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COMPLAINT INFORMATION FORM Please complete the following information to the best of your ability. This information will help in the preparation of the complaint. Defendant's Name: Zniel ivaan _ Defendants Address: 32\ Carteret Ave Carteret wyoteo2 Defendant's Phone # (if known): 232- W3- WE : Defendant's Date of Birth (if known): Defendant's Driver's License # (If known): State. If this Is a motor vehicle complaint, Ist license plate # of other vehicle: State, Description of vehicle (if known): Nameg.and addresses of witnesses (use additional paper If necessai 7 mae AlwenseQ— 6! Hertran Ave Sa ewe 07 00d: Your Name (you are the complainang:__-AvHaow Gallo YourAddress:_ [6 SPCU Ce Stoced Pact Readies, IT 07061 Your'Telephone # 2322877- ZIG 2. Email. Geallo (2L€ opel) Coby FOR GOURT-USE ONLY” . Court Administrator/Deputy Initials: “_ Date: - Corresponding complaint #s: (Every request requires the fling of a complaint.) November2010 CERTIFICATION IN SUPPORT OF PROBABLE CAUSE | State of New Jersey Court Name. County of: Middlesex. Court Address, Date of Incident: 3 hs iad Location of incident: Carteret Municipatty: | offer the following facts and information to establish probable cause in this conplaintagant___ “Daniel S Qeiman Been Nana} whom | would fike to charge with _ Heiress trent (List Statute(s) or Ordinanca(s)) How do you know the identiy of the person you are charging? He iS_ MayoR— Desoribe incident in deta: Reiman Hal Been har sSine we Since The gory Election with Lfyers Deronedory He's, . gwsvits , Eten Hewing Wis People wake WeKe's foc The wtearwed About weg i (deem + Spoose Phone calls 6 Thre ins, Mature. M5 Cok Was dandelized Dve To flee Decasalecy Ws He Pot_ov “Le Ejyeo Abort my Sit fol 2 trots | He uen Told in? frond witwesS Chet i Make A public Anns Ait ta Fesbies Have be Zt 1 wi ti t ea pts The Prosec ches gfFee coke Certification: | certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true, 1 am aware that if any of the fores 's madeyby me are wifully false, lam subject fo punishment: ¢fih4 Signature of complaihing Witness - [Daid Novimbar 2019 TOTAL P.a4 CARTERET POLICE INVESTIGATION REPORT |(@ Gatto, Tony D 12/08/1968 |m | warTE annssanr pois eer oaraseal Ofer [94 |oanze sx CARTERET BORO [ws [ov008_| 732-876-3192 vam Seer | 08 Ta Tow | =e aa [8 a Pp ox | 30 |sovox/zeus [208 ® | sme] [as:00|20 | 02 [osraeraoae [zone | eanenen naan paneer SoG am aa ™O Lt aR ean Pm Tana saa [ss reenter ———— Banas conenet fmoocesex _|szox lento. sow 9 ___[esyze/z019 13:00 mmsogonnaens oe ones 52 jeanranen sono [uz | 732-874-2152 ‘VENICLE Sats ver [Make Mode (Boa) Troe eae ‘Regavaton Number |Site | Serial Number or aeriteaton VALUE | Currency ewer Furs ‘Gieing nae | Macataros | oie "Tait Vaie Sion Toial Vas Recovered “Techeical Serica [Teennican TAgorcy — ara ee 2 remo, onsen 9 a a be fomase aa li — as 8 fsa cam ftom er io os of po was 7a a Bats santas Tease — [aac Detailed on the above date and tine to the lobby of headquarters for a report of harassment. Upon arrival, T spoke wath Me. Tony Galle, who stated he was a menber of the Republican comittes running against Mayor, Daniel J. Reinen, Yn the 2018 borough election. Mr. Gallo requested we speak in private, at which time, I escorted Mr. Gallo to the Prosecutors office alongside municipal court a0 he could make his statenents, T also advised Mr. Gallo that ny bedy Camera was active to record the statanent given. Hr. Gallo stated he has been the victim of continuous harasstent from tthe mayor due to his involvement with the 2018 borough election. Mr. Gallo stated on numerous occasions he has Feceived phone calle from the mayor's phone line, with threats of further lawsuits, Particularly on one occasion, Me Gaile recalled receiving a phone call from the Mayor that vas approximately 37 seconds long where the mayor advised Me. Gallo that if he did not renove an accuaing post about the mayor that he would be sued "until he was poor". Me- Gallo stated he did not have any involvement with the alleged post but felt he was the only one being threatened by the mayor about it. Me. Gallo stated on another occasion he received a phone call from the sare phone number at approximately 0100hre. Upon answering the call, Mr, Gallo stated he could only, Tae | Pa Deere | Rey Sorte FO. KELLY, MICHAEL 190 1a 2 03/2/2019 | sor. vzvxa, Lours 125

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