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Andrew Ang* and Michael Sherris†

This paper surveys the main concepts and techniques of recent developments in the modeling
of the term structure of interest rates that are used in the risk management and valuation of
interest-rate-dependent cash flows. These developments extend the concepts of immunization
and matching to a stochastic interest rate environment. Such cash flows include the cash flows
on assets such as bonds and mortgage-backed securities as well as those for annuity products,
life insurance products with interest-rate-sensitive withdrawals, accrued liabilities for defined-
benefit pension funds, and property and casualty liability cash flows.

1. INTRODUCTION Boyle (1992), Reitano (1991a, 1991b, 1992, 1993),

Sharp (1988), Sherris (1994), Shiu (1987, 1988,
The aim of this paper is to discuss recent develop- 1990), and Tilley (1992, 1993), amongst others. Ac-
ments in interest rate term structure modeling and ademics and practitioners in the finance and invest-
the application of these models to the interest rate ment area have dominated the theoretical devel-
risk management and valuation of cash flows that are opments and the practical implementation of the
dependent on future interest rates. Traditional ap- techniques to financial risk management. In some
proaches to risk management and valuation are based ways the actuarial profession has been lucky since it
on the concepts of immunization and matching of can draw on a wealth of research ideas in this area.
cash flows. These ideas were pioneered in the actu- The formation of the AFIR (Actuarial Approach for
arial profession by the British actuary Frank Reding- Financial Risks) Section of the International Actuarial
ton (1952). Interest rates have long been recognized Association has also allowed many of the results of
as important to the risk management of insurance li- this research in the financial economics literature to
abilities. Recent developments have incorporated a reach a wider actuarial audience.
stochastic approach to modeling interest rates. A Many actuarial problems can use the recent devel-
number of actuaries were early pioneers in this area, opments in term structure modeling. These range
including John Pollard (1971), Phelim Boyle (1976, across all areas of actuarial practice: life insurance,
1978), and Harry Panjer and David Bellhouse (1980, general insurance, and superannuation. The stochas-
1981). tic approach to term structure modeling is readily ap-
Only a small number of actuaries have been ac- plied to the interest rate risk management and
tively involved in international developments in these valuation of any set of fixed or interest rate dependent
areas over more recent times. These have included cash flows.
• Annuity Products. Term certain annuities and the
expected cash flows under life annuity products can
* Andrew Ang is a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Busi-
ness, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 94325.
be treated as fixed cash flows. Guarantees on the
†Michael Sherris, A.S.A., F.I.A., F.I.A.A., is Associate Professor in Ac- payments of life annuity products represent a form
tuarial Studies, School of Economics and Financial Studies, Mac- of interest rate option. These products require a sto-
quarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia. chastic approach for risk management and valuation.


• Insurance Products with Interest-Rate-Sensitive • Mortgage-Backed Securities. These securities have

Lapses. Many insurance products have cash flows cash flows that depend on the history of interest
that are dependent on future interest rates not only rates. This is because the cash flows are influenced
because their cash flows depend on interest rates by the level of prepayments on the underlying mort-
but also because the decrement rates that deter- gages. The amount of these prepayments depends
mine the timing of payment of the cash flows de- on the history of interest rates. Where the cash
pend on interest rates. For example, the flows depend on the history of interest rates, the
withdrawals on an annual premium life product cash flows are said to be path-dependent. Prepay-
could increase when interest rates rise. ments can be modeled in a similar manner to dec-
• Property and Casualty Insurance Company Out- rement rates in insurance products. As an example,
standing Claims Reserves. The expected claims Ang (1994) develops and fits prepayment models us-
payments for general insurance companies are often ing Australian data.
treated as risk-free cash flows and are discounted to • Structured Notes. A recent example of innovation
present values using risk free rates. To the extent in financial markets is the structured note. This in-
that the amount or timing of these liability cash strument is basically a package of a straight bond or
flows depend on interest rates, a stochastic ap- note along with a number of embedded interest rate
proach can incorporate interest rate uncertainty in options. The embedded interest rate options usually
the valuation. take the form of caps, floors, or collars.
• Accrued Liabilities of Defined-Benefit Pension
Funds. These liabilities can be treated as expected
future cash flows based on service to date and cur-
rent salary. These cash flows can be valued and ap- INTEREST RATE RISK
propriate investments selected for them using the The traditional approach to interest rate risk manage-
models in this paper. ment and valuation developed and often used by ac-
In many actuarial problems the cash flows depend tuaries assumes a single interest rate. This rate is used
on other variables apart from interest rates. For ex- to value cash flows and to determine the sensitivity
ample, indexed annuities depend on future inflation, of the value of the cash flow to interest rate changes.
and claims payments for long-tail liability business for This approach is based on the assumption that the
property and casualty insurance companies also de- yield curve is flat and interest rates change in a par-
pend on economic inflation. In these cases the ap- allel and deterministic manner. Historical data indi-
proach in this paper needs to be extended to real cate that yield curves can take a variety of shapes
interest rates. This is not covered in this paper, but including upward sloping, downward sloping (in-
there are examples of extensions to the approach cov- verse), and even humped. This is demonstrated in the
ered in this paper that allow for inflation; see, for ex- historical data for Australian Government Security
ample, Brown and Schaefer (1994) and Pennachi yields from January 1972 to October 1994 presented
(1991). in Figure 1. It can also be observed from this data that
The techniques in this paper have largely been de- yield curve changes are not parallel. It should also be
veloped for asset applications. These range from bond clear that the process driving interest rate changes is
valuation to complex interest-rate-related securities not deterministic.
such as structured notes.
• Bond Valuation. Fixed-interest securities can be
2.1 Yield Curves
valued by using a stochastic interest rate model.
The parameters of these stochastic models are It is common practice to fit yield curves to market
sometimes determined by ‘‘fitting’’ them to traded yields to maturity to describe the relationship be-
bond prices for government securities. These are re- tween yields and term to maturity. The actual yields
ferred to as ‘‘arbitrage-free’’ models. to maturity are not smooth because of coupon, li-
• Interest Rate Options. A stochastic model is re- quidity, and taxation effects. These effects are re-
quired to value nonfixed cash flows. The basic moved by fitting spot or zero-coupon yields that are
traded security that is dependent on future interest consistent with the yields to maturity. It is best to fit
rates is the interest rate option. These instruments a curve to the discount function, which is the value
include bond options, options on interest rate fu- of the zero-coupon bonds for differing maturities,
tures, and swaptions. rather than the spot yields. The discount function

FIGURE 1 interest rate pricing models as in Heath, Jarrow and

The information contained in the set of current
yields to maturity, spot rates, and forward rates is
equivalent, because they are related by definition.
The discrete time relationships between the forward
rates, spot rates and bond prices are:
P(t, T) 5 [1 1 Y(t, T)]t2T for t , T

P(t, T)
f(t, T, T 1 1) 5 21
P(t, T 1 1)

P (t, T ) 5
[1 1 f (t, t, t 1 1)][1 1 f (t, t 1 1, t 1 2)]...[1 1 f (t, T 2 1, T )]

curve should be smooth. A number of techniques can P(t, T) 5 the price at time t of a zero-coupon
be used to fit these yields. These techniques are sim- bond maturing at time T with yield
ilar to those used by actuaries in fitting smooth curves to maturity Y(t, T) and maturity
to mortality rates. Two common techniques are the (T2t) years
use of splines and of mathematical formulas: f(t, m, n) 5 the forward rate of interest implied
• Splines. This involves fitting a series of polynomial in the zero-coupon bond yield
curves over the data points, with the points where curve at time t applying from time
the curves join arbitrarily chosen. A specified de- m to time n years, t,m,n
gree of continuity is imposed on the derivatives. The f(t, T, T11) is the one-period forward rate at
abscissa values that define the segments are called time t, applying from time T to
knots. Cubic splines, the most common approach, time T11, t,T.
use a series of quadratics fitted to the data by least
squares; see Steeley (1991) for an example.
• Formulas. Parameters in a formula may be fitted to 2.2 Arbitrage-Free Conditions
the series of interest rates by using methods such If arbitrage opportunities are not to exist in a deter-
as least squares and maximum likelihood. Formulas ministic economy, then P(t, T)5P(t, s)P(s, T) for
such as that in Nelson and Siegel (1987) have been t,s,T. This is referred to as the principle of no-ar-
derived with a theoretical justification. bitrate in financial economics. If this condition does
Yield curves can also be fitted directly to spot or not hold for all s, then it is possible to generate a
forward rates as well as yields to maturity. The aim dollar at time T at a different cost to the zero-coupon
of yield curve fitting is often to derive a zero-coupon bond price at time t by rolling over short-term bonds
yield curve. Zero-coupon yields can be used to value at the deterministic forward rates.
any series of cash flows by discounting each cash This result implies that f(s, T, T11)5 f(t, T, T11)
flow using the appropriate zero-coupon yield, for all s, t≤T. The forward rate applying to a particular
whereas yields to maturity and forward rates do not time interval (but not time to maturity) must be con-
have such a simple application for valuation of ar- stant through time in a deterministic setting if arbi-
bitrary fixed cash flows. Yields to maturity are trage opportunities are not to exist. The yield curve
needed by traders in trying to predict interest rate does not have to be flat, but the forward rates for any
movements and bond price variations. Forward in- fixed time interval must be constant through time.
terest rates are often more informative for interest Bond prices will be known but need not be constant,
rate futures and options traders. Forward rates are but they must obey the no-arbitrage condition if mar-
the basis of the most recent methods developed by kets are to be in equilibrium. This constant property
financial economists for constructing stochastic of the forward rate curve in a deterministic model is

