BOOK-REVIEW - 19 of 09.02.2018

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Economic Survey is presented by the Department of Economic Affairs, Finance Ministry in the parliament every year just before

union Budget is presented by the Finance Minister. The same is prepared under the guidance of the Chief Economic Adviser. The
Economic Survey reviews the developments in the Indian Economy over the previous twelve months, summarizes the performance of
major economic developments and highlights the policy initiatives of the government and prospects of the Indian economy in the short
term to medium term. The economic survey will be presented in two volumes, the first volume containing the commentary and outlook
of the economy before the budget and second volume containing the statistics on macro-economic data and analysis is present in July-
August of the year. However this year both volumes were presented at the same time.

The survey puts out economic growth forecasts, giving out detailed reasons why it believes the economy will move faster or
decelerate. Sometimes they also suggest sweeping changes in the economic policy itself. However, the government is not bound to
follow these guidelines.

This year’s policy is special because in addition to the overview and chapters of contemporary relevance such as GST, the investment-
saving slow down, and fiscal federalism and accountability they have devoted five chapters to the challenges of long term economic
convergence, gender inequality, climate change and agriculture, delays in the appeals and judicial process, and science and
A Periodical publication of Andhra Bank Apex College for Internal Circulation
This year’s economic survey was conducted under the guidance of Shri Arvind Subramanian, Chief Economic Adviser.

The colour of this year’s survey cover (pink colour) was chosen as a symbol of support for the growing movement to end violence
against women, across the globe. A special chapter (7) has addressed the deep meta – preference in favour of sons, and empowering
women with education, and reproductive and economic agency are critical challenges for the Indian economy.

It is very interesting to note that Economic Survey report published by the Government every year is looked upon as pedagogical tool
for courses on the Indian Economy. The same is being adopted by several universities abroad who are making studies on Indian

The Economic Survey Report is enormously beneficial to bankers in understanding the economic scenario of the nation
and getting aligned with the national requirements while formulating their policies for the good of the nation.

This survey is available on the website of Ministry of Finance, Government of India.

A Periodical publication of Andhra Bank Apex College for Internal Circulation

Issue No.:19/2017-18 Date: 09.02.2018

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