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Name: _____________________ 
Date: ______________________ 
Date Due: __________________ 
Period: ____________________ 
The Giver ​Assignment Calendar 
Day 1:   Day 6:  
❏ Pre Reading Activities  ❏ Read pages 43-50: Chapter 6 of ​The Giver. 
❏ Read pages 1-13: Chapter 1 of ​The Giver.  ❏ Complete Pages​ 13-14​ of this booklet. 
❏ Complete Pages​ 1-4​ of this booklet. 

Day 2:   Day 7:  

❏ Read pages 14-24: Chapter 2 of ​The Giver.  ❏ Read pages 51-62: Chapter 7 of T ​ he Giver. 
❏ Complete Pages​ 5-6​ of this booklet..  ❏ Complete Pages​ 15-16​ of this booklet. 

Day 3:   Day 8:  

❏ Read pages 14-24: Chapter 3 of ​The Giver.  ❏ Read pages 63-73: Chapter 8 of ​The Giver. 
❏ Complete Pages​ 7-8​ of this booklet.  ❏ Complete Pages​ 17-19​ of this booklet. 

Day 4:   Day 9:  

❏ Read pages 25-32: Chapter 4 of ​The Giver.  ❏ Read pages 63-73: Chapter 9 of ​The Giver. 
❏ Complete Pages​ 9-10​ of this booklet.  ❏ Complete Pages​ 20-21​ of this booklet. 

Day 5:   Day 10:  

❏ Read pages 33-42: Chapter 5 of ​The Giver.  ❏ Read pages 63-73: Chapter 9 of ​The Giver. 
❏ Complete Pages​ 11-12​ of this booklet.  ❏ Complete Pages​ 22-23​ of this booklet. 
Directions: Consider the following statements before you read the novels. Check the “yes” 
or no” column based on your personal belief. Then, in the EXPLAIN column, write 2+ 
sentences about WHY you feel that way and providing an example. 

Statement  YES  NO  Explain Your Answer 

It is better to be safe than to 
be free.       

The government should 

protect the people.       

It is okay to forget painful 

memories and experiences.       

There is no need to learn 

about World History       

Freedom almost always 

requires sacrifice.       

People must know about the 

past to succeed in the future.       

People’s professions should 

be determined for them based       
on their skills and abilities.  

People must care about 

themselves before they can       
care about others. 

It’s sometimes OK to lie. 


The individual is more 

important than the       

The Giver Chapters 1-10 1
Directions: ​Complete BOTH Parts of the following journal entry. Includes specific examples. 5+ 

A. What would your perfect world look like? What are the people like? What are the rules?  
B. What would you be willing to give up for your perfect world? Wealth? Hobbies? Family? 

Themes ​are statements that teach the reader about life from the text. They won’t be as specific 
as using character names, but not so broad that anybody can learn it from anything. 

Below, there are two themes prevalent in this text. Do you agree with the statements? Explain 
why or why not using examples from your personal life.  

Memory is essential.  Choice is inherently dangerous.  


The novel, T
​ he Giver​, presents itself as a utopia, and is later revealed as a dystopia.​ ​Below, write 
why you think the novel might shift from utopia to dystopia.​ Utopia ​can be defined as a perfect 
place (or no place) without war, famine, suffering, etc. The prefix​ dys ​means ​bad, ill, abnormal.

The Giver Chapters 1-10 2

The Giver #1  Date​: ​_________________

Chapter​: One ​Read Pages​: 1-13 

Summary​: ​(What are the ​two ​most important things that happen or the
two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Connect and Respond 5+ sentences 

“It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened, No. Wrong word, Jonas thought. Frightened
meant that deep, sickening feeling of something terrible about to happen. Frightened was the way he had felt a year ago
when an unidentified aircraft had overflown the community twice. He had seen it both times.” (1)
Highlight or underline the ​feelings ​in the passage above. Using the passage, think about Jonas’s deliberation, or
thought process, in select the right word. In ​5+ sentences​, explain why it is important to choose your words carefully.

