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Masterminds by Gordon Korman

Reader’s Rally Questions by James Brown – Bethesda ES

1. Who is author of the book, Masterminds?

Gordon Korman, Cover, title page
2. In the book, Masterminds, what is the name of the town Eli live in?
Serenity, p. 1
3. In the book, Masterminds, what did Randy and Eli get stuck in the swimming pool
filter? A boomerang, p. 2
4. In the book, Masterminds, what town was voted #1 in the USA for standard of living?
Serenity, New Mexico, p. 3
5. In the book, Masterminds, in what state is the town of Serenity located?
New Mexico, p. 3
6. In the book, Masterminds, who is the mayor of Serenity?
Eli’s dad, Felix Frieden, p. 6, p. 3
7. In the book, Masterminds, what is Eli’s last name?
Frieden, p. 1 (title), p. 7
8. In the book, Masterminds, who is the principal of the Serenity school?
Eli’s dad, Felix Frieden, p. 4
9. In the book, Masterminds, who is Eli’s best friend?
Randy Hardaway, p. 4, p. 5
10. In the book, Masterminds, what did Randy and his dad find in a Quonset hut at an
abandoned ranch a few miles outside Serenity? An Alpha Romeo (Italian Sports Car)
with 1961 license plates from Colorado, p. 6
11. In the book, Masterminds, how many kids are there in Serenity?
Thirty (30), p. 5
12. In the book, Masterminds, who is the teacher at the town school?
Mrs. Laska, p. 7
13. In the book, Masterminds, how old is Eli?
Thirteen (13), p. 8, p. 9
14. In the book, Masterminds, how many people live in Serenity?
185 people live in Serenity, p. 3, p. 23
15. In the book, Masterminds, what is the name of one of the largest producers of
orange plastic cones in the United States? Serenity Plastic Works, p. 3
16. In the book, Masterminds, what is the Serenity mayor’s salary per year?
One Dollar per year, p. 3
17. In the book, Masterminds, what is the name of the nearby national forest?
Carson National Forest, p. 3
18. In the book, Masterminds, what are the three essential qualities of Serenity citizens?
Honesty, harmony and contentment, p. 9

19. In the book, Masterminds, what happened to Eli when he left the Serenity city limits?
Eli got very sick and fell (crashed) from his bicycle, p. 11
20. In the book, Masterminds, what came to Eli’s aid after he became sick when leaving
the Serenity limits? An enormous military style helicopter, p. 12
21. In the book, Masterminds, who comes out of the helicopter to help Eli when he
became sick while riding his bike outside the city limits? Purple People Eaters, p. 12
22. In the book, Masterminds, who is the town Doctor?
Dr. Bruder, p. 14
23. In the book, Masterminds, what group is called the Purple People Eaters?
The Surety, p. 15
24. In the book, Masterminds, what is the Surety?
“. . . The Surety, the security force of the Serenity Plastic Works that doubles as
the town police.” p. 12, p. 15
25. In the book, Masterminds, in what grade is Eli?
Eighth (8th), p. 15
26. In the book, Masterminds, where was Randy being sent to live?
Colorado, to live with his grandparents, p. 20
27. In the book, Masterminds, who is the doctor’s son?
Malik Bruder, p. 22
28. In the book, Masterminds, where does Malik Bruder want to go after high school?
NYC (New York City), p. 22
29. In the book, Masterminds, what is the project Amber and Tori are working on
together? A picture book entitled: Our Own Backyard, p. 25
30. In the book, Masterminds, where is the Serenity Trophy located?
In a Plexiglas case located in the park, p. 25
31. In the book, Masterminds, why is the Serenity Cup the town’s pride and joy?
The Serenity Cup was presented by President Roosevelt when the town was
founded way back in 1937. p. 25
32. In the book, Masterminds, what did Amber find on the Serenity Cup’s Plexiglas case
the day the workmen were in the park? A padlock through a little hasp on the corner
of the case, p. 25
33. In the book, Masterminds, what did the work crew give Amber?
A copy of USA Today, p. 28
34. In the book, Masterminds, what is the name of the Serenity newspaper?
PAX, p. 27, p. 29, p. 31
35. In the book, Masterminds, who is Malik Bruder’s number one fan?
Hector Amani, p. 22
36. In the book, Masterminds, who is the water polo coach?
Mrs. Delany, p. 51