one reason why it is often easier to model forward 2.4 Interest Rate Risk Management
rates in a stochastic model. Interest rate risk management in the traditional de-
terministic approach aims to manage variations in as-
2.3 Expectations Hypothesis set and liability values on the assumption that interest
rates undergo small deterministic changes. The orig-
Various theories have been developed to explain the
inal approach developed in the actuarial literature by
relationships between interest rates of varying terms
Redington (1952) effectively assumes that all cash
when interest rates are assumed not known with cer-
flows are fixed and not dependent on interest rates.
tainty. These are based on assumptions about expec-
This excludes any asset or liability for which the tim-
tations of future interest rates in the economy. One
ing or amount of the cash flows depends on the level
version of the expectations hypothesis assumes that
of interest rates. It is also assumed that all cash flows
the expected one-period interest rate is the same for
are valued using the same interest rate. This means
investments of all maturities. There is also a version
that the yield curve is assumed to be flat across all
of the expectations hypothesis in which expected fu-
maturities. Finally, the yield to maturity curve is as-
ture one-period interest rates are equal to the current
sumed to move in a parallel fashion. This approach
implied forward interest rates. In an economy with no
has been expanded to non-flat yield curves (Fisher
uncertainty, this result will hold. Under other theories
and Weil, 1971), to non-parallel shifts in the yield
such as the liquidity premium hypothesis and the pre-
curve (Shiu, 1990), and to allow for stochastic interest
ferred habitat, the expectations hypothesis is modi-
rates and interest-rate-dependent cash flows (Boyle,
fied to include a risk premium that reflects liquidity
1978). It is important to note that a model based on
or maturity preferences in the economy.
parallel yield curve shifts will not be arbitrage-free.
The various forms of the expectations hypothesis
Given that bond prices are convex in their yields, it
are discussed in Ingersoll (1987, Chapter 18). Under
is possible to construct a portfolio of bonds requiring
the local expectations hypothesis, the expected hold-
zero initial investment that will provide a non-nega-
ing period return on bonds of all maturities over the
tive return if all yields change by the same amount.
next time period are assumed to be equal. Thus under
Traditional interest rate risk management uses the
the local expectations hypothesis the expected one-
duration and convexity of cash flows as the main
period return on a bond is equal to the prevailing one
measures of risk.
period spot rate so that:
The use of duration as a measure of the effect of
P(t, T) 5 E[R(t)R(t 1 1) . . . R(T 2 1)]21 interest rate changes on the value of fixed-interest se-
curities originated in the concepts of the average time
R(t) 5 1 1 the one-period spot interest rate at time
to receipt of the cash flows of the security, which was
t, and if continuous compounding is assumed
referred to as ‘‘duration’’ by Macaulay (1938), ‘‘aver-

P(t, T) 5 E exp 2 ~ * t

age period’’ by Hicks (1939), ‘‘weighted average time pe-
riod’’ by Samuelson (1945), and the ‘‘mean term of the
value of the cash flows’’ by Redington (1952). The text
where r(s) is the continuous compounding instanta-
by McCutcheon and Scott (1986, page 232) uses the
neous spot interest rate.
terminology ‘‘discounted mean term.’’ Nearly all partic-
Hence under the local expectations hypothesis, all
ipants in financial markets use the term ‘‘duration.’’
bond prices can be derived from the one-period spot
Interest rate risk is traditionally measured by the
rate in discrete time or the instantaneous spot rate in
derivative of the security value with respect to the
continuous time. This rate is referred to as the ‘‘short’’
interest rate. This is based on a first-order approxi-
rate. Similar valuation formulas are derived from sto-
mation to the price change using a Taylor series ex-
chastic term structure models under the assumptions
pansion of the price for a small change in yield around
of no arbitrage between bonds of different maturities.
the current price. Such a definition is readily applied
These models use a ‘‘risk-adjusted’’ short rate in the
to interest rate derivative securities for which the du-
valuation formula for bonds. These results will be re-
ration is not well defined. Minus the first derivative of
viewed under the discussion of stochastic interest rate
the security value with respect to the interest rate as
a proportion of the current value is referred to as the
modified or effective duration of the cash flows.

If the Taylor series approximation is taken to sec- separately for changes in the yield curve in each
ond derivatives, then the second-order term that re- bucket and all other buckets remain unchanged.
sults is referred to as the convexity. The price at yield These approaches give no recognition to the correla-
to maturity i1, P(i1), can be expressed as a Taylor se- tion structure of yield curve changes across the ma-
ries in terms of the price evaluated at the current turity spectrum. To do this requires a stochastic
yield to maturity i0, P(i0), and the price derivatives as model. These deterministic multivariate approaches
follows: are not arbitrage-free as Shiu points out in his dis-
cussion of Reitano (1992b).
(i1 2 i0)
P(i1) 5 P(i0) 1 P' (i0) The concepts underlying immunization in a deter-
1! ministic model extend to a stochastic multifactor in-
(i1 2 i0)2 terest rate model. An example is Jarrow and Turnbull
1 P" (i0) 1 z z z
2! (1994).
If the price at i0 is deducted from both sides and both
sides are divided by this price, then we have 2.5 Matching and Optimisation
P(ii) 2 P(i0) (i 2 i0) P' (i0) Portfolios of bonds that match a specific set of liabil-
5 1 ities can be selected by using linear programming
P(i0) 1! P(i0)
(Shiu 1988; Kocherlakota, Rosenbloom and Shiu
(i1 2 i0)2 P" (i0) 1988, 1990). The matched portfolio of bonds is cho-
1 1zzz
2! P(i0) sen to minimize the cost of the bond portfolio such
This can be used to develop a second-order approxi- that the asset cash flows can always meet the liability
mation cash flows. A carry-forward of positive cash balances
from an excess of asset cash flows over liability cash
P(ii) 2 P(i0) (i 2 i0)2 flows can be included. This methodology can also be
' 2(i1 2 i0) MD 1 1 C
P(i0) 2 applied to select assets with a minimum cost that
have a duration that matches the liability cash flows.
where MD is the modified duration of the security and
The portfolio of bonds can also be selected by min-
convexity is defined as
imizing the risk (M2) of the difference between the
P"(i0) asset and liability cash flows subject to the constraint
P(i0) that the present value of the bonds equals the present
value of the liabilities and the duration of the bonds
Another measure of interest rate risk that is often
equals the duration of the liabilities. This approach
used in practice is referred to as M2. This terminology
requires the spread of asset cash flows to exceed the
appears to have originated in the paper by Fong and
spread of the liability cash flows and no options in the
Vasicek (1984). This measure was called the ‘‘spread’’
cash flows (Shiu 1990). Once again this approach ex-
of the values of a set of cash flows about the mean
tends naturally to a multifactor stochastic interest
term by Redington (1952). The M2 of a set of asset
rate model. In the stochastic case the sensitivities to
cash flows is equivalent to a discounted variance in
the random factors are matched for the assets and
the same sense that the duration of a set of cash flows
is the discounted mean term. In fact, the M2 of a set
Introducing risk requires an approach similar to the
of asset cash flows can be described as a weighted
portfolio selection problem for any investor. The re-
variance of time to receipt of the cash flows around
lation between matching of cash flows and portfolio
the duration of the cash flows, the weights being the
selection models is discussed in Sherris (1992). Port-
same as used to calculate the duration.
folio selection models often use quadratic program-
Modern practice allows for nonparallel yield curve
ming to select assets that minimize the variance of
shifts in the deterministic model using the concepts
surplus, defined as the accumulated excess of asset
of multivariate duration and convexity analyzed by
cash flows over liability cash flows, for a given ex-
Reitano (1991a, 1991b, 1992a, 1992b). These multi-
pected value of surplus on a terminal date. This ap-
variate duration measures are similar to the key rate
proach to matching and portfolio selection for
durations of Ho (1992). The term structure is divided
interest-sensitive cash flows uses a stochastic model
into separate maturity ranges sometimes referred to
for interest rates.
as ‘‘buckets.’’ The sensitivity of values is determined

3. STOCHASTIC TERM STRUCTURE where dZ is the increment in a standard Wiener pro-

The term µ(X,t) is called the drift, and s(X,t) is the
Most actuaries would be unfamiliar with models, such diffusion term, which is also often referred to as the
as Ho and Lee; Hull and White; Black, Derman, and volatility. The drift represents the expected change in
Toy (BDT); and Heath, Jarrow, and Morton (HJM), the series and the diffusion provides the random
that are commonly used by brokers and investment change.
banks as the basis for the interest rate risk manage- In discrete time the process is usually approxi-
ment of their bond and interest rate option portfolios. mated using the first-order Euler approximation:
These models use a stochastic approach to term
X(t 1 Dt) 2 X(t) 5 µ(X,t)Dt 1 s(X,t)=Dtε t
structure modeling.
An early example of the stochastic approach to in- where εt;N(0,1). Higher-order approximation methods
terest rate risk management is found in the prize-win- have been developed (Kloeden and Platen 1992).
ning paper by Boyle (1978). The stochastic approach Some commonly used forms of these processes as-
has seen rapid development in recent years probably sume that the difference in the variable X is station-
because of the increase in volatility of interest rates, ary. Such a process is said to have a ‘‘unit root’’ and
but a major factor would be the significant increase be difference stationary. Other commonly used forms
in desktop computing power. The techniques used are of these processes assume that the variable X itself is
the same as those underlying option-pricing. Term stationary as in the ‘‘mean-reverting’’ models used for
structure models and option-pricing models are ex- interest rates.
amples of a more general contingent claims pricing The result required from contingent claims pricing
technique. in term structure modeling is the partial differential
Early models used an equilibrium asset pricing ap- equation for security values assuming that markets
proach to determining bond prices. More recently, the are complete and arbitrage-free. If V(X, t) denotes the
arbitrage-free approach has found more favor. The value of a security that is a function of X and t, then
more recent approach to term structure models is the partial differential equation (pde) that must be
based on martingale methods. For further references, satisfied by V is:
readers are directed to the following recently pub-
VX[µ(X,t) 2 l (X,t)s(X,t)]
lished books. Jarrow (1996) covers interest rate mod-
els in the HJM framework mostly in a discrete time 1
1 V s2(X,t) 1 Vt 5 r(t)V
setting. Jarrow and Turnbull (1996) and Ritchken 2 XX
(1996) are recent textbooks that contain an excellent
coverage of the modern approach to interest rate de- where subscripts indicate partial derivatives and
rivative valuation. For a comprehensive coverage of l(X, t) is referred to as the market price of risk. The
the theoretical tools and the various models used in result is developed in standard texts such as Duffie
stochastic term structure models, readers are referred (1992), Hull (1993) and Shimko (1992). This equa-
to Rebonato (1996). tion is also derived in Appendix A. Note that unless X
is a traded asset, then the market price of risk cannot
be eliminated. This is especially important for pricing
3.1 General Contingent Claims Pricing interest-rate-dependent claims because interest rates
In contingent claims pricing stochastic models were themselves are not traded assets.
initially developed in continuous time by deriving a The terms in this pde have a natural interpretation.
stochastic partial differential equation to represent The left-hand side gives the (risk-adjusted) expected
changes in the random factors, or state variables, change in the security value. The first term is the sen-
driving the model, or in discrete time by stochastic sitivity of the security’s value to small changes in the
difference equations. In continuous time the factor is random factor X times the (risk-adjusted) expected
assumed to follow a diffusion process. For a factor X change in X. The next term is a second-order term
the form of such a process for the instantaneous similar to the convexity term in the deterministic
change in X is: model. The third term is the change in the value that
results from small changes in time. The right-hand
dX 5 µ(X,t)dt 1 s(X,t)dZ side is equal to the risk-free rate times the value of
the security. Hence, the pde simply states that in a