Directions: ​Find the following words in the novel. Using context clues, infer what the definition is and write it
in the defintion box. Under the example box, ​use the word in your own original sentence.

Word  Definition  Example 

1. intrigued    

2. ironic    

3. palpable    

4. transgression    

The Giver Chapters 1-10 3

Inference Corner 
In 2-3 sentences, using 3 or more specific details, physically describe the protagonist. 

“NEEDLESS TO SAY, HE WILL BE RELEASED, the voice “I accept your apology, Asher,” the Instructor said. He was
had said, followed by silence. There was an ironic tone to smiling, “And I thank you, because once again you have
that final message, as if the Speaker found it amusing; provided us with an opportunity for a lesson in language.
and Jonas had smiled a little, though he knew what a grim ‘Distraught’ is too strong an adjective to describe
statement it had been. ” (3) salmon-viewing.” He turned and wrote “distraught” on the
instructional board. Beside it he wrote “distracted.” (5)
1. This excerpt has an example of which type
of irony? 2. From the incident in the passage above, the
a. Situational Irony reader can infer that Asher is…
b. Dramatic Irony a. Careless
c. Verbal Irony b. Playful
c. Pensive
Explain how you chose your answer for number 1. 2.
Why is the answer a, b, or c? Use evidence from the Explain how you chose your answer for number 2.
text to support your answer. Why is the answer a, b, or c? Use evidence from the
______________________________________ text to support your answer.
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________

In 2-3 sentences, explain how the community in the book is different than your own. Does this
community even seem possible? Why or Why not. Cite at least one example from the text and
include the page number in parentheses.

Character Analysis: Protagonist  

1. Describe Jonas’s emotions in this chapter. Name at least 2 and the reasoning he gives.

2. What is his personality so far in the novel? Provide evidence for your response. Pg: _____

3. Compare and contrast Jonas to his groupmates: Fiona, Asher, and Benjamin.

The Giver Chapters 1-10 4

The Giver #2
  Date​: ​_____________
Chapter​: Two ​Read Pages​: 14-24 

Summary​: ​(What are the ​two ​most important things that happen or the
two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Directions: ​Find the following words in the novel. Using context clues, infer what the definition is and write it
in the defintion box. Under the example box, ​use the word in your own original sentence.

Word  Definition  Example 

1. enhance

2. adherence

3. aptitude

Root​, Suffix, Prefix Study: ​CRE​, “to create; bring into existence” 
Word  Definition  3 Other words that use the prefix 



Inference Corner: Making Connections 

“But her father had already gone to the shelf and taken 2. Did you have a comfort object as a child? Did
down the stuffed elephant which was kept there. Many you outgrow it? When did it happen? If it didn’t,
comfort objects, like Lily’s, were soft, stuffed, imaginary explain why not.
creatures.” (page 23)
1. From the information about the comfort object
provided in this story, the reader can infer that --
a. Lily is childish
b. The community does not have animals
c. Father is impatient

The Giver Chapters 1-10 5

Connect and Respond 5+ Sentences 

“Jonas laughed. It was one of the few rules that was not taken very seriously and was almost ​always
broken. The children all received their bicycles at Nine; they were not allowed to ride bicycles before
then. But almost always, the older brothers and sisters had secretly taught the younger ones.”

Choose one and circle the letter. Your response should be 5 sentences (minimum)​ (4 minutes)
A. The society in which Jonas lives has a lot of rules; earlier in chapter one, the Pilot broke a rule and was
released. Why are some rules more important than others? Explain!

B. Are there rules in your society that are more important than others? Where do you draw the line?

Chapters 1-2 Reading Comprehension Check 

1. What ritual does Jonas’s family perform every night? How is this ritual connected to the development of
the collective or community? What is the effect on the individual (Jonas)?

