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::Question 1 MKT308_U1_LamPT::
Which is NOT applications of digital marketing?
A) An advertising medium
B) A relationship medium
C) A direct – response medium
D) An information medium

Answer: D

::Question 2 MKT308_U1_LamPT::
What is Convert in RACE model mean?
A) Build awareness on other sites and in offline media and drive to web presences
B) Engage audience with brand on its websites or other online presence
C) Achieve conversion to marketing goal such as fans, leads, or sales on web presence and
D) Build customer and fan relationships through time to achieve retention goals

Answer: C

::Question 3 MKT308_U1_LamPT::
What is KPI of Engage in RACE model?
A) Leads and Sales
B) Bounce rate
C) Audience share
D) Repeat conversion

Answer: D

::Question 4 MKT308_U1_LamPT::
Content marketing activities include:
A) Content participation
B) Content access platform
C) Content syndication
D) All of the above

Answer: D

::Question 5 MKT308_U1_DinhTT::
Which of the following is true about paid media:
A) Pay for visitors, reach.
B) Conversions through search, display ad networks or affiliate marketing.
C) Print, TV advertising, direct mail.
D) All of above

Answer: D

::Question 6 MKT308_U1_DinhTT::
Which of the following is true about owned media:
A) Company’s website, blogs, email list, mobile apps.
B) Company social presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.
C) A and B are correct.
D) None of above

Answer: C

::Question 7 MKT308_U1_DinhTT::
Which of the following is true about earned media:
A) The audience is reached through editorial, comments and sharing online
B) Viral and social media marketing.
C) Conservation in social networks, blogs and other communities.
D) All of above.

Answer: D

::Question 8 MKT308_U1_DinhTT::
Which of the following is digital marketing strategy development process:
A) Defining online opportunity–Selecting strategic approach–Delivering results online
B) Selecting strategic approach–Defining online opportunity–Delivering results online
C) Defining online opportunity–Delivering results online–Selecting strategic approach
D) Selecting strategic approach– Delivering results online–Defining online opportunity

Answer: A

::Question 1 MKT308_U2_ThongNH::
Which component does not belong to organisation characteristic?
A) Size of company
B) Organisation type
C) Country and region
D) Partnership

Answer: D

::Question 2 MKT308_U2_ThongNH::
Which disintermediation of a consumer distribution channel is original?
A) Producer -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer
B) Producer -> Retailer -> Consumer
C) Producer -> Consumer
D) None of them is correct

Answer: A

::Question 3 MKT308_U2_ThongNH::
Which factor belong to the Porter’s five forces theory?
A) Bargaining powers of customers
B) Threat of subtitutes
C) Power of suppliers
D) All of them are correct

Answer: D

::Question 4 MKT308_U2_ThongNH::
Extent of rivalry between competitors relates to what kind of theory?
B) Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs
C) Porters Five Force
D) Marketing Mix

Answer: C

::Question 5 MKT308_U2_ChauVLD::
In digital markets, consumer behavior analysis involves research into the motivations, media
consumption preferences and selection processes used by consumers as they use digital
channels together with traditional channels to purchase online products and use other online
A) True
B) False

Answer: True

::Question 6 MKT308_U2_ChauVLD::
Marketing Intermediaries
A) Firms that can help a company to promote, sell and distribute its products or services.
For example, media sites, comparison sites, search engines, social networks, and blogs
B) A summary of today's multichannel consumer decision making for product purchase
where they search, review ratings, styles, prices comments on social media before visiting a
C) A structured analysis of the online services, capabilities and performances of an
organization within the areas of customer acquisition, conversion, retention and growth
D) Celebrities, individuals well known influencers in their niche, or publishers that an
online target audience listens to and interacts with. This can help companies reach and engage
a wider audience.

