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Nolan Norcross

Mrs. Cramer
College Application Narrative

There are many places and locations in the world where I have been. For example, the

beach, school, the woods, or out on the lake. But no other place makes me feel as comfortable

and content than a hockey rink. Some locations make people feel happy and content, other places

can make people feel scared or upset. One place where I feel completely content and that is

extremely meaningful to me would be the hockey rink. There are numerous reasons that go into

why I absolutely love the rink and why it makes me feel the way I do whenever I am there. No

words can explain exactly how I feel when I am at the rink out on the ice, but I can tell you that I

am extremely passionate about this place and there is no better feeling for me than to be out on

the ice doing what I love, playing hockey.

The environment of an ice rink is so soothing to me and it makes me feel like I am home.

I have been passionate about hockey since I was a toddler, and my feelings for the sport became

even stronger the moment I put my gear on and stepped out on the ice for the first time. There is

a specific smell, temperature, and sound of a hockey rink that just makes me feel so comfortable

and perfectly content. For example, there is no better feeling than stepping out on the ice and

feeling the cold air, and crisp smell hit your face. As I’m playing hockey, it makes me forget

everything else that is going on around me. If I had a stressful day at school or I have other

problems at home, I would get the urge to just go out on the ice and play hockey, because that is

what helps me cope with stress and other conflicts that happen during my everyday life. The
feeling I get when I am skating around and shooting the puck and just playing the game of

hockey is like no other, and there is not a day that goes by where hockey doesn’t cross my mind

or where I don’t think about that feeling and rush I get. The hockey rink is tremendously

meaningful to me because I have made countless memories at the rink, and have been through a

handful of different emotions on the ice. From winning championship games, to losing a playoff

game, the different emotions I get while I’m on the ice are enormous.

The feeling I get when I play hockey isn’t the only reason why I love the sport with a

passion. Hockey has transformed, and molded me into the person I am today. I look at hockey

more than just a sport, it’s a lifestyle. Playing hockey has taught me multiple life lessons from

hard work, to discipline, and commitment. There is a large deal of commitment that comes with

playing hockey. Waking up in the morning at 6:30 A.M on a Saturday and driving two hours

away to play hockey every weekend takes a large load of commitment and love for the game.

Another extremely important attribute that hockey has taught me is teamwork. Hockey is not a

sport where you will be successful if you are an independent player who doesn’t work together.

Teamwork is key to be successful at this sport, which is also true about many things in life.

These reasons for why I love being a part of the sport of hockey lead to why the hockey is my

favorite place in the world, and why it is so meaningful to me.

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