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Answer Key

Class: 11 Worksheet Number:11/Chem/06/AK
Subject: Chemistry Chapter 06:Thermodynamics

Section A
Each question carries 1 mark :
1. Give the mathematical expression of first law of thermodynamics.
∆U = q + w
Where ∆U = change in internal energy
q = heat absorbed or released
w = work done by the system or on the system
2. Derive the mathematical expression for 1st law of thermodynamics and state its limitations.
First law of Thermodynamics:
Let a system having internal energy ‘u’ absorb certain amount of energy ‘q’
Internal Energy = q + U1
If work done is ‘w’ on it, Internal Energy becomes ‘U2’
U2 = U1 + q +w
U2 - U1 = q +w
ΔU = q+w

Limitations of 1st law of thermodynamics

1st law merely indicates that there is an exact equivalence between various forms of energies
involved but gives no information concerning the spontaneity or feasibility of the process i.e.
whether the process is possible or not.

3. Why is D U = O for the isothermal expansion of an ideal gas?

As Change in internal energy D U is a function of temperature and in isothermal expansion
temperature remains constant as the system can exchange heat with the surroundings.
Internal energy hence remains unchanged or D U = O.
4. Express the change in internal energy of a system when
(i) No heat is absorbed by the system from the surroundings, but work (w) is done on the
system. What type of wall does the system have?
(ii) No work is done on the system, but q amount of heat is taken out from the system and
given to the surroundings. What type of wall does the system have?
(iii) w amount of work is done by the system and q amount of heat is supplied to the system.
What type of system would it be?
(i) Δ U = w ad, wall is adiabatic
(ii) Δ U = – q, thermally conducting walls
(iii) Δ U = q – w, closed system.
5. What is an adiabatic process? Give one difference between isothermal and adiabatic process?
A process during which no heat flows between the system and the surroundings is called an
adiabatic process.
Isothermal process Adiabatic process
Temperature of the process remains constant. There is no exchange of heat between the
system and surrounding.
Heat can be gained or lost in order to maintain Temperature of the system may vary.
a constant temperature.
6. Define molar heat capacity.
Molar heat capacity of a substance is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the
Answer Key
temperature of one mole of the substance through 1°C.
7. Explain the thermodynamic equilibrium?
Thermodynamic equilibrium is achieved when any of its macroscopic properties such as T, P,
and V do not undergo any change with time.
8. Define Enthalpy change of a reaction or heat of reaction?
Enthalpy change is the amount of heat evolved or absorbed in a chemical reaction when the
number of moles of the reactants as represented by the chemical equation has been completely
reacted, is called enthalpy change of a reaction.
Reactants → Products
9. State the Hess’s Law of constant heat summation?
If a reaction takes place in several steps then its standard reaction enthalpy is the sum of the
standard enthalpies of the intermediate reaction into which the overall reaction may be divided at
the same temperature.
10. Enthalpy of formation of graphite is zero. Why?
ΔH of graphite is zero as it is the standard state of carbon.
