Tpack Template Mobile Lesson

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TLED 430

TPACK Template Mobile Applications Assignment

Mobile Application for Creating Mobile Application for Collaborating

Subject Reading

Grade Level Third Grade Third Grade

Learning Objective 3.5 The student will read and demonstrate 3.4 The student will expand vocabulary when
comprehension of fictional texts, literary reading.
nonfiction, and poetry. b) Use knowledge of roots, affixes,
c) Make, confirm, and revise predictions. synonyms, and antonyms to determine
d) Compare and contrast settings, the meaning of new words.
characters, and plot events.
e) Summarize plot events.
f) Identify the narrator of a story.
g) Ask and answer questions about what is
h) Draw conclusions using the text for
i) Identify the conflict and resolution.
j) Identify the theme.

l) Differentiate between fiction and

TLED 430

Complete the My students are using the Glogster mobile My students are using the MindMeister mobile
sentences to the right. application on their cell phone or tablet to create a application on their individual cell phones or
poster about a book. tablets to collaborate with their peers and to create
and comment on each other’s mind maps about
roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms.
Pedagogy Planning

Activity Students will create a poster for a book they read. The students will create their own mind map using a
On their posters, they should include the different book they have read in class. They should include
parts of the book. This includes characters, words that have affixes and roots, along with
summarizing the plot, setting, the conflict, the synonyms and antonyms of those words. After each
resolution, and the theme. They should ask include student has had time to create a mind map, they will
their own thoughts, for example, predictions, look at each other’s work and post comment and
asking questions about what they read, and make suggestions. I could also have students work in
drawing conclusions about the book in general. The groups and all work on the same mind map at once to
make a big one. Then, I would have other groups
students should add pictures and/or videos to their
comment on their mind map. This is a good way for
poster and add a short response on whether they
students to be exposed to many different examples of
recommend the book or not and why. This could

vocabulary words with affixes, along with practicing

also be collaborative as I could have my students
synonyms and antonyms.
comment on each other poster and select the book
they want to read next based on the presentations.
Name of the Mobile Glogster MindMeister

TLED 430

App Store Where AppleStore AppleStore

Mobile Application is
Available (e.g. Apple
App Store, Google Play

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