risk-adjusted arbitrage-free stochastic pricing model, a small change in the ‘‘short’’ interest rate times the
the expected return on the security is the instanta- expected change in the short rate, and the third term
neous risk-free rate. captures the change in value with time. The right-
The solution to the pde depends on the particular hand side is the risk-free return on the security.
security to be valued, since this will determine the Hence the pde states that, on the assumptions that, if
relevant boundary conditions. The absence of arbi- markets are complete and arbitrage-free, the short
trage can be shown to be (essentially) equivalent to rate follows a diffusion and the security’s value is a
values being discounted expected values with respect function of the short rate, then the (risk-adjusted) in-
to a risk-neutral probability distribution referred to as stantaneous return on the bond is equal to the risk-
an equivalent martingale measure. Shiu (1993, Sec- free rate.
tion 4) provides a concise discussion of this result for The term structure is determined by the zero-cou-
the finite discrete time case. The continuous time pon bond prices since these give the spot rates for
case is very complex and is covered in Delbaen and varying maturities. The pde can be solved for zero-
Schachermayer (1994). Under these assumptions the coupon bond prices by specifying the process for the
value of all securities expressed in units of a money short rate and the boundary conditions for the zero-
market account earning the instantaneous risk free coupon bond. In the case of the zero-coupon bond,
rate is a martingale. The solution to the pde, where it the boundary condition is that the value P(r, T)51 on
can be determined analytically, can be shown to take the maturity date (T) of the bond. For specific forms
the form of a (risk adjusted) discounted expected of the diffusion for r, an analytical solution for zero-
value of the cash flows with respect to the equivalent coupon bond prices exists and takes the form:
martingale measure (Duffie, 1992).
P(r,t) 5 A(t,T)e B (t,T)r
where A(t, T) and B(t, T) depend only on time and
3.2 Interest-Rate-Dependent Security
the maturity of the bond and r is the current short
Pricing rate. The exact form of the parameters A and B for
The earliest approach to term structure modeling was different models can be found in the original papers
to take the instantaneous spot rate, referred to as the or in Duffie (1992), Hull (1993), and Hull and White
‘‘short rate’’ or ‘‘the’’ spot rate, as the random factor (1994).
in a continuous time model. This short rate is usually This zero-coupon bond formula applies for the
defined as the continuous time equivalent of the one- affine class of parameter specifications with
period spot rate in a discrete model. Assume that r
µ(r, t) 5 a 1 br
follows the diffusion
dr 5 µ(r,t)dt 1 s(r,t)dZ
s(r, t) 5 =c 1 dr
The value of an interest-rate-dependent security
P5P(r, t) that is assumed to be a function of the single in the diffusion for the short rate. In this case, A(t,T)
factor r is given by the pde: and B(t,T) depend only on the time to maturity (T2t).
More details are provided in Duffie (1992, pages 133–
P s(r,t)2 1 Pr µ* 1 Pt 5 rP 136), Rebonato (1996, Chapter 15), and Wilmott,
2 rr Dewynne, and Howison (1993, Chapter 14). Vetzal
The terms in this pde have an intuitive interpretation. (1994) provides a comprehensive survey of continu-
This is clearer if it is rewritten in terms of the secu- ous time models. Specific cases of this form of the
rity’s effective duration and convexity as follows: diffusion are:

1 d50 gives the Vasicek (1977) model

PCs(r,t)2 1 2P(MD)µ* 1 Pt 5 rP where dr5(a1br)dt1sdZ. In this
case the volatility s(r, t)5=c5s is
The left-hand side is the (risk-adjusted) expected re- constant and deterministic and the
turn on the security that results from an application drift term allows for mean reversion
of Itô’s lemma and an arbitrage-free assumption. The of the short rate.
first term is a function of the security’s convexity and
the volatility of the short interest rate. The second
term is the expected change in the security value for

c50 gives the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross compounding frequency such as monthly, half-yearly
(1985) model dr5(a1br)dt1s=r dZ or annually. Such a model in a discrete implementa-
with s(r, t)5=dr5s=r. This is the tion is found in Sandmann and Sondermann (1993)
square root model with stochastic and in Sherris (1994).
volatility depending on r. As the number of parameters in the short-rate pro-
cess is increased, either by adding additional param-
b50 and d50 give a Gaussian-path-independent
eters or by making them time-dependent, more input
model (see Jamshidian, 1991a)
parameters can be used to specify the models.
since the drift and volatility do not
The solution to the pde for the value of a zero-cou-
depend on the short rate r.
pon bond can in general be written in the form of an
All these cases assume no time dependence in the expectation. This expectation takes the form:
short-rate parameters. If the volatility is a determin-

$* %
istic function, then the short rate will have a Gaussian
distribution. P(r,t,T) 5 E* exp 2 r(s)ds
The parameters can be assumed to be time depen-
dent so that where the * denotes an expectation with the drift
term for the diffusion for r adjusted from µ(r, t) to
µ(r,t) 5 a(t) 1 b(t)r
µ(r, t)2l(r, t)s(r, t). This adjusted diffusion is re-
and ferred to as an equivalent martingale measure. Deri-
vation of this result can be found in many papers and
s(r,t) 5 =c(t) 1 d(t)r.
texts. It is the Feynman-Kac solution to the pde. The
One example is b(t)50, c(t)5c and d(t)50, which interested reader is referred to Duffie (1992, p. 86).
gives the continuous time equivalent of the Ho and This result extends to other interest-rate-dependent
Lee (1986) model dr5a(t)dt1sdZ. This model has a cash flows such as those for interest rate options. The
deterministic and time varying drift and constant vol- value of a security with interest-rate-dependent payoff
atility for the short rate. Another example is d(t)50, of C(r, T) at time T is given by
which gives the general Gaussian model with time-

$* %
dependent parameters as analysed by Jamshidian
(1990), so that dr5(a(t)1b(t)r)dt1s(t)dZ. In this C(r,t,T) 5 E*[exp 2 r(s)ds C(r,T)]
model the forward rate volatilities decline exponen-
tially as the forward date increases. It is not correct to simply discount the expected pay-
Other cases often do not permit an analytical so- offs from a security at the prevailing spot rate. The
lution, so that numerical techniques are required. The risk-adjusted rate must be used where the expected
continuous time equivalent of the BDT (1990) model growth rate in each variable is reduced by the product
given by of the market price of its risk and its volatility. The
form of this expectation is identical to that derived
d log(r) 5 @
a(t) 1
s(t) #
log(r) dt 1 s(t)dZ under the local expectations hypothesis. The local ex-
pectations hypothesis assumes the role of risk-neutral
is an example. In this case the short rate is lognormal. pricing, and the results imply we can obtain a secu-
If it is assumed that the volatility s(t) is constant, rity’s value by taking an expected value and discount-
then s(t)50 and the model becomes a lognormal ing at the risk-adjusted short rate. In more complex
version of Ho and Lee. cases simulation can be used to obtain this expected
In the case of lognormal models it is better to model value.
the nominal or effective interest rate rather than the If the value of a money market account at time t
continuously compounding short rate with a diffusion. accumulating at the instantaneous risk-free rate from
The reason for this is that it can be shown that ex- time 0 is denoted by M(t), then
pected accumulation factors over fixed future time in-

$* %

tervals in a lognormal model for the continuously

M(t) 5 exp r(s)ds .
compounded rate are unbounded, as shown by Hogan 0
and Wientraub (1993). This problem does not occur
if the interest rate modeled is a nominal rate with a The value of the interest-rate-contingent claim can
then be rewritten as

5 E* @
. # A binomial lattice can also be derived, but this is a
little more tricky, requiring a change of variable in the
pde. Once again a full derivation is presented in Ap-
So that the expected value of the payoff on the se- pendix C. The binomial lattice takes the form
curity in units of the money market account is equal
to the current value of the security divided by the
current value of the money market account. This P(i+1)
martingale result is fundamental to arbitrage-free
pricing and holds if markets are arbitrage-free. If mar-
kets are complete, then the adjusted diffusion, re-
ferred to as the equivalent martingale measure, is
3.3 Lattice Models P(i–1)

These continuous time models are implemented in a time j time j+1

discrete form in practice by using a lattice of values.
Lattices actually arise from finite difference approxi-
where the p is the risk-neutral probability of the up
mations to the fundamental pde for pricing securities.
Such discrete models are in fact equivalent to the
The lattice that results from the discretization of
continuous time stochastic approaches. The lattice
the pde is in terms of the bond price, P. In discrete
approach to the numerical solution to the pde is to
interest rate models, it is usually the one-period spot
project the values of the factor X on lattices. In this
interest rate, or ‘‘short’’ rate, that is modeled on a
way the diffusion term in the stochastic equations for
lattice. In fact, it is common to model interest rates
the factors can be represented by the spread of the
rather than bond prices, since these are often consid-
factor values on the lattice at each point. Branches of
ered to be the natural state variable in an interest-
a tree are not restricted to being binomial: Hull and
rate-dependent security valuation model. However,
White (1993a) use trinomial trees and Bookstaber, Ja-
since it is assumed that the bond price is a function
cob, and Langsam (1986) describe the relationship bi-
of the interest rate, there is a one-to-one correspon-
nomial trees must have with multinomial trees for
dence between bond prices and this interest rate. It
no-arbitrage relationships to hold. Similarly, any
could be argued that since bonds trade and prices are
strategy employed on a discrete lattice can also be
observable, at least for traded maturities, that bond
employed in a continuous time framework with the
prices are a more appropriate state variable to use.
right restrictions and the corresponding algorithm.
A trinomial lattice can be obtained by substituting
appropriate finite difference approximations to the 3.4 (Partial) Equilibrium Models
partial differentials in this pde. Details are provided Various approaches have been taken by researchers
in Appendix C. The result is a lattice as follows: in developing term structure models that involve
making different assumptions about the market price
P(i+1) of risk l(r, t). Equilibrium approaches involve making
a* some assumptions about the risk preferences of in-
vestors to specify the form for the market price of
P(i) P(i) risk. Taking the interest rate as the state variable re-
sults in preference-dependent bond prices because
rates of interest are nontraded assets. In contrast, ar-
c* bitrage-free models fit the market price of risk to cur-
P(i–1) rent bond prices directly.
Equilibrium models rely on assumptions about the
time j time j+1 structure of capital markets and the preferences of
investors. If investors’ utility functions are logarith-
where a*, b*, and c* are referred to as risk-neutral mic, then the market price of risk is constant (Dothan
probabilities. 1978, pp. 61–62). Vasicek (1977) derives bond-pricing