11. What is Gibbs’s Helmholtz equation?
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
Where ∆G ,∆H and ∆S are free energy change, enthalpy change and entropy change
12. Write the conditions in terms of ∆H and ∆S when a reaction would be always spontaneous.
The reaction would be always spontaneous when both energy factor and randomness factor
favors it i.e. ∆H = -ve and ∆S = +ve
13. Predict the sign of D S giving reasons for:
(i) Br2(g) � Br2(l) (ii) N2(g)(2 atm) � N2(g)(0.5atm)
(iii) Raw egg � Boiled egg (iv) Stretched rubber band  Loose rubber band
(v)Steam  Water (vi) C (graphite)  C (diamond)
(vii) CH4(g) + H2O(g) � 3H2(g) + CO(g) (viii) AgNO3 (s)  AgNO3 (aq)
(ix) H2 (g)  2H (g)
(i) –ve (ii) +ve (iii) -ve(iv) +ve (v) -ve (vi) -ve(vii) +ve (viii) +ve (xi) +ve
14. What is the effect of temperature on entropy?
Increase in temperature will lead to increase in entropy.
15. Why does entropy of a solid increase on fusion?
This is almost always positive since the degree of disorder increases in the transition from an
organized crystalline solid to the disorganized structure of a liquid.
Each question carries 2 marks :
16. Define a system. What are open, closed and isolated systems? Give examples.
System- the part of the universe chosen for thermodynamics consideration is called a system
Open system- system that can exchange both matter and energy with the surroundings.Eg: hot tea
in a cup
Closed system-system that can exchange energy but not matter with the surroundings.Eg: hot tea
in a closed pot
Isolated system-a system that can neither exchange energy nor matter with the
surroundings. Eg: hot tea in thermos flask.
17. What are intensive and extensive properties? Give two examples of each.
Extensive properties- are those properties which depends upon the quantity of matter contained in
the system e.g mass, enthalpy
Intensive properties are those which depends only upon the nature of the substance and are
independent of the amount of substance percent in the dustily, boiling point
18. Change in internal energy is a state function while work is not. Why?
Internal energy depends on initial and final state but does not depend on path of the system. Work
is not a state function as it does not depend merely on the initial and the final states of the system
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but it depends upon the path followed
19. Derive the relation between D H and D U.
H =U +PV
H1 = U1 +P1V1
H2 = U2 +P2V2
ΔH =H2 –H1
ΔH =(U2 +P2V2) – (U1 +P1V1)
ΔH = (U2-U1) +( P2V2 –P1V1)
(P1 =P2 =P)
ΔH = ΔU +P(V2-V1)
20. Under what conditions is (i) DH = D U (ii) DH < D U. Give example in each case.
i) DH = D U when the process involves only solids and liquids, i.e no gases. ΔV=0 or
when Δng=0
e.g. H2 (g) +Cl2(g) 2 HCl(g)
ii) DH < D U when no. of moles of gaseous products are less then no. of moles of reactants for
a reaction
e.g. CH4(g) +2O2(g)→ CO2(g) + 2 H2O (l)Δn = [1-3] = -2
21. Is the bond energy of all the four C-H bonds in CH4 molecule equal? If not why?
All the four C-H bonds in CH4 molecule are not equal as the chemical environment will change.
22. Explain the applications of Born Haber Cycle with an example?
Since it is impossible to determine lattice enthalpies directly by experiment, we use an indirect
method where we construct an enthalpy diagram called a Born-Haber Cycle.