2. Describe Jonas’s parents’ professions and their personalities so far in the novel. Are these representative
of traditional gender roles? Stereotypically and historically, American culture portrays women as emotional
caregivers and men as distant breadwinners with important jobs.
A. Father’s job and responsibilities: ______________________________________________________
B. Mother’s job and responsibilities: _____________________________________________________
C. How do they challenge traditional gender roles? __________________________________________
D. What does this reversal suggest about the value of these roles / jobs in their society?_____________

The Giver Chapters 1-10 6

The Giver #3        Date​: _____________ 

Chapter​: Three ​Read Pages​: 25-32 

Summary​: ​(What are the ​two ​most important things that happen or the
two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Directions: ​Find the following word in the novel, then choose 2 you are unfamiliar with. Using context clues,
infer what the definition is and write it in the defintion box. Under the example box, ​use the word in your
own original sentence.

Word  Definition  Example




Connect and Respond 5+ Sentences 

Choose 1: ​ (5 or more sentences)

1. Write about a time when you realized there was something different about you. What was it? How did
someone point it out? How did that make you feel?

2. Pick one of The Community’s ​careers ​and write about how you might fit into that role:
➔ Lawyer
➔ Nurturer
➔ Birthmother

The Giver Chapters 1-10 7

The Writer’s Craft  
The em dash (—) is an expansive, attention-seeking dash. ​It supplies much stronger emphasis than the
comma, colon or semicolon it often replaces. Positioned around interrupting elements, em dashes have the
opposite effect of parentheses—em dashes emphasize; parentheses minimize.

“But suddenly Jonas had noticed, following the path of the Based on this event ( pages 29-31), what happens to
apple through the air with his eyes, that the piece of fruit the apple and why does Jonas take it? Cite two
had —well, this was the part that he couldn’t adequately pieces of evidence to support your answer.
understand— the apple had c ​ hanged. ​Just for an instant. It
had changed mid-air, he remembered.” page 30
1. In the passage above, the author uses the em dash
a. slow down the pace of the narrative
b. interrupt the narrative
c. Put the reader into Jonas’s mind
d. make the passage easier to understand

Character Analysis 
Directions​:In the ovals surrounding Jonas’s name, write adjectives that describe his personality. Then, fill in
each dotted rectangle with a detail about Jonas that illustrates that part of his personality. Write the page #.

The Giver Chapters 1-10 8

The Giver #4      ​Date:​ ​_____________ 

Chapter​: Four ​Read Pages​: 33-42 

Summary​: ​(What are the ​two ​most important things that happen or the
two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Directions: ​Find the following word in the novel, then choose 2 you are unfamiliar with. Using context clues,
infer what the definition is and write it in the defintion box. Under the example box, ​use the word in your
own original sentence.

Word  Definition  Example





Connect and Respond 

“Jonas was glad that he had, over the years, chosen to do his hours in a variety of places so that he could
experience the differences. He realized, though, that not focusing on one area meant he was left with not the
​ uess​ -- of what his Assignment would be.” p37
slightest idea-- not even a g
Using the passage above, think about what it would be like to have to choose what you wanted to do for the
rest of your life at age 11. Then, imagine what it would be like if someone chose for you. Based on your
interests, hobbies, and classes, what job do you think would be selected for you?

The Giver Chapters 1-10 9

The Writer’s Craft  
Italics are used for titles, foreign words, and emphasis. ​Italics are a way to emphasise key points in a
printed text, or when quoting a speaker a way to show which words they stressed.
Italics are used often in chapter 4, in the following questions analyse their use.

“​So Jonas laughed too, and with his laughter tried to 2. In two-three sentences, describe how Jonas’s
ignore his uneasy conviction that ​something​ had parents seem to balance each other in their family
happened. But he had taken the apple home, against unit. Use two pieces supporting evidence from
the recreation area rules​.” ​page 31 chapters 1-4.