37. In the book, Masterminds, what is Hector Amani’s dad’s job?


Handyman, p. 59
38. In the book, Masterminds, what is Tori Pritel’s talent?
Tori is an artist, p. 63
39. In the book, Masterminds, what project are Tori and Amber working on for Serenity
Day? A mural of the town,
40. In the book, Masterminds, where do Eli and Tori find the letter from Randy?
In the Hardaway’s swimming pool filter, p. 76
41. In the book, Masterminds, what does Randy tell Eli in his letter about where he is
going? Not to grandparents, but to the McNally Academy boarding school in
Pueblo Colorado, p. 76
42. In the book, Masterminds, what connection does Randy write about in his letter to
Eli? Special people and Eli getting sick on the bike ride, p. 77
43. In the book, Masterminds, what kind of snake threatened to bite Malik when he was
about four? Diamond Back Rattlesnake, p. 61
44. In the book, Masterminds, what are the two teams in the Serenity Day water polo
match? Team Solidarity and Team Community, p. 35
45. In the book, Masterminds, what did Malik's mother call him when he almost got
bitten by a rattlesnake? valuable, p. 62
46. In the book, Masterminds, what does Malik notice about the orange plastic cones
shipped from Serenity Plastic Works? The plastic cones are always covered in dust
and they are dirty, p. 42
47. In the book, Masterminds, what is Malik's favorite form of entertainment?
“Don’t get me wrong. I love Hector. Driving Hector crazy is my favorite form of
entertainment”, p. 36
48. In the book, Masterminds, why does Amber make lists of things she needs to do?
Amber makes lists of everything she needs to do. It helps her to stay focused,
“control – is key.”, p. 24
49. In the book, Masterminds, why does Eli leave Serenity for the first time in his life?
Eli and Randy are going to see an abandoned sports car that Randy found, p. 7
50. In the book, Masterminds, what reason does Randy give for having to leave
Serenity? His grandparents need help on their farm in Colorado, p. 20
51. In the book, Masterminds, what is Serenity Day?
Serenity Day is the holiday where they celebrate the founding of the town, p. 34
52. In the book, Masterminds, what did Amber get from the tree trimmers that caused
her to have questions about life outside of Serenity, New Mexico?
a copy of a USA Today newspaper, p. 30
53. In the book, Masterminds, what is Randy famous for around Serenity?
Randy’s famous around Serenity for his challenges, p. 1

54. In the book, Masterminds, what happens to Eli the first time he leaves the Serenity
city limits? Eli gets very sick and Purple People Eaters (The Surety) come in a

military style helicopter to help him, p 12

55. In the book, Masterminds, what did Eli and Tori find in the hidden coffee can from
Randy’s treehouse? Purple People Eater cards, p. 72
56. In the book, Masterminds, who hides a note for Eli in his family’s swimming pool
filter? Randy, p. 76
57. In the book, Masterminds, what alternative history was revealed to Eli because an
electrical storm disrupted the Serenity internet site? The Boston Tea Party was a
catalyst to the revolutionary war, not a party with tea to discuss separation of the
colonies from England, it was not friendly; it was a rebellion. p. 87, p. 305
58. In the book, Masterminds, what other person in Serenity experienced symptoms
similar to Eli’s while approaching the Serenity city limits? Tori, p. 82
59. In the book, Masterminds, what is the name of the website that Eli set up to receive
pictures of the roof of the Serenity Plastic Works factory? Ohio Lollypop Festival,
p. 141
60. In the book, Masterminds, how did Tori take pictures of the Serenity Plastic Works
roof? Wireless web camera attached to a kite, p. 137, p. 138
61. In the book, Masterminds, who constructed the kite used to photograph the roof of
the Serenity Plastic Works building? Tori, p. 137
62. In the book, Masterminds, who mounted the wireless webcam to the kite for taking
pictures of the Serenity Plastic Works? Eli Friedan, p. 137
63. In the book, Masterminds, who surprised Eli, Tori and Malik when they climbed over
the Serenity Plastic Works fence? Hector, who followed Malik, p. 124
64. In the book, Masterminds, what was the password to the internet at the Serenity
Plastics Work factory? Hammerstrom, p. 127
65. In the book, Masterminds, who opens the HTML code on the sign-in portal to the
Serenity Plastic Works internet and finds the passcode? Eli, p. 126, p. 127
66. In the book, Masterminds, what does Eli discover about Randy’s message on the
real internet? The McNally Academy boarding school of Pueblo, Colorado exists,
Randy was telling the truth about where he was being sent. p. 129
67. In the book, Masterminds, what does Tori Pritel call her father?
Steve, p. 63, p. 131
68. In the book, Masterminds, how did Eli, Tori and Hector get inside the Serenity
Plastic Works factory? Eli, Tori and Hector entered (broke in) through the air
conditioning duct work, p.
69. In the book, Masterminds, why did Hector go into the duct work first?
Hector was the smallest kid, p. 160
70. In the book, Masterminds, what did the kids find pinned to the wall on the second
lower level of the factory? Pictures and notes on eleven of the kids recording their
lives since birth, p. 171, p. 170
71. In the book, Masterminds, what name was given to the eleven special kids?
Osiris, p. 170, p. 171,