Answer: A

::Question 7 MKT308_U2_ChauVLD::
Online Marketplace
A) Groups of customers sharing similar characteristics, preferences and behaviors that are
meaningful in terms of various market propositions, and which are defined as part of target
marketing strategy and planning.
B) Exchanges of information and commercial transactions between consumers, businesses
and governments completed through different forms of online presence such as search engines,
social networks, comparison sites, and destination sites.
C) A summary of how a company will generate a profit identifying its core product or
service value proposition, target customers in different markets, position in the competitive
online marketplace or value chain and its projections for revenue and costs.
D) Interactions between different online systems related to a specific hardware or software
technology which may be independent or developed by a brand.

Answer: B

::Question 1 MKT308_U3_NguyenDC::
Ethical issues concerned with personal information ownership have:
A) Privacy-Accuracy-Property-Accessibility
B) Protection-Accuracy-Property-Accessibility
C) Privacy-Property-Accessibility
D) Privacy-Accuracy-Property

Answer: A

::Question 2 MKT308_U3_NguyenDC::
What factor is key micro-environment factors:
A) Political forces
B) Social forces
C) Cultural forces
D) All of the above

Answer: D

::Question 3 MKT308_U3_NguyenDC::
Types of information collected online and the related technologies::
A) Contract information; profile information including personal information; Access
platform usage; behavioural information on a single site; behavioural information across
multiple sites
B) Contract information; profile information including personal information; Access
platform usage; behavioural information on a single site
C) Profile information including personal information; Access platform usage; behavioural
information on a single site; behavioural information across multiple sites
D) Contract information; profile information including personal information; Access
platform usage; behavioural information across multiple sites

Answer: A

::Question 4 MKT308_U3_NguyenDC::
There are specific rules of The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR)::
A) Marketing calls, emails, texts and faxes
B) Cookies (and similar technologies)
C) Keeping communications services secure
D) Keeping customer privacy as regards traffic and location data, item missed billing, line
identification, and directory listings
E) All of the above

Answer: E

::Question 5 MKT308_Sb61544_HoangBH::
What factor is not key micro-environment factors:
A) Political forces
B) Social forces
C) Cultural forces
D) Economic factors

Answer: D

::Question 6 MKT308_Sb61544_HoangBH::
What is the INTRANET?
A) A network within a single company that enables access to company information using
the familiar tools of the internet such as email and web browsers.
B) Formed by extending the intranet beyond a company to customers, suppliers,
collaborators or even competitords. This is again password-protected to prevent access by
general internet users
C) is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol
suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide.
D) All of the above.

Answer: A

::Question 7 MKT308_Sb61544_HoangBH::
Demographic variables include:
A) Age profiles, birth rates, gender
B) Lifestage , gender, household structures
C) Age profiles, education levels, birth rates
D) All of the above

Answer: D

::Question 8 MKT308_Sb61544_HoangBH::
The main cookie types are:
A) Persistent cookies, session cookies, first-party cookies, third-party cookies
B) Persistent cookies, first-party cookies, second-party cookies, third-party cookies
C) Session cookies, persistent cookies
D) None of the other

Answer: A

::Question 1 MKT308_U4_BaoHG::
Internet marketing benefits include tangiable benefits and intangible benefits. In particular,
intangible benefits are from:
A) enhance brand
B) improved customer service
C) better management of marketing information and customer information
D) all of the above

Answer: D

::Question 2 MKT308_U4_BaoHG::
There are internal and external influences on digital marketing strategy. The example of internal
influence is:
A) market structure and demand
B) competitor strategies
C) marketing strategy
D) emerging opportunities and threats

Answer: C

::Question 3 MKT308_U4_BaoHG::
Following the hierarchy of organization plans including e-marketing plans, there are three steps
and what is the second step?
A) annual marketing plan
B) annual business plan
C) annual action plan
D) annual communications plan

Answer: A

::Question 4 MKT308_U4_BaoHG::
A generic digital channel-specific SWOT analysis showing typical opportunities and threats
presented by digital media such as SO strategies, ST strategies, WO strategies and WT
strategies. What do the WO strategies mean?
A) attacking strategy
B) build strengths for attacking strategy
C) build strengths for defensive strategy
D) defensive strategy

