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September 28TH, 2018. SIS Al Jufrie Airport, Palu, East Kalimantan.

Anthonius Agung, as the Air

Traffic Controller worked seperti biasanya. Agung was successed in guiding every plane on that day to
take of. Until the last plane, it was Batik Air ID6231.

The flight was lead by Capten Fella. The conversation started between them

“Ahmad Yani Tower, Batik ID6321 parking stand number four. POB 175, stand by level 300 request start
at present position “ the pilot start

“Batik ID6321, start approved, report when ready for pushback” replied the ATC

When the conversation was taking, suddenly one of the employee shouted

“Hei, Why everything is moving!”

“Everybody moves! Save yourself, it’s earthquake!” they shouted in panic.

Agung realized it, his body was shaking while guding the plane but he still tried his best. His
friend reminded him to be hurry to go.

“Earthquake! You must go from there gung!”

“Go! We don’t have time!”

In another side, when the plane started rolling in the runway, Capt.
Fell had not yet realized the shhock while rolling for takeoff was an earthquake. The cockpit focus was for the
airborne phase, so it was still being carried out because it was not disturbing. The capt thought it was caused of the
bumpy runway.

“Batik 6231 runwan 33 Allowed to take off.. Copy" said Agung from the ATC tower at
Mutiara Al Jufri Airport, Palu.

"Copy. Crew attendant. Air flight ready to take off," said the pilot Capt. Fella, from the wheelhouse.

“Safe flight Batik Air 6231, take care..” The last words from agung.
He felt the shock semakin dahsyat. He was confused what he had to the. Then he looked the window, he
ran as fast as possible to reach it and without thinking anymore, he jumped from the 4 th floor.
Batik Air ID6231 crew contacted the tower, according to the applicable procedures.
But there was no response from the ATC airport tower. When the aircraft reaches a height of between 2,000-3,000
feet, and a checklist after takeoff is complete, Capt. Fella saw strange waves on the coast of Palu.Apparently, at that
time, the Palu airport ATC tower had collapsed due to the earthquake shock.

The tower had collapsed. The evacuation team brought in a helicopter, bu everytung was late. He died
with a broken leg.
He became a hero who truly carried out the full duty of responsibility despite having to lose his own life.

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