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efine your touch!” These

three words of admonishment

from a partner on my first

day of Rolfing training were

probably the best single lesson

I’ve received in my bodywork

career. I realized that my

touch was, indeed, harsh; if

I attempted to make things

happen against the will of my

clients and their tissue, my

work was less effective and

could be a cause of alienation

rather than a rewarding

and close connection.

34 massage & bodywork july/august 2010

Your Touch
Cultivate sensitivity in Your Work
bY art riggs

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refine your touch

emotion we deal with when working

deeply with our clients. The first
few minutes of your session can
be your major ally in allaying the
fear and bodily tension caused by
this emotion. Following are some
suggestions for consideration.

Establish RappoRt
It’s crucial to build a relationship with
your clients based on mutual trust and
connection. Taking time to chat with
them, especially if it is the first time
you have seen them, can set the tone of
everything you do in the session. Just
One person’s pain may be another person’s pleasure. Your skill will be in determining the a few minutes of relaxed conversation
effective zone between too conservative work, which may be interpreted as ineffective, can let your client feel like a person
or too goal-oriented and aggressive work, which will not only remove the pleasure of you actually care about on a personal
receiving bodywork, but will decrease your effectiveness as clients resist your pressure. level, rather than a set of symptoms.

CultivatE ConfidEnCE
Recently, I was working very and their trust of your competence,
Incrementally introducing your skills
deeply with a client in a particularly the specifics of your mechanical skill,
and working style can help ease the
recalcitrant area when she suddenly your sensitivity to their reactions,
process. Rather than immediately
volunteered, “You have such a and the focus of your attention to
beginning work on sensitive or
comforting touch!” I was a bit surprised removing tension in areas of holding.
troublesome areas, address areas that
at such a nice compliment because I’m
will feel good to lower the fight-or-
often concerned that I sacrifice a soft Your relationship
flight charge in the nervous system.
touch when I become over-focused on With Your Client
Let your clients become familiar
the outcome of my work, and I was Pain does not exist in a vacuum.
and relaxed with your touch in areas
concerned that I was approaching her Much of our perception of this
where they feel safe before venturing
pain threshold. So I asked her if she sensation is influenced by context, as
into more thorny territory.
could explain what she meant. She in my client’s analogy of removing a
Explain the rationale behind your
responded: “Well, first, I always feel splinter. Of course, the mechanics of
strategies, especially in sensitive areas,
safe, so I can relax knowing that you your techniques—including speed,
and communicate that you realize the
know your anatomy and precautions and pressure, direction, and depth of work
area may sometimes be uncomfortable
that you are always tuned into how I’m —are major factors, but the context
and that you appreciate how they are
accepting the work. Mostly, your hands, of your relationship with your clients
working with you. Intense therapy with
elbows, and all your tools seem ‘soft,’ and your intention can provide the
a clear intention will be perceived very
even when you’re working hard or very confidence and feeling of being cared
differently from work that appears to
deeply, and you always let me determine for that can make the difference
be insensitive and without a purpose.
how fast I can let go. Sometimes there between a tense struggle or a relaxed
The most important gift of trust
might even be something that could feel and easy session as your clients realize
you can give to your clients is the
like pain, but it seems necessary. I feel the benefits from a mutually focused
knowledge you will stop immediately
that it is more like the pain when my commitment to solve problems.
if they ask you to. However, there
mother would remove a splinter—kind Since our bodies and minds are
is a delicate balance between being
of intense, but really giving a feeling conditioned to interpret pain as the
receptive to feedback and relinquishing
of relief and actually comfort.” messenger that says “Something is
your control of the session and
In a nutshell, she said what I’ve wrong here,” fear is often a primary
appearing to be less than confident.
tried to teach for the past 20 years: the
Constantly asking your client if the
sensations your clients receive are a
function of your relationship with them

36 massage & bodywork july/august 2010

work is too intense can call attention up on pressure, wait for both of your relaxed areas and rushing on areas of
to the issues of pain. The client should energies to mesh and then continue. holding. Many therapists report fear
be able to relax with confidence in of clients feeling shortchanged if they
your sensitivity rather than having to the intangibles don’t perform a full-body massage.
be overly vigilant in giving feedback. It is important to realize that your Although educating clients about
Err on the side of caution rather mind-set can determine the quality the benefits of detailed spot work is
than overworking and having to of touch as much as your specific helpful, it is also possible to have the
interrupt the flow of the session by biomechanical techniques. Probably best of both worlds by simply educating
frequently stopping work and having the single most important cause of clients on the advantages of longer
to regain the trust and relaxation of work being perceived as painful or massages that leave enough time for
your clients after overstimulation. too intense is working too quickly. a thorough unraveling of the client’s
Very often, if you sense that your Often, therapists feel a generous sense holding patterns while still covering
client is tightening against your of urgency to get too much work done the entire body with varying degrees
intention, it best to not suddenly or cling to routines that emphasize of focus depending on the need.
interrupt the stroke. The speed at covering the whole body with equal
which you are working is usually the attention to all parts. They may
culprit—just slow down, slightly ease end up spending unneeded time on

