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During INTRA, the trainee has been given several tasks or jobs to fulfill the

internship. Those tasks were depending on supervisor to attach the trainee for which

department. The trainee has been attached to several tasks which are the problem

solving of lowering the bacteria, production job, sales marketing and handle the

Halal Mart.

3.1 Lowering the bacteria

This is one of the task that given to the trainee. The company has an obstacle

to export their product to China because of the higher amount of bacteria (10^4).

The mission is to low the amount of bacteria until 10^3. So, there were many steps

used to low the amount of bacteria in corn snacks. In this case, two steps were used,

which are by using sterilizer and sanitizer and the other one is the observation of

maximum temperature of substances.

3.1.1 Sterilizer and Hand Sanitizer

All the utensils and machines that have contact with food must be sterilized

by using the sterilizer before use. Then, after washing the hands, the food handler

must use the hand sanitizer before handling the food. Prepare the sample for lab

testing by using the steps, but the result of total plate count of bacteria still in a range

of 10^4.

3.1.2 Observation of Maximum Temperature of Substances

In this task, the trainee will do some experiment, which is baking the base

until the maximum temperature before it burnt which is prioritize the quality of base

while lowering the bacteria. The highest temperature of baking the base before it

burnt will be prepared for lab testing. The preparation of sample was used the same

first step which are by using sterilizer and hand sanitizer. Then, the base will be

baked in the tray which are divided by thin and thick layer by using the oven.

15 Result & Analysis

1. Thin Layer

Temperature of oven (°C) Temperature of base(°C) Result (Color)

110 121 White

120 136 Dark Brownish

130 115 White

Table 3.1: Thin layer of base in tray

Based on table 3.1,the thin layer of base at 130°C was already burnt. The

color was turned dark brownish. So, the base at 120°C will be sent for lab testing.

The thin layer of base in the tray, did not have to stir because the heat can penetrate

through the base. So the first and last temperature were taken.

2. Thick layer

Temperature Temperature of base (°C) Temperature of base (°C) Result( Color)

of oven(°C) (Surface) (stir)

5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

min min min min min min min min

150 125 123 124 134 88 100 103 110 White

160 139 138 144 148 94 103 108 117 White

170 123 143 153 149 90 99 107 109 White

180 141 151 153 163 90 105 116 122 White

190 167 166 168 179 108 121 133 138 Dark brownish

Table 3.2: Thick layer of base in tray

Based on table 3.2, the thick layer of base at 190°C was already burnt. The

color was turned dark brownish. So, the base at 180°C will be sent for lab testing.

The thick layer of base in the tray, must be stirred because the heat cannot penetrate

through the base because the layer was too thick. So, it must be stirred every 5

minutes and the temperature of base will be taken after stirring.

15 Conclusion

The result from the lab testing for total plate count of bacteria was still in a

range of 10^4. So, the company try to find another steps.

3.2 Production job

This is the task that exposed to the trainee about the production of Witties

and multipurpose seasoning, Ezichef. From processing of corn snacks, processing of

flavor, flavoring, and packaging. First is processing the corn snacks. The ingredients

were mixing by using the mixer, then , put them in the extruder to produce the

square shape . After that, the corn snacks were bake by using the big oven. Then,

some staffs will process the flavor. First, produce the base which will mix them with

all the flavors. Mix the ingredients of flavor by refer the recipe and mix them by

using the mixer. Then bake the flavor by using an oven. After that, the process of

flavoring, is coating the corn snacks with the flavors by using the mixer. The

flavored corn snacks will be packing by using the packaging machine. Lastly, pack

the finished good in bundle or carton for distributing.

3.3 Sales Marketing

The trainee also exposed to the sales marketing. Even though this is not the

course in UniKL MICET, but the trainee would get another experience. First, van

sales. Round area Sungai Petani, Kedah and find the Halal and 100% bumiputera

shop to promote and sell the product. Second is attending the exhibition such as

Kedah Halal Fest and Halal Toyyiban Event to make a promotional. The purpose is

to expose the uniqueness of the product to the citizen and to get the profit from the

sales of the product.

Figure 3.1: Kedah Halal Fest Event

3.4 Halal Mart

Halal Mart is the grocery shop in the factory usually visits by the visitors that

coming to the factory. Lately, there were many visits from school. This is one of the

trainee’s task which is handle the stocks in Halal Mart. Order the finished stock

from other Muslim’s company and deal with the seller. Count the stocks in and out

and price tagging. To handle the Halal Mart, the strategy to sell the product such as

eye level product to catch the customer’s attention also learned by the trainee.

Figure 3.2: Halal Mart of Haliza Industries Sdn Bhd

3.5 Office job

Office jobs have many field such as administration, financial, and marketing.

The trainee was assisted the jobs in the office, such as Photostat the submission of

GST, print the document, prepare some documents for using, and update the

database of visitors. The trainee also did some marketing job which is key-in the

database of sales invoice at Selangor area. As the trainee, the real working

environment in the office can be learned.


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