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The following functions area available: $ Pack handling units $ Create a handling unit $ Assign

handling units and delete assignments $ Call up detail view(s) $ Delete and empty handling units $
Position on a handling unit $ SSCC number assignment $ Process messages (C) SAP AG SCM660 3-12
SAP AG 2001 Packing Dialog: Individual Entry 1 2 3 ! Assign a handling unit: Enter a handling unit in
the Handling Unit field (1) ! Generate a material line: Enter material number, batch, plant, storage
location, and stock category in the Handling Unit Contents block. ! Create a handling unit: Enter the
packaging material in the Packaging Material field (2) and, if required, add the possible weight,
volume, and dimensions data. ! Pack into a new handling unit: Enter the packaging material, the
material number, and the quantity to be packed (for document items you can enter the document
and item numbers instead of the material number). ! In sales orders/scheduling agreements whose
items contain a PO item number, you can enter the PO item instead of the document item. ! To pack
a handling unit you should enter the number of the handling unit to pack instead of the material
number. You make this entry in the Handling Unit field (3) in the Handling Unit Contents block. ! If
you want to pack into an existing handling unit that has alre (C) SAP AG SCM660 3-13 SAP AG 2001
Packing Dialog: Display Contents ! The content screen displays all handling units and their contents.
The system displays the hierarchy by numbering the hierarchy levels, where the highest handling
unit in a hierarchy has the hierarchy level 0. ! You can see the stock category of each handling unit
item. ! You can make quantity changes to existing handling unit items. ! You can assign serial
numbers to material items with a serial number requirement. ! You can delete complete handling
unit items using the Unpack function. (C) SAP AG SCM660 3-14 SAP AG 2001 Packing Dialog: Detail
Data ! Detailed information on the handling unit is displayed from various points of view and is
distributed across the tab pages. (C) SAP AG SCM660 3-15 SAP AG 2001 Template for creating
handling units Packing Instructions Business background: # Results from packing planning ! Optimum
usage of containers ! Transport security ! Automatic in-house transport ! Minimum costs # Packing
instructions are contractually agreed between supplier and customer # Supplier requirements !
Derivation of default values during packaging data entry ! Instructions for packers (text, graphics) #
Manufacturer requirements ! Checks the delivered handling units against the requirements in the
packaging instructions ! Master data: $ Packing instructions for handling units (transactions POP1 -
POP4) $ Packing instruction determination records (transactions POF1 - POF3) $ Message condition
records for handling units (transactions VV61 - VV63) ! Flexible packing instructions determination
based on condition technique, for example, in packing situations $ In production $ In shipping $ In
goods receipt ! Search key can be defined in Customizing, using for example, $ Material number,
plant, goods recipient, sold-to party, unloading point, vendor, shipping type, route ! Alternative
packing instructions

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