1. In the passage above, the author uses italics to--

a. emphasise key points
b. quote a speaker
c. help the reader understand what
actually happened
d. convince the reader Jonas isn’t crazy

Chapters 3-4 Reading Comprehension Check 

1. What Assignment does Mother say holds “very little honor?” Based on this information, how would you
explain how this society reproduces? Is this method better or worse than “traditional” family-making? Why?
For who? Justify your answer with evidence from the text or personal experiences.

2. Why is Jonas impressed by Benjamin? What do his thoughts about choice reveal about his character?
The community they live in? The overall theme of “choice is inherently dangerous” in the text at this point?

3.Gabriel comes home in Chapter Three; Lily points out that Gabriel and Jonas have similar eye colors.
Using evidence from the text, predict what might happen based on the foreshadowing on pages 25-26.

4. Throughout the past four chapters, Release is mentioned several times. Select two instances, and infer
what events led to their Release. What can you infer that Release means?

______ / 20

The Giver Chapters 1-10 10

The Giver #5  Date​: _____________ 
Chapter​: Five ​Read Pages​: 43-50 

Summary​: ​(What are the ​two ​most important things that happen or the
two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Connect and Respond 5+ Sentences 

Finally, she sat down beside him at the table. “Jonas,” she said with a smile, “the feeling you described as the
wanting? It was your first Stirrings. Father and I have been expecting it to happen to you. It happens to everyone. It
happened to Father when he was your age. And it happened to me. It will happen someday to Lily.” page 47
In the passage above, Jonas begins to experience feelings we associate with puberty. Then, his mother has a version
of “the talk” with him. In 5+ sentences, explain how this milestone, or ones like it, mark a transition of “coming of
age” or “loss of innocence” in children, either in the story, or in your own life.

Directions: ​Find the following word in the novel, then choose 2 you are unfamiliar with. Using context clues,
infer what the definition is and write it in the defintion box. Under the example box, ​use the word in your
own original sentence.

Word  Definition  Example

1. afloat    

2. infraction    

3. dosage    

The Giver Chapters 1-10 11

Inference Corner 
In 2-3 sentences, using 3 or more specific details including at least one physical, describe a
supporting character.

Jonas looked at his plate. For some reason that he didn’t ”Asher takes them,” Jonas confided.
understand, he felt slightly embarrassed. “I think I was trying
to convince her that she should get in the tub of water.” His mother nodded unsurprised. “ Many of your
He paused. He knew he should tell it all, that it was not only groupmates probably do. The males, at least.and they all
​ ll​ of a dream. So he forced
all right but necessary to tell a will, soon. The Females too.”
himself to relate the part that made him uneasy. (45)
2. From the dialogue in the passage above, the
1. Which of the following is the best summary of
reader can infer that Jonas is…
what Jonas Feels about his dream?
a. Jonas had an embarrassing dream
a. Growing up
b. Jonas didn’t dream at all b. Being punished
c. Jonas hates dream telling c. Entering Puberty
d. Jonas didn’t understand his dream 2.
Explain how you chose your answer for number 2.
Explain how you chose your answer for number 1. Why is the answer a, b, or c? Use evidence from the
Why is the answer a, b, c, or d? Use evidence from text to support your answer.
the text to support your answer​. ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________

A word or phrase used on place of a term that might be considered too direct, harsh, unpleasant, or offensive. One who
says “We had the dog put to sleep” instead of “We had the dog killed” is using a euphemism. ​Even with all the
insistence on precision of language, Jonas’s Community engages in euphemism to a strong degree. Answer
the following questions that explain euphemisms.

1. What is actually meant by the term “Stirrings”? 2. What is actually meant by the term “release”?
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
3. Aside from “ethnic cleansing,” list any euphemisms you can think of that you have heard used to describe military (our
own or others’) actions:
4. What are the benefits of using euphemisms? What are the disadvantages?

