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Familia – Family

- Sunteti casatorit/casatorita ?
- Da, sunt.
- Nu, nu sunt.

- Are you married?

- Yes, I am.
- No, I’m not.

Cum intrebam o persoana despre membri familiei…

How to ask about a person’s family…

Aveti copii/frati/surori?
Have you got any children/brothers/sisters?

How many ?

Citi copii aveti ?

How many children have you got?

Am un copil.
I’ve got a child.

Am o fiica.
I’ve got a daughter.

Nu avem copii.
We haven’t got any children.

copil = child
fiica = daughter
fiu = son
frate = brother
sora = sister

Cati, cate …?
How many… ?

Cati, cate aveti?

How many have you got?


!!! SCOTTISH = scotian !!! A nu se confunda cu SCOTCH. SCOTCH = Whisky…

- Care este nationalitatea dvs.?

- What nationality are you ?
- roman
- elvetian

- Romanian
- Swiss

- Sunteti austriac?
- Are you Austrian?


Dialogul 1:

AB: Buna ziua.

(Good afternoon)
R: Buna ziua, doamna.
(Good afternoon, madam.)
AB: Numele meu este Bardy.
(My name is Bardy.)
R: Da, d-na. Care este nationalitatea dvs.?
(Yes, madam. What nationality are you, please?)
AB: Sunt englezoaica.
(I’m British.)

Dialogul 2
WB: Salut!
F: Salut!
WB: De unde sunteti?
(Where are you from?)
F: Sunt din Londra.
(I’m from London.)
WB: De unde anume?
F: Din Richmond. Si dvs.?
(From Richmond. And you?)
WB: Eu sunt din Tooting.
(I’m from Tooting.)

- Din ce parte sunteti ?

- What part are you from ?

- Se gaseste in nord sau in sud?

- Is that north or south

- Mmm, nu este departe de New York.

- Well, it’s not far from Edinbourgh.

Romana Engleza
Sunt in pana. I have a flat tire.
Nu pot porni. I can't start the engine.
Bateria este terminata. The battery is finished.
Sunt in pana de benzina. I am out of gas(online).
Am un cauciuc dezumflat. I have a puncture.
Am o problema cu: I have a problem with:
- franele - brakes
- carburatorul - the carburattor
- teava de esapament - the exhaust tube
- o roata - a wheel
- stergatorul - the wipe glass
- farul - the head light
- usa - the door
- broasca - the lock
- ambreiajul - the clutch panel
- radiatorul - the radiator
- suspensia - suspension
- cureaua ventilatorului - ventilator belt
- bujie - sparking plug
- centura de siguranta - the safety belt
Benzina Petrol
Fumatul interzis No smoking

Romana Engleza
Doresc o intalnire cu medicul. I need an appointment with the doctor.
Imi puteti chema un doctor? Could you send for the doctor?
Am nevoie de un medic. I need a doctor.
Este o urgenta. It is an emergency.
(La medic) (At the doctor)
Ce va supara? What's the trouble?
Sunt bolnav. I feel sick.
Ma supara inima. My heart hurts.
Sunt obosit(a). I am tired.
Ma doare capul. I have got a headache.
Sunt istovit. I am exhausted.
De cand a inceput? When did this start?
De ieri. It started yesterday.
De ieri seara. It started yesterday night.
Din timpul noptii. It started during the night.
(Corpul Omenesc) (Human Body)
Capul The head
Gatul The throat
Bratele The arms
Mana The hand
Degetul The finger
Gamba The leg
Romana Engleza
Piciorul The foot
Umarul The shoulder
(Diverse boli) (Diseases)
Diareea Diarrhoea
Gripa The flu
Durerea in gat A soar throat
Durerea in ureche The earache
Junghiuri in piept The pain in the chest
O durere A pain
O criza cardiaca A heart attack
Durere de dinti A toothache
Durere de stomac Stomach ache
O raceala A cold
Febra Fever
Sunt constipat I am costive
Tusesc I have got a couch
Expectorez I am spitting
Am dificultati la respirare. I have difficulty in breathing.
Sunt alergic(a). I am allergical.

sfaturi medicale…

Romana Engleza
Luati inainte de culcare. Take before sleeping.
O data pe zi. Once a day.
De doua ori pe zi. Twice a day.
De trei ori pe zi. Three times a day.
De patru ori pe zi timp de 5 zile. Four times a day during five days.
Stati in pat trei zile. You must stay in bed for three days.
Reveniti vinerea / joia viitoare. Come back next Friday / Thursday.