Answer: B

::Question 5 MKT308_U4_PhucDVA::
What is the first step of customer lifecycle segmentation?
A) newly registered visitor
B) first-time visitor
C) return visitor
D) registered visitor

Answer: B

::Question 6 MKT308_U4_PhucDVA::
Which is the first stage in stages in target marketing strategy development?
A) target marketing
B) planning
C) positioning
D) segmentation

Answer: D

::Question 7 MKT308_U4_PhucDVA::
What are the intangible benefits of internet marketing?
A) enhance brand
B) more rapid, more responsive marketing including PR
C) improved customer service
D) all of the above are intangible benefits

Answer: D

::Question 8 MKT308_U4_PhucDVA::
The SOSTAC planning framework stands for?
A) situation analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Action, Control
B) situation defining, Objectives, Strategy, Threat, Action, Control
C) strategy, Observe, Situation analysis, Threat, Action, Control
D) situation analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Active, Concentrate

Answer: A

::Question 9 MKT308_U4_DuyenVTT::
Which of the following is internal influences of Internet marketing strategy?
A) marketing strategy
B) competitor strategies
C) market structure and demand
D) emerging opportunities and threats

Answer: A

::Question 10 MKT308_U4_DuyenVTT::
Which of the following is external influences of Internet marketing strategy?
A) marketing strategy
B) corporate objectives and strategy
C) digital marketing strategy
D) emerging opportunities and threats

Answer: D

::Question 11 MKT308_U4_DuyenVTT::
Which of the following are tangible benefits of Internet marketing benefits?
A) increased sales from new sales leads giving rise to increased revenue
B) improved customer service
C) learning for the future
D) cost reductions
E) A and D are correct

Answer: E

::Question 12 MKT308_U4_DuyenVTT::
What is the final step in customer lifecycle segmentation?
A) first-time visitor
B) return visitor
C) purchased active
D) purchased active: e-responsive

Answer: D

::Question 1 MKT308_U5_ThyTNH::
Allen and Fjermestad suggest that niche suppliers can readily _____ a much wider market due
to search engine marketing.
A) reach
B) achieve
C) richness
D) affiliation

Answer: A
::Question 2 MKT308_U5_ThyTNH::
Some examples of promotion tools?
A) advertising and Sales promotion
B) personal selling
C) public relations and Direct marketing
D) all of the above

Answer: D

::Question 3 MKT308_U5_ThyTNH::
What is the second stage in managing inbound email?
A) customer defines
B) receipt and acknowledgement
C) response
D) follow-up

Answer: B

::Question 4 MKT308_U5_ThyTNH::
“The remaining parts of the Covisint network of motor manufacturers” is an example of?
A) seller-controlled
B) seller-orientated
C) buyer-orientated
D) buyer-controlled

Answer: C

::Question 5 MKT308_U5_BaoPG::
What is the 4cs?
A) cost, communications with company, customer needs and wants, customer
B) cost, communications with customers, customer needs and wants, customer
C) cost, communications with company, competitor, customer convenience
D) cost, communications with competitor, customer needs and wants, customer

Answer: A

::Question 6 MKT308_U5_BaoPN::
Which is one of variables are important for the ideal customer?
A) price and quantity
B) price and quality
C) design and quality
D) design and promotion

Answer: B

::Question 7 MKT308_U5_BaoPN::
Which of following is not one of the marketing mix elements?
A) product
B) promotion
C) price
D) procedure

Answer: D

::Question 8 MKT308_U5_BaoPN::
Which element of 4Ps does “customer need and wants” in 4Cs associate with?
A) Price
B) Promotion
C) Place
D) Product

Answer: D

::Question 9 MKT308_U5_HanNG::
According to Dayal et al. (2002), “ on the world wide web. The brand is the experience and the
experience is the brand”. The organisations should consider how their proposition can build on
these possible brand promises
A) the promise of convenience
B) the promise of achievement
C) the promise of fun and adventure
D) the promise of self-expression and recognition and the promise of belonging
E) all of above

Answer: E

::Question 10 MKT308_U5_HanNG::
Which of the following is NOT a differential pricing:
A) options
B) precision
C) adaptability
D) target

