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1] Explain what is meant by the terms perception, physiology and cognition.

 Perception relates to the use of our five senses to detect changes in our
environment. It plays a role in computer systems development because users
must be able to detect and respond to changes in a display.
 Physiology relates to our physical characteristics, including height, reach and
weight. It plays a role in computer systems development because users must be
able to physically operate both input and output devices. Problems such as RSI
and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can reduce a user's physical ability to operate
some devices.
 Cognition relates to the mental processes that can be used to analyse the
information that we perceive in our environment. It plays a role in computer
systems development because users may be able to read a warning or help
message but may be unable to understand what it means.

Q] Brief Real and perceived Affordance in Computer Design

Perceived and Real Affordances Affordances are the range of possible (physical)
actions by a user on an artifact:

• Perceived Affordances are the actions a user perceives to be possible.

• Real Affordances are the actions which are actually possible.

Real World Affordances

For physical objects, there can be both real and perceived affordances.

• Appearance indicates how to use something: – A chair affords (suggests) sitting. –

Knobs are for turning. – Slots are for inserting things. – A button affords pushing.
When perceived affordances are taken advantage of, the user knows what to do just by

2] Outline three differences between short-term memory (STM) and long-term

memory (LTM).
Duration Differences: Information held in STM is lost rapidly when there is little or no
opportunity to rehearse it since rehearsal would send the information into LTM and it will be
easily recalled.

Encoding Differences: STM is acoustically encoded i.e. encoding by the similarity of the
sound of the words e.g. cat, mat, rat…etc, whereas LTM is semantically encoded i.e.
encoding by the similarity of the meaning of the words e.g. big, huge, great…etc.
Capacity Differences: STM has a limited storage capacity between 5-9 items and it is
determined by the size of digits/letters. In contrary to this, LTM has an unlimited storage
capacity and information stored in LTM e.g. names of friends, schools attended, how to
ride a bike…etc can be endless.

3] Explain various goal of hci with example?

 At physical level, HCI concerns the selection of the most appropriate input
devices and output devices for a particular interface or task
 Determine the best style of interaction, such as direct manipulation, natural
language (speech, written input), WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointers), etc.
 Develop or improve
– Safety : protecting the user from dangerous conditions and undesirable
– Nuclear energy plant or bomb-disposal – operators should interact with
computer-based systems remotely
– Provide user with means of recovering errors
– Utility : extent of providing the right kind of functionality so that users can
do what they need or want to do.
Scientific calculator provides many mathematical operations, built-in formulae,
and is programmable
– Effectiveness : concern a user’s ability to accomplish a desired goal or to
carry out work
Find a master thesis in our library Web
– Efficiency : a measure of how quickly users can accomplish their goals or
finish their work using the system
Find a book “human computer interaction” in our library Web
– Usability : ease of learning and ease of use
– Can I use the basic functions of a new digital camera without reading the
– Appeal : how well the user likes the system
– First impression – Long-term satisfaction

Q] List and briefly describe Goals of usability?

the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with
effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use.”

Effectiveness: the accuracy and completeness with which users of the system reach the
purposes for which the system has been designed. the extent to which the user is able to reach goal
while using the system.
Example: if the aim is to “type a letter" then possible measures are: the number of
misspellings, document formatting features, etc. –

Example: if the aim is to “search articles on a certain topic" then possible measures are: the
number of relevant articles in the result, etc.

Efficiency: the relationship between the effectiveness of the interaction and the allocated or
expended resources to achieve the goals.

Example: if the aim is "to print a report" then possible measures are:

number of copies printed in a unit of time

the number copies printed correctly, etc.

Satisfaction: the users' comfort with and positive attitudes towards the use of the system.

4] Describe Importance of Good User Interface?

