Ma Liang and Magic Paintbrush

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NAME : ………………………………………………………….

DATE : ……………………………

1) There was a boy named ……………………. in China.

Ma Ling
Ma Liang
Ma Laing

2) The old man gave a ………………………….. to Ma Liang.

magic paitbrush
magic paintbrash
magic paintbrush

3) What Ma Liang found on the table ?


4) What he did with the paintbrush ?


5) List two things Ma Liang did to help the villagers ?

i) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………….

6) Who caught Ma Liang and where he had been placed ?

7) What Ma Liang drew for the village chief?
i) ………………………………………………

ii) ………………………………………………

iii) ………………………………………………

8) “The village chief is a kind man”. Do you agree with the statement? Give
one reason to support your answer.


9) What do you think happened to the ship in the end? Why?


If you were given a magic paintbrush , what will you do ? Give a reason
to support your answer.


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