MN Chamber of Commerce and MN Business Partnership 2019 #MNleg Poll Release

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Thursday, April 18, 2019 Anne Mason Yoder,

Jonathan Blake,

Minnesotans concerned with key legislative proposals

Greater Minnesota opposes gas and business tax increases 3:1
St. Paul, MN (04/18/19) – Results of a statewide survey released today found startling opposition to current legislative
proposals to raise business taxes and the gas tax, and impose mandates on employers and employees.

“These results reflect that Minnesotans want our state to be affordable for families and businesses to grow and
flourish,” said Doug Loon, president of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. “High tax rates negatively impact
investment, wages, entrepreneurship, and talent retention and recruitment – the very items needed for a strong and
growing economy.”

“Minnesota employers support smart investments that preserve Minnesota’s quality of life. However, the sheer
magnitude of these proposed tax increases and mandates would discourage companies from creating jobs and
investing in Minnesota,” said Charlie Weaver, executive director of the Minnesota Business Partnership.

Survey findings include:

Voters statewide oppose Governor Walz’s proposed

business tax increases by a nearly 2:1 margin.
34% support
60% oppose (47% strongly)

Voters in Greater Minnesota oppose these

increases by more than a 3:1 margin.

45% in Twin Cities support, 48% oppose (36%

21% of Greater Minnesota voters support, 74%
oppose (60% strongly)

continued on next page

Minnesotans who strongly oppose a new payroll tax
to fund a state-run paid leave program outnumber
all those who support it.
37% support
55% oppose (42% strongly)

Voters in Greater Minnesota oppose these

measures more strongly than voters in the metro.
44% in Twin Cities support, 48% oppose (34%
29% in Greater Minnesota support, 65% oppose
(52% strongly)

Nearly two-thirds of voters statewide oppose

Governor Walz’s 20 cents-per-gallon gas tax
increase, and more than half (54%) strongly oppose
31% support
65% oppose (54% strongly)

Nearly four times as many voters in Greater

Minnesota oppose the gas tax increase as those
who support it.
40% in Twin Cities support, 57% oppose (47%
19% in Greater Minnesota support, 75% oppose
(63% strongly)

By contrast, nearly two-thirds of Minnesotans –

64% – support dedicating the auto parts sales tax to

The legislature is debating proposals to increase taxes and fees by nearly $12 billion over the next four years. Much of
that burden will fall on the business community directly with cost increases estimated at $5 billion to $6 billion. These
proposals would set roadblocks to investment, slow economic growth and threaten Minnesota’s affordability.

These questions were included in a statewide survey of registered voters in Minnesota, conducted by Meeting Street
Research and supported by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, Minnesota Business Partnership and Housing First
Minnesota. Interviews were completed April 3–4 and 7, 2019, among 500 registered voters with a mix of cell phone
and landline interviewing. The margin of error for a sample size of N=500 is ±4.38%. Survey questions and detailed
responses are available at


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