In tender areas, such as the iliotibial (I.T.) band, the side-lying position enables you to observe your client’s face for subtle reactions to your pressure.
This position also allows for powerful use of your own weight, the ability to rotate your forearm for precise use of the ulna, or a softer touch.
The use of the other hand provides stability, rotates the tissue around the femur for better alignment, or anchors and stretches strokes
when applying force in the opposite direction with the forearm.

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refine your touch

Soft Hands Wasted or ineffective strokes take

precious time from the areas that
A Rolfer friend of mine has need additional and slow care and can
huge, strong, and soft hands spell the difference between work
that seem to be a cross that feels good at the time but doesn’t
leave lasting benefits or a session that
between a bear’s paw and brings significant change. Consider
a frog’s foot. I always marvel increasing your effectiveness by
when I see his hands remain overcoming some of the following
common habits that waste time.
totally relaxed as he slowly
sinks into the tissue like supERfiCial stRokEs
When freeing tight pectoral fascia and Do you take up too much time at
quicksand. Having soft hands
muscles, a rigid hand and wrist applying the beginning of the session with
vertical force with fingers held tightly (along with elbows, fists, superficial strokes in order to relax
together will feel harsh to your client. and knuckles) has been my clients when their tension and holding
major goal in touch, and I find patterns are deep? Related to this
is an overemphasis on warming up
myself continuing to improve, tissue. Of course, we don’t want to
but must remain constantly just dive in, but I often see therapists
vigilant when tension creeps in. warming up tissue that is superficial and
unrelated to actual tightness: spending
Virtually everyone holds some inordinate time working on the gluteal
unnecessary tension in their muscles when the actual tightness is
in the deeper rotators; working on
hands that will add a harshness
the gastrocnemius when the soleus
of touch and diminish is the problem; or warming up the
The slightly flexed and spread fingers act as sensitivity in reading the subtle pectoralis major when the tightness is
springs while still maintaining mechanical in the pectoralis minor. I frequently
signs that tissue gives us.
integrity and precise focus of intention as see practitioners spending excessive
you stretch tissue in any direction. You’ll One easy way to soften time on the external abdominals and
have a broader working area if you use your your hands is to make them then diving in too quickly to address
other hand to increase your effectiveness. the psoas, which is a totally different
stronger so that you can
muscle and layer of the body.
relax with the same amount The key is to slowly sink vertically
of pressure being a smaller percent of your maximum effort. If to the layer of the body that begins to
push back against you and then work
you can apply the same amount of force with more relaxation and
horizontally at that layer to lengthen
less effort, your work can become more effective and nurturing. short tissue. You will benefit the more
Squeezing balls and slowly building your strength to work with superficial areas at the same time you
focus your attention on deeper areas. By
your fingers bent, rather than stiff and hyperextended, will not only
the same token, don’t be too attached
make your work easier, but will soften your touch. Work for this to long, mechanical strokes performed
extended, but relaxed, joint function in all areas of your body. with the same speed and pressure.
Individual muscles have great variation
Having your fingers slightly flexed and your fingers spread
in where their restrictions lie. Move
will greatly benefit your touch in “snowplow” strokes pushing quickly along relaxed sections of long
to stretch tissue. Everyone can achieve this with some work. muscles like the hamstrings, quadriceps,
calves, the erectors, the I.T. band, and
Notice the difference between the two images above.
arms so that you can slow down and do
focused, repetitive strokes in isolated
areas of tightness along these areas.