solutions for a constant price of risk in his model. Arbitrage-free approaches have gained favor be-
Longstaff (1990), Courtadon (1982), and Dothan cause in pricing derivative securities on term struc-
(1978) are examples of equilibrium approaches that ture instruments, they ensure that the model at least
assume log utility and specify the market price of risk prices the underlying term structure correctly. As
as a constant. Rendelman and Bartter (1980), in one Hull (1993) notes, traders have little confidence in
of the first discrete models for bond prices, also as- models that generate bond prices dissimilar to the ob-
sume logarithmic utility. Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross served bond prices in the market. Arbitrage-free ap-
(1985), in a major contribution to equilibrium asset proaches use algorithms that choose the parameters
pricing and term structure modeling, assume the mar- of the model such that the prices of the zero-coupon
ket price of risk is a function of the interest rate and bonds that are derived using the algorithm are equal
assume constant relative risk aversion utility func- to the market prices of the bonds on the valuation
tions. They also show the importance of consistency date.
between assumptions for the utility function and the
functional form of the market price of risk.
3.5 Arbitrage-Free Models
Equilibrium models can incorporate different sto-
chastic processes for the instantaneous spot interest Arbitrage-free models are in many ways similar to the
rate. These may have drifts that are mean-reverting equilibrium approaches. In equilibrium approaches
or linear, and the diffusion may be constant or depend the market price of risk is specified. In an arbitrage-
on the level of the factor. With constant prices of risk, free approach the market price of risk is taken to be
these models are able to yield closed-form solutions that observed in the market. Like equilibrium models,
that is, analytical bond pricing formulas for the term analytical solutions are available for some models,
structure. Such formulas allow direct calculation of and both approaches can be implemented by discrete
bond prices, and prices of bond options, without the methods or by simulation. Models can have as many
use of a numerical technique. parameters as necessary to fit the observed term
Multiple factors can be incorporated in equilibrium structure and volatilities. Heath, Jarrow, and Morton
models. Brennan and Schwartz (1979) specify sepa- (1992) have developed a multifactor arbitrage-free
rate correlated processes for the long and short rates. model that will fit any term and volatility structure.
Using arbitrage arguments, Brennan and Schwartz are However, despite their current popularity, arbitrage-
able to eliminate the market price of risk term for the free approaches are not the panacea for term struc-
long rate, so that in their two-factor model there is ture modeling for the following reasons:
only one market price of risk, which is assumed to be • Arbitrage-free models involve estimating the param-
constant. A similar model is Schaefer and Schwartz eters of prespecified models. They tell us nothing
(1984), which instead uses the short rate and the dif- about the adequacy of the model itself. For example,
ference between the long rate and short rate. Longs- most Gaussian arbitrage-free approaches permit
taff and Schwartz (1992) develop a two-factor model negative interest rates. As Marsh (1994) notes, this
with stochastic volatility as one of the factors. is an important consideration in the design phase of
Multiple factor models are important for actuaries any model, be it equilibrium or arbitrage-free.
who want to value products with multiple random fac- • Arbitrage-free models price according to the term
tors affecting their value (for example, mortality, in- structure. This does not allow us to identify arbi-
terest rates, withdrawals, and so on). One example trage opportunities on the yield curve itself like
with constant prices of risk for each decrement factor yield curve shifts. If the present yield curve has ar-
for pricing life insurance products involving mortality bitrage opportunities, then our model also has those
and withdrawal risk is Manistre (1990). same inconsistent arbitrage opportunities. Using an
Equilibrium models are said to endogenize the term equilibrium model, if the model is right, allows us
structure. The price of risk must be estimated from to trade bonds at a profit if the market prices are
bond prices. Rarely will an equilibrium approach gen- not equal to the model prices. Such arbitrage is not
erate zero-coupon bond prices that are consistent with possible with an arbitrage-free approach.
the market prices of all zero-coupon bonds, whatever • The choice of parameters and their subsequent be-
the specification of the market price of risk. The fit will havior often restrict the dynamics of the change in
usually be only approximate. In contrast, the arbitrage- the yield curve through time. For example, the con-
free approach produces model prices that exactly fit stant volatility in the Ho and Lee (1986) model is
the observed prices of zero-coupon bonds. the same for both the spot and forward rates, and

the Pederson, Shiu, and Thorlacius (1989) model to coupon-paying bonds is not as straightforward. In
assumes that volatility declines with time. These be- a single-factor model a form of the Black-Scholes
haviors of the dynamics of the yield curve may not formula can be used for options on coupon-paying
fit the actual dynamics of the yield curve, and the bonds. Jamshidian (1991a) demonstrates the tech-
choice of model itself is then inappropriate. nique required and proves the results. Hull and White
• Models are usually built around key rates being ar- (1993b) develop results for the case in which short-
bitrage-free (for example, cash, 30-day, 90-day, 1- rate volatilities are deterministic.
year, 2-year, 5-year, 10-year yields), so that the in- The other problem with Black-Scholes is that it can
terim rates may well have arbitrage opportunities. not be used directly for American options (with early
These approaches may be inconsistent in the sense exercise). Since many traded options are American
of Bookstaber, Jacob, and Langsam (1986), since style, this is a significant practical problem. Discrete
the full span of rates is not being considered and numerical methods of valuing interest rate options
the prices obtained on such a model could be un- can readily allow for early exercise. The Black-Scho-
reliable. les formula does not allow for path-dependent options
• Most arbitrage-free approaches fit the model param- such as options on the average of interest rates (Asian
eters to the zero-coupon bond yield curve. There is options).
no theoretical reason to use the spot rate yield The Gaussian assumption for interest rates is often
curve. The parameters of the model could just as not satisfactory, since negative spot and forward in-
easily be fitted to other traded instruments. Fitting terest rates are possible in such models. More realistic
to one set of securities also does not allow us to models can be used, but this requires the use of dis-
identify arbitrage opportunities with other securi- crete numerical approaches to determining values.
ties. Some practitioners and researchers use a range With developments in computational techniques and
of instruments including caps and floors to fit the significant increases in computing speed, this is not a
model parameters. The aim of fitting the model is significant problem.
to determine the state-contingent security prices
(Arrow-Debreu securities), since these can be used
3.7 Discrete Time Methods
to price any security using the model. For this rea-
son the model is likely to be more reliable if it uses The discrete implementation of equilibrium and ar-
actively traded interest rate options to fit param- bitrage-free models is usually done on lattices. Inter-
eters, since these are closer in payoff to the state- est rates are usually projected on recombining trees
contingent securities than the zero coupon bonds. for computational reasons. Tree modeling has its or-
igins in the classic stock option-pricing approach of
Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein (1979). Jarrow (1996) pro-
vides a comprehensive development of discrete time
3.6 Black-Scholes Interest Rate Option- term structure modeling and valuation of interest rate
Pricing derivatives.
The pde for equilibrium and arbitrage-free models can Arbitrage-free models require the fitting of the
be solved for bond and interest rate option prices. Un- model parameters to the yield curve before they can
der the assumption that the short rate is Gaussian, be used for valuation. Valuation of interest-rate-de-
bond prices are lognormal and analytical formulas can pendent securities is carried out by using arbitrage-
be derived. Under this assumption zero-coupon bond free paths of the short interest rate. This is done using
and interest rate options are valued using a formula forward induction. Valuation (pricing) is then done
similar to the Black-Scholes equity option formula using backward induction. Since the principles are
modified to allow for stochastic interest rates. The the same for both equilibrium and arbitrage-free mod-
volatility assumption for equities is replaced with a els, this paper concentrates on arbitrage-free models.
term structure of volatilities for forward interest rates. In a discrete binomial model the paths of interest
These analytical formulas can also allow for mean re- rates are determined by three parameters which are
version in interest rates. fitted to the market data to ensure that the model is
The Black-Scholes formula can be applied to op- arbitrage-free. These are the size of the up jump, the
tions on zero-coupon bonds. However, the application size of the down jump and the probabilities of the up

jump for each time interval and next period interest path taken to state i at time n and the path taken to
rate: state j at time m. Path-dependent valuation is
implemented using path wise valuation in a similar
ru manner. This valuation formula is also used to deter-
mine the value of zero-coupon bonds on future dates
for future states. At each node in the lattice a vector
of zero-coupon bond prices for future maturities is
r0 determined from this formula.

1– 3.8 Discrete Time Models

rd In a binomial model there are three degrees of free-
dom at each node available to fit three different
The value of a bond is calculated by backward induc- parameters. In a single-factor short-rate model of the
tion or recursion through the tree. The algorithm can term structure, the degrees of freedom can be used to
most generally be specified in terms of Arrow-Debreu fit the market prices of risk, a volatility structure for
prices, also referred to as state-contingent prices, the short rate, and a volatility structure for forward
G(n, i, m, j), which are the prices of a security at time rates.
n and state i, which pays $1 at time m, m.n, and Kalotay, Williams, and Fabozzi (1993) develop a
state j and $0 elsewhere. The state of the model de- lognormal model of interest rates in which the spot
termines the value of the interest rate. rates are constrained to be positive. They fit a single
Arrow-Debreu securities are the ‘‘primitive’’ state- degree of freedom in the down jump and fix the prob-
contingent securities in the model because the payoff abilities at a half. The KWF approach is fast and com-
structure for any state-contingent security can be rep- putationally easy. The model does not fit an explicit
licated by a portfolio of appropriate Arrow-Debreu se- volatility structure.
curities. The sum of the values of the appropriate set Methods involving two degrees of freedom can be
of Arrow-Debreu securities is the value of the state- subdivided into those dealing with the down jump and
contingent security. These Arrow-Debreu securities the difference between the down and up jump, and
are the discrete equivalent of Green’s function, which those dealing with the down jump and the probability
is the fundamental solution to the pde of any security of the up jump. With two parameters, an arbitrary
value (Jamshidian 1991b). prescribed initial volatility curve can be incorporated.
The general backward induction valuation algo- The BDT model (1990) is an implementation involv-
rithm for state contingent security prices can be writ- ing rd and ru2rd: it has mean-reversion in the short
ten as: rate and imposes a volatility structure at each future
epoch. In fact, Jamshidian (1991b) shows that the
G(n,i,m,j) 5
BDT forecasts an increasing short-rate volatility to
p(n, i)G(n 1 1, i 1 1, m, j) 1 (1 2 p (n, i))G(n 1 1, i 2 1, m, j)
accommodate a flat current volatility curve.
1 1 r(n, i)
Another model involving two degrees of freedom is
where p(n,i) is the probability of going to state i11 Ho and Lee (1986), who were the first to propose an
from state i at time n, and r(n, i) is the one-period arbitrage-free model. Ho and Lee can be implemented
prevailing interest rate at state i at time n. Note that by choosing two degrees of freedom, the probability
the equation above relates the value of the Arrow-De- p and the down jump rd. As noted earlier, the Ho and
breu securities at the two nodes at time n11 to the Lee model has an analytic solution since its contin-
value of the Arrow-Debreu security at the node at uous time limit is an additive normal model for the
time n. The value at time 0 of a security paying C(m, short rate of the form dr5a(t)dt1sdZ with
j)51 at time m for all states j, by definition the m a(t)5Ft(0,t)1s2t, where Ft(0, t) is the derivative with
maturity zero-coupon bond, can be written as: respect to t of the instantaneous forward rate applying
ZCB(0, m) 5 Σ
all states j
G(0, 0, m, j)C(m, j)
to time t at the initial date of the yield curve used to
fit the parameters (time 0). This implies that all spot
and forward rates have the same volatility. Since this
Note that the movements in interest rates and the
is a Gaussian model, negative short rates are possible.
Arrow-Debreu prices are path-independent. That is,
G(n, i, m, j) has the same value irrespective of the

