Size:: Every Kiln Has The Following Components

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It is called the heart of the cement plant. It converts. Raw meal fed to it into clinker.

A/C theory:
Dry process kilns with calciner which perform only ~ 10% calcining and balance sintering, can
have lid ratios of 10-12 I 1.
Discharge end is hotter therefore overhang at
discharge end is limited to I x d where d is diameter of
kiln. Over hang at inlet end could be 1.5-2 d, smaller
the better.

Shell thickness
Kiln shell becomes oval under its own weight and
each section of shell under goes flexing as kiln rotates.

Calciners were developed to

obtain higher outputs of 7000-10000 tpd from kilns
keeping their diameters corresponding to kilns of 2800
to 4000 tpd capacity.

Every kiln has the following components:

1. kiln inlet housing and inlet seal
2. kiln shell
3. tyres mounted on shell
4. corresponding supporting stations each station
comprising of :
2 rollers
4 supporting roller bearings
I bedplate

5. girth gear, pinion, pinion shaft and bearings

6. torsion shaft, gear box and drive motor
7. kiln hood at discharge end with outlet seal.
Kiln : long kiln for dry process:
KILN seal
Kiln expansion

Kiln sliding down

for small kilns a pair of thrust rollers were installed to take the thrust of the kiln tending to slide down.
For large kilns hydraulic thrusters are used

Kiln floating
If kiln stayed in one position, it would cut groove in the rollers.
So float: taking kiln up and down to prevent …
Kiln must be floated regularly
Limit switches r installed to monitor the movement of the kiln
Kiln drive consists of:
1. Girth Gear mounted on spring supports attached to kiln shell.
2. Pinion shaft and bearings.
3. Torsion shaft.
4. Gearbox.
5. Motor.

In dry kilns, it is near the support at the cold end.

For large kilns

helical gears would be preferred as they have higher efficiency compared to spur gears.

For large kilns,

dual drive is preferred. It keeps width of gear down. Dual drive also neutralizes axial thrusts of helical gear
Retention time , Speed , % Filling
eq –page 204
For kilns with calciners, retention time could be as short as 27-30 minutes

Filling depends on : speed and ret. Time, slope

Heat transfer inside kiln takes place by way of :

(i) Direct contact between hot bricks and raw meal clinker.
(ii) By way of radiation between brick surface and surface of raw meal exposed to it.
(iii) By way of convection between hot gases passing over charge.

To keep the difference between temperature at surfaces of material and its core, to a minimum it is desirable to keep
degree of filling between 4-6 %

Thus speed, slope and retention time should be so adjusted as to give a degree of filling in this range at design
capacity and yet produce clinker of good quality

It is generally 2° or 3.5 %.
For calciner kiln up to 4% at a reduced speed

Peripheral speeds
To keep same or about same degree of filling, retention time is reduced by increasing kiln speed. A kiln that
was earlier rotating at 1.67 rpm with a peripheral speed of 35 cm Isec will now be rotating at
4.2 rpm or a perpheral speed of 87.5 cm/sec.

Kiln Power
1. Friction power (PI) and
2. Load power (P2)

PI friction power in kw = 0.595 x (W x Dt x Db x nXH)/Dr
Where W = Total weight of rotating parts including weight of refractory and charge in kiln in tons
Dt, Db and Dr are diameters of tyre, bearing and roller respectively in meters
n = speed in rpm
H = friction factor, usually 0.018 for kilns


Drive motor and gear box

Almost always DC variable speed motors are used.

Gearbox is a triple or double reduction helical gear box.

Gear and Pinion and their Lubrication: Girth gear I pinion ratio is between 6 to 8 I 1.
Torsion shaft : A torsion shaft is almost always used between pinion and gear box : (i) To prevent over load,
(ii) to take misalignment.

Riding Rings
Or tyres
Supporting Rollers
Roller station :A three support kiln would have:
3 tyres
6 rollers
12 bearings.

Bed Plates
Bed plates are aligned and centred and leveled and half grouted before any load is put on them. This is an
important job. Centre lines should also be marked on steel plates embedded in the faces of concrete

Kiln Bearings
Erection of kiln
Maintenance Platform
Brick Lining
Entire kiln is lined with refractory. Brick Lining is also a specialized job and is entrusted
to experienced and skilled brick layers and masons.
Nose Ring Castings
Kiln Hood
Kiln hood is the connecting piece between rotating kiln and grate cooler.

Burner Pipe

Refractory lining
Kiln is lined with refractories 150-250 mm thick.
In burning Zone they are 70 % alumina or magnesite bricks. Rest of the kiln is lined with ~ 35 % alumina

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