Benefits of Good UI Design:

 Your new designs will actively increase sales

 Your customers will become more engaged
 There will be fewer frustrations
 You will maximise your revenue opportunities and user experience
 Reduced development costs
A Good User interface – Characteristics:
 Multi-language support
 Screen fit
 Tooltip
 Address the specific requirements of a website
 Functionality
 Help
 Typography
 Ghost text
 Fast loading
 Proper spacing and positioning of icons
 Simple, organized, consistent, recognizable layout
 Appealing graphics
 Lightweight UI components
 Added functionality with task panes/ side bars
 Guided Navigation via train pattern (for websites that offer functionalities such as
payments, registrations, training and tests)

5] Describe the life cycle of software design according to principle of user

centered system design
6] Explain the term high fidelity and low fidelity?

Low-fidelity prototyping — known as low-tech, is a simple and easy translation of the

product and design concepts. It’s used to turn the design ideas into testable and
tangible artifacts, collecting and analyzing the user demands at the early stage.

High-fidelity prototyping — is highly-functional and interactive prototyping which is

quite close to the final product, with lots of functionality and details included. This is
often used in the later usability evaluation to discover the potential issues that may
exist in the workflow, interactivity and so on.

Q] What are the usability evaluation Method?

Usability Evaluation
• There are four types of evaluation, according to the purpose of the evaluation:
• Exploratory - how is it (or will it be) used?
Explores current usage and the potential design space for new designs
• Predictive - estimating how good it will be.
Estimates the overall quality of an interface (like a summative evaluation, but a prediction made in
• Formative - how can it be made better?
Informs the design process and helps improve an interface during design
• Summative - how good is it?
Assesses the overall quality of an interface

Q] Identify the characteristics and capabilities of two direct and indirect device-based control?

• Trackball • Joystick • Graphic tablet • Light pen • Touch screen • Voice • Mouse • Keyboard


• Description – A ball that rotates freely in all directions in its socket

• Advantages – Direct relationship between hand and pointer movement in terms of direction and
speed – Does not obscure vision of screen – Does not require additional desk space (if mounted
on keyboard)

• Disadvantage – Movement indirect, in plane different from screen – Requires hand to be

removed from keyboard keys – Requires different hand movements

• Description – Automatic speech recognition by the computer

• Advantage – Simple and direct – Useful for people who cannot use a keyboard – Useful when
the user’s hands are occupied

• Disadvantage – High error rates due to difficulties in • Recognizing boundaries between spoken
words • Blurred word boundaries due to normal speech patterns – Slower throughput than with
typing – Difficult to use in noisy environment – Impractical to use in quiet environment


• Advantage – Familiar – Accurate – Does not take up additional desk space – Very useful for •
Entering text and alphanumeric data • Inserting in text and alphanumeric data • Keyed shortcuts
accelerators • Keyboard mnemonics equivalents

• Disadvantage – Slow for non-touch-typists – Slower than other devices in pointing – Requires
discrete actions to operate – No direct relationship between finger or hand movement.

Touch Screen

• Advantages – Direct relationship between hand and pointer movement in terms of direction
and speed – Movement is direct, in the same plane as screen – Requires no additional desk space

• Disadvantage – Finger may obscure part of screen – Finger may be too large for accuracy with
small objects – Requires moving the hand far from the keyboard to use – Very fatiguing to use
for extended period of time – May Damage the screen
7] list different types of menus and explain the structure of menu.

There are four different types of menus:

 Single menu
Allow users to choose between 2 or more items, or multiple selections
Remain permanent or in a pop up mode 1.
1. Binary menu: allow users to choose between 2 options.
E.g., choice of “Yes” or “No” ƒ Radio button ƒ Button choice
 Multiple item menu: allow users to choose between >2 options
E.g., choice of marital status .
 Multiple selection menu: allow selection of one or more items
Convenient for handling multiple choices since user is able to scan the full
list of items while deciding
 Pull-down menu: always available to the user by making selections on a top
menu bar
 Pop-up menu: appear on a display in response to a click with a pointing
device 6.
 Fisheye menu: allow rapid selection in a very large menu
 Two-dimensional menu: a multiple column menu which allows rapid selection
among numerous items
 Embedded menu: items are embedded in text or graphics
Permit items to be viewed in context & eliminate the need for a distracting &
screen-wasting enumeration of items
Keep users focused on their tasks & on objects of interest

8] Describe various tool for designing user interface? Or various user interface
building tool?


