Hannah Lutz Resume

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2300 Lincoln Way Apt 302, Ames, IA 50014 | 651.231.1716 | hlutz@iastate.edu |hannahlutz.weebly.com

Iowa State University / Ames, IA Charles University / Prague, CZ
Bachelor of Arts: Advertising Council on International Educational Exchange
Minor: Psychology Study Abroad Program
3.65/4.0 GPA Spring 2018

Student Peer Advisor: Iowa State Study Abroad Center September 2018 – Current
Ames, Iowa
o Assist students in finding an appropriate study abroad experience out of over 300 programs options
o Present study abroad information classes, clubs, and future Iowa State students and families
o Answer questions about financial aid, program and visa applications, and general travel advice
Account Service Intern: The Meyocks Group Advertising Agency May – August 2018
West Des Moines, Iowa
o Developed innovative project plans and efficient timelines for agency clients
o Conducted secondary research including competitive assessments, market analysis and media audits
o Brainstormed new communication strategies and tactics for top clients such as Hy-Vee and Delta
Dental of IA
o Edited and proofed client communications including brand magazines and agency social media posts
o Tested websites, apps, and games for client projects to ensure quality content
Digital Marketing Intern: World of Online Marketing Agency January – May 2018
Prague, Czech Republic
o Performed secondary research on international influencers for Lufthansa Airlines campaign
o Shot original content such as creative photos and videos for Lamax Electronics social media platforms
o Contributed to company’s creative brainstorming using social media influencers
Marketing Student Representative: In2une Music September – December 2017
Ames, Iowa
o Promoted new and upcoming musical artists to Iowa State students by utilizing social media
o Creatively marketed on campus events and the social media platforms for 5 different artists
o Evaluated marketing projects and wrote detailed reports summarizing highlights

Logistics and Operations Committee: Iowa State Blood Drive August – October 2018
o Responsible for the organization and execution of one of the largest student lead blood drives
o Ensured that the week-long blood drive is running efficiently by checking in and assisting donors
Public Relations Chairman: Kappa Kappa Gamma January 2017 – December 2017
o Nominated as 1 of 18 leaders in 170-member organization to be a role model and facilitate change
o Managed 4 unique social media accounts and chapter website using Hootsuite daily
o Maintained alumni relations and planned first annual event for over 200 alumnae and members
o Ensured members complied with high social media standards to maintain a positive presence
individually and as a reflection of the national organization


HootSuite – SharpSpring – TweetDeck – Facebook Business Manager – HubSpot

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