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Ward From: a Sent: 2018 15:25 To: i... Coleman Subject: As discussed. ‘Attachments: Doc 1.docx Trac As discussed. Regards NOTICE: This email is intended for the named recipient only. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, notify the sender immediately and destroy this email. You ‘must not copy, distribute or take action in reliance upon it. Whilst all efforts are made to safeguard emails, the Savills Group cannot guarantee that attachments are virus free or compatible with your systems and does not accept liability in respect of viruses or computer problems experienced. The Savills Group reserves the right to monitor all email communications through its intemal and extemal networks. Savills ple. Registered in England No 2122174, Registered office: 33 Margaret Street, London, W1G ou. Savills ple is a holding company, subsidiaries of which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Savills (UK) Limited. A subsidiary of Savills ple. Registered in England No 2605138. Registered office: 33 Margaret Street, London, W1G OJD. Savills Commercial Limited. A subsidiary of Savills ple. Registered in England No 2605125. Registered office: 33 Margaret Street, London, W1G OID. Please note any advice contained or attached in this email is informal and given purely as guidance unless otherwise explicitly stated. Our views on price are not intended as a formal valuation and should not be relied upon as such. They are given in the course of our estate agency role. No liability is given to any third party and the figures suggested are in accordance with Professional Standards PS1 and PS2 of the RICS. Valuation — Global Standards 2017 incorporating the IVSC International Valuation Standards issued June 2017 and effective from 1 July 2017. Any advice attached is not a formal ("Red Book") valuation, and neither Savills nor the author can accept any responsibility to any third party who may seek to rely upon it, as a whole or any part as such. If formal advice is required this will be explicitly stated along with our understanding of limitations and purpose. BEWARE OF CYBER-CRIME: Our banking details will not change during the course of a transaction, Should you receive a notification which advises a change in our bank account details, it may be fraudulent and you should notify Savills who will advise you accordingly. ‘Click here to report this email as spam. ubmission of Gardé Bid ‘The Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has published a new Prospectus for their Garden Communities Programmes requesting submissions of locally led garden’ villages. This follows on the 23 chosen developments which will deliver over 200,000 homes. The prospectus calls for submissions from ambitious Councils who see garden communities as central to their plans for housing growth and to support partnerships between central government, local government and the private sector in order to deliver development, “The prospectus invites bid for “ambitious, locally supported, proposals for new garden communities at scale", Successful bids will gain assistance from MCLG to “design and deliver the vision for these places” and previously successful bids have received capacity funding, ‘The prospectus outlines a number of criteria which a bid must meet: + Scale — Garden Villages (1,600-10,000 homes) which have strong benefits such as utilising brownfield land, demonstrating exceptional quality or being in an areas of high housing demand: ‘* Strategic Fit — offer the opportunities for significant long term housing and economic growth and meets the housing need for future population growth. The development should fit with Wider strategies to support economic growth and increased productivity, and delivery a variety of new jobs and Infrastructure; = Locally-Led — strong local leadership in delivering a long term vision for the new community ~ all proposals shouid have the backing of the local planning authority / county council and ‘where possible the LEP. Continued long term engagement with the community is also key. © Garden Community Qualities: Clear identity Sustainable scale ‘Wel-designed places Great homes Strong local vision and engagement Transport Healthy Places Green Space Legacy and Stewardship Arrangements Future Proofed © Deliverability and Viability - must demonstrate that proposals are deliverable with an integrated approach to infrastructure, housing, business investment, employment and development. This should include: ‘© Delivery Models and Timescales © Infrastructure Requirements ‘0 Opportunities to Capture Land Value 9 Access to finance and private sector investment © Delivery Timescales and Accelerated Delivery - priority for proposals that offer strong prospect of early delivery and significant acceleration of housing delivery; eoco0000ce The Prospectus outlines the Government support available to Local Authorities and their partners for successful bids including: Resource Funding and Capacity Funding Delivery Advice and Support from Homes England Delivery Vehicles. Cross Government Brokerage Peer Learning and Networking Opportunities ‘Securing a successful bid therefore has a number of positive implications for a Local Authority. It is therefore recommended that [XXXX] should be submitted to MHCLG as a potential development to be included within the programme.

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