Axure has always been one of the best wireframing tools on the market and is great for more
complex projects that require dynamic data. With Axure, you can really focus on mocking up
projects that are more technical and require extra attention when it comes to structure and data.


Sketch is a very popular tool within the design community that enables you to create hi-fi
interfaces and prototypes. One of the great features is Symbols, where you can design UI
assets and elements for reuse. is an incredible contender for creating lifelike prototypes from rough ideas right through
to fully fledged designs. The tool also provides a lot of possibilities for your projects, including
detailed animations and custom vector animations too.

Adobe Xd

Adobe XD offers the best environment for digital projects under the Adobe Creative
Cloud collection of design tools.


Marvel is another prototyping tool that's a great choice when it comes to producing quick ideas
and refining an interface. As with many of the other applications of this type, Marvel offers a
really neat way of building pages and enables you to simulate your design through a prototype.

Figma enables you to quickly compose and design interfaces. The Figma platform prides itself
on being a collaborative design tool whereby multiple users can work simultaneously on a
project – this is very effective when you have multiple stakeholders in a project that are involved
in shaping the outcome.
9] Explain Four Basic Activities in Interaction Design?

Interaction Design involves four basic activities:

1. Identifying needs and establishing requirements

2. Developing alternative designs that meet those requirements
3. Building interactive versions of the designs so that they can be communicated and
4. Evaluating what is being built throughout the process

Q] what is task analysis?importance of task analysis in ucsd process with example?

Purpose or Importance of task analysis

10] Describe Cognitive Model and Highlights its main characteristics?

 Cognitive models are used to represent the users of interactive

o Models of user’s tasks and goals
o Models of the user-system grammar
o Models of human motor skills
o Cognitive architectures which underlie these models

 The main advantage of cognitive models over conceptual frameworks is that,

by using mathematical or computer languages, cognitive models are
guaranteed to produce logically valid predictions.
 A second important reason for using mathematical or computer models is
that they are capable of making precise quantitative predictions. This is not
possible solely on the basis of a conceptual or verbal framework.

11] Explain the term universal access ‘Design For All’

It is similar to 'universal access', but also promotes the notion of

careful design and design standards, so that users with special
needs are not excluded from the use of a system.

12] Give significance of natural computing with six principle in


The study of how people process and store information, manipulate
symbols, ascribe personal values to events, attribute cultural and
emotive judgments.

Six principle of natural computing are

 Natural computing
 What can users do?
 Modelling users
 Understanding the domain
 Understanding human learning
 Meaning as a basis for practical action

Q]Common to both Natural Computing and Ucsd

These are common to both natural computing and user-centred

system design

User model

Universal access : Universal access is the objective of making

systems that are accessible anytime, anywhere and to anyone of
the intended user population.

Design for all: It is similar to 'universal access', but also

promotes the notion of careful design and design standards, so
that users with special needs are not excluded from the use of a

Inclusive design The aim of inclusive design is to create

mechanisms by which designers can calculate the numbers of
users who are excluded by specific design features.

Task models You must identify the key features of the task to
be achieved – and recognise those aspects that must or can be

Technological platform: In the earlier days of system design

technology placed severe restrictions on the functionality of
proposed systems .These days technological options are less
restrictive and, we can expect our expectations to be fulfilled by the

13] Explain the scope of Human Computer interaction?

• Use & Context: Find application areas for computers

• Human: Study psychological & physiological aspects e.g.,

study how a user learns to use a new product, study human
typing speed

• Computer: Hardware & software offered – e.g., input & output

devices, speed , interaction styles, computer graphics

• Development: Design, implementation & evaluation

14] What are the Strength and weakness of interactive system?

