passes in the examination. Even if
Wasserkopf gives wrong answers, he should not be failed. Otherwise, other
students too might ask for a refund. All agree to this suggestion. Thus, while
Wasserkopf is determined to fail, the teachers are equally determined to
make him pass.

Q2) What were some of the ridiculous answers given by Wasserkopf? Why
did the teachers accept these answers?
A: The teachers understand that Wasserkopf’s objective is to fail in the re-
examination as he wants a refund. So they decide beforehand that they
should accept whatever answers Wasserkopf may give and ensure that he
The History teacher asks Wasserkopf how long the Thirty Years War lasted.
Wasserkopf replies that it lasted seven meters. All the teachers unite to
justify this answer. The Physics teacher next asks a question about optical
illusions. In reply Wasserkopf calls the teacher an ass. But this is accepted as
the correct answer, The Geography teacher asks what the capital of
Brunswjck province is. Wasserkopf answers that the answer is ‘Same’. The 
teachers claim it is the right answer. The Mathematics teacher then asks a
meaningless question about the circumference of a 109 sided polyhedron.
Even the data provided for the calculation is irrelevant. Wasserkopf says that
the answer is 2629 liters.

Q3) How did the teachers outwit Wasserkopf?

A : The teachers understand that Wasserkopf’s objective is to fail in the re-
examination as fie wants a refund. So they decide beforehand that they
should accept whatever answers Wasserkopf may give and ensure that he
The teachers ask very easy questions. Though Wasserkopf gives ridiculous
answers, they justify every answer. The Mathematics teacher then asks a
meaningless question and Wasserkopf gives an equally meaningless answer.
The Mathematics teacher says that Wasserkopf has failed. She tells
Wasserkopf to calculate the amount that should be refunded. Delighted,
Wasserkopf makes calculations and reaches the figure of 6,450 crowns. The
Mathematics teacher then says that this calculation was actually a question in
the test. She says that Wasserkopf is a mathematical genius. The teachers
declare that Wasserkopf has passed the exam. In this way, they succeed in
outwitting Wasserkopf.

Q4) The play is a satire on the modern education system, which doesn’t
prepare students for life. Discuss and debate.
A : ‘Refund’ was written almost a century ago. Yet it is relevant even today as a
satire on the education system. The play is about a good-for-nothing fellow
called Wasserkopf who goes back to the school in which he had studied and
demands a refund of the fees he had paid. He claims that he had learnt
nothing at school. 
The play is humorous but it also sets us thinking about various aspects of the
education system. The syllabus is often outdated and irrelevant. Excessive
emphasis is laid on memorizing rather than creative thinking. The knowledge
imparted may not have practical relevance in one’s day-to-day life. Even if
he does well there is no guarantee that he will get a job.

Important Annotations
1. Because I didn’t get my money’s worth, that’s why!
Introduction: This line is taken from the play ‘Refund’ by Fritz Karinthy.
Context: The play is a satire on the present day education system.
Explanation: Wasserkopf, a good-for-nothing fellow, goes back to the
school in which he had studied. He meets the Principal and insists that he is
entitled to a refund of the entire fees paid by him as a student. The Principal
is taken aback and asks the reason for this strange demand. Wasserkopf
replies that he had not received a proper education. He had learnt nothing.
Comment: He is, therefore, justified in asking for a refund. He adds that a
re-examination would prove that his claim is valid.

2. We are dealing with a sly, crafty individual, who will try to get the better
of us -and his money back-by hook or by crook, we must checkmate him.
Introduction: This line is taken from the play ‘Refund’ by Fritz Karinthy.
Context: The play is a satire on the present day education system.
Explanation: Wasserkopf, a good-for-nothing fellow, tells the Principal that
he had not received a proper education and had learnt nothing. Therefore, he
was entitled to a refund of the fees he had paid as a student. He adds that a
re-examination would prove that his claim was valid. The Principal is taken 
aback at this strange demand. He immediately consults the teaching staff.
The Mathematics teacher is shrewd.
Comment: The Mathematics teacher warns the others that. Wasserkopf is a
cunning person who will do anything to get back his money. So they should
‘make some plan to outwit him.

3. Seven meters! I know it lasted that long.

Introduction: This line is taken from the play ‘Refund’ by Fritz Karinthy.
Context: The play is a satire on the present day education system.
Explanation: Wasserkopf, a good-for-nothing fellow tells the Principal that
he had not received a proper education. He demands a refund of the fees he
had paid. He adds that a re-examination would prove that his claim was
valid. The teachers decide to ask extremely easy questions. The History
teacher’s question is—how long did the Thirty year War last? The teacher
thinks that the answer is-obvious. But Wasserkopf is very cunning.

Comment: The student is determined to fail so that he can get a refund. So

he gives a ridiculous answer. He says that the war lasted seven meters. 

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