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Printed Pages : 3 371

IMap of Worldl
BAQ /A_18
Paper Opr. (i)
Ancient and Medieval World
Time ullonecl; 3 hotrr.sJ
[Moxiynrnt nuu.ks;80
Note.: rtve qltestion.\ in ull. selecting al least one
Atte ntpt
question .fi.o nt ed.,h unit. euestion No, I
is compulsory, For visuulllt harulicapped, the parl
reloting to explanotory notc v,ill carry.full narks.
iz , cdq w{ d +s d qq q.F sii
+t gw ort gu gt rfu
s?+ d o-fl. +&q 1 yfi dq7 lstiqtd ? t gW* Aann + nu
E"i"ft + (tnAt1 g1 s1r g7,

Computsory euestion (ufr<r{ nn)

1. Answer the following questions iu short : 4 . 4=16

Fq cer] or tlfHq irfl{ *fiic : 4x4:16
(a) Bishop
(b) Arabia belbre Islarn
qwm fr wfr orr.r
(c) ClaliphAbu Bakr.
ufrw oq++ I
(d) Manoriai System
ffiftq-s q-+r{n
371 [Tum over
Eaq + qntrd s{ 1258t. (6 srrq €IqFI A EKR d celi{ lqd
2. Civilizatior.r.
Dcscribe the n.rain fearures of Mesopotamia 1 6
+{irireT&?r ff{al dr g@ Fs}qdret 6r qriq qt r 16
extent and important Places
9. On the map ofthe world, show the
3. culture.
Write acrilicalnolcon paleolitlric 16
connected to Greek civilization' Add
ano tealso. 16

Wqsisr dqfr qr qr nrTdriFrrr{ iq ffii t 16

:il' qaeWt em Eeli( Icd
Eaa A qr{Hd w ffi ar+lr +r fu<rt
unft'lr (q+r{-It) irq'i1 @t
'1. Nhat u,e:'e 1he main f'actors lesponsible 1bI the decline of
lbudalism. 16

olF+ers d q-f,{ + hc srcctqr glq +r-rqil qr quh ffiq t 16

5. Write a critical note on Eurcpean f-eudalism. lo

$ew mv<-<r< q{ q{ sTrfrq{rcqs iq ftrd r 16

unit*rrr ({dr+II0
6. Write a critical note on Evolution of Islarnic state utderAbbassid
caliph. 16

eIqRrE Edlsrfr fr srriq flqlk+ rrq + B+rfl q-{ wf,t{rTfl-d ts'

ffir 16

7. Desclibe the achievements of Propliet Muhammad. 16

hiq{ g6,qE qii sq,Tnrefr qr q"ir 6t r 16

Unit-rv (f*r*-rt)
Map (qrqHd)
8. On lhc \4ap ill'the *orld. shor.vthe exptursion ofArab empire in
1258' Add a trote also 10+6

371 [Encl. : MaP of World


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