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Assignment No # 01



Assistant Professor
Dep of IT(BCS)
Hazara University, Mansehra

Roll NO 40301

Subject Machine Learning

Comparison between Decision tree vs Neural network vs Bayesian tree
Decision Tree
Definition :

A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like model of decisions and their
possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility. It is one
way to display an algorithm that only contains conditional control statements.


The Decision tree is again a network, which is more like a flow chart, which is closer to the
Bayesian network than the neural net. Each node has more intelligence than the neural net
and the branching can be decided by mathematical or probabilistic evaluations. The
decisions are straightforward evaluations based on frequency distributions of likely events,
where the decision is probabilistic. However, in Bayesian networks, the decision is based on
the distribution of 'evidence' that points to an event having occurred, rather than the direct
observation of the event itself.

Bayesian Network

Definition :

A Bayesian network, Bayes network, beliefnetwork, decision network, Bayes(ian) model or

probabilistic directed acyclic graphical model is a probabilistic graphical model (a type of
statistical model) that represents a set of variables and their conditional dependencies via a
directed acyclic graph (DAG).


The Bayesian Network is a directed acyclic graph, which more like the flowchart, only that
the flow chart can have cyclic loops. The Bayesian network unlike the flow chart can have
multiple start points. It basically traces the propagation of events across multiple ambiguous
points, where the event diverges probabilistically between pathways. Obviously, at any
given point in the network, the probability of that node being visited is dependent on the joint
probability of the preceding nodes. The Bayesian network is different from the Neural
Network in that it is explicit reasoning, even though probabilistic and hence could have
multiple stable states based on each step being revisited and modified within legal values,
just like an algorithm. It is a robust way to reason probabilistically, but it involves encoding
of probabilities, conjecturing the points where randomized actions can happen and hence
need more heuristic effort to build.


Two events can cause grass to be wet: an active sprinkler or rain. Rain has a direct effect on the use
of the sprinkler (namely that when it rains, the sprinkler usually is not active). This situation can be
modeled with a Bayesian network (shown to the right). Each variable has two possible values, T (for
true) and F (for false).
The joint probability function is:

where G = Grass wet (true/false), S = Sprinkler turned on (true/false), and R = Raining (true/false).
Neural Network


Artificial neural networks (ANN) or connectionist systems are computing systems vaguely
inspired by the biological neural networks that constitute animal brains. The neural network itself is
not an algorithm, but rather a framework for many different machine learning algorithms to work
together and process complex data inputs.[3] Such systems "learn" to perform tasks by considering
examples, generally without being programmed with any task-specific rules.


The Neural network is a black box, where it is believed (never could be verified from
outside the system) that connections among simpleton nodes are formed and emphasised
by repeated external reinforcements. It approaches the problem in
a Connectionsitic paradigm. The problem is likely solved, but there is little by way of
explainability. The neural net now widely used because of its ability to produce quick
results, if the problem with explainability is overlooked.

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