Answer: D

::Question 11 MKT308_U5_HanNG::
Which of the following is a piece of adaptability?
A) rapid changes (dynamic pricing)
B) different charges according to profiling
C) premium-pricing
D) based on breakeven

Answer: A

::Question 12 MKT308_U5_HanNG::
Competition-based pricing include:
A) market-oriented
B) premium-pricing
C) penetration pricing
D) all of above is competition-based pricing

Answer: D
::Question 1 MKT308_U6_LoanDK::
What are 3 components of multi-channel customer experience?
A) Rational evaluation, Promised experience, Pricing expectation
B) Rational evaluation, Emotional connection, Pricing expectation
C) Emotional connection, Promised experience, Pricing expectation
D) Rational evaluation, Emotional connection, Promised experience

Answer: D

::Question 2 MKT308_U6_LoanDK::
What are 3 components of multi-channel customer relevance?
A) E-communications targeting, Web targeting, Reach
B) E-communications targeting, Reach, Touch targeting
C) E-communications targeting, Web targeting, Touch targeting
D) E-communications targeting, Touch targeting, Reach

Answer: C

::Question 3 MKT308_U6_LoanDK::
Which component does not belong to 5Is?
A) Integrity
B) Intercommunication
C) Interaction
D) Identification

Answer: B

::Question 4 MKT308_U6_LoanDK::
What are 5 components of 5Is?
A) Identification, Individualization, Interaction, Integration, Integrity
B) Identification, Interconnection, Interaction, Integration, Integrity
C) Identification, Individualization, Interaction, Intercommunication, Integrity
D) Identification, Intercommunication, Interaction, Integration, Interconnection

Answer: A

::Question 5 MKT308_U6_MoHTT::
According to Forrester (2007), which of the following is NOT belong the engagement can be
measured both online and offline?
A) Involvement
B) Interaction
C) Interest
D) Intimacy
E) Influence

Answer: C

::Question 6 MKT308_U6_MoHTT::
What are three main types of customer data held in customer databases for CRM?
A) Personal and profile data, interactive data, communications data.
B) Personal and profile data, transaction data, communications data.
C) Personal data, transaction data, communications data.
D) Interaction data, transaction data, communications data.

Answer: B

::Question 7 MKT308_U6_MoHTT::
Which of the following is NOT belong the customer retention?
A) Understand individual needs
B) Relevant offers for continued usage of online services
C) Target the right segments.
D) Maximize service quality
E) Use the right channels

Answer: C

::Question 8 MKT308_U6_MoHTT::
Which of the following does NOT describe about Permission marketing?
A) Is a significant concept that underpins online CRM in management of the customer life
B) Customers agree to be involved in an organization's marketing activities, usually as a result
of an incentive.
C) Is about seeking the customer's permission before engaging them in a relationship and
providing something in exchange.
D) Marketing communications that disrupt customers' activities.

Answer: D

::Question 9 MKT308_U6_NgocBTA::
Social CRM is
A) a process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and
assessing alternative resolutions
B) a holistic approach to management customer experience and customer engagement
across digital and non-digital touchpoints including web, mobile and social digital platforms,
C) a description of modern multichannel buyer behavior as consumers use different media
to select suppliers, make purchases and gain customer support.
D) the process of managing customer-to-customer conversations to engage existing
customers, prospects and other stakeholders with a brand and so enhance customer-relationship

Answer: D

::Question 10 MKT308_U6_NgocBTA::
They are the benefits of using e-CRM to support customer engagement, excluding:
A) opportunities for gamification
B) targeting more cost-effectively
C) all of them are the benefits of using e-CRM
D) lower cost

Answer: C

::Question 11 MKT308_U6_GiangNNQ::
CRM stand for:
A) Customer Research Management
B) Customer Relationship Marketing
C) Customer Relationship Management
D) Consumer Returns Management

Answer: C

::Question 12 MKT308_U6_GiangNNQ::
What is the advantaged of customer engagement?
A) Increase online media fragmentation
B) Increase sense and respond communications
C) Increase customer loyalty
D) Increase customer satisfaction

Answer: A

::Question 1 MKT308_U7_NgocBTA::
What is increasingly being used by companies to improve the commercial contribution of online
presence to a business?

