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SECTION ~ A (Mapks 17 (Wersion Number [30] 9 [3] CHEMISTRY H@SC-| | 7 Section — A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to bo answered on the separately provided OMR Answer Sheet which should be completed in the first 25 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil Q.4 Choose the correct answer A/B/C /D by filling the relevant bubble for each question on the OMR. Answer Sheet according to the instructions given there. Each part carries one mark. 1) Which of the following is NOT true for a colloid? A Can pass through ultra-fiter paper 8. _ ts particles can’t be seen under ordinary microscope C.__Itis heterogeneous D. Seatters light 2) 100g of 25% (wiv) NaOH contains 25g of NaOH in: A 90g of water B. 100g of solution ©. 100g of water D. 125g of water 3) How many moles of oxygen are needled for complete combustion of two moles of methane? A 3 B10 a 4 DG 4) What volume of SO, at room temperature and pressure is produced on heating 3 moles of zinc sulphide (ZnS ) if reaction takes place as follows 2ZnS «,, +30, ¢<, —>2ZnO + 250; «,. A 60dm" B. 67.24dm =, 22.4 idm 57.2 5) Towhich mixture of gases Dalton's law of partial pressure ‘s NOT applicable? A CH,&C,H, B -HCI&NH, ©. CO&CO, DCO, &N 6) Foran ideal gas, number of moles per litre in terms ofits pressure P, gas constant , and temperature Tis A PIRT BORT/P CG Pr/R Do PRT 7) The forces present between the ions and water molecules are called ‘A. London dispersion forces B. lon ~ dipole forces C. Dipole ~ dipole force D. Dipole induced dipole 8) The example of monociinic system is: A Graphite B. Diamond = G.—Sugar D. Sulfur 8) The Avogadro's Constant is the number of A Electrons needed to deposit 24g of Mg B. Atomsin 24g of Mg ©. Atoms in Ig of He D. Molecules in 35.5g of Chlorine 10) The number of nodes inp orbitals ae: A 2 oa Ge Des 41) In the formation of Nz’, the electron is removed from: A typ, ofbital =B. xorbilal «= «C.—SS,orbital =D. "orbital 12) Change in enthalpy of a system at constant pressure can be calculated by the following relationship A AH=AE-d Bo AN =AE+d CAH =AE+PAy DAH =aE-PY 13) Foragiven process PAV , when there is no appreciable volume change, change in internal energy becomes equal to: A OP 8 @p Cc An Dow 14) Inorder to decompose 9g of water 142.5K/ of heatis required. Hence enthalpy of formation of water is: A 285k Bo +285kr c. 1425ko D+ 142.SKs 18) Oxidation state of Sin Na, 8,0, A 8 ee G4 D. 16) A fuel cell operates at temp. A Medium B.Robm c Low D. High 17) ‘The number of coulombs requited for the deposition of 107.8g of silver is A 193000 B 10000 Cc. 96500 D. —sHs 1009 — CHEMISTRY M6SC-I Ip Total Marks Sections B, C and D: 68 NOTE: The Questions of sections B, C and D Use supplementary answer sheet i. ‘to be answered on the separately provided answer book. Sheet-8 if requimd. Write your answers neatly and legibly. az SECTION —B (Marl 24) {Chapters 1 to @) ‘Answer any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marke. (7x3 =21) (i) How much silver chloride will be formed by mixing 120g of siver nitrate with a solution of 52g. of NaCl ? {AtMass: Ag =107.8amu,Cl=35.Samu, N=l4amu, O~\6amu} (a) Ice floats on water. Justify it (02) b) — Whywateris a liquid and H, is a gas at room temperature? (01) (ii) a) Why is 4s orbital lower in energy than 3d orbital? b) What is the distance travelled by the electron when it goes from n=8 to =27 Also indicate the region of spectra in which emitting ines wil fll (iv) White down the three main defects of Bohar's Model. (¥) Use the VSEPR theory to predict the shape of the each of the folowing BeF,, BH,. CCl, (vl) How does MOT explain the diferent bond orders of F, and F;? species? (vi) Acertain mass of #7, gas collected over water at 6°C and 765mm pressure occupies a volume of 35cm’. Calculate its dry volume at (STP) (vapour pressure of water at 6°C'= Tmmilg ) (vit) How mach energy is required to make electron of H-atom to jump trom n=2 ton=4? (%) How wil you explain the two practical applications regarding the effect of pressure on the boiling point of aliquid? (%) Give comparison of Molecular crystals and metalie exystals, SECTION C (Marin 24 (Chapters 7 to 1a ‘Answer any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks. (7x3 = 21) (i) Give the industrial application of Lechatelier’s principle using Haber's process as an example. (i) An aqueous solution containing 100g of ethanol per dm? of solution has a density of 0.984gem™. Calculate the mole fraction of each component, (il) The pH of a 0.14 solution of an acid is 2.85. Gaeulate the ionization constant Ka of the acid (iv) Define and briefly describe the leveling effect of water in an acid base reaction (v) Phosgene is a toxic gas. This gas is prepared by the reaction of carbon-monoxide with chlorine CO... Ch COC, ,,, The following data were obtained from kinetic study of this reaction { Experiment” —Tinital{CO] | intial (Cl | inal rate (mol amis) | 00 ‘O10 [29x10 i ~[o100 ‘o700 1,30%10° 7 0.160 1.00 Tiosa0 | ‘Write rate law for this reaction Page 1 of 2 (Chemiaty) ae (wi) wi) vil (oo) ” What is hydrolysis? Write the equations of hydrolysis for NHT;" and CN" (e141) Glucose and normal saline solutions are isotonic with blood plasma, Glucose solution is composed of Sz of glucose in 00cm" of solution and saline solution is composed of 9g of Sodium chloride in 100cm" of solution. Calculate the molarity of these solutions, Define and explain reverse osmosis dealing with daily life application. Balance the following equation by ion electron method in acidic medium Cr.03 +CP Cr? Cl, Methane |s the major substance in natural gas. How much heat is released when 20g of methane burns in excess of air under standard conditions? The standard enthalpies of CO, 11,0 and CH, ate ~393.5k) mol", 285.8kI mol” and 74.6k mol” respectively ‘SECTION - D (Marks 26) Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks, (13 x 2= 26) (Question 4 from Chapters 1 to 6) The total energy £ of an electron is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy. Derive the formula of energy of an electron present in n” orbit. (07) Explain the hybridization plan in CH, , CH, = CH, and Cll = CH (2+242) (Question § from Chapters 7 to 12) ‘What is solubility product? Give its applications for any two precipitation reactions. (2+2.542.5) Explain the effects of concentration, temperature and surface area on reaction rates (24242) (Question 6 Part (a) from Chapters 1 to 6 and Part (b) from Chapters 7 to 12) Explain (04+04) i. The low density and high heat of fusion of ice fi. Mlustrate the conductivity of a metallic crystal using “electron sea theory” Calculate the masses of Cw and O, produced by electrolysis of CuSO, solution on passing 5 ampere of current for 2/rs.. What would be: (25+2.5) i. The volume of O, at STP ii, Mass of Cu deposited Following reaction occur at electrodes At anode 2H,0——+0, +4H" +4e~ At Cathode Cu"? + 2e°-——9Cu" 1s 1200 — Page 2of 2 (Chemisty)

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