10 Conceptual

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1.​ The decimal expansion of number would be ?

2.​ The values of x and y in the given figure are:

3.​ The quadratic polynomial whose sum of zeroes is 3 and product of zeroes is –2 is ?
4. Zeroes of a polynomial can be determined graphically. No. of zeroes of a polynomial is equal to no. of
points where the graph of polynomial ……………………..

5. If a fifth degree polynomial is divided by a quadratic polynomial, write the possible degree of the
6. Find the cubic polynomial whose zeroes are 5, 3 and –2.
7.​Find which of the variables ​x​, y
​ ,​ ​z a
​ nd u
​ ​represent rational numbers and which irrational numbers: 
(i) x​ ​2​ = 11 (ii) y​ ​2​ = 36 (iii) ​z​2​ = 0.04 (iv) u​2​ = 19/9 
8.​ Prove that is irrational. 
9. Give example of polynomials p(x), g(x), q(x) and r(x), which satisfy the division algorithm and 
(i) deg p(x) = deg q (x) 
(ii) deg q(x) = deg r (x) 
(iii) deg r (x) = 0 

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