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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Subject History and Social Science

Grade Level 2nd grade

Learning Objective 2.3 The student will compare the lives and
Content Knowledge

contributions of three American Indian

cultures of the past and present, with
emphasis on
a) the Powhatan of the Eastern
b) the Lakota of the Plains; and
c) the Pueblo peoples of the Southwest.
Complete this sentence:

In this activity, my students are going to use Storyboard to create a story about the lives of
Pedagogy Planning

the Powhatan, Lakota, and Pueblo.

1. The students will get out their laptops from
the carts and log on.
2. I will brief review some main points about the
three Native American tribes, the Powhatan,
Lakota, and Pueblo, with the students.
3. After doing so, I will explain the expectations
of the assignment. The students will be
making a three-page storyboard of one of the
three following Native American tribes:
Powhatan, Lakota, and Pueblo.
4. Then, I will pass out the detailed instructions I
typed up on how to use the Web 2.0 tool.
5. The students will then log on the website and
begin creating their story based on the
6. I will be walking around to assist them with
any questions they may have.

Technology Storyboard
Directions for Use 1. Click on Google Chrome
2. Type in
3. Click the orange logon button in the top right
4. In the username section type “mcrai002” and
in the password section type “Bella1001”
5. Click the green log in button
6. You should see three blue buttons at the top
of the screen. Click the one on the right called
“Create a Storyboard”
7. Here you will create your story
8. Start by choosing a scene for your first page.
At the top of the screen, select the “scene”
9. Directly under that tab, you can choose
different themes (town, athletics, work, etc.)
For this assignment you may ONLY use the
tabs labeled “Historical,” “US History,”
“Country & Rustic,” and “Outdoor.”
10. When you decide what scene you want to use,
click the picture and drag it over the first page
and release.
11. STOP AND SAVE. At the bottom of the page, in
the middle you should see a blue button that
says “save.” Click it.
12. It will display a message that has three
buttons. Choose the top, blue button that
says, “Save & Continue.” This will save it but
allows you to keep working.
13. Next choose characters you want to use in
your scene. Click the “Characters” tab to the
right of the “Scene” tab at the top of the page.
14. To find Native Americans, select the “1600s to
1800s” tab and use the grey scroll bar under
the people to scroll all the way to the right.
15. To put the Characters on your page, click and
drag the character to the page and release.
Once they are on the page you can click drag
them anywhere on the page you would like.
16. To unselect a character, click the blank, grey
area outside of your story.
17. Next, you need to add dialogue to your story.
To do this, select the “Textables” tab to the
right of the “Characters” tab. To add the text
bubble to your page, click and drag it onto the
page and release. Once the text bubble is on
your page, you may click and drag it anywhere
you would like it.
18. When you release your mouse three pop ups
will appear, the bottom pop up is where you
will type your text. Click in the blank, white
space under the tool box.
19. Type what you want your character to say.
Click anywhere in the blank, grey area to
unselect the text bubble.
20. Repeat for each page you add to your story.
21. You may only use the tabs I have mentioned,
which are “Scene,” “Characters,” and
22. If you are done working, click the “Save”
button at the bottom of the page, near the
middle. This time select the middle button
“Save & Exit.”
23. If you need to go back in and change
something, log back on, then click on the blue
button labeled “edit” under the first page of
your story.
Link to the example product
Password: Bella1001

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