Discovery 2 Group Proposal

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Department of Chemical Engineering

CHEM 2311 Transport 1 Laboratory February 3, 2016

TO: Professor Nasim Annabi

FROM: Yena Shin, Yvonne De Souter, Sagi Ravid, Timothy Orth, Ahmed Al Hosani
SUBJECT: Effect of tube size, power supply, and height on pump efficiency.

The purpose of this experiment is to understand fluid motion through pumps, and
compare the efficiency of two different pumps. We will measure the effect of tube size, power
supply, and height on the pump efficiency. For an electrical pump, a motor converts electrical
energy into mechanical energy while the impeller converts mechanical energy to fluid energy.
Pumps have various applications over a wide range of industries. A real-world application is
using solar-energy to power pumps utilized in developing countries in need of accessible, clean
drinking water. Recently, there has been an initiative to implement photovoltaic pumps which
use solar power, are inexpensive and efficient for rural communities.

Centrifugal and positive displacement pumps convert rotational kinetic energy to
hydrodynamic energy of a fluid in order to transport it. These pumps are used for many different
operations. Centrifugal pumps are commonly used in water and sewage systems in buildings;
they are also used in petroleum pumping. Positive displacement pumps are used for fuel and
diesel injection in cars and to feed fluids into boilers.1 These operations, which are essential in
everyday life, rely heavily on centrifugal and positive displacement pumps, which is why they
are so important.
Centrifugal and positive displacement pumps use energy to transport fluids. Centrifugal
pumps use an engine or electric motor to power an impeller. Their performance is affected by
the power supplied to the pump, the size and speed of the impeller, the type of tubing used, the
density and viscosity of the fluid pumped, the pressure on the fluid before and after pumping,
and the height and distance that the fluid is being pumped.2 Positive displacement pumps work
differently- they trap a fixed amount of fluid and push that fluid at a constant flow rate. An
example of a simple positive displacement pump is a hand-powered water pump or bicycle
pump.3 A positive displacement pump’s performance is only affected by the flow rate set at the
pump, although it may decrease slightly under considerable pressure. Engineers quantify the
performance of these pumps by measuring the energy exerted on the fluid and the energy
consumed by the pump, and divide the energy exerted by the energy consumed.

“Typical Applications for Positive Displacement Pumps.”
Shepard, Dennis G. (1956). ​Principles of Turbomachinery​. McMillan. ISBN 0-471-85546-4. LCCN 56002849
Huang, Ying-Che. ​Bicycle Tire Pump​. 21 Apr. 2011.
Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

A pump curve is a tool that helps engineers decide on the right pump to choose for their
specific application, to ensure that the pump operates at its maximum efficiency. Every pump has
its own curve based on the pump power and the structure of its impeller.4
The main purpose of a pump is to move a liquid to a specific location, the pressure that is
necessary to perform that is called head, the head are divided into two types static and friction
head. Static head is the vertical distance that the liquid has to be raised to form work, friction
head is the loss of pressure due to the pipe size and material composition.5 Pump capacity is the
maximum amount of flow rate throughout a pump, each pump has a limited capacity and
therefore it must be able to withstand the flow rate needed for a specific application.6
In a piping system, when a valve is closed, there is no flow of fluid and thus the flow rate
is 0. Additionally, the head is at its maximum because there is a large pressure build up in the
pump since fluid is not flowing out. When the valve is slightly opened, the fluid begins to flow
slowly and the head is decreased since the pressure difference between the pump outlet and the
pump inlet is lower now that fluid is flowing out. When the valve is completely opened, the flow
rate is at a maximum, which causes the pressure difference between the outlet and inlet of the
motor to be at a minimum. As a result, the head is at a minimum when the flow rate is at its
maximum.7 Therefore, the relationship between head and flow rate can be described by: “As the
flow rate of the fluid increases, the pressure head at the motor decreases.” The power of a pump
directly impacts head and flow rate. As the power of a pump increases, it imparts more energy
upon its fluid. This energy becomes affects both the pressure head and the volumetric flow rate,
as described by Eq.1.
P f luid = V ̇ * P T * ρg
P​fluid​= Power delivered to the fluid, W
P​T​ = the total pressure head, m
V̇= volumetric flow rate, m​3​ /s
ρ = density, kg/m​3
g= gravitational acceleration, m/s​2

The main objective is to measure the effect of tube diameter (0.0047625-0.0127 m),
power supply (30-90% rpm), and the height (0-1 m) on the efficiency of centrifugal and positive
displacement pumps.

