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Night essay

By Lawrence James

This paper is about the book night and how a boy very strong in faith completely lost it.
Faith is someone belief without seeing, something there like god in this book. Night by Elie
Wiesel is about Elie who was a Jew, in the concentration camps. He went there as a teen with
his dad and, spent most his young adult life there. He was liberated by the red army. But his
father died just before they got liberated. Before they were put in to the concentration camps
he wanted to study the deepest to form of his religion, called kabala then Hitler took over
Germany. He then turned on his religion. He was at a loss in faith over the reason his god let
the crematoria be in existence.

In the beginning of the book Elie ask his dad, if he would find someone to teach him in
the art of kabala but his father said “you’re too young for that”. (4) Then one night Moshe the
beetle asked. Why do you cry when you pray? Elie replied I don’t know and every night he
prayed him and Moshe. Would talk he started to learn the art of kabala. Then the rumors came
to them about Hitler. But nobody was really scared, and then they came. The Nazis only a
couple at first and they were exporting people who didn’t have passports. Then months went
by the Germans started moving in the houses with the Jews. And then one day Moshe arrived
again with stories about where they were taken. It was somewhere in the black forest to dig
trenches. Then out of know where the Germans started shooting, them adult’s children men
and woman and they would throw babies in the air and shoot at them for target practice. He
was able to get running and they shot him in the leg and left him to die. He managed to get
back to the town warn everyone, but nobody believed him. He became the town nut. As he was
gone Elie “started to devote his time to study again”. (8) The Germans were very nice and
respectful, to the people who they stayed with. Bought the house wife’s gifts and helped
around the house. Then they were moved in to a barbed off housing blocks called ghettos. And
given new laws made just for them. Then they moved in to the small ghettos Elie said “oh
master of the universe in your infinite compassion have mercy on us”.(20) a ghetto is the
designated area that the Jews were sent to before getting loaded in to the cattle carts 80 per
cart couldn’t move at all and were in them for days no potty brakes. Then an old lady started to
scream that she saw fire and there wasn’t fire she did this for the last couple days.
Towards the middle of the book he was starting to get checked in to the camps. He
stayed with his dad, they were separated from his mom and sisters everyone was scared. The
Jews were saying Kaddish the prayer to bless the dead it was. The first time Jews said it for
them self’s and for the “first time he felt anger rising up against him”. (33) He says this instead
of praying “what should I thank him for”. (35) And the Germans did a lot of different test, and
experiments on them. Before they could go to sleep they had to run and run and then finally
they stopped, and a lot of people cried and prayed that first night. For their time in that camp
they didn’t do much. Just sleep. In the shade Elie being the spoiled one. Didn’t eat very much
then he started to get hungry and ate. They also didn’t make themselves stick out, or look
useful for being selected for work. When they moved camps the Jews would get put thru the
shower and get new clothing and every time they went to go to bed they had to get in to a pot
that had disinfectant in it. There food consisted of soup, bread and in the morning a cup of
coffee. Elie thought the ss officer was lying to them about the first camp. He said that the
camps were going to be killer on them and that they would be there death. Then the nice
person got fired for being too humane. To them and he was replaced by a monster. Then he
thought “I was not denying his existence but his absolute justices I ceased to pray”. And they
moved camps.

This camp was under a new commando, and he counted bolts there. And meat a French
woman. And got in trouble for talking to her. And then the red’s bombed the factory and camp.
Then they started to hang people that broke the rules in front of people that made the ss
officers tense “my gods hanging from this gallows”. (65) The summer was ending, and the
Jewish new years was coming up Elie said “I was the accuser and god the accused”. (68) Then
selection. Came and they were testing the Jews again and a doctor was examining every one.
And his dad almost didn’t pass “it’s over god is no longer with us”. (76) Then winter came. They
were moving stones and then Elie’s leg started hurting and he went to the doctor and he was
told he had to get surgery done on it. When he woke the he couldn’t fell his leg. He was scared
he thought it got cut off then rumors started floating around that the red army had come. To
liberated and then the camp then it was to evacuate and thinking that the ss were going to
shoot the sick. he escaped with his dad and they had to run nonstop for days and his dad died
and he was liberated.
The book was mostly about Elie and how, he felt going through the camps and how he
lost his faith. He had to go thought so much he get’s nightmares. How he was able to survive it.
How he was left with no family or memories he was proud of in his young adult hood. Almost
died because his foot got infected, and he was worried that the doctor was going to amputate
it. The pain he must of went through running on it, for over a day getting to the point he was
wishing that his dad died so he didn’t have to share food with him. He has absolutely no
respect, for humanity for acting like there was no cruelty or inhuman testing going on.
Absolutely hated Hitler and Nazis. He was at a lost in faith over the Reason his god let the
crematoria be in existence.

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