23. Entropy of diamond is less than that of graphite. What conclusion do you draw from this?
Less entropy means less disorder i.e., all the Carbon atoms are linked to form a network structure.
Greater entropy of graphite implies some disorder which is due to presence of free electrons and
slipping of layers over each other.
In diamond each carbon atom undergoes sp3 hybridisation and linked to four other carbon atoms
by using hybridised orbitals in tetrahedral fashion. The structure extends in space and produces a
rigid three-dimensional network of carbon atoms. It is very difficult to break extended covalent
bonding and, therefore, diamond is a hardest substance on the earth it implies less entropy in
Graphite has a layered structure held by van der Waal’s forces, each C atom undergoes
sp2hybridisation and will make 3 sigma bond with 3 neighbouring C atom the fourth electron
forms a pi bond and the electrons are mobile which implies more entropy in graphite.
24. Define entropy and free energy. How are they related to each other?
Entropy is the measure of the randomness or disorderliness of the system.
Whereas, free energy of a system is its capacity to do useful work.
They are related by Gibbs’s Helmholtz equation
∆G = ∆H –T∆S
Answer Key
25. Explain why the entropy of a pure crystalline substance is zero at 0 K? State the law on which it
is based. Give the application of this law?
At 0 K, there is a perfectly ordered arrangement of the constituent particles of a pure crystalline
substance and there is no disorder at all. Hence its entropy is taken a zero.
This statement is based on the third law of thermodynamics.
The law is applied to findthe absolute entropy of a substance in any state at any temperature.
Section B
Each question carries 1 mark :
26. What would be the work done on / by the system if the internal energy of the system falls by 200
J even when 100 J of heat is supplied to it?
ΔU = -200 J ; q = 100 J
ΔU = q + w
-200 = 100 + w
-100 -200 = w
W= -300j
27. DH Alone cannot be the sole criterion for the spontaneity of a reaction. Explain.
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
If ∆G = -ve (spontaneous)
∆G = 0 (equilibrium)
∆G = +ve (non-spontaneous)
28. Predict in which of the following, entropy increases/decreases
(i)A liquid crystallizes into a solid
(ii)Temperature of a crystalline solid is raised from 0 K to 115 K.
(i)After freezing, the molecules attain an ordered state and therefore, entropy decreases.
(ii)At 0 K, the contituent particles are static and entropy is minimum. If temperature is raised to
115 K, these begin to move and oscillate about their equilibrium positions in the lattice and
system becomes more disordered, therefore entropy increases.
29. What do you understand by spontaneity?
A reaction is said to be spontaneous if it occurs without being driven by some outside force.
30. If ΔG0 for a reversible reaction is found to be zero, what is the value of its equilibrium constant?
ΔG0= -2.303 RT log Kc
ΔG0 = 0, Kc =1
31. Calculate the entropy change involved in conversion of one mole (18 g) of solid ice at 273 K to
liquid water at the same temperature (latent heat of fusion = 6025 j mol-1 )
Entropy change for ice →water is given by
∆f S = ∆f H = 6025 =22.1 Jk-1mol-1
Each question carries 2 marks :
32. In a process, 701 J of heat is absorbed by a system and 394 J of work is done by the system. What
is the change in internal energy for the process?
The first law of thermodynamics states that : ΔU = q + W (i)
ΔU = change in internal energy for a process
q = heat
W = work
Given in the question,
q = + 701 J (Positive since heat is absorbed)
W = –394 J (Negative since work is done by the system)
Substituting the values in equation (i), we get
ΔU = 701 J + (–394 J)
Answer Key
ΔU = 307 J
Therefore, the change in internal energy for the process is 307 J.
33. Two moles of an ideal gas initially at 27oC and one atmospheric pressure are compressed
isothermally and reversibly till the final pressure of the gas is 10 atm. Calculate q, w and U for
the process.
n=2, R= 8.314 jk-1mol-1;T=(27 +273) = 300K
W max= 2.303 nRT log 10 p1/p2
= 2.303 x 2 x 8.314 x 300 x log 10/1
= 11488j
ΔU = q + w
The condition is isothermal and reversible ΔT= 0;ΔU=0
0 = q +W
-q =w
q= -11488j ; w = 11488j ;ΔU=0
34. A gas absorbs 120 J of heat and expands against external pressure 1.1 atm from volume of 0.5 L
to 2.0 L. Whatis the change in internal energy?
W = -PΔV = -1.1 X (2 – 0.5)
=-1.1 X 1.5 = -1.65 L-atm
1L-atm = 101.3 J
-1.65 L-atm = -167.145 j
ΔU = q + w
= 120 + (-167.145)
= -47.145 J
Enthalpy of combustion of carbon to CO2 is –393.5 kJ mol–1. Calculate the heat released upon
formation of 35.2 g of CO2 from carbon and dioxygen gas?