Answer: B

::Question 2 MKT308_U7_NgocBTA::
Customer journey is:
A) a holistic approach to management customer experience and customer engagement
across digital and non-digital touchpoints including web, mobile and social digital platforms,
in-store and by call-centres
B) a description of modern multichannel buyer behavior as consumers use different media
to select suppliers, make purchases and gain customer support.
C) a process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and
assessing alternative resolutions
D) an interpretation of trends in human behaviors which aims to increase effectiveness of
a product or service for the consumer, as well as increase sales for mutual benefit

Answer: B

::Question 3 MKT308_U7_MyPTT::
The benefits of CSS include:
A) Bandwidth
B) More efficient development
C) Reduces updating maintenance time
D) All of above

Answer: D

::Question 4 MKT308_U7_MyPTT::
What is CXM?
A) Customer Experience Management
B) Customer Efficiency Management
C) Customer Relationship Management
D) Customer Information Management

Answer: A

::Question 5 MKT308_U7_MyPTT::
Who should not be involved in a website project?
A) Stakeholder
B) Site sponsors
C) Site designer
D) Trial user

Answer: D

::Question 6 MKT308_U7_MyPTT::
What is the domain name of

Answer: B

::Question 7 MKT308_U7_HuyenPTT::
What is also known as ‘schematics’, a way of illustrating the layout of an individual web page?
A) wireframe
B) blueprint
C) card sorting
D) landing page

Answer: A

::Question 8 MKT308_U7_HuyenPTT::
Content management system (CMS) is software tool for creating, editing and updating
documents accessed by
A) intranet
B) extranet
C) internet
D) all of the above

Answer: D

::Question 9 MKT308_U7_HuyenPTT::
What is Soft launch?
A) A version of a site launched publicity.
B) A version of a site was denied after launching.
C) A trial version of a site launched with limited publicity.
D) A trial version was not launched publicity.
Answer: C

::Question 10 MKT308_U7_HuyenPTT::
What is RWD?
A) Responsive Web Development
B) Responsive Web Design
C) Relative Web Design
D) None of the above

Answer: B

::Question 11 MKT308_U7_GiangNNQ::
What is blueprints?
A) A graphical or text depiction of the relationship between different groups of content on a
B) Show the relationships between pages and other content and can be used to portray
organization, navigation and labelling systems.
C) Schematics – a way of illustrating the layout of an individual page or page template.
D) The combination of organization, labelling and navigation schemes constituting an
information system.

Answer: B

::Question 12 MKT308_U7_GiangNNQ::
What is site map?
A) A graphical or text depiction of the relationship between different groups of content on a
B) Show the relationships between pages and other content and can be used to portray
organization, navigation and labelling systems.
C) Schematics – a way of illustrating the layout of an individual page or page template.
D) The combination of organization, labelling and navigation schemes constituting an
information system.

Answer: A

::Question 1_MKT308_U8_KhiemLT::
What is Affordable method?
A) The communications budget is set after subtracting fixed and variable costs from
anticipated revenues.
B) The communications budget is set as a percentage of forecast sales revenues.
C) expenditure is based on estimates of competitor expenditure
D) a logical approach where budget is built up from all the tasksrequired to achieve the
objectives in the communication plan

Answer: A

::Question 2_MKT308_U8_ KhiemLT::

What is Competitive parity methods?
A) The communications budget is set after subtracting fixed and variable costs from
anticipated revenues.
B) The communications budget is set as a percentage of forecast sales revenues.
C) expenditure is based on estimates of competitor expenditure
D) a logical approach where budget is built up from all the tasksrequired to achieve the
objectives in the communication plan

Answer: B

::Question 3_MKT308_U8_ KhiemLT::

The digital assets include:
A) Display ad of affiliate marketing creative such as banners and skycrapers;
B) microsites, email templates;
C) Video, audio and other interactive media such as Flash animations, games or
screensavers which form a microsite
D) All the above are correct

