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What is a novel : A novel is a long, fictional narrative which describes intimate human experiences.

The novel in the modern era usually makes use of a literary prose style. The development of the
prose novel at this time was encouraged by innovations in printing, and the introduction of cheap paper in
the 15th century.

Novel, an invented prose narrative of considerable length and a certain complexity that deals
imaginatively with human experience, usually through a connected sequence of events involving a group
of persons in a specific setting. Within its broad framework, the genre of the novel has encompassed an
extensive range of types and styles: picaresque, epistolary, Gothic, romantic, realist, historical—to name
only some of the more important ones.

Best approaches to translate a novel ;

1. make a dictionary of all names, places and unique terms to be consistent in their translation
2. Study the style of the author and it's historic parallels
3. Translate in context.
4. you must render what the author was trying to get across and not implement your own stylistic
elements that will dilute the narrative and influence the content of the story.
5. Hire a good editor. Your work will never be publish-quality without outside perspective and
mechanical help of finding errors.
6. Do them when you had some time off your work so you will have a fresh(er) eye
7. Many things, especially the literary devices and figures of speech are hard to translate. Consult an
expert, read some translation textbooks on these issues specific to your language and do your best to find
a solution
8. Try to find a solution for cultural jokes in the text

Why we translate novels:

They will help us to solve the problem of translation adequacy ‫ قدرة‬. The boom for fiction
translation has come in XX century. Numerous literary works, officially recognized as “the classics”,
were translated into different languages. ... Some of them follow the rules of the source language to
reflect the author's style.
Elements of novel:
 Types.: There are several different types, or genres, of fiction novels.
 The characters:
 The setting, is where the plot takes place. ... or a fantasy novel, the setting may be an imaginary
realm with creatures, plants and lifestyle completely different from those in the real world,

 the plot, : Plot is an essential characteristic of all novels. The plot is the story, the reason for
writing the novel. The author creates a story that is believable, or at least relatable to true events, feelings
or actions. A science-fiction story about living on Venus with aliens as pets may not be entirely
believable, but the author can write the characters and events in such a way as to be relatable to real life.

 the conflict: Conflict is necessary in a novel, because it makes the story feel real. Happily ever
after all the time would make for a dull story. Conflict can be external or internal. A gruesome murder
case or a cheating spouse are examples of external conflict. An internal conflict can be a character’s
battle with forgiving someone who wronged him or discovering an unpleasant personality trait in himself.

 the resolution. Resolution is the part of the novel where the main character faces his emotional
demons and makes a change, or where the murder case is solved and the suspect is taken into custody.
The resolution isn’t always happy. Sometimes the resolution is that the murder case is closed because of
lack of evidence. In any event, at the end of the book there is always a resolution of some sort.

 Point of View
Point of view is essentially the voice of the narrator. There are four types of point of view: first person,
second person, third person omniscient and third person limited. First person is written from the main
character’s perspective. Second person is written like a choose-your-own-adventure, using “you”. Third
person omniscient allows the reader inside the heads of all characters involved. In third person limited
point of view, the narrator focuses on the main character and his perspective. .

Types of novels:
 Mysteries.
 Romance.
 Thrillers.
 Science Fiction.
 Fantasy.
 Historical Fiction.

Some major genres:

 Mysteries - A mystery is about a crime, usually a murder, and the process of discovering who
committed it.

 Science fiction - Science fiction is fiction that imagines possible alternatives to reality. It is reality
+ "What-if." For example: What if the world ended? What if there were life on other planets? The
imaginary part of science fiction is based on known scientific facts\

 Fantasy - Like science fiction, fantasy is about imaginary worlds. But the imaginary part of
fantasy novels usually involves magic,

 Westerns - Westerns normally take place in the Western U.S. (although sometimes in other
locations), most often during the 19th century. Common elements include cowboys, ranchers, and
conflicts between natives and settlers.

 Horror - Horror fiction gets its name because it is focused on creating emotions of terror and
dread in the reader. Horror fiction often accomplish this through the use of scary supernatural elements or

 Thrillers - Like horror, a thriller gets its name because of the feeling it creates in the reader.
Thrillers are designed to make the reader's pulse race, to keep him or her turning pages. Often thrillers are
about a crime that is going to be committed or a disaster that is going to happen... if the hero(ine) doesn't
prevent it.

 Romance - Romance fiction is about love and passion. Normally, the focus is on two characters
who fall in love but have problems or obstacles keeping them apart, and there is a happy ending

 Historical - Historical novels are set in a past time period, normally at least fifty years before they
were written. They combine a made-up story with realistic details of that time period.

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