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The Incidence of diarrhea may be reduced in a community by giving health education on:
A. Timely vaccination to infants
B. Maintenance of personal hygiene by mothers
C. Improving dietary intake of infants
D. Advising for anti helminths for infants
2. Which of the following is the most suitable insecticide for treating louse infestation?
A. Mineral oil
B. Malathion
C. Tolophose
D. Albatior
3. Which of the following is the most stable method of treating and disposing the liquids obtained
from health care facility?
A. Incineration
B. Wet thermal treatment
C. Chemical disinfection
D. Land disposal
4. Which of the following is not correct regarding National Polio Immunization?
A. OPV is given to all children 0-5 years of age
B. OPV is given in the country in a single day
C. OPV is given regardless to previous immunization status
D. It replaced the existing Immunization program
5. AIDS can be called our modern:
A. Epidemic
B. Endemic
C. Sporadic
D. Pandemic
6. Loudness of noise is measured in:
A. Hertz (Hz)
B. Kilocalories (Kcal)
C. Decibel (dB)
D. Centigrade (0)°)
7. Which of the following statement is not correct regarding the Tuberculosis?
A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a facultative intracellular parasite
B. Patients are infectious as long as they remain untreated
C. Tuberculosis is a hereditary disease
D. Malnutrition is believed to contribute to tuberculosis
8. Which is untrue regarding cause of vitiation of air?
A. Changes due to respiration of air
B. Changes due to combustion
C. Role of inlet and outlet
D. Dust and bacteria
9. Regarding preventive measures of occupational diseases when harmful material is replaced by
less harmless substance is called:
A. Substitution
B. Mechanization
C. Total enclosure
D. Isolation
10. Regarding occupational health hazard which of the following is not disease due to a biological
A. Peptic ulcer
B. Brucellosis
C. Leptospirosis
D. Actinomycosis
11. Which statement is not correct regarding oral polio vaccine OPV?
A. It is a killed vaccine
B. Immunity is both humoral and intestinal
C. Prevent intestinal reinfection
D. It’s use is effective in controlling epidemic
12. A substance which destroys or inhibits the growth of microorganisms is known as:
A. Disinfectant
B. Deodorant
C. Antiseptic
D. Antibiotic
13. Regarding influenza the viral isolation can be best done in which of the following:
A. Gastric washing
B. Nasopharyngeal secretions
C. Contaminated fomites
D. Blood
14. Concerning Hepatitis B infection which of the following marker is first to appear in serum:
A. HbsAg
B. HbeAg
C. Anti Hbs antibody
D. Anti Hbc antibody
15. Which of the following is not the indicator of water pollution?
A. Amount of total suspended solids
B. Presence of dissolved oxygen
C. Biological oxygen demand (BOD)
D. Concentration of chlorides
16. Which of the following is the most appropriate regarding Portable Water?
A. Pleasant to taste
B. Free from harmful pathogenic substances
C. Useable for drinking purpose
D. Useable for domestic purpose
17. The memory bias is a peculiar problem of which type of study design?
A. Case report
B. Case series
C. Cohort study
D. Case control study
E. Randomized control trials
18. A researcher wants to conduct a randomized control trial. Which of the following should be the
first step to conduct this type of study?
A. Collection of data
B. Drawing up of protocol
C. Selection of comparison groups
D. Follow up
E. Obtaining of data on exposure
19. Which of the following is the ordered categorical variable?
A. Height
B. Weight
C. Color
D. Level of dehydration
E. Identity card number
20. For Prevention of Trachoma which of the following is the most cost-effective preventive
A. Mass antibiotic treatment with single dose of azithromycin
B. Frequent face washing
C. Vaccination against chlamydia trachomatis
D. Correction of refractory errors
E. Wearing of Goggles
21. Bhopal gas tragedy is an example of:
A. Slow epidemic
B. Continuous epidemic
C. Point source epidemic
D. Propagated epidemic
E. An accident which did not warrant any emergency
22. All of the following features are true about cross sectionall study EXCEPT:
A. Cause-effect relationship can be established
B. Follow-up is not a feature of this study
C. All cases are seen at one point in time
D. More useful for chronic diseases
E. These are called prevalence studies
23. Which of the following is the best indicator of severity of an acute infectious disease of short
A. Standardized mortality rate
B. Case fatality rate
C. Crude death rate
D. Cause specific mortality rate
E. Proportional mortality rate
24. During an epidemic the first case that is identified to an investigator is called:
A. Primary case
B. Secondary case
C. Susceptible case
D. Index case
E. Immuno-compromised case
25. Point prevalence is estimated from:
A. Case report
B. Case series
C. Longitudinal study
D. Cross sectional study
E. Migration studies
26. When the number of vaccinated children is expressed as a………… present in community it is
known as:
A. Proportion
B. Incidence
C. Ratio
D. Frequency
E. Cumulative frequency
27. Which of the following is the best option to estimate the magnitude of health/disease problem
in community?
A. Incidence rate
B. Prevalence rate
C. Case fatality rate
D. Standardized mortality rate
E. Cause specific mortality rate
28. The simplest measure of epidemiological study design is:
A. Cross sectional study
B. Longitudinal study
C. Migration study
D. Case control study
E. Quasi experimental study
29. Which of the following is the characteristic of epidemic single exposure epidemic?
A. Very slow fall of curve
B. Bimodal peak
C. Rapid rising of curve
D. Curve never touches the horizontal line
E. Curve touches the horizontal line and then rises again
30. Against which of the following passive Immunization is recommended?
A. Mumps
B. Meningitis
C. Tetanus
D. Tuberculosis
E. Amoebiasis
31. E.coli is used as an indicator to determine the contamination of water with:
A. Fungi
B. Fecal matter
C. Cow dung
D. Industrial waste
E. Heavy metals
32. Under Expanded Programme on Immunization which of the infection/infections a vaccination is
given at nine months of age:
A. Poliomyelitis only
B. Measles and Mumps
C. Diptheria and Tuberculosis
D. Measles
E. Tuberculosis only

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