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Fronde Marking Schedule

Executive summary (less than 1 page, be concise. Not included in word count). (10 marks)

Briefly outline key issues and/or opportunities of the case and provide a brief updates on the
company since (you may put more detail into an appendix, see Concisely cover
the key points from your analyses that support your recommended strategy. Concisely outline
specifics of this strategy, including implications for growth and key implementation issues faced.

Question 1. Partnerships (10 marks)

Discussion should focus on advantages and disadvantages for Fronde of having global partners to
serve regional markets. This may include the current and future resources, capabilities and
connections of partners. It should also recognise constraints and liabilities associated with
partnerships. Students should draw on ideas, concepts and theory in chapter 10, and may support
discussion with a suitable analysis (eg. VRIO) (chapter 5).

Question 2. Competitor/Industry analysis (15 marks)

Prepare a competitor/industry analysis for Fronde for the New Zealand IT market. This should be
undertaken using current as well as case material (i.e. do your own independent research online).
The full analysis should be included as an appendix, with key points discussed in the report. See
chapter 5 for examples.

Question 3. P.E.S.T. Analysis (15 marks)

Conduct a P.E.S.T. analysis for Fronde focussing on the Australian Cloud/IT market. This should be
undertaken using current as well as case material (i.e. do your own independent research online).
The full analysis should be included as an appendix, with key points discussed in the report. See
chapter 5.

Question 4. Growth strategy (40 marks)

Adopting the position of new CEO of Fronde Systems Group make recommendations to accelerate
growth in the next five years.

Use case material and material from your own analyses in Questions 1-3 above, plus any other
analyses you feel are appropriate (eg. SWOT, market analysis, etc). to justify and position a strategy
for Fronde’s growth. The recommended strategy should be supported and justified using relevant
findings from these analyses (give detailed analyses in appendices, present only the key findings in
report). Your discussion should clearly identify emerging opportunities and risks (present day).

Your recommended strategy can focus on regional markets, but can also look further afield. The
strategy should be clearly articulated with as many specifics given as possible (ie. what, where, with
whom etc.). Higher marks will be given for innovative and well thought out strategies that give
specific details of what the strategy will involve and that present real options for rapid growth

Implementation issues should be outlined as part of this strategy and a timeline for key tasks and
expected outcomes presented.

Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 9 of your textbook will be useful resources to answer this question.

References, presentation (not included in word count) (10 marks)

- Additional material used in analyses
- Sources of material acknowledged through citation in the text of report and in appendices
- Reference list (includes all references cited)
- Correct and consistent referencing style
- Correct spelling and grammar, proofread
- Arguments and structure of the report clear
- Flow of ideas through report

Appendices (not included in word count) (included in marks above)

- Appendices should include a detailed update on the company, and appropriate, accurate,
comprehensive analyses, preferably presented in tables that enable greater detail and scope
to be provided.
Note: the focus in the report should be key findings from analyses relevant to Fronde’s strategy.
Material used in analyses can be taken from the case and current (ie. present day). All questions
(above) should be answered adequately in the report without having to read through the
appendices for clarification.

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