Answer: D

::Question 4_MKT308_U8_ KhiemLT::

In the sequencing of communication, you have the option to:
A) Launch your campaigns online first
B) Launch your campaigns offline first
C) Launch your campaigns simultaneously online and offline
D) All the above are correct

Answer: A

::Question 5_MKT308_U8_ThanhTNM::
What kinds of targeting variable?
A) Relationship, psychographic or attitudinal segmentation, value, lifecycle stage
B) Relationship with company, demographic segmentation, psychographic or attitudinal
segmentation, value, lifecycle stage, behavior.
C) Psychographic segmentation, relationship with company, value, behavior.
D) Attitudinal segmentation, value, lifecycle stage, behavior, lifecycle stage.

Answer: B

::Question 6_MKT308_U8_ThanhTNM::
The four types of media shown on the matrix are:
A) Wasteful media, slow and steady meida, High-cost volume driver media, star
B) Slow media, high-cost volume driver media, star performers, mass media
C) Wasteful media, slow and steady media, low-cost volume driver media, star performers.
D) Slow media, wasteful media, low-cost volume driver media, star performers.

Answer: A

::Question 7_MKT308_U8_ThanhTNM::
AIDA mnemotic, which stands for:
A) Awareness / Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
B) Attend, Interest, Decide, Action
C) Awareness, Inside, Desire, Action
D) Attention, Interest, Decide, Action
Answer: A

::Question 8_MKT308_U8_ThanhTNM::
What is economic modelling?
A) An established approach to understanding the contribution of different media in
influencing consumers.
B) Ultimately generating sales and profit
C) An established approach to understanding the contribution of different media in
influencing consumers and ultimately generating sales and profit.
D) None of the above

Answer: C

::Question 9_MKT308_U8_HuyOG::
What is Step 6 of the measuring digital campaign?
A) Branding metrics
B) Lifetime value
C) Cost-per-acquisitions (CPA)
D) Return on investment (ROI)

Answer: B

::Question 10_MKT308_U8_HuyOG::
What are push media?
A) Print, TV and radio
B) Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
C) Online News sites
D) Mobile applications

Answer: A

::Question 11_MKT308_U8_HuyOG::
What is the order of the classic communications model of Schramm (1955)?
A) Feedback, Encoding, Noise, Decoding
B) Noise, Encoding, Feedback, Decoding
C) Encoding, Noise, Decoding Feedback
D) Decoding, Feedback, Encoding, Noise

Answer: C

::Question 12_MKT308_U8_HuyOG::
What is customer media consumption?
A) The usage of different offline and online media for different target demographic.
B) The proportion of different phrases and their importance can be used to inform
C) The activity of current advertising campaigns and previous seasonal campaigns.
D) Basic demographic and psychographic information about customers.

Answer: A

::Question 1_MKT308_U9_NhiHTT::
What is backlink:
A) Hyperlink which links to a particular wed page (or website).
B) Structuring and labelling links within a site’s navigation to improve the result of SEO.
C) A proactive approach to gain quality link from third-party sites.
D) The text used to form the blue underlined hyperlink viewed in a web brower defined in the
HYML source.

Answer: A

::Question 2_MKT308_U9_NhiHTT::
SERPS stands for
A) Search Execution Reaction Pages
B) Search Engine Reaction Pages
C) Search Execution Result Pages
D) Search Engine Results Pages

Answer: D

::Question 3_MKT308_U9_NhiHTT::
In email marketing sucecss factors, the CRITICAL consists of
A) Convert, Reach, Incentive, Targeting and Timing, Integration, Conversation, Advertising,
Landing page.
B) Creative, Relevance, Incentive, Targeting and Timing, Inventive, Compete, Attributes,
Landing page.
C) Creative, Relevance, Incentive, Targeting and Timing, Integration, Conversation, Attributes,
Landing page.
D) Convert, Reach, Incentive, Targeting and Timing, Integration, Conversation, Attributes,
Leading page.

