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Hangul Day of Korea Radio Script

Nicole Hello ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to Korea lovely cultures. I am
Nicole, your programme presenter. Guess who’s with us today? Tae Song! The
Korean Idol! Let’s welcome him!
Tae- Hello listeners of Korea lovely cultures. This is Tae Song.
Nicole You know what Tae Song. I always want you to come to my programme and
share some facts about Korea with me. Opps, me and our listeners haha.
Tae- Haha. I am so happy to know that you like to know more about Korean cultures.
song Today, I am going to tell everyone a very precious festival for us Korean
people! It’s called “Hangul Day”.
Nicole Hangul Day? What is that?
Tae- Hangul is the set of Korean letters. Just like English, we have our own letters.
song Let me ask you a question Nicole. Do you know what we used to write before
Hangul was created?
Nicole I am waiting for the answer~
Tae- We used to write Chinese words! China and Korea are very close. We used to
song use Chinese words when we were writing, but of course, we spoke Korean!
Nicole There should be a lot of differences! Chinese and Korean? Ha? How did Korean
people use both at the same time?
Tae- You are right Nicole. It was very difficult for us to learn so many Chinese
song words! Especially for those people who did not have much education! In order
to do help common people learn words, the King Sejong created Hangul! Since
then, people in Korea have our own written language! To celebrate this
important day, we Korean people celebrate on 9th October.
Nicole Do people in North Korea also celebrate this?
Tae- Yes! But they celebrate on 15th January.
Nicole What do people do to celebrate? Write Korean words at home all day long?
Tae- Haha. Some people do! But most people living in Seoul go to admire the 6.2-
song metre high, 20-ton bronze statue of King Sejong at Gwanghwamun Plaza.
Nicole Wow. Such a big thing! That was built to celebrate the day?
Tae- Yes. It was built in 2009 in celebration of the 563rd Hangul Day.
Nicole Aha! Is this day celebrated only in Korea?
Tae- No! Not only Korean people celebrate the Hangul Day. People from all over
song the world also celebrate it. Many websites from different countries change their
logo from English to Korean. Even the Google website changes its logo to
Hangul on Hangul Day.
Nicole OK. Oh. I want to talk long but we are running out of time! Tae Song, can you
tell us when the Hangul Day is again?
Tae- Sure. It’s on 9th October in South Korea and 15th January in North Korea.
Nicole I hope everybody mark this on your calendar haha. Alright! It’s time to go.
Thank you so much Tae Song for coming today. Ladies and Gentlemen, I will
see you next week on lovely Korean cultures. Goodbye!
Tae- Goodbye!

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