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The land where everyone plays golf and has fun

The people of Scandia loved to play golf and
make friends through playing mini golf. This
group of friends named Chris, Jasmine, Jaime,
and Stan ruled this land. The friends all ruled
the land in harmony and peace until one day
Chris and Jaime beat Jasmine and Stan in a
friendly game of golf. They didn’t like this so
Stan ,being the king, and Jasmine, the queen,
decided to banish Chris and Jasmine from the
land even though Chris was the head of the
military and Jasmine was the treasurer. This
caused outrage throughout the land. This led to
the people wanting a new government, one that
they can say what does and what does happen.
Not one where the the leader can do whatever
they desire to.
Even though people had fun in the land of
Scandia, they did not like the way the
government was run. King Stan could do
whatever he wanted to and the people of
Scandia could not say no. They had to
obey the king, even though he wasn’t the
smartest. One of the many reasons that
people did not say anything to him was
because he had a lot of money and power.
The new government was going to be a
democracy. One where the people can
choose what happens.
The Bill of Rights for Scandia
1. The people had the right to abolish the government if they feel that the
government is not doing their job correctly
2. The people have freedom of speech but are not protected by the consequences of
what they say, write, or do
3. The people do not have to pay everytime they want to play golf
4. The people can eat where they play golf, but they are responsible for picking up
their trash
5. The people of Scandia have to have fun
Inspiration of the Revolution
The inspiration of this revolution was the
French Revolution. This is because the
Third estate had to do everything and
could not say no to the higher classes.
They eventually got tired of this and
revolted because they wanted a fairly run
government. The people won and now
they have the government the way that
they want it. The people of Scandia are
very happy and proud of what they have
done to make Scandia a better place.

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