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Spiritual Ascension


Radwa Ahmed, Rania Alaa | Podcasting and video blogging

Our topic “Spiritual Ascension” is about the relation between

Art and Sufism how are they connected and how they connect two

different subjects together creating a unique form of art. However,

Sufism is otherwise known as Islamic Mysticism; is a branch of

Islam. It deals with special powers that are contained in the Holy

Quran. Moreover, it is a philosophical approach where a person tries

to become one with nature and feel the power of God. While on the

other hand, Art in all of its forms is a way of communicating, and

understands different messages and feelings encoded by the artist, it

washes away the from the soul the dust of every day life. So, when

we combine Art and Sufism a masterpiece is created; a mix of

feelings, beliefs, and emotions are combined.

In this topic there are 4 branches to talk about, which are:

1) Photography

2) Islamic Architecture

3) Paintings (Calligraphy)

4) Poetry

In each one of these subjects we are going to discuss the importance

of art in general and when it is combined with “Sufism”

it creates a different way of communication with art.

As for example, in photography we’re going to take pictures of

events to help others understand this way of communication more

to feel it through each picture, while in the Islamic architecture we

are going to provide more information about the designs of the

historical buildings, mosques and patterns which consists of Islamic

poems and art. In addition to the paintings which might be more

interesting to some people that contains pictures of the famous Sufis

and Sufism Calligraphy; which is the visual embodiment of the

crystallization of the spiritual realities contained in the Islamic

revelation. Although this calligraphy provides the external dress for

the word of God in the visible world, but this art remains wedded to

the world of spirit. Eventually, Sufi poetry and its effect on people,

its power and influences when it is practiced and believed. It is also

consisted of variety of mystical paths that are designed to ascertain

the nature of humanity and of God, and to facilitate the experience

of the presence of divine love and wisdom in the world.


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