The Giver Chapters 1-10 12

The Giver #6
  Date​: _____________ 
Chapter​: Six ​Read Pages​: 51-62 

Summary​: ​(What are the ​two ​most important things that happen or the
two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Directions: ​Find the following words in the novel. Using context clues, infer what the definition is and write it
in the defintion box. Under the example box, ​use the word in your own original sentence.

Word  Definition  Example

1. reprieve

2. infringed

3. meticulously

Root, Suffix, Prefix Study: ​UN​, “not” 

Word  Definition  3 Other words that use the 



Inference Corner 
“I don’t like hair ribbons. I’m glad I only have to wear 2. Were there things about growing up you
them one more year,” Lily said irritably.“Next year I get couldn't wait to happen? Were you ready for more
my bicycle, too,” she added more cheerfully. (50) privileges? If so, what were they? If it didn’t, explain
why not.
1. From the information about the hair ribbons
provided in this story, the reader can infer that Lily
is best characterized as--
a. Impatient
b. Rude
c. Generous

The Giver Chapters 1-10 13

Connect and Respond 5+ Sentences 
“This new Caleb was a replacement child. The couple had lost their first Caleb, a cheerful little Four. Loss of a child was
very, very rare. The community was extraordinarily safe, each citizen watchful and protective of all children. But
somehow the first Caleb had wandered away unnoticed, and had fallen into the river. The entire community had
performed the Ceremony of Loss together, murmuring the name Caleb throughout an entire day, less and less
frequently, softer in volume, as the long and somber day went on, so that the little Four seemed to fade away gradually
from everyone's consciousness.” page 56

Choose one and circle the letter. Your response should be 5 sentences (minimum)
A. The community physically replaces a “lost” child in this chapter. Are people “replaceable”? Use evidence from your
life or the book to support your answer.

B. Do you think the system that this community has, works? Are they progressive, or forward thinking? Or, are they
heartless and cruel? Explain your answers!

Chapters 5-6 Reading Comprehension Check 

1. Why does the community prescribe pills? How would you explain the significance of this rule?
2. Jonas and Lily joke that Jonas’s Assignment might be a Pilot; Mother sternly reprimands their
interaction. What about their conversation needs reprimanding? Why? Support with evidence.
3. As a condition of the contract to keep Gabriel, each member of Jonas’s family had to agree not to
become attached to the child. Why can’t they get attached? What problems might it cause?
4. On pages 56-57, there is a distinction made between Release and Loss. How are they different?

The Giver Chapters 1-10 14

The Giver #7      ​Date​: _____________ 
Chapter​: Seven ​Read Pages​: 63-73 

Summary​: ​(What are the ​two ​most important things that happen or the
two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Directions: ​Find the following words in the novel, then choose one you are unfamiliar with. Using context
clues, infer what the definition is and write it in the defintion box. Under the example box, ​use the word in
your own original sentence.

Word  Definition  Example




Connect and Respond 

They were arranged by their original numbers, the numbers they had been given at birth. The numbers were
rarely used after the Naming. But each child knew his number, of course. Sometimes parents used them in
irritation at a child’s misbehavior, indicating the mischief made one unworthy of a name. Page 62
Choose 1: ​ (5 or more sentences)
1. Imagine teachers at your school called you by your seat number instead of your name. How would that
feel? Would it be effective? Would your relationship with your teachers change? How?
2. What is the significance of calling someone something other than their name? How do you feel when
people mispronounce your name, or call you something other than your name?

The Giver Chapters 1-10 15

The Writer’s Craft  
“Number One— her name was Madeline— returned, “For some— one studious male had been selected
finally, amidst applause, to her seat, wearing the new as a Doctor, a female as Engineer, and another for
badge that designated her Fish Hatchery Attendant .” Law and Justice— it would be years of hard work
page 66 and study.” page 66

1. In the passage above, the author uses the em 2. In the passage above, the author uses the
dash to-- em dash to--
a. slow down the pace of the narrative a. provide additional information
b. interrupt the narrative b. distract the reader
c. clarify the girl’s name c. Break down the pace of the narrative
d. make the passage easier to understand d. make the passage easier to