Methods employing three degrees of freedom, p, rd, represents the value of a primitive security, or
ru at each time and state, lead to a non-recombining Green’s function, that satisfies the pde.
tree. Such an implementation could be used to value
path-dependent securities for which the value of the
G(i+1) G(i+1)
security depends on the past behavior of the short
rate r. The problem with using non-recombining trees
is that they are computationally intensive. Such a lat-
G(i) G(i)
tice can be used to model a one-factor Heath, Jarrow,
and Morton (1992) model. Simulation is often used
instead of lattice approaches for path-dependent val- 1– 1–
uation. G(i–1) G(i–1)
time t time t+1 time t time t+1

3.9 Model Fitting—Forward Induction

Backward Forward
Forward induction is an efficient technique used to fit Induction Induction
the parameters in an arbitrage-free model. Backward
induction, as previously described, is used to obtain Backward induction is used by discrete pricing mod-
the value of the cash flows, working backwards in els to work backwards through a tree to obtain the
time calculating expected values and discounting. In price of a security by placing known payoffs at the
contrast, forward induction involves working forward terminal branches of the tree. To value a zero-coupon
in time from the current date. The relationship be- bond with maturity T, payoffs of $1 are placed at the
tween forward and backward induction is seen in the terminal branches at time T and backward induction
fundamental pde introduced earlier. In continuous is used to value these back to time 0. In an arbitrage-
time, a Green’s function, the fundamental solution of free discrete model, the parameters at time T are de-
pde’s, satisfies two fundamental differential equations: termined by making sure the model values the T
the Kolmogorov backward equation and the Kolmo- maturity zero correctly. A naive approach to fitting
gorov forward, or the Fokker-Planck, equation (Duffie these parameters will generally involve significant
1992). computation if backward induction is used to calcu-
The backward equation is the pde introduced ear- late model prices for all the zero-coupon bonds in
lier, which can be rewritten as: order to fit the short rate parameters to market prices.
Jamshidian (1991b) uses forward induction to dra-
gt 1 gx µ(x,t) 1 g s2(x,t) 2 r(x,t)g 5 0 matically cut the computation required to fit the yield
2 xx
curve. He uses forward induction to fit the parameters
where µ(x,t) and s2(x,t) are the drift and volatility of his model to the yield curve. Consider a model with
terms, respectively, of the process for x. The Fokker- one parameter, the down jump, with the difference
Planck equation is given by: between the down and up jump predetermined so the
tree recombines. The probabilities of the jumps are
2gt 2 gx µ(x,t) 1 g s2(x,t) 2 r(x,t)g 5 0 fixed at 1/2. The backward equation in terms of state
2 xx contingent prices is:
In discrete time, the corresponding formulations are G(n, i, m, j) 5

@ #
forward and backward induction. The forward induc- 1 G(n, i, m, j 2 1) 1 G(n 1 1, i 2 1, m, j)
tion relationship actually arises by substituting back-
2 1 1 r(n, i)
ward finite differences in the Kolmogorov forward
equation and working through the equations in Ap- The corresponding binomial forward equation has its
pendix C. An insight into the relationships between discounting done at the two previous nodes:

the two can be considered by a reexamination of the
1 G(n, i, m, j 2 1)
binomialization of the continuous processes. Forward G(n, i, m 1 1, j) 5
2 1 1 r(m, j 2 1)
induction gives a relationship between two values of
the security at t and one value at t11, and backward
induction gives a relationship between two values of
G(n, i, m, j 1 1)
1 1 r(m, j 1 1) #
the security at t11 and one value at t. This is illus-
trated in the following diagram. In the diagram G(i)

This formula uses discount factors that push forward between the evolution of the instantaneous returns on
from the last nodes of the tree. This gives a technique bonds, the spot rates, and the forward rates and show
for working prospectively, rather than retrospectively. that in an arbitrage-free model the evolution of the
Having fitted the parameters so that the T maturity yield curve is determined by the initial forward yield
zero-coupon bond is priced correctly, forward induc- curve and the forward rate curve volatility structure.
tion is used to ensure the T11 maturity zero-coupon Single-factor spot rate models are Markov in the short
bond is priced correctly without having to work back- rate. These models are special cases of the HJM
wards through the tree. framework.
Sherris (1994) gives a practical example with de- In general, the HJM approach leads to path depend-
tailed numerical implementation of the principles of encies in the evolution of the ‘‘short’’ rate over time.
Jamshidian’s (1991b) forward induction. A simple ex- Careful development and implementation of HJM
ample of this approach is also given in Chapter 9 of models can provide Markov non-path-dependent mod-
Sherris (1996). Both authors consider fitting the drift els. Brace and Musiela (1994) develop a model based
over time to match the given term structure using log- on HJM that is Markov in the forward yield curve.
normal or normal models with initial spot rate vola- To show the relationship between the evolution of
tilities defined for each period. bond prices, forward rates, and spot rates, consider
Forward and backward induction can also be used the continuous equivalents for the definitions of spot
when simulation is used, as discussed in Tilley (1992). rates, forward rates, bond prices, and yields for the
Consider the case in which a number of paths of short discrete formulas. These are:
rates up to time T have been generated. The T ma-
P(t, T) 5 exp[2Y(t, T)(T 2 t)]
turity zero-coupon bond is valued by discounting
along each path the value of $1 at time T. This is ] ln P(t, T)
f(t, T) 5 2
backward induction. If these paths of interest rates up ]T
to time T generate the market value of zero-coupon

$* %
bonds for maturities t51, 2, . . . , T, then the model is
arbitrage-free up to time T. Forward induction can be P(t, T) 5 exp 2 f(t, s) ds
used to fit the parameters for calculating the value of
the T11 maturity zero once the price of the T ma- Let P(t, T) denote the price at time t of a T-maturity
turity zero is known. With one degree of freedom (the zero-coupon bond with the instantaneous return on
drift term), simply alter the model’s drift until the this bond assumed to follow the stochastic partial
T11 maturity zero price calculated from the model differential equation (diffusion):
equals the observed market price.
dP(t, T)
With two degrees of freedom (the drift and volatility 5 µP (t, T)dt 2 sP (t, T)dz(t).
P(t, T)
terms), simply alter the model’s drift and volatility un-
til the T11 maturity zero price calculated from the The instantaneous forward rates at time t applying
model equals the observed market price and the from time T to T1dT follow a diffusion of the form
model standard deviation of the T11 maturity zero is
df(t, T) 5 µ f (t, T)dt 1 sf (t, T)dz(t).
equal to the required historical or implied volatility.
This algorithm can be used with simulation to estab- Since the forward rates and bond prices are related
lish the probability distribution of paths in the risk- by the definition
neutral world. Ang (1994) uses the techniques of both
] ln P(t, T)
forward and backward induction, along with simula- f(t, T) 5 2
tion, to value mortgage-backed securities in a model
incorporating variance reduction techniques. Itô’s lemma gives the relationships that must hold be-
tween the drift and volatility of the instantaneous re-
3.10 Forward Yield Curve Models—HJM turn on the T maturity bond and the forward rates.
These are
Heath, Jarrow, and Morton (1992) developed a gen-
eral multifactor framework for term structure mod- ]
µ (t, T) 5 2 µ f (t, T) 1 sP(t, T)s f (t, T )
eling using the entire forward yield curve and its ]T P
arbitrage-free evolution rather than the ‘‘short’’ rate.
They recognize the relationship that must hold

and A single-factor model can be made to fit actual bond

price and volatility data by increasing the number of
s (t, T) 5 s f (t, T) parameters fitted. If actual bond prices are influenced
]T P by more than one random factor, so that yields for
so that different maturities are not perfectly correlated, then
single-factor models are unlikely to be adequate for

sP(t, T) 5 * s (t, s)ds.