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refine your touch

The Pain Threshold

relax is variable between individuals
Notice the signs that may indicate you are nearing your and also between different areas on
client’s pain threshold. a single client. The key to providing
effective but pleasant work is to
• Changes in breath—either stopped breathing
hone your awareness of the subtle
or deeper, more frequent breaths. preliminary signs of resistance to
• Changes in facial expression, especially with tightening lips or eyes. your pressure that precede crossing
the threshold into pain. Even if you
• Curling fingers, toes, or other areas of the body.
feel less effective in your strategies,
• Resistance or tightening of the tissue you are working on. it is much better to hover at a level
Whenever possible, I try to position my body so that I safely below the pain threshold rather
than risking overstimulation and the
can have eye contact. You will quickly develop a rapport
disruption that stopping a stroke causes
and awareness of how your work is being accepted and in the smooth flow of your session. Of
a connection that will allow your client to relax. course, it is an option to have clients
inform you when you are working
Most importantly, notice the cooperation of the tissue you are
too hard, but then it is usually too
addressing and distinguish between tight tissue and tissue that is late and they aren’t able to relax with
tightening against you. When you feel the tissue is beginning to confidence if they need to be vigilant.
It helps to have some tools to gauge
resist your pressure rather than cooperating, it is time to ease up.
client reactions to your work. A one-
to-10 scale is a safe way to begin until
you hone your nonverbal sensitivities,
but has the drawback of some clients
becoming too involved in controlling
the session rather than relaxing. Trust
Equal timE foRCEd REsults
that you will know their limits. Some
People hold tension in very different We massage therapists are a generous
people are afraid of being wimps and
spots of their bodies, often with lot when it comes to wanting to give our
it is important they feel perfectly
vast differences from one side to the clients the best and most helpful work
relaxed about communicating their
other. Each session should be a bit of possible, sometimes emphasizing our
limits. When I occasionally use this
a treasure hunt looking for the gold objectives at the expense of comfort.
technique, I explain that I never want
of hidden tension. Relaxed tissue can Attempting to give too much benefit
to cause pain, which I arbitrarily define
receive great benefit from quick work or offer miracles can make us work too
as “around an eight.” Of course, one
that enables you to concentrate on hard and actually overstimulate our
person’s five might be another’s eight,
other areas. So that clients understand clients. Even with the best mechanics,
but the number is high enough for
why I may be spending less time on we also can try too hard, which will
people to feel like they aren’t being
an area, when I encounter an area give our touch an abrasive nature as
overly sensitive. Most important
that needs minimal work, I often well as create unnecessary strain in
is to have them tell you when they
explain, “This leg feels relaxed and our own bodies. If you find yourself
are at a seven, so that they are
fluid … I won’t need to spend as much shaking or feel stress or pain in the
comfortable, but don’t have to worry
time here, allowing more time for joints of your hands, shoulders, back,
about your applying more pressure.
the shoulder that bothers you.” or legs, then you are working too hard.
It is important to choose realistic goals
and work within yourself, even with
those clients who crave intense work.

Cultivate sensitivitY
The threshold where your work
becomes too intense for your client to

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refine your touch

basiCs of pain-free Work outcome of your work. It also helps

The following guidelines can to clarify your goals with reasonable
help you modify your work in expectations. Some therapists appear
ways that may be more appealing to be trying to win an argument with
for your clients—and you. stubborn holding patterns, rather
than having a give and take dialogue
usE minimal lubRiCation and allowing for the great educational
The goal of most deep structural benefit of voluntary release on the part
work is to stretch short tissue rather of the client rather than coercion.
than just applying pressure and I have learned a great deal from
squeezing. I prefer the term grabbing going to yoga classes. In some poses,
rather than the increasingly popular when I’m sweating bullets and
term hooking, which can imply a harsh considering crying out, the teacher
or overly aggressive intention, thus will sometimes say, “We only have 30
contributing to the misperception seconds left.” Suddenly, my perception
that deep work needs to be painful. of overwhelming pain dissipates as I
Using too much lubrication requires realize that an end is in sight. I relax
significantly more unpleasant Working with the psoas, the rigid fingers and and move to a new level of release.
pressure in order to grab and stretch small area of contact look more like surgery When you feel that your clients
short tissue rather than sliding over than bodywork. All of the client’s attention are working with you for important
adhesions and other holding patterns. will be focused on a small and sensitive area, release but are on the edge, let them
and relaxation and release will be difficult. know you are aware of and grateful
movE slowly for their cooperation and that relief is
Most often when people complain of around the corner. The very tension
painful bodywork, it is due to strokes of conscious withholding is often the
moving faster than the tissue can adapt last obstacle in the way of dramatic
to and relax. Imagine you are pushing and lasting change, so lightening up
a heavy boat away from a dock. It in force and speed may be all that is
takes a while to conquer inertia with needed to achieve that last release.
slow steady pressure. When you feel
the tissue melt, that is the time to sink vERtiCally, thEn woRk
lighten your pressure and let the tissue One of the biggest errors I see is when
dictate depth and direction of release. therapists “sink and work” vertically
at the same time before encountering
paCE youR sEssions the layer where they want to work and
Although my early career motives were before the body can adjust. Slowly sink
well-intentioned, as a goal-oriented through superficial tissue at a fairly
person, my greatest sin in my early vertical angle until you encounter
practice was trying to accomplish resistance and then alter your direction
too much. I wish I could give recall obliquely. Once you decide to work
notices to my early clients as I watched obliquely, only apply as much force
them levitate off the table as a result as is necessary to grab the tissue and
of my overgenerous attempts at being The non-working hand provides a nurturing stretch it. A common error is to apply
a miracle worker. Make your sessions connection, while the palm of the primary too much pressure so that the muscles
a journey rather than a destination hand rests comfortably on the superficial actually contract out of discomfort, thus
and don’t become too attached to the abdomen. The bent and slightly separated negating your efforts to teach them to
fingers have the ability to easily sink to the relax and lengthen. Imagine pulling on
level of the psoas, where individual fingers
can differentiate specific areas of tightness.

