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Aizaz memon-14010

Pakistan history report

Instructor: Moiz Khan
Topic: Muslim-Hindu riots of 1990s
City campus Friday double slot
It all started when congress swept the elections and over throwing the charismatic
Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao. This was back in 1989. After the results of elections the internal
factional war for chief minister ship was started. Assumption was that a young Cristian MP who
was named YS Rajasekhar Reddy will be the winning figure. He was the natural favorite for the
winning position. He was also state congress chief of Andhra which made him the favorite for the
Now to go in details we find that YS Rajasekhar Reddy’s family was the family controlling the
Andhra faction due to their old political contacts and power over the course of time. They were
controlling this region because of violence. Basically this region is home to many violent factional
leaders and above all is YSR’s family. They are the controlling figure of the Rayalseema region in
Andhra. This is the region where the trade of illegal weapons is common, possession of weapons
at any time is un-prohibited, and common weapons like Daggers, pistols, rifles are kept at home
without any fear of raid. Weapons of all kinds are omnipresent in the houses of even the most
common people. Now in these areas, there are young soldiers who swear their allegiance to a
factional leader who then uses them as child soldiers to fight in war. All of the wars are fought
like this by the youngsters who don’t even know or understand the reason for the war. They are
just fighting on behalf of the factional leaders because these factional leaders pay their bills and
pay them some money as a salary in exchange of their services. This recruitment of young soldiers
is not stopped through time because it is also done by the politicians of this region. While talking
about YSR’s family it is only a matter of time that their true identity comes in front of our eyes.
YSR’s family and particularly his father have been notorious figures. His father was a factional
leader who are also called warlords who kill people under the shadow of revenge or to send a
message or to scare people. His father had a notorious history of rape and murder and YSR’s
family of gunda(s) has always maintained an ambiance of fear and hostility among the people
living in their region of cuddapah.
Always winning power and elections with the help of background and history and contacts,
having power or exploiting power had become a habit of YSR’s family. They had started to think
that power was their right and people were theirs to exploit. But when in 1989, despite the strong
lobbying by congress for chief minister ship YSR lost against the old war horse named M. Chenna
Reddy. Under these circumstances the people in power lose their minds and they can’t bear the
loss of power because they are very habitual of it. Now when someone else won the power the
faction in power formerly was left fuming. YSR and his ministries were enraged by this result and
were now trying to seek solutions to this problem. Because they hadn’t won the elections which
would in time end in incomplete spoils of power and not so lucrative position in the politics of
that region. They wanted to remove MCR from this post and in their plan they were assisted by
Hyderabad and MIM.
Hyderabad has a history full of Hindu Muslim rivalry over all kinds of disputes. Disputes can occur
over land rights or anything but the most commonly occurring reason is religion. Since 1984,
there has been a lot of violence among Muslims and Hindus which reached an extreme phase
when in 1990 the religion controversy was used to cover a political rivalry. Religion controversy
says that the Babri masjid has been built on Hindu sacred land after the invasion of Muslims and
demolition of temple. And finally in 1990 when Hindus invaded Babri masjid and demolished it
and police open fired to stop the massacre but it caused the death of many people which gave
rise to the Hindu Muslim tensions which are still intact till date.
Babri masjid is a mosque in ayodhya region built after the time when Mughal emperor Babar had
conquered subcontinent. This mosque was constructed by Mir Baqi. According to Hindu
concepts, this mosque is built on Hindu sacred land I-e the birth place of Hindu god named Rama
or Rama janmabhoomi. For the construction of this mosque, the temple of Rama janmabhoomi
was destroyed by the Mughals which enraged Hindus and gave rise to tensions in that region
which are still present between the people in the contemporary times. Follows the chronological
order of events happened since the establishment of Babri mosque. 1528 Babar’s commander,
Mir Baqi, builds the mosque. 1859 British administrator erects fence to separate the places of
worship, with the inner court to be used by Muslims and outer court by Hindus. 1885 The Janam
Asthan suit of Mahant Raghubardas, seeking permission to build a temple over a chabutra,
denied and dismissed. 1934 Communal riot triggered by news of cow slaughter in Shah Jahanpur
damages mosque, but it is subsequently repaired. 1944 Commissioner of waqfs, a region in
Hyderabad declares the land to be Sunnis’ property as Babar was a Sunni. 1949 Ram idol appears
inside the mosque, Muslims complain and file suit. Hindus file counter-suit, leading the
government to declare it disputed and lock its gate. 1950-59 Hindu priests file a number of suits
in the next nine years demanding the right to perform puja and place idols inside the structure,
and the Nirmohi Akhara files a suit demanding actual control of the site in 1959. 1984 Hindu
outfits form a committee to “liberate” the birth-place of Lord Ram and build a temple in his
honor. 1986 The gates of the disputed mosque opened to allow Hindus to worship there
following a court order. Babri Masjid Action Committee set up by protestors. 1989 VHP steps up
campaign, laying the foundations of a Ram temple on land adjacent to the disputed mosque.
1989 V.P. Singh government sworn in with the outside support of BJP and CPI (M). Soon after,
V.P. expresses desire to implement the Mandal Commission report on. 1992 Kar sevaks demolish
the mosque, CM Kalyan Singh resigns as Advani, Uma Bharati and M.M. Joshi charge sheeted.