Modern interactive systems can be powerful because they

draw on powerful technology

Interactive systems may provide useful functions

Interactive systems differ in the extent that they are usable

Accessibility varies between good and poorly designed systems

15] Elaborate User center System design in detail

 A central focus on the people who will use the systems, on

their preferences and requirements
 Building simple models of the users, the tasks and the
technological systems
 An iterative process
 Prototyping and the evaluation of alternatives by users.
16] Write Short note on Usability. What are the guidelines to
improve usability?

The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to

achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and
satisfaction in a specified context of use.

Guidelines to improve usability

1. Include a Site Map

2. Use Clear and Consistent Navigation Systems
3. Validate Your Pages and Stylesheets
4. Review Your Website using Automated Accessibility Assessment Tools
5. Test Your Pages on a Mobile Device
Q]Give the example of good and poor design?
Poor Design:
Elevator controls and labels on the bottom row all look the same, so it is easy to push a label by
mistake instead of a control button (
People do not make same mistake for the labels and buttons on the top row.
Good Design:
Nokia 6800: Users can write messages with the cover closed, or open the cover to reveal a full
keyboard for easy messaging (
Q] What is WaterFall Model?
•New Paradigms and principles are concentrated on examining the product of interactive
system design.
•Software engineering is the emerging discipline for understanding the design process, or life
•Designing for usability occurs at all stages of the life cycle

•Requirements specification Designer and customer try capture what the system is expected to
provide, which can be expressed in natural language or more precise languages, such as
a task analysis document.

•Architectural design High-level description of how the system will provide the services
required. Mainly , the system is factored into major components and specify how they
are interrelated so that both functional and nonfunctional requirements are satisfied.

•Detailed design Refinement of architectural components and interrelations to identify

modules to be implemented separately the refinement is governed by the
nonfunctional requirements
Advantages of the waterfall model: – Highly disciplined process of documentation – Easily
observable development progress
• Disadvantages of the waterfall model: – Document centric; can be difficult for customer to
understand – Makes assumptions about requirements that are inflexible

17] What is heuristic evaluation? what are the 10 heuristics rule developed by
nielson for the hci?
Heuristic Evaluation: A small team of evaluators inspects an interface using a
small checklist of general principles and produces an aggregate list of potential
 Visibility of system status. Users should always be informed of system operations with easy to
understand and highly visible status displayed on the screen within a reasonable amount of time.
 Match between system and the real world. Designers should endeavor to mirror the language
and concepts users would find in the real world based on who their target users are.
 User control and freedom. Offer users a digital space where backward steps are possible,
including undoing and redoing previous actions.
 Consistency and standards. Interface designers should ensure that both the graphic elements
and terminology are maintained across similar platforms.
 Error prevention. Whenever possible, design systems so that potential errors are kept to a
 Recognition rather than recall. Minimize cognitive load by maintaining task-relevant
information within the display while users explore the interface.
 Flexibility and efficiency of use. With increased use comes the demand for less interactions that
allow faster navigation
 Aesthetic and minimalist design. the display must be reduced to only the necessary components
for the current tasks, whilst providing clearly visible and unambiguous means of navigating to
other content.
 Help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors. error messages should almost always
be expressed in plain language to ensure nothing gets lost in translation.
 Help and documentation. Ideally, we want users to navigate the system without having to resort
to documentation.
Different Phase of heuristics Rule?
First evaluation phase. The first evaluation generally takes around two hours, depending on
the nature and complexity of your product. The evaluators will use the product freely to gain
a feel for the methods of interaction and the scope. They will then identify specific elements
that they want to evaluate.
 Second evaluation phase. In the second evaluation phase, the evaluators will carry out another
run-through, whilst applying the chosen heuristics to the elements identified during the first
phase. The evaluators would focus on individual elements and look at how well they fit in the
overall design.

19] Give the procedure for carrying out hierarchical task analysis?