Diction (Connotation) 

In Jonas’s community, we can recognize concepts that are familiar from our own society. Here, though, they are called
by different names—names that carry significant shades of meaning.
In our society, we call the place in which a family lives by two names: “house” and “home.” These words carry different
shades of meaning. Below, write down what the word “home” connotes (connotation) to you that the word “house” does
The word “home” has an emotional connotation absent in the word “house.” While “house” merely describes a building,
“home” carries hints of togetherness, warmth, and comfort.
Fill out the following chart as you encounter the first-column terms in your reading. In the middle column, write down our
society’s word or words for the same thing. In the final column, point out the difference (in meaning) between the term
Jonas’s community uses and the term ours uses. 

Jonas’s word  Our Word  Difference in Meaning 


family unit     

midday meal; evening meal     


rule (in the sense of rules     

that pertain to an entire 
community, not just to a 
game—nor just to children, 
as we mainly use the word) 



The Giver Chapters 1-10 16

The Giver #8      ​Date​: _____________ 

Chapter​: Eight ​Read Pages​: 74-81 

Summary​: ​(What are the ​two ​most important things that happen or the
two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Directions: ​Find the following words in the novel. Using context clues, infer what the definition is and write it
in the defintion box. Under the example box, ​use the word in your own original sentence.

Word  Definition  Example





Connect and Respond 

“With the chant, Jonas knew, the community was accepting him and his new role, giving him life, the way they had
given it to the newchild Caleb. His heart swelled with gratitude and pride.
But at the same time he was filled with fear. He did not know what his selection meant. He did not know what he was to
Or what would become of him.” p81
Choose 1 : (5+ sentences)
1. The Chief Elder mentions two people who have left the community, but not been released-- the previous
Receiver of Memory who failed, and Caleb the Four. Explain the difference in the attitude of the community
towards those two and those released. (Survival of the Fittest)
2. Here, Jonas is filled with mixed emotions. How and why does he experience each of the emotions? Is this
normal? Was there ever a time ​you​ felt similarly? (Struggle with Self)

The Giver Chapters 1-10 17

The Writer’s Craft  
​“Then she went on. ‘Jonas has been ​selected​.” In 2-3 sentence, choose 3 instances where Lowry uses
italics in this chapter, and explain the author’s choice.
You may compare or contrast against words that you
In the passage above, the author uses italics to-- believe ​should​ have been italicised.

a. emphasise key points

b. quote a speaker
c. help the reader understand what
actually happened
d. convince the reader Jonas isn’t crazy

Cause and Effect 

Directions​: Choose 4 events from the first 8 chapters of the novel, then list the effect(s) of each event.
Cause​: Why something happened. ​Effect​: What happened

The Giver Chapters 1-10 18

Foreshadowing is a literary technique of giving clues to coming events in a story. This technique adds 
Directions: ​What examples of foreshadowing do you recall from the story? Go back through chapters 1-8 
and find examples of foreshadowing. List at least four examples below. Provide their page number, explain 
what clues are given, and then list the coming event suggested from the text. 

Foreshadowing  Page #  Clues  Coming Event 






Chapters 7-8 Reading Comprehension Check 

1. Consider the restrictions around Matching and adopting children. Why might the Community
have these standards? What are the benefits? What are the consequences?
2. What Assignment does Jonas receive? Why is this important to him? To the Community?
3. Why does Jonas think the Chief Elder skipped him during the Ceremony? Provide 2 quotes.