Romana Engleza
Micul dejun Breakfast
Un ou fiert A boiled egg
Un suc de fructe A juice
Cornuri Croissants
Dulceata Jam
Paine Bread
Paine prajita Toast
Unt Butter
Cafea (cu lapte) milk & coffee
Cacao cu lapte Cocoa
Lapte (cald, rece) (hot, cold) milk
Pranz, Cina Launch, dinner
Antreuri asortate English plate

Romana Engleza
Jambon Ham
Gustari Snacks
Salata de rosii Tomato salad
Pateu de ficat Liver paste
Gustari din oua Egg snacks
Omleta omelette
- cu ciuperci - with mushrooms
- cu sunca - ham and eggs
- cu branza - with cheese
Supe Soups
Supa clara Meat soup
Supa de legume Vegetable soup
Supa de pasare Chicken soup
Supa de mazare Pea soup
Supa de telina Celery soup
Supa de rosii Tomato soup
Peste Fish
Stiuca Pike
Crap Carp
Creveti Shrimps
Melci Snails
Stridii Oysters
La cuptor Baked
Pane in bread crumbs
La gratar Grilled
Afumat Smoked
In aburi Boiled
Prajit Fried
Carne Meat
- de vita - beef
- de miel - lamb
- de porc - pork
- de vitel - veal
- antricot - rib roast
Snitel Breaded steak
Ficat Liver
Rinichi Kidney
Carnati Sausages
Fleica Steak
Umplut Filled
Pasare, vanat Chicken, game
Rata Duck
Curcan Turkey
Fazan Pheasant
Iepure Hare
Gasca Goose
Romana Engleza
Pui Chicken
Piept de pasare Chicken breast
Legume Vegetables
Fasole Beans
Spanac Spinach
Morcovi Carrots
Varza Cabbage
Castraveti Cucumbers
Salata verde Lettuce
Ceapa Onion
Mazare Peas
Cartofi Potatos
Rosie Tomato
Fructe Fruits
Alune Peanuts
Lamaie Lemon
Capsuna Strawberry
Nuca Wallnut
Piersica Peach
Para Pear
Mar Apple
Pruna Plum
Vinuri Wines
- rosu - red
- alb - white
- roze - roze
- sec - dry
- usor - light
- tare - strong
- spumos - frothy
- foarte sec - rough
- dulce - sweet
- tuica - plum brandy
- bere - beer
In sanatatea dvs! (Noroc!) Cheers!

Romana Engleza
Doresc sa rezerv o masa pentru aceasta seara / I'd like to reserve a table for tonight /
maine / vinerea viitoare. tomorrow / next Friday.
Pentru ce ora? For what time?
Aveti o masa pentru ora 7:30? Have you got a table for seven-thirty?
Pentru cate persoane? For how many people?
O masa pentru trei. A table for three, please.
Pe ce nume? In what name?
Buna seara. Am rezervat o masa. Good-evening. I've reserved a table.
O masa pentru doua persoane, va rog. A table for two, please.
Romana Engleza
Sa ne asezam la masa aceasta. Let's take this table.
Chelner, meniul! Waiter, show me the menu, please!
Doriti sa comandati? Do you want to order?
Iau pate de ficat. I take liver paste.
Ce luati ca antreu? What would you like to start with?
Mai doriti ceva? Anything else?
My wife / my girl friend / my friend will
Sotia mea / prietena mea / prietenul meu ia ...
have ...
Nota, va rog! The bill, please!
Micul dejun Breakfast
Pranzul Launch
Cina Dinner

Romana Engleza
O camera de o persoana A single room
O camera de doua persoane A double room
Have you got a room for one night / two
Aveti o camera pentru o noapte / doua nopti?
Cat costa? How much is it ?
Semi-pensiune Bed and breakfast (B&B)
Pensiune completa Full meals
Cu / fara: With / without:
- baie - bathroom
- dus - shower
- toaleta - toilet
- televizor - TV set
Camera de inchiriat Room to let
Parter Ground floor
Fisa de inregistrare Form
La ce etaj e camera? On what floor is the room?
Pentru o noapte For one night
Pentru doua / trei nopti For two/three nights
Pentru seara de 10 ianuarie For the evening of January the 10
From the evening of June the 10th till July
Din 10 iunie in 17 iulie
the 17th
Sosesc / sosim la ... Arriving on ...
Plec / plecam la ... Leaving on ...
As dori o camera de o persoana, cu dus pentru I'd like a single room with shower for two
doua nopti incepand cu 1 mai. nights from May the first
As dori o camera de doua persoane, cu baie, I'd like a double room, with bathroom,
pentru doua nopti, de la 1 la 3 mai. from May the first to May the third
Am rezervat o camera. I booked a room.
Ma numesc ... My name is ...
Puteti pregati nota, va rog? Can you prepare the bill, please?
Pot plati cu cec? Will you take a cheque?
Pot plati cu cartea de credit? Will you take a bank card?