hedging purposes although they might suffice for pric-
ing and valuation purposes. This is because they do
not capture all the possible future yield curve changes
The arbitrage-free condition for bond markets can and hence can not hedge against these.
then be applied to show that Canabarro (1995) demonstrates how common one-
factor models can price bond options and interest rate
µ f (t, T) 5 2 l(t)sf (t, T) 1 sP(t, T) s f (t, T).
caps adequately but misprice interest rate spread op-
These results are derived in Appendix D. See also tions whose values depend on the difference between
Ritchken and Sankarasubramanian (1995a) and the two interest rates. He also demonstrates that the
discussion by Yong Yao of Sherris (1994). hedging accuracy of single-factor models is poor.
From these results, it can be seen that the volatility Sherris (1995) uses Australian 13-week Treasury
structure of the entire forward yield curve and the note yields and 2-, 5-, and 10-year Treasury bond
market price of risk determine the evolution of the en- yields from January 1972 to October 1994 to estimate
tire yield curve through time. This information and the the number and importance of the random factors
initial yield curve are all that is required to generate driving yield curve changes. Using a factor model and
an arbitrage-free interest rate model. Equivalently a principal component analysis, he finds that three fac-
term structure can specify the short-rate process as in tors explain almost all the variability in yield curve
the more traditional models covered earlier. changes over this period.
In general, the evolution of the short rate in the The three factors can be interpreted as explaining
HJM model is non-Markov. The present level of the different types of change in the shape of the yield
short interest rates depends also on the level of inter- curve. The first factor affects yields at all maturities
est rates in the past. To implement this, a non-recom- by a similar amount and in the same direction. This
bining tree must be used or simulation techniques. factor can be interpreted as a parallel shift factor for
Heath, Jarrow and Morton developed the multifactor this reason. The changes are not exactly parallel,
case and specify the volatilities of all instantaneous since the effect at the short maturity is less than at
forward rates at all times, referred to as a volatility the medium to long maturities. This factor explains
structure. Ritchken and Sankarasubramanian (1995b) as much as 83% of yield curve changes over the period
show that specification of the volatility structure of of study.
forward rates for single-factor models is important in The second factor has an opposite effect on the
valuing options on interest rates and bonds. Even short and long yields. This factor can be interpreted
though the model might fit the initial forward rate vol- as a ‘‘slope’’ factor, since it changes the slope of the
atilities, the structure of the volatility as a function of yield curve. This second factor explains about 13% of
maturity also determines the pricing performance of yield curve changes.
the model. The third factor has a negative effect on medium
yields and a positive effect on short- and long-term
3.11 Multiple-Factor Models yields. For this reason, this factor can be interpreted
as a ‘‘curvature’’ factor. The third factor explains
Many term structure models are single-factor models. about 3% of yield curve changes. In total, these three
Bond prices are determined by the value of one state factors explain more than 99% of yield curve changes.
variable or factor. This usually refers to the model These results are consistent with overseas studies.
having only one source of uncertainty, in which case However, compared with overseas studies, the slope
yield changes for different maturities are perfectly and curvature factor appear to be more important in
correlated. The single factor can be assumed to be explaining the variance of yield curve changes in the
driven by multiple random shocks, in which case in- Australian bond market. A single-factor model would
stantaneous yield changes for different maturities be expected to explain only about 83% of yield curve
need not be perfectly correlated. changes. This approach can also be used to estimate

historical interest rate volatilities for use in a HJM premiums are determined by long-term equilibrium
multifactor model. relationships.
Heath, Jarrow, and Morton (1990b) use the results A co-integrating vector relating interest rates of dif-
of a principal components analysis by BARRA to de- ferent maturities is consistent with theoretical models
termine a volatility structure for a two-factor version of the term structure that impose a common stochas-
of their model and demonstrate its adequacy for pric- tic process for underlying rates. The significance of
ing a range of interest-rate-dependent securities. using co-integration analysis when analyzing time se-
Singh (1995) uses principal components analysis and ries of economic variables is that forecasts that use
U.S. interest rate data from January 1983 through De- information about long-term relationships should out-
cember 1992 to fit a three-factor Cox, Ingersoll, and perform conventional time series forecasts that differ-
Ross square root process model. The parameters of ence the data and remove this information. These
the model are quite unstable across time when differ- results are confirmed by a study by Bradley and
ent time series data are used. Lumpkin (1992) on the U.S. Treasury yield curve.
Other stochastic factors such as a model for the A number of different econometric techniques can
inflation rate or for a stochastic volatility can be in- be used to obtain estimates of co-integrating vectors.
cluded in the pricing model. Each of these factors can Ang and Moore (1994) follow Bradley and Lumpkin
be driven by a single or multiple random ‘‘shocks.’’ but extend the analysis to using techniques that over-
These additional factors are state variables for pricing come some of the technical shortcomings of the Brad-
cash flows and the value of the cash flows will be a ley and Lumpkin study. Testing Australian yields, Ang
function of these state variables. and Moore find strong evidence of cointegration of
Models used for short interest rates also assume both nominal and real yields.
that the processes are difference stationary and hence
contain a unit root. Ang and Moore (1994) use the
3.13 Pathwise Valuation
augmented Dickey Fuller procedure to test for unit
roots with Australian interest rate data. They use the A significant issue in implementing path-dependent
official cash rate, the 13-week and 26-week Treasury and multifactor term structure models is the compu-
note yields, and the 2- and 10-year Treasury bond tation time involved. A number of techniques have
yields from July 1969 to February 1994. They were been developed recently to implement these models.
unable to reject the hypothesis of a unit root for any These models will prove the most useful for actuarial
of the series providing empirical support for differ- liabilities, so these recent developments are relevant
ence stationary models. to actuaries.
In many valuation and hedging problems, the
cash flows are path-dependent. Examples are the
3.12 Equilibrium Relationships cash flows on mortgage-backed securities or an op-
The long-run equilibrium relationship between yields tion on the average of past interest rates. Standard
of different maturities contains useful information in methods that rely on backward induction on a lat-
formulating a multifactor model. A number of time tice involve exploding lattices. Amin and Bodurtha
series are said to be co-integrated when a linear com- (1994) report the implementation of a single-factor
bination of them is stationary, even though the indi- HJM model using a binary non-recombining lattice.
vidual series are not stationary. This means that if a They use varying time interval lengths, rather than
number of variables are co-integrated, then an under- fixed time intervals, and ten or less steps to obtain
lying equilibrium relationship governs how they move accurate option prices for short-term options. This
in relation to each other. Thus the individual series approach is unlikely to be computationally feasible
can be nonstationary, but a difference relationship be- for long-dated interest-sensitive cash flows found in
tween the series can have a constant variance. actuarial liabilities.
Co-integration analysis permits equilibrium rela- An alternative equivalent approach to backward in-
tionships between economic time series to be exam- duction in a lattice is to use pathwise valuation (Tilley
ined without requiring the individual series to be 1992). Instead of determining expected values and
differenced. For interest rates, if the short-term spot discounting, pathwise valuation generates paths of in-
interest rate and the spreads between longer term terest rates and cash flows and then values the cash
spot interest rates and the short-term interest rate are flows down each path. An expected value of the path-
co-integrated, as you might expect, then the term wise values is then computed to obtain the value.

Such an approach handles path-dependent cash flows. lead to increases in speeds of computation because
In many cases the interest rate paths are generated fewer simulations will need to be run. Lewis and Orav
as equally likely paths using simulation. An alterna- (1989) note many limitations of VRTs, especially that
tive approach is to weight selected paths according to VRT’s may induce non-normality and very wild out-
their contribution to the expected value, thus reduc- liers. The smaller variance may not tell the entire
ing the amount of computation. This technique un- story of what is being done by a VRT.
derlies the linear path space approach developed by Many of the presentations of VRTs in the literature
Ho (1992). This technique is not dissimilar to strati- relate to operations problems and not to distributional
fied sampling, in which more observations are taken problems of the kind that occur in valuing securities.
in the parts of the region which are ‘‘more important.’’ Because VRTs are very problem specific, this means
A similar idea is importance sampling, which has also it is not easy to just take VRT implementation ‘‘off the
been widely studied [see Glynn and Iglehart (1989)]. shelf’’ from other problems. A good survey of using
Pathwise valuation can handle path-dependent cash VRTs in increasing the speed of algorithms is given
flows. However, in order to value any set of cash flows by McGeoch (1992). This paper does not attempt to
that involves optimal dynamic decisions, as for Amer- give a formal presentation of the statistical properties
ican-style options, the lattice approach is required. In of the VRTs; for this the reader is referred to the text-
his linear path space Ho (1992) imposes a lattice books by Rubinstein (1981), Morgan (1984), and Law
structure and weights these paths with probabilities, and Kelton (1991). A number of VRTs are readily im-
allowing both American-style and path-dependent plemented:
cash flows to be valued. Pohlman and Wolf (1993)
demonstrate how to calculate the weights for Ho’s lin-
Antithetic Variates
ear path space. Tilley (1993) demonstrates how sim-
ulation can be adapted to value American-style First introduced by Hammersley and Morton (1956),
options using another form of path-bundling. this VRT is based on the rationale that if the corre-
Rose (1994) gives a method based on calculating lation between two random variables, X1 and X2, is
expected cash flows and discounting that allows for very negative, the average of the negatively correlated
both path-dependent and early-exercise features in pair is less than the variance of the average of an
interest-rate-dependent cash flows. The technique al- independent pair:
lows an approach similar to the traditional deter- X1 1 X2 1
ministic approach to be applied. The expected cash var 5 [var (X1) 1 var (X2)
2 4
flows are calculated as effective cash flows that allow
for path dependence and early exercise. The tech- 1 2 cov (X1, X2)]
nique uses the concepts of forward and backward in- If var (X1)5var (X2)5s2, then
duction to determine the cash flows and then to value
X1 1 X2 1
them. var 5 s 2 (1 1 r)
2 2

3.14 Simulation Techniques where r is the correlation between X1 and X2. If r is

negative, then the variance of the average of the an-
A powerful method of implementing term structure tithetic pair is less than that of the independent pair.
models is to use simulation. This technique uses the Antithetic variates are constructed by taking a set
pathwise approach to valuation. Tilley (1992) pro- of normal deviates U, and reversing the signs of the
vides a comprehensive description of how this can be deviates to obtain 2U. For a particular path p gen-
done in practice. For most actuarial applications, it erated by random numbers (n1, n2, . . . , nT), an anti-
will be essential to use variance reduction to speed thetic path is generated by the random numbers (2n1,
the computation. 2n2, . . . , 2nT).
Variance reduction techniques (VRTs) improve the
efficiency of normal Monte Carlo estimates. In simu-
lation problems using arbitrage-free models, generat- Stratified Sampling
ing a value on random paths of interest rates produces This involves breaking the sampling region D into m
random outputs. VRTs attempt to reduce the variance disjoint subregions Di, i51, 2, . . . , m. Crude Monte
of the output random variable of interest without dis- Carlo is used to estimate each interval separately. The
turbing its expectation. VRTs, if used optimally, will idea of this technique is to take more observations in