36. Given

What is the standard enthalpy of formation of NH3 gas?

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37. Enthalpy of combustion of carbon to CO2 is –393.5 kJ mol–1. Calculate the heat released upon
formation of 35.2 g of CO2 from carbon and dioxygen gas?

38. The heat liberated on complete combustion of 7.8 g benzene is 327 kJ. The heat has been
measured at constant volume at 270 C. Calculate the heat of combustion of benzene at constant
pressure. ( R= 8.314 JK-1mol-1 )
When 7.8 gm of C6H6 is burnt heat = qv=∆U=327 kj
R= 8.314 kj k-1 mol-1∆H =?

∆H = ∆U + ∆ngRT
∆n = ∑ n of products (g) - ∑ n of reactant (g)
∆n = (6 + 0) – (0 + 15/2)
= 6 – 7.5
= - 1.5
1 mole of C6H6 = 78gm
∆U= -327 x 103 J/mol

∆H = ∆U + ∆nRT
∆H =-327 x 103 -(-1.5) (8.314) (300)
∆H = -327000– 3741.3
= - 3,30,741.3J

39. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of HF on the basis of the following data :
Bond energy of H-H = 434 kJ/mol
Bond energy of F-F = 158 kJ/mol
Bond Energy of H-F= 565 kJ/mol
H-H + F-F → 2 H-F
ΔH = ∑ B.E (reactant )- ∑ B.E (product)
= (434 + 158) – (2 x 565)
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=592 -1130
= -538 kj for 2 moles of HF
= -538/2 = -269 KJ/mol
40. Calculate the bond enthalpy of Cl – Cl bond from the following data :
CH 4 ( g )  Cl 2 ( g )  CH 3Cl ( g )  HCl( g ) DH   100.3kJ mol 1
Also the bond enthalpies of C – H, C – Cl and H – Cl bonds are 413, 326 and 431 kJ mol-1
CH4 (g) + Cl2 (g)  CH3Cl (g) +HCl (g) ΔH = - 100.3 kj/ mol
B.E. of C-H = 413 kj/ mol
B.E. of C-Cl = 326 kj/ mol
B.E. of H-Cl = 431 kj/ mol
B.E. of Cl-Cl= ?
Let B.E. of Cl-Cl bond be X kj/ mol
ΔH = ∑ B.E. (R) - ∑ B.E. (P)
100.3 = (413 x 4 x X) - (431 + 431 x 3 + 326)
-100.3 = 1652 + X – 1996
X = -100.3 – 1652 + 1996
X = 243.7 kj/ mol
41. Calculate the ΔrH0 for the reaction
H2(g) + Br2(g)  2HBr(g)
Bond enthalpy are given as : H – H = 436 kJ mol-1, Br – Br = 192 kJ mol-1,
H – Br =368 kJ mol-1
H2 (g) + Br2 (g)  2 HBr(g)
B.E. OF H-H = 436 kj/ mol; Br- Br = 192 kj/ mol, H-Br = 368 kj/ mol-1
ΔH = ∑ B.E. (Reactants) - ∑ B.E. (Products)
= (436 + 192) – (368 x 2)
= (436 + 192) – (736)
ΔH = -108 kj/ mol
42. Calculate the enthalpy change for the process
CCl4(g) → C(g) + 4Cl(g)
And calculate bond enthalpy of C–Cl in CCl4(g).
ΔvapHθ(CCl4) = 30.5 kJ mol–1.
ΔfHθ (CCl4) = –135.5 kJ mol–1.
ΔaHθ (C) = 715.0 kJ mol–1, where ΔaHθ is enthalpy of atomisation
ΔaHθ (Cl2) = 242 kJ mol–1

(iv) C(s) + 2Cl2(g) CCl4(l) ΔfH0 = -135Kj mol-1

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43. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of benzoic acid (C6H5COOH(l)) from the following data :
ΔfH of CO2(g) = --393.5 kJ mol-1, ΔfH of H2O(l) = --285.8 kJ mol-1 ,
ΔcHof C6H5COOH(l) = --3227 kJ mol-1 .
C6H5COOH(l) + 15/2 O2 (g)  7CO2 (g) + 3H2O (l)
ΔrH = ∑ ΔfH (Products) - ∑ ΔfH (Reactants)
-3227 = 7 x (-393.5) + 3 x (-285.8) - ΔfH C6H5COOH(l) + 15/2 x O2
-3227 = - 2754.5 – 857.4 – x + 15/2(0)
x = - 2754.5 – 857.4 + 3227
x = -384.9 kj/ mol
44. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of benzene (C6H6) from the following data :
ΔfH of CO2(g) = -393.5 kJ mol-1, ΔfH of H2O(l) = -285.8 kJ mol-1 ,
ΔcH of C6H6 (l) = -3266 kJ mol-1

Required equation – 6C(s) + 3H2(g) → C6H6 (l)

45. Find out the value of equilibrium constant for the following reaction at 298 K.

Standard Gibbs energy change, at the given temperature is –13.6 kJ mol–1.

46. Enthalpy and entropy changes of areaction are 40.63˚kJ mol-1 and 108.8 JK-1 mol-1respectively.
Predict the feasibility of the reaction at 27˚ C.
∆H =40.63˚kJ=40630 Jmol-1,T =27 + 273 =300K
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
= 40630 – 300x108.8
= 7990 Jmol-1
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As ∆G value is positive the reaction will not be spontaneous and feasible.
47. For the reaction at 298 K, 2A + B  C
ΔH = 400 kJ mol-1 and ΔS = 200 JK-1 mol-1.
At what temperature will the reaction become spontaneous?