Romana Engleza
Autobuz Bus
(in statie) (at the station)
Ce autobuz merge la ... What bus goes to ...
(in autobuz) (in the bus)
Mergeti in centrul orasului? Are you going to the city center?
(biliete de calatorie) (tickets)
La gara At the railway station
Un bilet dus A single
Un bilet dus-intors A return trip ticket
Un bilet in circuit A round trip ticket
Un bilet dus pentru ... va rog A single to ... please
Sala de asteptare Waiting-hall
Birou de informatii Information desk
Merge acest tren la ... Is this train going to ...
Urmatorul tren spre ... la ce ora este? What time is the next train going to...
Trebuie schimbat? Do i change?
La ce ora soseste la ... ? When does it arrive at ...?
Pe ce peron? On which platform?
Schimbati la ... You change at ...
Este direct. It's straight through.
Avion Airplane
Exista astazi un avion pentru ... ? Is there a flight to ... today?
Va rog un bilet pentru acest zbor. Book me on that fight, please.
Cat dureaza zborul? How long does the flying last?

Ma puteti ajuta, va rog? Can you help me, please?

As dori... I'd like...
- cafea - coffee
- bere - beer
- carti postale - postcards
As dori un/o... I'd like a...
Cat costa? How much is it ?
Costa... dolari. It is... dollars.
Pot vedea? Can I take a look at it ?
Imi trebuie... I need...
- o poseta - a bag
- un cordon de piele - a leather belt
- o camasa - a shirt
- pantofi - a pair of shoes
- manusi - a pair of gloves
- o umbrela - an umbrella
- o rasnita de cafea - a coffee grinder
Ce culoare? What colour ?
Ce marime aveti nevoie? What size do you need?
Caut ceva pentru... I'd like something for...
- un barbat - a man
Ma puteti ajuta, va rog? Can you help me, please?
- o femeie - a woman
Pot sa incerc? Can I try it?
Nu aveti o masura mai mare/mica? Have you got any larger/smaller size?
Nu-mi place acest model. I don't like this model.
Prefer o alta culoare. I would rather have another colour.
Aratati-mi va rog altceva. Show me something else, please.
Unde trebuie sa platesc? Where shall I pay ?

Romana Engleza
Exista o banca prin apropiere? Is there a bank near here?
Este langa oficiul postal. There is a bank next to post office.
Este in fata oficiului postal. There is a bank in front of the post office.
La stanga / dreapta dvs. On your left / right.
Este acolo. It's over there.
Drept inainte. Straight ahead.
La ce distanta? How far is it ?
Aproximativ 500 metri. About five hundred meters.
Cinci minute pe jos. Five minutes walk.
Pentru a merge la gara? The way to the station, please?
Mergeti drept inainte. Go straight on.
O luati pe strada... Take the street...
Continuati pana la semafor. Go on to the traffic lights.
Cotiti la stanga / dreapta, in strada... Turn left / right into street...
O luati pe prima / a doua strada la stanga / Take the first / second street on the left /
dreapta. right.
Scuzati, nu stiu. Sorry, I don't know.
Nu sunt de aici. I'm a stranger here.
Acces interzis. No entry.
Bariera automata. Automatic barrier.
Drum stricat. Damaged road.
Deviere. Deviation.
Directie. Direction.
Sens unic. One way traffic.
Sens giratoriu. Rotary round about.
Loc de parcare. Parking lot / Car park.

Romana Engleza
Alo, da? Hello, yes.
Domnul ...? Mister ... ?
La aparat ... This is ... speaking.
Pot vorbi cu ... va rog? Can I speak to ... please?
O clipa. Just a moment, please.
Imi pare rau, nu este aici. Sorry, is not here.
Puteti suna mai tarziu? Can you call back later?
Pot lasa un mesaj? Can i leave a message?
Cine sa-i spun ca-l cauta? Who shall I say is calling?

Romana Engleza
Firul este liber. The line is free.
Firul este ocupat. The line is busy / engaged.
Aveti legatura cu ... You are through to ...
Nu parasiti firul. Hold the line.
Nu va aud. Va rog sa vorbiti mai tare. I can't hear you. Please speak louder.
Telefonul este deranjat. The telephone is out of order.
Greseala. Wrong number!
Nu intrerupeti! Don't disconnect, please!
Mai sunteti la telefon ? Are you on the phone?
Ce numar aveti ? What is your number, please?
Numarul meu este... My number is ...
Ma puteti suna la acest numar? Can you call me at this number, please

Romana Engleza
Scuzati-ma, nu inteleg. Sorry, I don't quite follow you.
Vreti sa repetati va rog? Will you repeat, please?
Puteti vorbi putin mai rar? Could you speak slowly?
Cum se numeste aceasta in engleza? What is that called in English?
Cum se pronunta acest cuvant? How do you pronounce this word?
Vorbiti limba romana? Do you speak Romanian?
Nu vorbesc prea bine engleza. I don't speak English quite well.
Inca o data (va rog). Another one (please). / Once again, please.
Ce se intampla? What's happening?
Ce este aceasta? What's that?
Ce cautati? What are you looking for?
Este convenabil pentru dvs.? Is it all right with you?
Cautati ceva? Are you looking for something?
Destul. That's enough.
N-are importanta. Nevermind.
Asa mai merge. That's better.
Este foarte simplu. It's quite simple.
Foarte bine. All right.
Bravo! Well done!
Nu am avut incotro. I couldn't help it.
Este exclus. It is out of the question.