 The starting point is a user goal, then examined the main tasks associated with achieving that
goal. Where appropriate, these tasks are subdivided into subtasks

• Start with the overall goal (verb-noun pair), e.g. “Use email” , “Print a letter”

• Break these down into meaningful subgoals/tasks (asking how question)

• Break down sub goals further until reach an appropriate stopping point
Add plans to the analysis - conditional statements, often utilizing Boolean logic, e.g.
• DO 1, THEN 2, THEN (IF condition = true) DO 3, THEN EXIT
• Represent the goals, sub goals, operations and plans using either:
• graphical views (boxes and arrows) • non-graphical methods (e.g. tabulation, outlines, textual)

HTA Example: 01
Aim: Clean the house
20] What is User Modeling? List and briefly describe different types of user model?
A user model is a representation of a user that captures
 n goals/tasks: what is the user attempting to achieve?
 knowledge/background/experience: what does the user know of the subject? What can
we expect the user to know?
 interests: what web pages or songs the user likes (etc.)?
 traits: personality features that can influence the user’s behavior and expectations - e.g.,
introvert or extrovert - cognitive styles: holist or serialist (etc.)
 context of work (platform, location, activity)

Type of user modeling

 Empirical Models
- Based on empirical observations about the user, do not attempt to understand the user’s
cognitive processes
Various types of empirical models: -
Feature-based: model specific features (previous slide)
- Stereotype: map users to groups and treat all users in a group similarly n
 Analytical models
Attempt to simulate the cognitive processes that take place during the interaction between the
user and the system
Can be also integrated with empirical models as expert knowledge

Explain model view controller(MVC) architecture or multiple view model

Model View Controller or MVC as it is popularly called, is a software design pattern
for developing web applications. A Model View Controller pattern is made up of the
following three parts −

The Model
The model is responsible for managing the data of the application. It responds to
the request from the view and it also responds to instructions from the controller
to update itself.

The View
It means presentation of data in a particular format, triggered by a controller's
decision to present the data. They are script-based templating systems like JSP,
ASP, PHP and very easy to integrate with AJAX technology.

The Controller
The controller is responsible for responding to the user input and perform
interactions on the data model objects. The controller receives the input, it
validates the input and then performs the business operation that modifies the
state of the data model.

MVC is popular as it isolates the application logic from the user interface layer and
supports separation of concerns. Here the Controller receives all requests for the
application and then works with the Model to prepare any data needed by the
View. The View then uses the data prepared by the Controller to generate a final
presentable response. The MVC abstraction can be graphically represented as
Q]Guidelines for menu and submenu design

HighLight Difference between proper menu design and poor menu design

Hcimenu.pptx desktop

Explain look of an interface and interactive feel implemented in the controller

Interface Design tools

Enhancing Wen interaction


Interactive style

What are the three basic pieces of web application?

What is HTTP?
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This is the protocol being used
to transfer hypertext documents that makes the World Wide Web possible.

What is URL?
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, and is used to specify addresses
on the World Wide Web. A URL is the fundamental network identification for
any resource connected to the web (e.g., hypertext pages, images, and
sound files).

What is Web Server?

Every Website sits on a computer known as a Web server. This server is
always connected to the internet. Every Web server that is connected to the
Internet is given a unique address made up of a series of four numbers
between 0 and 256 separated by periods. For example, or

What is Website?
Currently you are on our website which is a collection of
various pages written in HTML markup language.

What is Web Browser?

Web Browsers are software installed on your PC. To access the Web you
need a web browsers, such as Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet
Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

What is W3C?
W3C stands for World Wide Web Consortium which is an international
consortium of companies involved with the Internet and the Web.

What is DNS?
DNS stands for Domain Name System. When someone types in your
domain name,, your browser will ask the Domain Name
System to find the IP that hosts your site.

define petrinets . give its significance.Explain it with an example?

• one of the oldest notations in computing!

• flow graph:
– places – a bit like STN states
– transitions – a bit like STN arcs
– counters – sit on places (current state)
• several counters allowed
– concurrent dialogue states
• used for UI specification (ICO at Toulouse)
– tool support – Petshop
How to achieve “user-friendliness” in computer design?

• HCI focuses upon how best to design interactive systems. • It is study of how
users interact with computer technology. • Interactive System refers to any
technological system which requires interaction with users. • Website, Calculator
,Word Processor, Spread Sheet is an interactive system.

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