The Giver Chapters 1-10 19

4. Predict three ways Jonas’s life will change, and support your predictions, because of this new Assignment.

The Giver #9  Date​: _____________ 

Chapter​: Nine ​Read Pages​: 82-90 

Summary​: ​(What are the ​two ​most important things that happen or the
two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Connect and Respond 5+ Sentences 

The Giver Chapters 1-10 20

“The lobby was very small and contained only a desk at which a female Attendant sat working on some papers. She
looked up when he entered; then, to his surprised, she stood. It was a small thing, the standing; but no one had ever
stood automatically to acknowledge Jonas’s presence before.”​ (73)
Highlight or underline the ​imagery ​and d
​ etails ​in the passage above. Using the passage as a model, write 5+
sentences that describe a memorable moment when you felt recognized or valued. Use a list of ​specific details​ and
vivid sensory imagery.

Directions: ​Find the following words in the novel. Using context clues, infer what the definition is and write it
in the defintion box. Under the example box, ​use the word in your own original sentence.

Word  Definition  Example





The Writer’s Craft- Point of View 

1st Person​- ​I walked into class.
2nd Person-​You walked into class.
3rd Person​-​She and Bob walked into class.
3rd Person, limited to Bob​: Sue walked into class. Bob thought about his test.
3rd Person Omniscient-​Sue and Bob walked into class, both thinking about avoiding a hall sweep.  

The Giver Chapters 1-10 21

“But his own folder was startlingly close to empty. “But his own folder was startlingly close to empty.
Inside there was only a single printed sheet. He read it Inside there was only a single printed sheet. He read it
twice.” twice.”
1. From what point-of-view did the author choose to
use in this brief introduction to the memoir? 2. Rewrite the sentences above in a different ​point of
a. First person view ​in the line below​. ​ What is the effect? How does
b. Second person each affect the reader differently?
c. Third person
d. Omniscient

Explain, in 2-3 sentences, how you chose your answer to

the question above. Use evidence from the page!

The Giver​ is written in third person omniscient point of view; consider how the reader maintains a distance as
they are reading. Rewrite three paragraphs from page 94 in another point-of-view, first or second person. Then,
in two-three sentences, reflect on how this changes the way you relate to the text?

The Giver #10   Date​: _____________ 


Chapter​: Ten ​Read Pages​: 91-100 

The Giver Chapters 1-10 22

Summary​: ​(What are the ​two ​most important things that happen or the
two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Directions: ​Find the following words in the novel. Using context clues, infer what the definition is and write it
in the defintion box. Under the example box, ​use the word in your own original sentence.

Word  Definition  Example





Root​, Suffix, Prefix Study: ​trans-​, “across, beyond, through” 

Word  Definition  3 Other words that use the root 



The Writer’s Craft  

“​It’s as if...”​ ​ The man paused, seeming to search his mind 2. Write a sentence or two that describes stress using
for the right words of description. “It’s like going downhill one of the literary devices at left.
through a deep snow on a sled,” he said, finally.
1. The sentence above contains all of the following
literary devices: (check all that apply)
❏ simile
❏ onomatopoeia
❏ personification
❏ alliteration
❏ Idiom
❏ Imagery

Connect and Respond 5+ Sentences 

The Giver Chapters 1-10 23

“But the most conspicuous difference was the books.... The books in his own dwelling were the only books
Jonas had ever seen. He had never known other books existed.”
Choose one. ​ (5+ sentences)
A. Imagine that you were just walked into a place that had more items than you ever knew existed. What is there?
How would you spend your time? Describe the experience.
B. Would you want to have to be the new Receiver? Explain why or why not using support from the book.

Chapters 9-10 Reading Comprehension Check 

1. Jonas’s parents tell him that his job is highly honored, but the Chief Elder mentions that his predecessor
failed. How do their conversations about Jonas’s Assignment inform your opinion about it?
2. Jonas receives eight new rules with his Assignment. Pick three rules and predict why they may be different
for the Receiver of Memory as opposed to the rest of the Community. Explain each in two sentences.
3. In the Annex, there are many thing that Jonas notices which are different than the rest of the Community.
Compare and contrast at least three items that Jonas mentions.


4. Why does the Receiver have very little experience describing his own job? What does he encourage Jonas
to do? ​____________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Giver Chapters 1-10 24

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