the parts of the region D that are more ‘‘important’’; value of c. Ideally it is best to use a control variate
variance reduction is achieved by concentrating ob- that is very similar to the security being valued. Clew-
servations in the important subsets Di rather than by low and Carverhill (1994) develop a control variate
sampling over the whole distribution. The problem approach based on the risk statistics of the derivative.
with stratified sampling is the determination of an op-
timal stratification plan. However, the results show
Quasi-random or Low-Discrepancy Random Numbers
that in practice nonoptimal stratification can yield re-
sults far more efficient than crude Monte Carlo. A recent development in simulation techniques for
The practical adaptation of stratified sampling to a evaluating interest rate derivatives has been the use
simulation model involves dividing the sampling den- of quasi-random numbers. This approach is based on
sity for the diffusion factor into T strata of equal prob- using deterministic points that are as uniformly dis-
ability 1/T. A stratified sample can be created by tributed as possible instead of the pseudo-random
generating numbers over each of the T strata or using numbers used in Monte Carlo simulation. Paskov and
the sample-mean Monte Carlo method, using the Traub (1995) demonstrate that a particular set of
mean of each stratum for each of the T strata. The quasi-random numbers called Sobol points produces
required random sample of T deviates is obtained by more accurate, smoother and faster convergence to
shuffling the ordered stratified sample. An easy way derivative values as compared with Monte Carlo sim-
to do this is to assign each ni, i51 . . . T a random ulation. Monte Carlo techniques can be sensitive to
number between 0 and 1. The random numbers are the initial seed and this problem does not occur for
then sorted into either descending or ascending order, quasi-random numbers.
and the sample of T deviates is then shuffled.
Control Variates Actuaries often promote themselves as financial en-
Unlike the other VRTs discussed above, control vari- gineers. The topics covered in this paper could well
ates operate at the level of the calculation of the ex- be classified as ‘‘financial engineering’’ for valuation
pected value, rather than at the level of the generation and risk management of interest-rate-related cash
of the interest rate paths (the random numbers them- flows. Actuaries are becoming more involved in this
selves). Like antithetic variates, they attempt to take area as they move into quantitative areas of finance
advantage of correlation between certain random var- and investment.
iables to obtain a reduction in variance. Unlike the It is important to recognize that these techniques
antithetic approach, the random variables do not have have practical applications in the traditional actuarial
to have a negative correlation. Suppose X is being fields of practice. They are of relevance not only to
used to estimate a parameter q with E(X)5q. Now quantitative finance and investment actuaries but
consider another random variable, Y, with known ex- more generally to life insurance, property and casu-
pectation m. Then for any constant c (the control), alty, and pension actuaries.
we can write: The paper includes many references, the majority
Xc 5 X 2 c(Y 2 m). of which are dated after 1990. Apart from a number
of early, and significant, contributions to this area, it
Xc , like X, is an unbiased estimator of q with; was only in the middle and late 1980s that major the-
Var(Xc) 5 Var(X) 1 c 2 Var(Y) 2 2c cov(X, Y). oretical advances were made that laid the foundation
for current research. A major proportion of this cur-
The maximum variance reduction is obtained when rent research is driven by practical application of the
c5[cov(X, Y)]/[var(Y)]. Note that Xc is less variable techniques to interest rate risk management. The
than X if and only if: amount of research by academics and practitioners in
1 this area has been nothing more than phenomenal in
cov(X, Y) . c Var(Y) the last few years. It continues to be an active re-
search area as a better understanding of the basis for
However, while cov (X,Y) and possibly var (Y) may interest rate modeling is gained.
not be known, c can be taken simply as 51, as ap- The authors hope that this paper will motivate
propriate. Like any ‘‘control’’ problem, there are sta- other actuaries to learn more about this exciting area
bility concerns with the choice of covariates and the

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Review of Futures Markets 12:392–423. ical order. It will serve as a useful reference point for
SHARP, K.P. 1988. ‘‘Stochastic Models of Interest Rates,’’ Trans- readers who are not familiar with the terminology.
actions of the 23rd International Congress of Actuaries Arbitrage-Free. An interest rate model is arbitrage-
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Arrow-Debreu Securities. These are the most basic
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SHIMKO, D.C. 1992. Finance in Continuous Time: A Primer. constructed. They are also referred to as state-contin-
Miami, Fla.: Kolb Publishing Company. gent securities. In a stochastic interest rate model,
SHIU, E.S.W. 1987. ‘‘On the Fisher-Weil Immunization Theo- Arrow-Debreu securities pay $1 at a specific maturity
rem,’’ Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 6:259–66. and for a specified value of the future (uncertain) in-
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Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 9:171–75. the valuation of cash flows that depend on future val-
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Cointegration. A number of time series are said to when considering interest rate derivatives such as fu-
be co-integrated when a linear combination of them tures, swaps, and options.
is stationary, even though the individual series are not Expectations Hypothesis. The expectations hypoth-
stationary. This means that if a number of variables esis has different versions with different assumptions.
are co-integrated, then an underlying equilibrium re- In one form it states that the expected one-period re-
lationship governs how they move in relation to each turns on all bonds are equal to the prevailing spot rate,
other. and thus for a given holding period the long-term rate
Convexity. Convexity measures the degree of rela- is an unbiased average of the current spot rate and
tive curvature in the price/yield relationship for in- expected future spot rates (or one-period forward
terest-rate-dependent cash flows. It is calculated as rates). Under other theories of the term structure such
the second derivative of the price with respect to the as the liquidity premium hypothesis and preferred hab-
yield as a proportion of the price. In practice, the sec- itat theory, risk premiums are assumed for different
ond derivative is usually estimated numerically. maturities.
Complete Markets. Markets are said to be complete Equilibrium Model. Equilibrium interest rate mod-
if there exists a sufficient number of independent els determine bond prices and the value of other in-
traded securities to dynamically hedge the number of terest-rate-contingent claims based on assumptions
random factors in a security market model. In a com- about the risk preferences of investors and the sto-
plete market, interest-rate-dependent cash flows can chastic nature of capital markets.
be perfectly replicated with portfolios of traded Forward Induction. This is the process of determin-
securities. ing future interest-rate-dependent cash flows by work-
Delta. The delta of an option is the sensitivity of ing forward from the current time. The process is used
the value of the option to changes in value of the un- to determine future interest rate paths and then to de-
derlying asset value. In the case of interest-rate-de- termine future cash flows that depend on these interest
pendent cash flows, the sensitivity of the value of the rate paths. Forward induction usually refers to the pro-
cash flows to changes in interest rates is often cal- cess of fitting the parameters of an arbitrage-free in-
culated as the delta. For interest-rate-dependent cash terest rate model to a current yield curve for each
flows where the cash flows are those of a traded fi- future time period by working forward in time.
nancial instrument such as an option on a bond, the Forward Interest Rate. A forward interest rate ap-
delta can be calculated as the sensitivity of the value plies to a fixed time period commencing at a pre-spec-
of the option to changes in the value of the bond. This ified future (or forward) time. At the current date,
definition of delta is useful for hedging purposes forward rates are known and can be derived from the
where an underlying financial instrument actually yields to maturity or the spot rates. On future dates,
trades since it gives the hedge ratio. the forward rates that will apply for forward time pe-
Diffusion Process. A continuous time Markov pro- riods at these dates are uncertain and need to be mod-
cess that assumes small changes in a time series has eled as stochastic variables.
two components, a drift and a diffusion. The drift rep- Integration (of a Time Series). If a time series is
resents the expected change in the series, and the integrated of order p, then p-th-differences are re-
diffusion provides the random change. The drift and quired to produce a stationary series. Thus if a series
diffusion components can take a number of different is integrated of order 1, then first differences will be
forms, allowing for mean reversion in the drift and for stationary. The order of integration of a series has im-
a variety of distributions in the diffusion. portant implications for modeling and inference.
Duration. This is the weighted average time to re- Lattice Model. A discrete model of interest rates,
ceipt of the cash flows, where the weights are the or asset prices, generates future possible values on a
present value of the cash flows. lattice. The binomial model with two possible values
Effective Duration. This is (minus) the sensitivity conditional on the current value generates a lattice of
of the value of the cash flows to a small parallel shift values with the number of nodes in the lattice either
in interest rates as a proportion of the value of the increasing by one or doubling, depending on whether
cash flows. It is also referred to as modified duration values in the lattice recombine.
for bond cash flows. It is related to duration but cal- M2. The weighted ‘‘variance’’ of the time to receipt of
culated as a sensitivity and not as a weighted average a set of cash flows around the duration of the cash flows
time to receipt of the cash flows. This difference in where the weights are the present values of the cash
the method of calculating effective duration is important flows. For asset cash flows, the weights are positive and

M2 is a variance. This will not be the case for net cash the level of the series, and the trend is stochastic. It
flows, equal to asset cash flows minus liability cash is possible for the variance of the series to be made
flows, since some of the net cash flows and hence some constant by transformation of the series such as a log-
of the weights could be negative. arithmic transformation for cases in which the vari-
Market Price of Risk. For a security or portfolio ance increases with the level of the series.
that is exposed only to a specific risk factor, the mar- Term Structure of Interest Rates. This is the struc-
ket price of risk is defined as the excess return over ture of interest rates as time to maturity varies with
the short rate per unit of volatility. The market price the effect of all other factors such as coupon level,
of interest rate risk is defined as the excess return on liquidity, and credit risk removed. The term structure
a bond over the short rate per unit of volatility of the reflects only variations in interest rates with respect
bond price. to term. The spot yield curve for zero-coupon govern-
Markov Process. A Markov process has the prop- ment bonds is most often used to represent the term
erty that all future values depend only on the current structure.
value of the process. For interest-rate-modeling pur- Variance Reduction Techniques. Used in simula-
poses, such processes are computationally simpler to tion, variance reduction techniques (VRTs) improve
implement. the efficiency of Monte Carlo estimates. VRTs work
Martingale. A martingale is a stochastic process by reducing the variance of the random variable of
with the property that its expected value at any future interest without disturbing its expectation. Some
time is equal to its current value. common VRTs used in interest rate modeling are an-
Multiple Factor Model. A model of an interest rate tithetic variates, stratified sampling, control variates,
series, or asset price series, where future values are importance sampling, path-bundling, and the linear
determined by multiple random factors or ‘‘shocks.’’ path space.
The nature of these random shocks can be estimated Volatility. This term has many different meanings.
from historical data by using principal components or The term is sometimes used to refer to (minus) the
factor analysis. differential of the value of a security with respect to
Short Rate. In a continuous time model the ‘‘short’’ the interest rate as a proportion of the value. This is
rate is usually defined to be the instantaneous spot more often called modified duration or effective du-
interest rate. In a discrete model the short rate is the ration in financial markets. In option pricing the term
one-period spot interest rate. Often the term ‘‘the spot volatility refers to the instantaneous standard devia-
interest rate’’ is used to refer to the short rate as de- tion of the rate of return on the underlying asset.
fined here. Wiener Process (Brownian Motion). A diffusion
Single-factor Model. A model of an interest rate se- process with increments that are stationary, indepen-
ries, or asset price series, that has only one random dent, and normally distributed with variance propor-
factor determining the future values of the series. tional to the time interval for the increment.
Spot Interest Rates. These are the yields to matur- Yield Curve. The plot of yield against term. Most
ity on zero-coupon bonds for varying maturities. The often for the yields to maturity but also for spot and
one-period spot interest rate is the yield to maturity forward interest rates.
on a zero-coupon bond maturing in one time period.
The instantaneous spot interest rate in a continuous
time model is the rate applying from time t to t1dt. APPENDIX B
Stationary Series. There are various levels of sta-
Derivation of the Standard PDEs for
tionarity. A common definition for a series to be sta-
tionary is that the mean and variance are constant Security Valuation
and the autocorrelations do not vary through time. A Consider the stochastic process for the factor X:
changing mean could be modeled by using a polyno-
dX 5 µ(X, t)dt 1 s(X, t)dZ (1)
mial trend. If after fitting the trend the remaining se-
ries has a constant mean, then the series is ‘‘trend’’ where dZ is a standard Wiener process.
stationary. Random ‘‘shocks’’ do not have an effect on Let H (X, t) and G(X, t) be the values of two secu-
the long run level of the series. If it is necessary to rities that are functions of X and t. These processes
difference the series to obtain a stationary mean, then may be described as:
the series is said to be ‘‘difference’’ stationary. In this
case random ‘‘shocks’’ have a permanent influence on 5 µH (X, t)dt 1 sH (X, t)dZ (2a)

