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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If you pass your examination, we (have) _______________________a celebration

2. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which _______________you

_______________ (choose)?

3. You would play better if you (not talk) ___________________________so much.

4. I could repair the roof myself if I ______________________ (have) a long ladder.

5. If we (run) _____________________ out of petrol2 here, we’ll have a long way to walk.

6. If you drove more slowly, you ______________________ (not have) so many accidents.

7. If she (leave) _______________________ the fish there, the cat will get it.

8. If you (not change) ________________________ your wet clothes, you’ll get ill.

9. I (not buy) ______________________________ this expensive car if I were you.

10. If anyone attacked me, my dog ___________________________ (jump) at his throat4.

11. If he were at home, he (answer) ____________________________ the phone.

12. If you ate less, you (wear) _________________________ your new jeans.

13. If Charlie………………… (not stop) eating these green apples he’ll soon feel sick.

14. If I……………….. (be) you I would throw away all this old junk.

15. If I …………… (have) good luck I’ll win the first prize.

Complete the following sentences. Make sensible sentences.

. If I had a million euros, ________________________________________________.

3. If I were you, ________________________________________________________.

4. If I could choose anywhere in the planet to go,_______________________________

5. If you found a wallet plenty of money in the street,____________________________


6. If I had more free time, _________________________________________________.

7. If it was summer, _____________________________________________________.

8. If I had a cat as a pet, __________________________________________________.

9. If I travelled to the USA, _______________________________________________.

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