Sympathy-The Base of Love PDF

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Now days love is in the air with its immense artificial feelings, because

people are loving each other like a business contract, indirectly they are
just fulfilling their emotional and physical feed, they are loving others
because they want to be loved, some people love each other because they
are just feeling lonely, some are loving for their materialistic compassion,
all this things are artificially acclaimed things, this loneliness,
compassion, materiality are a temporary psychological diseases. Because
today you are lonely, it may be possible that tomorrow your loneliness is
not there for pursuing love.

The vital and basic element of love is sympathy, a mother love her child
because she is sympathize toward her child, she doesn't love her child for
sake of loneliness, materialistic compassion and pleasure or any other
artificial criteria, she only loves he/she because of sympathy towards her
child. Because when a child is born, he/she is a tiny Essence of a mother,
the innocence, beauty, simplicity, emptiness and ecstacy of a child creates
a immortal sense of sympathy under her.A mother always wish best for
his child, even she is not there with her or even the child is not there in
the world, she always wish best for her child.. Because she is not doing
this for any returns... She have to only give her child as much as she
can... If her child hurts him,then also, she wish best for her child.. She is
ready to do any sacrifice for her child.

‌Today people are making love a couple dance, there perception is very
narrow towards love, because they are familiar with a two-way
prospective love, the mentality is very annoying that love is dependent on
two individuals, in our society the youth are insanely attracted towards
finding love for them, now days each and every teenagers first most
important priority is to find a love or partner for them. They are just
going for a temporary and wrong belief about the love.. People are
dramatically playing with a wrong illusion tricked by the society on the
name of " love". Love is not something to find or achieve, it's all about
feeling the immense and immortal beauty of a our own soul, it should not
be criteria there to arrange a partner for yourself to be loved. Many lovers
in the world, solving there relationships like puzzle, love is not a problem
to be solved, love is not anything to measure, judge or calculating, love is
a immortal feeling of your eternal beauty and grace.
‌love is a way to feel individual existence, if a person is sad, how can
he/she able to give happiness to others, if a person is feeling lonely
himself, how can they able to give company to others, so first of all a
person have feel there own existence and beauty, if there is no sense of
love in a individual himself how can he/she able give others? . So first
love should be generate towards ownself , afterwards you are able to
share love others. Society describe love as a relationship , relationship
meant to be a connection between two or more person , so it is wrong
perception concluded by society , love is not meant to be any
relationship , bonding , connection , joins , breakups , it is simply
independent without any boundaries of connections , rituals , references
and calculations , if we see love as a relationship or connection between
two individual it is not love , it would be give-take illusion protected by
the fence of love , nothing more than that and partner will be in a
bondage and there will be a much more complexity of rules ,
regulations ,ethics because you are not in love you are just indirectly
fulfilling responsibilities and duties towards each other .

At the end , I would like to describe love as , eternal beauty of existence

of oneself.

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