Romana Engleza
Scuzati. I beg your pardon.
Imi pare rau, nu pot veni. Sorry. I can't (cannot) come.
Va rog... Please...
Va multumesc. Thank you.
Va multumim. We thank you.
Va multumesc foarte mult. Thanks a lot.
E foarte dragut din partea d-voastra. It's very kind of you.
Cu placere, oricand. Any time.
Pentru nimic. Don't mention it. (Not at all)
Romana Engleza
Iertati-ma ca am intarziat. Excuse me (sorry) for being late.
Pot sa va rog ceva? Could you do me a favour?
Pot ... ? May I ... ?
Imi pare foarte rau. I am very sorry.
Nu aveti dreptate. You are wrong.
Nu sunt de acord. I don't agree.
Este imposibil. It's impossible.
Nu se poate. That can't (cannot) be done.

Romana Engleza
Cat e ceasul? What time is it?
E ora... It's...
- doua si un sfert - a quarter past two
- doua si jumatate - half past two
- trei fara un sfert - a quarter to three
- doua si cinci - five (minutes) past two
- doua si zece - ten (minutes) past two
- trei fara douazeci si cinci - twenty-five (minutes) to three
- trei fara douazeci - twenty (minutes) to three
- trei - three o'clock
- zece fara un sfert - a quarter to ten
Ceasul meu este inainte (in urma). My watch is fast (slow).
Nu am ceas. I haven't got a watch.
Am uitat sa-l intorc. I forgot to wind it up.

Timpul in limba engleza

Romana Engleza
Astazi Today
Ieri Yesterday
Maine Tomorrow
Saptamana aceasta This week
Saptamana viitoare Next week
Saptamana trecuta Last week
Luna aceasta This month
Luna viitoare Next month
Luna trecuta Last month
Anul acesta This year
In cursul diminetii In the morning
La pranz At launch time
Inainte de masa Before noon
Dupa-amiaza In the afternoon
Seara In the evening
Diseara Tonight
In zori At dawn

Romana Engleza
La apusul soarelui At sunset
La miezul noptii At midnight

Limba romana Limba engleza

Ma numesc... My name is...
Scuzati. I beg your pardon.
What is your name?
Cum va numiti?
My name is...
Faceti cunostinta cu... Let me introduce... to you.
Incantat de cunostinta. Pleased to meet you.
Cine este acesta? Who is this?
He (she) is my friend.
Este prietenul (prietena) meu (mea).
(This is my friend).
Sper ca ne vom revedea. Hope we meet again.
Transmiteti complimentele din partea mea lui... Give my regards to...
Unde locuiti? Where do you live?
Locuiesc in... I live in...

Litera mare Litera mica Pronuntie

A a [ei]
B b [bi]
C c [si]
D d [di]
E e [i]
F f [ef]
G g [gi]
H h [eici]
I i [ai]
J j [je]
K k [kei]
L l [el]
M m [em]
N n [en]
O o [ou]
P p [pi]
Q q [kiu]
R r [ar]
S s [es]
T t [ti]
U u [iu]
V v [vi]
W w [dabl'vi]
X x [ecs]
Litera mare Litera mica Pronuntie
Y y [i grek]
Z z [zed

Engleza Romana
Black Negru
White Alb
Gray Gri
Blue Albastru
Yellow Galben
Red Rosu
Purple Roz
Green Verde
Orange Portocaliu
Brown Maro
Pink Roz
Cream Crem
Light Blue Albastru deschis
Dark Blue Albastru inchis

Engleza Romana
Hello! Salut!
How are you? Ce mai faci?
Pleased to meet you. / Nice to meet you. Incantat(a) de cunostinta
Goodbye! La revedere!
Good morning! Buna dimineata!
Good afternoon! Buna ziua!
Good evening! Buna seara!
Good night! Noapte buna!
Merry Christmas! / Happy Christmas! Craciun Fericit!
Happy Easter! Paste Fericit!
Happy New Year! La multi ani!
Congratulations! / Well Done! Felicitari! / Foarte bine!
Good Luck! Succes! / Noroc!
Get well soon! Insanatosire grabnica!


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