“How to Read a Pump Performance Curve,” March Pumps,
“Basics of pumps and pump curves -- Part 1,”
Trenchless pedia,, “Pump Capacity”
Jacobsen, C. (2018).​ The Centrifugal Pump.​ [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Feb. 2018].
Annabi, Nasim. “Discovery 2 ExperimentGuidlines.docx.” In-class handout. Northeastern University. Boston,
Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

Apparatus and Materials (including Cost Analysis):

Table 1: Compilation of materials needed to perform this experiment, their limitations, and the
cost of each material
Materials Amount Specifications Cost

Staco Energy Power 1 Input:​ 120V, ​Output:​ 0-120V, $991.00 (ISE, Inc.)
Supply Model: Frequency​: 60 Hz9

P4400 Kill A Watt 1 Active Power Range​: 0-1875 W10 $18.89 (Amazon)

Little Giant 1-MD 1 Voltage​: 115 V, ​Frequency​: 60 $133.63 (Amazon)

Pump Item No. Hz, ​Current​: 0.8 A11

Cole-Parmer 1 Angular Velocity​: 600 RPM, $2,212.00

Masterflex Voltage:​ 115 Volts AC Power12 (Cole-Parmer)
Computerized Drive

Masterkleer PVC 2 Small Tube Outer Diameter: $27.95 (Amazon)

Clear Tubing 0.0047625 m
Large Tube Outer Diameter:

Boston City tap water 20 L -- --

Graduated cylinder 250 mL -- $14.59 (Amazon)

Tube Size:
1. Set power supply at maximum capacity using the centrifugal pump.
2. Set the tubes to run parallel to each other (water source at equal heights).
3. Allow the water to run out from the smaller tube (0.0047625 m in diameter) for 20
seconds into a bucket.
4. Measure the volume of water in the bucket using a 250 mL graduated cylinder.
“Product Guide--AC Voltage Control Devices,” Staco Energy Products Co.,
“P4400 Kill A Watt Operation Manual,” P3 International Corporation,
“Little Giant 1-MD,” Little Giant Pump,
“Masterflex L/S Digital Drive,” Cole-Parmer,
Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

5. Repeats step 1-4 two more times under the same conditions
6. Repeat steps 1-5 using the larger tube (0.0127m in diameter)
7. Repeat steps 1-6 using the positive displacement pump.

Power Supply:
1. Set the tubes to run parallel to each other with the water sources at equal heights.
2. Use the larger tube (0.0127m in diameter) and the centrifugal pump at 30% power to run
the water into a bucket for 20 seconds.
3. Measure the volume of water in the bucket using a 250 mL graduated cylinder.
4. Repeats step 1-3 two more times under the same conditions
5. Repeat steps 1-4 at 60% power and at 90% power.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 using a positive displacement pump.

1. Set the power supply at max capacity using the centrifugal pump.
2. Use the larger tube (0.0127m in diameter) and the centrifugal pump.
3. Set the tubes to run parallel to each other with the water source at equal heights, and run
the water into a bucket for 20 seconds.
4. Measure the volume of water in the bucket using a 250 mL graduated cylinder.
5. Repeats step 1-4 two more times under the same conditions
6. Repeat steps 1-5 with 0.5m and 1m difference between the water sources.
7. Repeat steps 1-6 using a positive displacement pump.

Safety Analysis:
1. Personal safety:
Safety goggles, helmets, and lab coats must be worn at all times during the experiment. Tie long
hair back and wear long pants and closed-toed shoes.
2. Material safety:
There are no immediate chemical hazards present, as we are using water through the duration of
the experiment. Water used in the tubing can be disposed of down the sink. Any water spillage
can be cleaned up using paper towels, rags, mops, etc.
3. Equipment/system safety:
See specifications in “Apparatus and Materials” for limits of the equipment. Keep all electrical
equipment away from water, including pumps, power supply, electrical outlets, etc. For
emergency shut-down of any electrical device, unplug them from the outlet.