and and
dG sV (X, t) 5 VX s(X, t) (9b)
5 µG (X, t)dt 1 sG (X, t)dZ (2b)
Substitute (9a) and (9b) into (8) to obtain the partial
Form a portfolio with value P consisting of [sG (X, t)]/H differential equation, which must be satisfied by V:
of the first security H and 2 [sH (X, t)]/G of the second
V X [µ(X, t) 2 l(X, t)s(X, t)]
security G so that:
P 5 sG (X, t) 2 sH (X, t) (3a) 1
1 V s2(X, t) 1 Vt 5 r(t)V
and 2 XX

dP 5 sG (X, t)dH 2 sH (X, t)dG (3b) To obtain a solution for V, impose boundary condi-
tions on this pde and solve it analytically or
Substitute (2a) and (2b) to obtain: numerically.
dP 5 [µH (X, t)sG (X, t) 2 µG (X, t)sH (X, t)]dt (4)
Since this is riskless, it must earn the risk-free rate APPENDIX C
dP 5 r(t) Pdt (5) The Discretization of Continuous Models
This appendix derives lattice models from finite dif-
Substituting (2a), (2b), and (3a), (3b) into (5) gives:
ference approximations to the fundamental pde for
µH (X, t)sG (X, t) 2 µ G (X, t)sH (X, t) (6) pricing securities. For convenience, it is assumed that
5 r(t)[sG (X, t) 2 sH (X, t)] dr5µrdt1s rdZ, so that r is a lognormal process,
P5P(r,t), and that the bond market is arbitrage-free.
which simplifies to: The market price of risk is incorporated into the drift
µ H (X, t) 2 r(t) µ (X, t) 2 r(t) term, so no market price of risk explicitly appears in
5 G 5 l(X, t) (7) the pde. The pde is restated here for convenience,
sH (X, t) sG (X, t)
where subscripts denote partial derivatives:
where l is the market price of risk. Assuming a
complete market, where it is possible to replicate the 1
P s2r 2 1 Pr µr 1 Pt 5 rP (1)
payoffs of a security V(X,t), then 2 rr
µ V (X, t) 2 r(t) Explicit finite difference approximations to the partial
5 l(X, t),
sV (X, t) derivatives can be used to derive trinomial or bino-
mial lattices. References are He (1990), Hull (1993),
which can be written as:
Jamshidian (1991b), and Nelson and Ramaswamy
µ V (X,t) 2 r(t) 5 l(X,t)s V (X,t) (8) (1990).
Application of Itô’s lemma gives dV as: To obtain a trinomial tree, substitute the following
difference approximations to the partial derivatives:
dV 5 VX dX 1 V dX 2 1 Vt dt Pi: j11 2 Pi: j
2 XX Pt 5 (2a)
5 VX [µ(X, t)dt 1 s(X, t)dZ]
where the index i refers to increments in r of size Dr,
1 V s2(X, t)dt 1 Vt dt j refers to increments in t of size Dt.
2 XX
Pi11: j11 2 Pi21: j11
5 @VX µ(X, t) 1
V s2(X, t) 1 Vt
2 XX # Pr 5

dt 1 VX s(X, t)dZ Pi11: j11 1 Pi21: j11 2 2Pi: j11

Prr 5 (2c)
Dr 2
and so the parameters for the drift and diffusion for
dV are: Equation (2a) is a first difference, (2b) is a central
difference, and (2c) is a second difference.
µ V (X, t) 5 VX µ(X, t) 1 V s2(X, t) 1 Vt (9a)
2 XX

Substitute (2a–c) into (1) to get: From Itô’s Lemma:

Pi: j
rPi: j 1
5 Pi11: j11
2 @ 1
iµ 1 si 2
2 # dx 5 xr dr 1
x dr 2 1 xt dt
2 rr

1 Pi21: j11
2@ 1 2
iµ 1 si 1 Pi: j11
2 # @ si 2 1
Dt # (3) Substituting (5b–d) into (6) yields:
µ s
Equation (3) can be written as: dx 5 bdt 1 dZ, b 5 2 (7)
s 2
a*j Pi11: j11 1 b*j Pi: j11 1 c*j Pi21: j11
Pi: j 5 (4a) The pde in terms of ]r must be transformed into
1 1 rDt
terms of ]x where r(x,t) is the inverse of x(r,t). Let
where p(x,t) 5 P(r,t) with:
1 1 Pr 5 px xr by the chain rule
a*j 5 iµDt 1 s2 i2 Dt (4b)
2 2
b*j 5 1 2 s2 i2 Dt (4c) Pr 5 (8a)

c*j 5 2 ~12 iµDt 2 12 s i Dt!

2 2
Prr 5 pxx xr2 1 px xrr by the product rule.
Simplifying (8b) gives:

a*j 1 b*j 1 c*j 5 1. (4e) pxx p

Prr 5 2 x2 (8c)
Note that since these sum to 1 they can be interpreted s2 r2 sr
as (pseudo) probabilities.
Substituting (8b–c) into the pde (1) and simplifying
The result [in 4(a)] states that the PV of a bond at
state i, time t, is a weighted average of the value of
the bond at time t11 discounted by the one-period 1
p 1 b px 1 pt 5 rp (9)
spot rate at state i on a trinomial lattice. Here a*, b*, 2 xx
and c* are the (risk-neutral) probabilities:
Applying finite differences as (2a–c), except now in
terms of p, gives:
rpi: j 1
pi: j
5 pi11: j11 ~b
2D x
2D x2 !
P(i) P(i) 1 pi21: j11 ~2D1x 2
2D x! p
2 i: j11
D x2
1 i: j11

c* In continuous time:
dx 5 bdt 1 dZ (11a)
dx 5 dt2

time j time j+1 and in discrete time the equivalent first-order

approximations are:
A binomial tree can be derived from the pde by mak-
ing the change of variable: Dx ' bDt 1 j=Dt (11b)

* s(r,t) 5*
Dx ' Dt
dr dr ln r
x(r,t) 5 5 (5a)
sr s where j;N(0, 1).
1 Simplifying (10) gives:
xr 5 (5b)
pi: j 5
1 1 rdt @ 1
2 i11: j11
(b=dt 1 1)
xrr 5 2 (5c)

xt 5 0
sr 2
2 i21: j11
(1 2 b=dt) # (12)

Or in discrete time: From Itô’s lemma:

1 1 2
pi: j 5 [ppi11: j11 1 (1 2 p) pi21: j11] (13a) d ln [P(t,T)] 5 [µ P (t,T) 2 s (t,T)]dt
1 1 rDt 2 P
1 2 sP (t,T)dz(t) (4)
where p 5 [1 1 b =Dt] (13b)
Equations (13a) and (13b) can be interpreted as a
binomial model, where p and (12p) are the binomial ]
df(t,T) 5 2 [d ln P(t,T)]
risk-neutral probabilities: ]T
] 1
52 [µ (t,T) 2 s 2P(t,T)]dt
p(i+1) ]T P 2
1 s (t,T)dz(t). (5)
]T P
Comparing terms in (2) and (5) gives
] 1 ] 2
1– µ f (t,T) 5 2 µ P (t,T) 1 s (t,T) (6)
]T 2 ]T P
time j time j+1 sf (t,T) 5 s (t,T) (7)
]T P
This appendix has shown that the discrete trinomial Rearranging (6), differentiating the squared volatility
and binomial models are in fact discrete approxima- term and substituting (7) gives:
tions to the continuous time approaches. Similarly, a
discrete lattice can always be developed to be consis- ]
µ (t,T) 5 2µ f (t,T) 1 sP (t,T)sf (t,T) (8)
tent with the continuous time framework with the ]T P
right restrictions and corresponding algorithm. These Integrating (7) gives:
results are then very important in understanding how
to select discrete lattice models.
sP (t,T) 5 * t
sf (t,s)ds. (9)
The arbitrage-free condition for bond markets is that
µ P (t,T) 5 r(t) 1 l(t)sP (t,T) (10)
The Relationship of the Stochastic
Differentiating (10) and using (7) gives
Processes of Bond Prices, Forward Rates,
and Spot Rates ] ]
µ P (t,T) 5 l(t) s (t,T) 5 l(t)sf (t,T) (11)
Let P(t,T) denote the price at time t of a T-maturity ]T ]T P
zero-coupon bond with instantaneous return given by: Substitute (11) into (8) and rearrange to get
5 µ P (t,T)dt 2 sP (t,T)dz(t). (1) µ f (t,T) 5 2l(t)sf (t,T) 1 sP (t,T)sf (t,T). (12)
Short-rate dynamics follow from the dynamics of the
The instantaneous forward rates at time t applying
forward rate curve since r(t)5f(t,t).
from time T to T1dT follow a diffusion of the form
df(t,T) 5 µ f (t,T)dt 1 sf (t,T)dz(t). (2)
Since the forward rates and bond prices are related Discussions on this paper will be accepted until
by the definition October 1, 1997. The authors reserve the right to re-
ply to any discussion. See the Table of Contents page
] ln P(t,T) for detailed instructions on the preparation of dis-
f(t,T) 5 2 (3)
]T cussions.

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