Tled 430 Tpack Creating Assignment

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TPACK Creating Assignment

Subject Virginia and United States History

Grade 9th-12th
Content Knowledge


Learning VUS.5 b) The student will apply social science skills to understand the
Objective development of the American political system by assessing the arguments of
Federalists and Anti-Federalists during the ratification debates in defense of
the principles and issues that led to the development of political parties.

In this activity, my students are going to use Google Docs Drawing to create a

propaganda advertisement or comic poster from the perspective of a federalist or an

Activity 1. Instructor writes “1= Federalist” and “2=Anti-federalist” on the board
for the students to see.
2. Tell the students you will be going around counting students off by “1
and 2” to assign which side they will focus on for the activity today,
then do it.
3. After students are assigned a side have them separate into two groups
on opposite sides of the room. Give them 5 minutes to talk amongst
themselves about their side.
4. Have them get their laptops out and begin to work on the assignments
individually based on the instructions below. Also, be sure to let them
know you, their notes, their textbooks, and the internet are available
resources for them if they have any questions about the content,
assignment, or technology.
5. Be sure to hand the students the written instructions for the assignment
and how to use the technology.
6. They must use Google Docs Drawing to create a propaganda poster
that will symbolize how either the federalists or anti-federalists felt
about the constitution, the new forming government, and the rights of
man. Think “if I were an anti-federalist or federalist in the room when
they were drafting the constitution, what kind of ideas would I have
and how would I convey these ideas on a poster?”
7. The poster must include at least three images, word art, or shapes.
There must be at least one word, but no more than twenty-five words.
There should be at least three different colors visible in the work. This
poster can include images from our century. They do not have to be
only images that would be seen in the time period that the constitution
was drafted.
8. There should be a paragraph in the comments of at least 100 words
explaining your reasoning behind the choices you made in the poster.
The students should be answering the question “how does everything
in my poster relate to my assigned perspective of either federalist or

9. Students may continue working on this assignment at home and must
email the teacher a link when finished.

Use Google Docs Drawing on a computer to finish this activity.

Directions 1. Open the internet
for Use 2. Go to “”
3. Open a new tab with the “+” at the top of the page
4. Go to “”
- Click “images”
- Click “settings”
- Check “turn on SafeSearch”
- Scroll to bottom of page, click “save”
- Click “tools”
- Click “usage rights”
- Click “labeled for noncommercial reuse”
5. Search for your desired images
- Right click on the image
- Click “copy image”
- Return to Google Drawings
- Click the checkered page, hit “Ctrl” then “V” on your keyboard to paste the
- Click and drag the image to reposition it
- Click and drag the squares on the edges or corners of the image to resize it
- Click and drag the dot at the top of the image to rotate it
6. Click the “T” in a square on the task bar
- Use the same methods to reposition, resize, and rotate this text box as you
did with the images
7. Click inside the text box to type and a few options will come up for
formatting on the task bar
- “B” makes words bold
- “A” gives you color options for words
- “I” allows you to italicize words
- “U” allows you to underline words
- If you hold your cursor over the different options a text box will pop up
telling you what they are
8. Hover over the task bar until you find the little “+” sign in a comment
bubble symbol. Click that and begin to type your desired words. And then hit
“comment” when done. You may edit or delete your comment by clicking the
menu option that looks like three dots in a vertical row.
9. Click insert to add charts, diagrams, and/or word art
10. Click on “Untitled drawing” at the top then erase it to retitle your work
11. Click on “Share” to give your instructor access to your work
- Click “get sharable link”
- Click the “can view ”
- Click “more…”
- Click “On – Anyone with the link”
- Click the “can view ”
-Click “can comment”
- Click “save”
- Click “copy link”
12. Open up you school email account and compose a new message with the
title “VUS5.b Propaganda Project Link”
-Right click inside the message and click “paste” to add the link
-Send the message with the link to my email address:
Link to the

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