We expect to complete this experiment between 1:35 PM and 5:05 PM on Thursday,
February 8th. If additional time is required, we will talk to Professor Annabi and a TA about
when the lab will be available.

Cost Analysis:
Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

See “Apparatus and Materials” section, which includes a concise cost breakdown of the
materials needed to recreate this experiment from scratch.

Broader Impacts:
Providing clean, drinkable water to rural communities has posed a major challenge for
decades. Negative consequences--such as poor hygiene, waterborne diseases, and increased
mortality rates in these communities--are a direct result of inaccessibility to clean drinking water.
Currently, water authorities rely solely on hand and diesel pumps. Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), an energy and transport company based in Germany, has
launched a initiative to introduce an efficient pump called a photovoltaic pump (PVP) that can be
implemented extensively. The pump uses solar-power energy and is ideal for rural environments,
as it is low-cost and “more reliable than diesel-driven pumps.”13 The components of this type of
pump include a “PV generator, an inverter and a submersible motor pump for delivering the
water to a high-level reservoir.”

References: ​List your sources. Could be websites, books, journals, etc… You must include at
least one technical book or technical journal article. A minimum of 12 references is required,
some references may be used to confirm information from other references.


1. Data Tables:

Table 2: Effect of tube size on pump efficiency

Pump Tube Size Time (s) Volume (mL) Pump Efficiency

Centrifugal 0.0047625 20

Centrifugal 0.0127 20

Positive 0.0047625 20

Positive 0.0127 20

Posorski, R., “Photovoltaic Water Pumps, An Attractive Tool for Rural Drinking Water Supply,” GTZ GmbH,
Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311


Table 3: Effect of power supply on pump efficiency

Pump Power Supply Time Volume (mL) Pump Efficiency
(% W) (s)

Centrifugal 30 20

Centrifugal 60 20

Centrifugal 90 20

Positive 30 20

Positive 60 20

Positive 90 20

Table 4: Effect of height on pump efficiency

Pump Height Time (s) Volume (mL) Pump Efficiency

Centrifugal 0 20

Centrifugal 0.5 20

Centrifugal 1 20

Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

Positive 0 20

Positive 0.5 20

Positive 1 20

2. Sample Calculations:
Pf Ws
Efficiency = P pump = IV
W s = ṁ ( ΔU2 + g Δz)
U = V̇/A 

I = current, A
V= potential, V
ṁ = mass flow rate, kg/s
g= g​ ravitational acceleration, m/s​2
Δz = change in altitude, m
V̇= volumetric flow rate, m​3​/s
A = cross sectional area, m​2

3. Team Charter and Task Schedule

Team Charter

Broad Team Goals:​ Design engineering solutions through experiments in the field of
sustainability using transport process principles.

Measurable Team Goals:​ To achieve the highest quality of work that we are capable of in order
to receive an A.

Personal Goals:​ To further develop teamwork and gain problem-solving, lab, technical writing,
and oral presentation skills.

Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

Individual Commitment:​ Each member will strive to arrive to scheduled meetings on time, but
a 15 minute leeway is permitted when necessary. We will also set up meetings at least 24 hours
in advance and send a reminder day-of. Each member will strive to complete their assigned
portion of the assignment as discussed with team member.

Other Concerns:​ None

Conflict Resolution:​ Every team member has the freedom to express their thoughts on the
project. If there are opposing views within the team, we will discuss the issue and attempt to
come to consensus. If we cannot come to consensus and the issue is delaying the progress of the
project, we will go with the majority.

Missed Deadlines:​ When a member constantly misses deadlines, the rest of the team will refer
the offending member to the professor to resolute the issue. The offending member will be
warned ahead of time that he or she will be referred to professor.

Unacceptable Work: ​All submitted work should be within specified deadlines and should meet
expected guidelines and team members’ expectations.

