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Carroll Community College NURS 233 ~ Nursing Concepts 3 SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation Student _LavenFedrne __Dale_“T/18_Weok# 2 _Facully Profesor arher 3 Setsocoy [N= News inpvonant [U= Unaltciny —|RA=Notaplcae|¢ Cites beavr ‘dents who act ayo te folowing cra vlbegven a eeciaon lon and my be paced on probation fanrete propane inane sess mnpesat hanes bean ‘SrounestsScoy grade acral oat Teens mproverensin atl baie ‘Se tasssacoy aden Toned schavr “Feats mowers 2 : j ude | "Eater outcome + Sia) Skee ‘rate the eflectveness ofthe plan of care (CO) Sanit") “Sais 1._*Proize patet care baud on asessmet wih city a eouce ss 2. “Bemenstaies acura patent asessmet ss s[s 3. Anes ard icerprtes data fo te paentsnedcalrecowinepsonel—~OSSSOG “A aes pant assesment tao rplenenniized pon fare wey ak & lmoae 5 Esteban angie rursing pies st based on olocedevaboe an patet G} Sstzsrnehn cay ova eure s 6: sabres measurable pant ozores based on ning pias wh oy a6 @ s 7 Rubia: snepae nate ewrion inedenatasmen wb batyare |S vats part wepoes ocr ndavies lana ended wh oats a peas ie ae [anne ele suet | "Beast xicome 2 Sore Suet Sit oporuns tat promee pte! rw (C02) Sanat SN | 2. Demonsttes proessonal behavior ana appearance s | s | 10. Seeks put tor patent iste, and Reaticare team ne aliey of patent 3] conaredcoe 11. "Demonstrates sconiabiy and ace responsi om acon anaatudes $ 12. "Adhereso atentancepoey s 13, Parcels actvey nal ciel operon s 14. Ergesin eofecon nd commerce ering nes attr 8 15, Contes srr equa nd sso tine s 16. Danone nate in anng pers and heaters ean mene ine nal sting s poor 1N Ravana 2nOPONE 10018 388 Carroll Community College NURS 233 ~ Nursing Concepts 3 'SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation ‘Outcome 3 Provide patent centered care wih faclly a a resource (CO3) 17. “Implements appropriate infection conto precautions 18 Provides culturaly sensitive care 18 Documents pation care accurately 20. Uses therapeutic communication sis 21, Follows trough with ll paint care 22, Demonstrales knowledge of means for assigned patents ministers medica safely using sx rights of medication administration —_—— — = Seeenn | 7 24, Demonstrates carng behaviors I 25. Uses SBAR elecively 26, Acts as. an advocate for patients and familes oook 27. ‘Demonstrates physical and mental competence 28% sre ron cna ‘nd notifes metructor and approprate heahcare team s T ao 28. Demonsaes tne management echnaes s 30, Implements patnt and family ecication and evaluates efecivenessofteachng | aE 31, “Updates instructor and healthcare team regarding changes inthe patent's conditon jojo ng care based on the polices and procedures ofthe facity uring care in accordance wth the Marynd Nuree Pracoe Act 24. ‘Adhores to HIPAA guidelines £35. "Provides care accorcing 19 ANA Scope and Standards a Nursing Practice i volo Insbuster i |outcome 4 Implement ruring care based on scenic evidence (COA) 36. ncorperates evidence-based rational that suppers the pliant plan of care s Powored 244, Raa i201: ova nH Carroll Community College NURS 233 — Nursing Concepts 3 'SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation ‘Student Reflection (Thoroughly answer all questions) ‘How has this clinical rotation helped to define your role as 2 nurse? Please explain. earned how to successfully assess a patient with Paranoid Schizophrenia. til help me inthe future Decause as a nurse, everyone you take care of could possibly be @ pysch patient. So | now have a better ‘Understanding oftheir needs. Which objective did you accomplish during this rotation? How did you do It? | accomplished objective 3. Iwas able to communicate therapeutically with my patients as well as show Caring behaviors when a patient got upset. was also abe to update the insuctor and necessary personnel when a patient was showing signs of homicidal ideation What are your goals for your next clinical rotation? ‘To further my assessment skills of pysch patients. To be aware that any patient could have a mental ines | and be be sensitive and knowledgeable when speaking with them and assessing them. And, 0 ask ‘Questions to get more background info, Faculty Comments/ Student Learning Goals (Goals must be established even ifperformance is Satisfactory. IFan item was identified as N or U, narrative comments are necessary to cary student Performance along with goals to improve performance). ‘This student was such a pleasure to work wth as she asked great questions and collaborated with me along the way. She was s0 conscientious about doing a good job on the FIP. And she dd an amazing job on the FIP. Lauren was a solid caregiver on the unt and was fully engaged during our debriefings. She was an asset lo our team and demonstrated great assessment skills with her patients! ‘Student Signature: | Lauren Federline re ‘inane Instructor Signature: | Bacey Wah, [1162018 ova0vs, sta

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