42 massage & bodywork july/august 2010

Join aRt Riggs and assoCiatEd bodywoRk & massagE pRofEssionals on July 21
foR a fREE wEbinaR disCussing this fEatuRE. foR moRE infoRmation, visit abmp.Com.

Applying force distally allows short hamstrings

to lengthen and also allows for the additional
benefit of decompressing the hip joint. The
left hand can facilitate the stretch by moving
in the same direction or can anchor tight
fascia proximally to localize the stretch.

The issue of pain is emotionally

charged, both for our clients and
ourselves. It is important to realize that
pain, albeit with lots of real, variable,
and emotional considerations, also
has a great deal of cultural judgment.
I see absolutely no purpose or benefit
from imposing unnecessary discomfort
in a session. However, fibrosed tissue
a rope in a tug of war—you only need area into the core of holding rather
or long-held contraction may need
enough pressure in your grip to hold than starting at the epicenter.
considerable patient force near the
the rope; any additional pressure will
threshold of discomfort. Don’t berate
only cause tension and waste energy. ContaCt laRgE aREas
yourself if you occasionally overstep the
Use your non-dominant hand to
limits of your clients’ sensitivity. As my
allow foR REst broaden your contact; this gives the
Catholic friends remind me, “It isn’t
A friend once gave me some excellent brain some other input to consider
a sin unless you enjoy it.” For intense
advice: “In life, as in music, the rests are and can actually direct attention
work, a careful dialogue—both with
as important as the notes.” I apply this away from sensitive areas.
your touch and your unique relationship
wisdom to my sessions. Intense work
with each person—of communication
has a cumulative drain on the nervous diRECt youR stRokEs
and negotiation (rather than coercion)
system and the energy of the client to Students who often cling to earlier
in intense work can spell the difference
cooperate. When performing intense Swedish or Esalen massage training—
between an overcautious lost
work, I give frequent short breaks where the emphasis is on working
opportunity and profound release.
where I actually just break contact, or I distally to proximally—may conflict
lighten my touch or do feel-good work with therapeutic goals of distracting
Art Riggs is the author of the textbook
to nearby areas. This allows for a rest joints and lengthening muscles away
Deep Tissue Massage: a Visual Guide to
and the chance to evaluate, appreciate, from their origins. I have my students
Techniques, which has been translated into
and solidify the good work you have apply the same pressure to sensitive
seven languages, and the acclaimed seven
performed. It is difficult for the gelatin areas and they are surprised how much
volume DVD series Deep Tissue Massage
to set if it is constantly stirred. more comfortable the stroke feels when
and Myofascial Release: A Video Guide to
moving in the direction of muscle
Techniques. This article is part of an expanded
woRk towaRd thE CoRE lengthening (usually distally). Applying
chapter in an upcoming textbook edited by
The areas that need the most work significant force to muscles such as
Erik Dalton. You may visit Riggs’ website
are often the most defensive and have the quadriceps, hamstrings, iliotibial
a lower pain threshold. You can gain band, rotators, and gluteals in the
the trust of your client by beginning direction of lengthening allows them to
work in less sensitive areas on the stretch and relax, rather than buckling
periphery and extending the relaxed them into a shortened position.

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