48. Calculate ΔG0 for the reaction, N 2 ( g )  3H 2 ( g )  2 NH 3 ( g ) at 298 K. The value of Kc for
the reaction is 6.6 × 105. [ R = 8.314 JK-1mol-1 ]
N 2 ( g )  3H 2 ( g )  2 NH 3 ( g )
ΔG = -2.303 RT Log Kc
= -2.303 X 8.314 X 298 X Log 6.6 X 10 5
= 33205.13J/mol = 33.205 kj/mol
49. Calculate DS involved in the fusion of 3.6 g of ice at 00C. Latent heat of ice is 334.72J g-1.
∆f S = ∆f H = 334.72 x 3.6/273 = 4.41 J/K
50. Calculate DS 0 for a reaction X  Y, if the value of DH 0 = 28.40 kJ mol-1 and Kc is 1.8 × 10—
at 298 K.
X  Y
ΔG = -2.303 RTLogKc
= -2.303 x 8.314 x 10 -3 x 298 x log 1.8 x 10 -7
= 38.4842 kj/mol
38.4842 kj/mol = 28.40 -298 x ΔS
ΔS = - 0.03383kj/K
51. Calculate the entropy change in surroundings when 1.00 mol of H2O (l) is formed under standard
conditions. Δf H0 = –286 kJ mol–1.

52. The equilibrium constant for a reaction is 10. What will be the value of ΔG0 ? R = 8.314 JK–1mol–
, T = 300 K.
Answer Key

Section C
Each question carries 1 mark :
53. Does an aqueous solution of Mg2+ ions have larger entropy before or after hydration of ions?
Hydration is the term used for attachment of water molecules to ions when an ionic compound is
dissolved in water. It is a special case of dissolution of energy, with the solvent being water.
Before hydration an aqueous solution of Mg2+ ions will have larger entropy as after hydration
Mg2+ has achieved an orderly lattice.
54. For a reaction there is an increase in both enthalpy and entropy. Under what conditions does the
reaction occur spontaneously?
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
∆H =+ve and ∆S =+ve .At high temperature T∆S>∆H
∆G = -ve and spontaneous.
55. Dissolution of NH4Cl (s) in water is endothermic but it is spontaneous. Explain.
NH4Cl(s) + H2O → NH4+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
∆G = ∆H –T∆S ; as the number of particles are increasing after the dissolution of NH 4Cl as it
ionizes ∆s becomes +ve and –T∆ S overweighs +ve ∆H factor, so ∆G=-ve, reaction becomes
Since the entropy of system increases therefore the process becomes spontaneous.
56. Lifting of water to the top of a hill is quite possible. Why can’t this be considered as a
spontaneous process?
Because it does not happen on its own and it will immediately stop once the initiation from the
motor stops .Therefore it is a non-spontaneous process.
57. For the reaction,
2Cl(g) → Cl2(g), what are the signs of ΔH and ΔS ?
ΔH and ΔS are negative

Each question carries 2 marks :

58. The heat of combustion of naphthalene (C10H8) at constant volume is -5133 kJ mol-1.Calculate
the value of enthalpy change at 298 K.
qv= ΔU =-5133 kj/mol - -5133 x 103 j/mol ;T=298 k , R = 8.314 J/K/mol
qp=ΔH= ?
C10H8(s) +12 O2 (g)10CO2(g) + 4H2O(l)
Δn =(n of products)g –(n of reactants)g
Δn = (10) –(12) = -2
qp = qv + Δn RT
qp= -5133000 +[ (-2) x 8.314 x298]
qp= -5137955.14J = -5137.955 kj
59. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of methane from the following data :
Answer Key
ΔfH of CO2(g) = -393.5 kJ mol-1, ΔfH of H2O(l) = -285.8 kJ mol-1,
ΔcH of CH4 (g) = -890 kJ mol-1
ΔfH of CH4 =?
1) Cgraphite + O2 (g) → CO2(g) ∆H= -393.5 kJ mol-1
2) H2(g) + ½ O2 (g) →H2O(l)∆H = -285.8 kJ mol-1
3) CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) →CO2(g) + 2 H2O(l)∆H =-890 kJ mol-1
Required equation
Cgraphite+ H2(g) →CH4 (g)
Eq(1) +eq(2) x2 +eq (3)
ΔfH = -393.5 + 2 x -285.8 +890
= -393.5 – 571.6 + 890
= -75.1 kj/mol
60. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of acetic acid (CH3COOH(l)) from the following data :
ΔfH of CO2(g) = -393.5 kJ mol-1, ΔfH of H2O(l) = -285.8 kJ mol-1 ,
ΔcHof CH3COOH(l) = -875 kJ mol-1 .
CH3COOH(l) + 2 O2 2CO2(g)+ 2 H2O(l)