Answer: C

::Question 4_MKT308_U9_NhiHTT::
For promoting an online presence, the strengths of Email Marketing are
A) Larger reach than most online techniques and sometimes more cost-effective. Greater
creativity possible, leading to greater impact.
B) Push medium - can't be ignored in user's inbox. Can be used for direct response link to
C) Relative low cost and good targeting. Can assist with SEO throouogh creation of backlinks.
D) Most effective if low-cost, long- term co-branding arrangement with synergistic site.

Answer: B

::Question 5_MKT308_U9_NghiaTT::
Which ones is NOT the advantages of affiliate marketing?
A) SERPS visibility
B) Reach different audiences
C) Direct response
D) Increase reach in SERPs

Answer: C

::Question 6_MKT308_U9_NghiaTT::
Which is the key to measure email marketing?
A) Delivery rate
B) Open rate
C) Click-through or click rate
D) All of the above

Answer: D

::Question 7_MKT308_U9_NghiaTT::
What is public relations?
A) The management of awareness, understanding and reputation of an organisation or brand,
primarily through influencing exposure in the media
B) Any type of person who publishes online who has a significant following.
C) Bloggers, media owners or individuals with a large following in social network
D) None of the above

Answer: A

::Question 8_MKT308_U9_NghiaTT::
How many disadvantages of email marketing are mentioned in Chapter 9: Marketing
communications using digital media channel “Digital Marketing, strategy, implementation and
A) 4
B) 5
C) 2
D) There are no such as disadvantages of email marketing

Answer: A

::Question 9_MKT308_U9_NamNBH
How many disadvantages of affiliate marketing?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 5
D) 1

Answer: C

::Question 10_MKT308_U9_NamNBH
Which is NOT advantages of affiliate marketing?
A) Responsiveness to marketplace changes
B) Reach different audiences
C) Generate awareness
D) Affiliate may eploit your brand name

Answer: D

::Question 11_MKT308_U9_NamNBH
Which is one of email marketing success factor?
A) Integration
B) Open Rate
C) Resource intensive
D) All of above

Answer: A

::Question 12_MKT308_U9_NamNBH
Which is advantage of online marketing?
A) Direct response
B) Media-Multiplier or halo effect
C) Enhancing brand awareness and reach
D) All of above

Answer: D

::Question 1 MKT308_U10_UyenTDP::
Which stage does not belong to creating and implementing a performance management system?
A) Creating a performance management system
B) Defining the performance metrics framework
C) Tools and techniques for collecting metrics and summarizing results
D) Evaluating organization’s performance

Answer: D

::Question 2 MKT308_U10_ UyenTDP::

Referrer is ______.
A) The site that a visitor previously visited before following a link.
B) Percentage of site visitors lost at each stage in making a purchase.
C) The profitability of the website, taking into account revenue and cost and discounted
cash flow.
D) An indication of how long a visitor stays on- site.

Answer: A

::Question 3 MKT308_U10_ UyenTDP::

Channel profitability is________.
A) The site that a visitor previously visited before following a link.
B) Percentage of site visitors lost at each stage in making a purchase.
C) The profitability of the website, taking into account revenue and cost and discounted
cash flow.
D) An indication of how long a visitor stays on- site.

Answer: C

::Question 4 MKT308_U10_ UyenTDP::

Attrition rate is________.
A) The site that a visitor previously visited before following a link.
B) Percentage of site visitors lost at each stage in making a purchase.
C) The profitability of the website, taking into account revenue and cost and discounted
cash flow.
D) An indication of how long a visitor stays on- site.

