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When we configure Oracle in PRPC, does the same kind of schema(data and rules) created
in Oracle ? how to configure?
2. Does any prod Pega apps uses pgAdmin DB?
3. What is the login mechanism used in real Pega apps in general, is it LDAP? How to configure
this ?
4. What is the common hosing environment (app??, db??) for the Pega live projects ?
Java App servers :
IBM Webshere
Oracle web logic
Apache tomcat
Personal Edition Includes
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
Apache Tomcat

5. Is it compulsory to have DCO sessions in Pega project?

6. Is it mandatory to follow smartBPM or Scrum BPM for the Pega projects?
7. What are the common in-built frameworks used in banking and insurance domain?
8. How to move a only one bug fixed rule from Dev to prod environment?

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