Hyderabad is a state example of secularism. If you go to Hyderabad you can see the secularism
with your bare eyes. Hindus and Muslims are so enemies of each other and there is always a state
of hostility among the people of stated religions. The state of Hyderabad is ruled by a Muslim
political party. This political party is named as MIM, Muslim ittahadul muslimeen. This party has
been leaded by owaisi family. MIM works for the rights of Muslims in Hyderabad but there is a
problem. The problem is that this party has an extremist frame of mind. They are extremist
religious people who go to the extreme extent when there is a religious reason or breach. It can
also be declared as a terrorist organization working for the rights of Muslims. This party was
formed by the razakars which were the nobles of the nizam of Hyderabad after the military action
lead by sardar patel. MIM has been in news for kidnapping Hindu girls and beating Hindu doctors.
Aizaz memon-14010
MIM traces itself back to the courts of nizam. This party has a virtual army of thousands of ready
to die for religion soldiers. This region is so full of extremist Muslims that it can also be called as
a mini Pakistan where Hindus live as a second nation who constantly fear their safety and lives.
This party is elected by Muslims for Muslims. Muslims of this region elect this party out of
religious loyalty and willingly elect terrorists. This state of Hyderabad is a dhimmi state where
Hindus live as a secondary citizen who are constantly deprived of every right and personal dignity.
MIM has always been an extremist party who’s followers don’t even hesitate to kill anyone when
there is even the slightest perceived misunderstanding about the perception of others. They just
punish the person they think has committed a sin or has spoken ill about Islam. There have been
many murders and casualties because of these misunderstanding of perceptions. MIM has killed
many Hindus since the independence. But this report concentrates on MIM’s role in the
Hyderabad riot of 1990 because YSR was directly involved in these riots.
There can be many reasons for the riots of Hyderabad in 1990. There can be religious reasons
and also political reasons but it is strongly acknowledged that it all started when there were
goondas imported from the rayalseema region in the end of 1990. With this army of goondas,
YSR bussed in to this faction. With an army of hundreds of murderers, YSR created communal
tensions in this faction. Congress goondas were so dedicated in worsening this situation in the
days of December. These conditions were sparked by these goondas. These conditions were
created by YSR to create such a situation of law and order that will cause M. Chenna reddy to
resign from his post as the chief minister of this faction which had belonged to YSR’s family. In
time YSR succeeded but it was through many different phases.
Now this invasion of Hindu murderers and goondas was just the thing needed to spark the MIM
extremism. MIM and its Islamic army of devoted soldiers were enraged at Hindus for this act.
And MIM started slaughtering Hindus after these conditions reached their pinnacle. For the next
few weeks Muslims of MIM slaughtered hundreds and hundreds of poor Hindus in the city
Hyderabad. Many of the victims of MIM were laborers and destitute Hindus without protection.
Muslims invaded Hindu homes in this period and raped their women in front their men and killing
them afterwards and killing even the children and elderly without showing the slightest mercy.
For quite a few weeks, the city was a chaos. There were cries of Allah o akbar and Hindus were
fearing for their lives all the time. Now this condition would have spread to many different parts
this region and city if the local Hindu organization wouldn’t have made some important efforts
to frustrate this army of murdering soldiers.
In this condition of mayhem when the city is burning and hundreds of people are losing their lives
or at the brink of losing them, there was an internal fight or say war going on within the congress.
Now this feud was in open air and law and order situation was all out of control. And it was at
this time when the leadership of MCR was accused by YSR’s faction and asked by them to resign.
When law and order situation got beyond saving, Raajiv Gandhi succumbed to MCR and asked
him to resign from his current position. This was a success for YSR’s faction, the resignation of
MCR retired but had the last laugh as he retired setting a condition that the power will be
transferred to a neutral Christian candidate named janardhan reddy. No matter what conditions,
YSR got success in what he and his faction. Getting MCR retired was the opening of a path YSR
and his faction and it was the reason for happiness and relief for them.
This story is common in the streets of Hyderabad to this day and has been around since the event
happened. For unknown reasons, this story has been swept under the carpets of history. This
story should be brought to light because this shows the real face of factional war of different
regions of India and is plays a huge role in understanding the thirst for power among the different
factional lords. This event can be termed as a calculation by the factional warlord YSR to gain
power. Understanding the gravity of this event is of high importance because YSR is the chief
minister of Andhra in contemporary times and MIM plays the role of voting ally for congress.


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