Answer: B
::Question 5 MKT308_U10_QuynhTNN::
A URL policy used to recommend entry pages for printed material - this is an example of:
A) AB testing
B) Control page
C) Design for analysis (DFA)
D) None of the above

Answer: C

::Question 6 MKT308_U10_QuynhTNN::
Which one of the followings is the facility of CMS:
A) Link management
B) Tracking ad monitoring
C) All are facilities of CMS
D) Versioning
E) Publication workflow

Answer: C

::Question 7 MKT308_U10_QuynhTNN::
Regarding to website standard, navigation applies to:
A) Content developers
B) Website designer/ webmaster usually achieves these through site templates
C) Individual content
D) Staff managing the server

Answer: B

::Question 8 MKT308_U10_QuynhTNN::
Malhotra (1999) noted that the advantage of the online ___________ is that they can be used
to reach segments that are difficult to access, such as doctors, lawyers and professional people.
A) Focus group
B) Mystery shoppers
C) Questionnaires and surveys

Answer: A

::Question 1 MKT308_U11_CuuNT::
When did George Davis spotted a gap in the fashion market and established the Next brand,
providing quality clothing targeting professional working women who were looking for fashion
to wear to work?
A) Early 1980s
B) Later 1980s
C) Mid 1990
D) Early 2000

Answer: A

::Question 2 MKT308_U11_CuuNT::
Which of the following is not one of loyalty variables?
A) Care
B) Community
C) Convenience
D) Context

Answer: D

::Question 3 MKT308_U11_CuuNT::
Dimensions of trust include:
A) Service provider expertise, customer relationship management, product performance,
firm reputations
B) Service provider expertise, product performance, firm reputations, satisfaction and
C) Service provider expertise, product performance, firm reputations, reliability and
D) Product provider expertise, product performance, firm reputations, reliability and

Answer: B

::Question 4 MKT308_U11_CuuNT::
Which of following is an example of an online brand, which facilitates comparison of products
and prices:

Answer: B

::Question 5 MKT308_U11_PhatNT::
Website feature product reviews from satisfied customers. Include a facility allowing and
encouraging exchange opinions among shopper belong to which loyalty variable?
A) Care
B) Choice
C) Community
D) Cultivation

Answer: C

::Question 6 MKT308_U11_PhatNT::
Research shown that in Europe children and teenagers can have a strong influence on
purchasing based on their levels of computing competency is the online marketing impact of
which profile variable?
A) Education
B) Age
C) Household size
D) Household type

Answer: C

::Question 7 MKT308_U11_PhatNT::
Which profile variable affect purchasing power and also influences whether individual have
access to the internet?
A) Education
B) Mobility
C) Employment status
D) Income

Answer: D

::Question 1 MKT308_U12_ThienNPP::
Which are main types of B2B organizational marketing and trading environments?
A) Industrial
B) Reseller markets
C) Government markets
D) All are correct

Answer: D

::Question 2 MKT308_U12_ThienNPP::
Which one below is stage 3 of lead-generation and conversion optimization for B2B marketing?
A) In bound marketing focusing on search, online PR and display advertising used to attract
websites visits
B) Engagement devices such as video, white papers or other forms of market education
material is used to encourage the visitor to interact with site and share infor-mation via social
C) Offering access to permission-based content valuable to the visitor is used to generate
leads via encouraging the visitor to register on the site, supplying an email address and profile
D) none of these

Answer: C

::Question 3 MKT308_U12_ThienNPP::
What is improving compliance, achieving centralization, raising standards, optimis-ing
sourcing strategy and improved auditing of data?
A) Control
B) Cost
C) Process
D) Individual performance

Answer: A

::Question 4 MKT308_U12_AnhDTH::
Following Model of strategic value creation (Nicholls and Watson, 2005), which factor does
NOT belong to E-value chain elements:
A) firm structure
B) brand image
C) marketing and sales
D) logistics and fulfilment

Answer: B
::Question 5 MKT308_U12_AnhDTH::
From a strategic planning perspective, Teo and Pian (2003) found that the level of Internet
adoption has ___________ with an organization’s capacity to develop competitive advantage:
A) no relationship
B) a negative relationship
C) none are correct
D) a significant positive relationship

Answer: D

::Question 6 MKT308_U12_AnhDTH::
“Efficiencies can result from using information to facilitate decision making and reduce
information processing costs”, which distinct area that is mentioned based on Kalaignanam et
al. (2008):
A) all are correct
B) quality costs
C) decision information costs
D) factor costs

Answer: C

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