-875 = 2x (-393.5) + 2x(-285.8) –ΔfH of CH3COOH(l) -2 ΔfH O2x 0(as oxygen is in its
standard rate)
-875 =-787 – 571.6 -∆f H CH3COOH
X = -787 -571.6 + 875
X = -483.6 kj/mol
61. Comment on the thermodynamic stability of NO(g), given
½ N2(g) + ½ O2(g) → NO(g) ; ΔrHθ = 90 kJ mol–1
NO(g) + ½ O2(g) → NO2(g) : ΔrHθ= –74 kJ mol–1

Hence unstable NO(g) changes to stable NO2(g).

62. 200 J heat flow from the surroundings at 25 degree C into a large copper block at -10 degree C.
What is the total entropy change?

63. The enthalpy change for the transition of liquid water to steam is 40.8 KJ mol -1 AT 373
k.Calculate ΔS° for the process.

Answer Key

64. For the reaction

2A(g) + B(g) → 2D(g)
ΔUθ = –10.5 kJ and ΔSθ= –44.1 JK–1.
Calculate ΔGθ for the reaction, and predict whether the reaction may occur spontaneously.

65. For the oxidation of iron, 4Fe (s) + 3O2(g)  2Fe2O3(s), entropy change is –549.4 JK-1 mol-1 at
298 K. Inspite of negative entropy change of this reaction, why is the reaction spontaneous?
ΔrH = --1648 × 103 J mol-1 , R = 8.314 JK-1 mol-1

As change in free energy ΔG is negative hence the

reaction is spontaneous process.

66. Calculate ΔrG0 for conversion of oxygen to ozone, 3/2 O2(g) → O3(g) at 298 K. if Kpfor this
conversion is 2.47 × 10–29.

Each question carries 3 marks :

Answer Key
67. If water vapour is assumed to be a perfect gas, molar enthalpy change for vapourisation of 1 mol
of water at 1bar and 100°C is 41kJ mol–1. Calculate the internal energy change, when
(i) 1 mol of water is vaporized at 1 bar pressure and 100°C.
(ii) 1 mol of water is converted into ice.

68. Both ethane and methane are used as fuel. Predict which of these is a better fuel? Given that heat
of formation of CH4 (g), C2H6 (g), CO2 (g) and H2O (l) are -74.85, -84.68, -393.5 and -286 kJ
mol-1 respectively.
CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) → CO2(g) + 2 H2O(l)

= [-393.5 + (- 286 x2)] – [(-74.85 +0)]

= -393.5 – 572 +74.85
= -890.65 kj/mol
Per gram = -890.65/16 = -55.66 kj/g
C2H6 (g) +7 /2 O2 (g) → 2CO2(g) + 3 H2O(l)

= [2 x -393.5 +3 x -286] –[7/2 x (0) + ( -84.68)]

= [-787-858 ] + 84.68
= - 1560.32 KJ/mol
Per gram = -1560.32/30 = -52.01 kj/g
On comparing the values of Heat of the reaction for combustion reaction of methane and
ethane it is seen that methane is better fuel than ethane as ∆rH of CH4 is more negative it is a
better fuel.
69. Write the Born – Haber Cycle to calculate the lattice enthalpy of MgBr2(solid).
Mg (s) → Mg (g) ΔH Sublimation
Mg (g) → Mg+ (g) + e- ΔH ionization enthalpy1
Mg+ (g) → Mg+2 (g) + e- ΔH ionization enthalpy2
Br 2 (l) → Br2(g) ΔH vapourization
Br 2 (g) → 2Br (g) ΔH dissociation energy
Br + e- → Br ΔH electron gain enthalpy x 2
Mg+2 + 2Br-→MgBr2 ΔH lattice enthalpy
ΔHreaction = ΔH Sublimation + ΔH ionization enthalpy + ΔH dissociation energy+ ΔH electron gain enthalpy + ΔH lattice enthalpy

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Born Haber cycle for MgBr2

70. At 60°C, dinitrogen tetroxide is fifty percent dissociated. Calculate the standard free energy
change at this temperature and at one atmosphere.

Answer Key


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