Task Schedule14

Scheduled Task Assigned Estimated Actual Time Contribution Status

Work Date To Time to to Value (out of
and Time Complete Complete Task 100%)
1/15/18 Design Sagi Ravid 2 hrs 3 hrs 100% Submitted
1/15/18 Design Yvonne De 2 hrs 2.5 hr 100% Submitted
Purpose Souter
1/15/18 Design Yena Shin 2 hrs 2.5 hrs 100% Submitted
1/15/18 Design Tim Orth 2 hrs 2.5 hrs 100% Submitted
1/15/18 Design Ahmed Al 2 hrs 2.5 hrs 100% Submitted
Purpose Hosani
1/17/18 EH&S Sagi Ravid 40 min 1 hr 100% Submitted
1/15/18 EH&S Yena Shin 40 min 1 hr 100% Submitted
1/16/18 EH&S Yvonne De 40 min 1 hr 100% Submitted
Certification Souter

Wolfe, J., Team Writing, A Guide to Working in Groups, Bedford/St. Martin’s, Boston, 2010.
Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

1/16/18 EH&S Tim Orth 40 min 1 hr 100% Submitted

1/16/18 EH&S Ahmed Al 40 min 1 hr 100% Submitted
Certification Hosani
1/22/18 Exp. 1 All 2.5 hrs 4 hrs 33% each Submitted
2/1/18 Exp. 1 Sagi Ravid 4 hrs 6 hrs 100% Submitted
2/1/18 Exp. 1 Yvonne De 4 hrs 6 hrs 100% Submitted
Individual Souter
2/1/18 Exp. 1 Yena Shin 5 hrs 5 hrs 100% Submitted
2/1/18 Exp. 1 Tim Orth 4 hrs 5 hrs 100% Submitted
2/1/18 Exp. 1 Ahmed Al 5 hrs 6 hrs 100% Submitted
Individual Hosani
2/6 Discovery 2 All 4 hrs 20% each

4. Safety Check-in/out Sheet

Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

Fig. 1: Signed safety check-in and check-out sheets including all members’ and supervisors

5.​ Process Diagram:

Fig. 2: Pump-system diagram

Northeastern University
Department of Chemical Engineering
CHME 2311 Transport 1 Laboratory

TO: Transport Laboratory Co-Workers

FROM: Lab Instructor
SUBJECT: Implementing Green Safety into the Design of an Experiment

The following list outlines an early conception of what would make a greener chemical, process, or product.​1

1. Prevention

It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it has been created.

2. Atom Economy

Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the incorporation of all materials used in the process into the final


3. Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses

Wherever practicable, synthetic methods should be designed to use and generate substances that possess little or no

toxicity to human health and the environment.

4. Designing Safer Chemicals

Chemical products should be designed to affect their desired function while minimizing their toxicity.

5. Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries

The use of auxiliary substances (e.g., solvents, separation agents, etc.) should be made unnecessary wherever possible

and innocuous when used.

6. Design for Energy Efficiency

Energy requirements of chemical processes should be recognized for their environmental and economic impacts and

should be minimized. If possible, synthetic methods should be conducted at ambient temperature and pressure.

7. Use of Renewable Feedstocks

A raw material or feedstock should be renewable rather than depleting whenever technically and economically


8. Reduce Derivatives

Unnecessary derivatization (use of blocking groups, protection/ deprotection, temporary modification of

physical/chemical processes) should be minimized or avoided if possible, because such steps require additional

reagents and can generate waste.

9. Catalysis

Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric reagents.

10.​ ​ ​Design for Degradation

Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of their function they break down into innocuous degradation

products and do not persist in the environment.

Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

11.​ ​ ​Real-time analysis for Pollution Prevention

Analytical methodologies need to be further developed to allow for real-time, in-process monitoring and control prior

to the formation of hazardous substances.

12.​ ​ ​Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention

Substances and the form of a substance used in a chemical process should be chosen to minimize the potential for

chemical accidents, including releases, explosions, and fires.

1. Paul Anastas and John Warner*, 12 Principles of Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, Oxford University

Press: New York, 1998, p.30.

Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

Northeastern University
Department of Chemical Engineering
CHME 2311 Transport 1 Laboratory

TO: Transport Laboratory Co-Workers

FROM: Lab Instructor
SUBJECT: Permission to Start Experiment

Please use this checklist to review the safety of your experiment and address any safety hazards before you begin.
You may begin once your supervisor signs it:

Emergency Phone Number​:

Personal Protective Equipment (Check Yes or mark Not Applicable (N/A)):

·​ ​Shirt, Long Pants, Socks, Closed Toed Shoes Yes N/A

·​ ​Hair Tied Back Yes N/A

·​ ​Loose Clothing Secured Yes N/A

·​ ​Safety Glasses Yes N/A

·​ ​Hard Hat Yes N/A

·​ ​Gloves (ie. thermal, latex ) Yes, Type: N/A

·​ ​Lab Coat Yes N/A

·​ ​Ear Plugs Yes N/A

Insert Safety Selfie Group Image:

System Safety:

·​ ​Over pressure: Maximum Instrument Pressure:

Atmospheric Other:

Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

·​ ​Under pressure: Minimum Instrument Pressure:

Atmospheric Other:

·​ ​System Temperature:

Steam or Electrical Heat required: Yes No

Maximum System Temperature​:

·​ ​Vapors Properly Vented

Yes No N/A

·​ ​Electrical Hazards

Emergency Shut-Off Switch Number:

Lock/out-Tag/out Procedures:

Mitigation procedures:

·​ ​Environmental hazards:

System Drainage Valves that should be closed during normal operation:

Emergency Containment Procedure:

Equipment Safety:

·​ ​Equipment Limitations:

·​ ​Visual inspection of apparatus: All materials in working order Items need checking:


Materials Safety

Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

·​ ​SDS reviewed and present during the experiment (note if SDS missing)

Reviewed Missing N/A for Air or Water Only

Missing SDS:

·​ ​Chemical containers labeled:

Yes No N/A

·​ ​System Chemical NFPA Ratings: N/A Yes , if Yes identify:

Maximum Health Rating:

Maximum Flammability Rating:

Maximum Reactivity Rating:

Special Information:

·​ ​Nonhazardous Liquids (Dilute down drain/ trash):


·​ ​Hazardous Liquids (Hazardous Waste Container) :


·​ ​Nonhazardous Solids (Trash):


Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

·​ ​Solids (Hazardous Waste Container)


·​ ​Solids (Sharps Container)



Experiment Start Time: Experiment End Time:

Image of Work Area Prior to Experimentation:

Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311



Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

At the end of your experiment, please check that the area is clean and equipment and chemicals are safely

stored. Highlight safety issues that were encountered and how they may be mitigated in the future.

Note: (​ SI) fields indicate a supervisor initials are needed.

System Safety:

·​ ​Valves Closed Yes No N/A

·​ ​Heating System Power/Steam Off Yes SI No N/A

·​ ​System Power Off Yes No N/A

·​ ​Systems operating properly Yes No N/A

System maintenance recommendations:

Unusual Fumes/Sounds locations:

Equipment Safety:

·​ ​Tools safely stored Yes No N/A

·​ ​Major pieces of equipment operating properly Yes No

·​ ​Equipment requiring maintenance:

Material Safety:

·​ ​Chemical Inventory: Spent chemicals scanned out of inventory Yes SI N/A

·​ ​Nonhazardous Liquids (Dilute down drain/ trash):


Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

·​ ​Hazardous Liquids: Hazardous Waste Container Labeled Dated


·​ ​Nonhazardous Solids (Trash):


·​ ​Hazardous Solids: Hazardous Waste Container Labeled Dated


·​ ​Sharp Solids (Broken glass and syringe tips): Disposed of in Sharps Container

·​ ​Surfaces and instruments cleaned and/or wiped down:

Bench Top

Temperature measuring devices

Pressure measuring devices

Scales and balances

Volume measuring glass/plasticware

Labels removed before washing glassware

All other labware:

Image of Work Area after Experimentation:

Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

Chemical Engineering Transport 1 Laboratory CHME 2311

Final Wrap-up:

Identify all safety concerns encountered during the experiment with suggested mitigation procedures.


Safety Glasses, Hard Hat, Lab Coat, Thermal Gloves returned

SDS returned to folder N/A
Equipment Specification Sheets returned to TA/Instructor N/A





Submit raw data to Blackboard N/A

Submit this safety sheet to Blackboard with signatures


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