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University of Technology

General Chemistry Lab 1 (CHY2022)

Experiment #3: Determination of mole ratios of chemical

Name: Davion Tracey

ID#: 1402673

Course of Study: B. Eng. Mechanical Engineering

Lecturer: Mrs Barnett

Lab Session: Mondays 11 – 2 pm

Lab Date: January 28, 2019

Date of Submission: February 04, 2019

Temperature change vs. Volume of Hypochlorite
Temp Change = mx + b
M(slope) = -2.0842℃/mL
y(intercept) = 99.726

Temperature Change (℃)


Temp Change = mx + b
m (slope) = 0.4386℃/mL
10 y(intercept) = -0.3845

5 Volume of Naocl (40mL)

resulting in max temp change

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Volume of Hypochlorite (mL)

Data Analysis:

1. Determine the whole number mole ratio of the two reactants.

From the graph obtained between Temp Change vs. Volume of Hypochlorite the mole
ratio of Hypochlorite to thiosulphate ions was found to be 4:1

2. The molarities of the reactant solutions were equal in this experiment. Is this
necessary, or even important, for the success of the experiment?

The aim of the experiment was to determine the mole ratios of the reactants for the
reaction. For this experiment the molarities of both NaOCl and the Na2S2O3 were known
to be 0.50 M, hence the mole ratios of the reactants were obtained comparing the volume
of each reactant used. However if the molarities were different the mole ratios could still
be determined by exploiting the formula (X = M x V), where X is the number of moles,
M is the given molar concentration of the reactant and V is the volume of the reactants
used. Therefore the Molarities of both reactants didn’t have to be the same for the success
of the experiment.

3. Identify the limiting factor in each trial?

Volume OCl- Volume S2O32- Temp Change (℃) Limiting Reactant

10 40 3.5 OCl-
17 33 6.5 OCl-
25 25 12.5 OCl-
33 17 14 OCl-
40 10 16.4 OCl- / S2O32-
43 7 10 S2O32-
45 5 6 S2O32-

Limiting Reactant Sample Calculation:

Using volume of both OCl- and S2O32- as 25ml

4OCl- + 1S2O32- >>>>> Products

M of NaOCl = 0.50 M

V of NaOCl = 0.025L

# Of Moles of available for reaction = M x V = 0.50 x 0.025 = 0.0125 moles

# of moles of Na2S2O32- required for reaction = (0.0125 moles)/4 = 0.003125 moles

(because mole ratio is 4:1)

# of moles of Na2S2O32 available for reaction = M x V = 0.50 x 0.025 = 0.0125 moles

Excess moles of Na2S2O32 = 0.0125 – 0.003125 = 0.009375 moles

Nb. Because Na2S2O32 is in excess of 0.009375 moles then the limiting reactant is
NaOCl- because it is not in excess and so will be used up during the reaction therefore
bringing the reaction to an end.

The actual balance equation for the reaction between OCl- and S2O32 is:

4 OCl- + S2O32- + 2 OH- = 2 SO42- + 4 Cl- + H2O

Mole ratios calculated matched the actual mole ratio of the reaction.

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