72. In the book, Masterminds, what do the kids discover about the cameras in the
monitoring station of the Serenity Plastic Works factory? The cameras watch all parts
of the town, p. 166
73. In the book, Masterminds, where do stories come from for the Pax Newspaper?
The good news from major newspapers around the country, bad news is
censored, p. 167, p. 168
74. In the book, Masterminds, how many Osiris kids are there?
Eleven (11), p. 171
75. In the book, Masterminds, who is Osiris #1?
Eli, p. 171
76. In the book, Masterminds, What code name is given to all the kids being studied?
Osiris, p. 171
77. In the book, Masterminds, what did Amber find in Tori’s bedroom?
Pictures of the Osiris project wall, p. 184
78. In the book, Masterminds, why did Tori hide her plans to break into the Serenity
Plastic Works from Amber? Amber loves Serenity and she can't be trusted to keep
their secret, p. 132
79. In the book, Masterminds, who is Dr. Felix Hammerstrom?
Eli’s dad, p. 198
80. In the book, Masterminds, what is the purpose of the Osiris Project?
to determine if people are born evil (nature) or that they become evil based on life
experience (nurture) to revolutionize thinking about prisons and changing crime
and punishment as practiced, p. 199
81. In the book, Masterminds, where did the subjects come from for Project Osiris?
Subjects were cloned from the greatest criminal masterminds currently in prison,
p. 199
82. In the book, Masterminds, what is the Latin name for peace?
Pax, p. 211
83. In the book, Masterminds, How were the kids the Osiris Project created?
they were cloned from the DNA of criminals, p. 203
84. In the book, Masterminds, What does Eli think all the tests the Osiris kids are given
are measuring? Character, 192
85. In the book, Masterminds, what does Pax mean in Latin?
Peace, 211
86. In the book, Masterminds, what was the name of the cloned criminal donor whose
name was unreadable on the I-Pad picture but fully readable in an article Eli found on a
page from the San Bernardino Sun? Bartholomew Glen, p. 310, p. 193

87. In the book, Masterminds, what is Eli's father's real last name?
Hammerstrom, p. 198

88. In the book, Masterminds, of what type of persons were the “special” children
cloned? Criminal masterminds, p. 211
89. In the book, Masterminds, why does Tori make the decision to leave Serenity?
Tori overhears her parents (the Pritels) discussion of “Osiris 3”; that Malik must
be “weeded”, p. 224
90. In the book, Masterminds, what road runs through Serenity?
Old County Six, p. 235
91. In the book, Masterminds, what happens to Eli, Hector, Malik, Tori and Amber when
they try to ride their bikes away from Serenity? They all get sick when they pass the
invisible barrier, p. 237
92. In the book, Masterminds, who rescues Eli, Malik, Hector, Tori and Amber from the
Purple’s helicopter? Mrs. Delany, p. 244
93. In the book, Masterminds, what is the source that generates the invisible
fence/barrier around Serenity? The satellite dish on top of the cone delivery truck,
p. 262
94. In the book, Masterminds, what car do the Osiris kids plan to steal?
Eli’s dad’s brand-new Lexus, p. 262
95. In the book, Masterminds, how do Eli and Malik learn to drive a car?
Eli and Malik learn to drive a car using video game system, p. 262
96. In the book, Masterminds, what is the sport played by Team Serenity and Team
Community? Water Polo, p. 272
97. In the book, Masterminds, what challenge is played between the Surety and the
Surety Plastics Works? A tug-of-war, p. 272
98. In the book, Masterminds, who wins the tug-of-war at Serenity Day?
The Plastics Works team; “They (Surety) lose on purpose – they always do to
show what great sports they are.” p, 272
99. In the book, Masterminds, how do Eli, Malik and the other Osiris kids escape from
Serenity? Eli and Malik steal the cone delivery truck with the barrier generator
antenna, p. 282
100. In the book, Masterminds, how does Eli destroy the satellite barrier generator?
Eli crashes the truck and it explodes, p. 284
101. In the book, Masterminds, how does the Osiris group escape the forest?
The Osiris kids climb onto a boxcar on a slow moving freight train, p. 305
102. In the book, Masterminds, what do the kids find in the boxcar of the train?
Crates of Gatorade, p. 303
103. In the book, Masterminds, what does Tori overhear her parents discussing while
she is working with her roses? Malik is to be removed (or worse) from Serenity. “It’s
always been in the protocols. This from my (Tori Pritel’s) mom again. The older
ones will be fourteen soon. Any toxic element has to be weeded out for the good
of the group.” P. 222
104. In the book, Masterminds, what tips Amber off that Tori is planning to run away

from Serenity? Tori brings the mural over to Amber's house instead of leaving it in
her studio, Amber thinks Tori is leaving it because she won’t be there to deliver it,
p. 232
105. In the book, Masterminds, what was Bartholomew Glen nicknamed by the press?
The Crossword Killer, p. 309
106. In the book, Masterminds, where do the kids escape from the freight yard?
Colorado City, p. 313
107. In the book, Masterminds, how do the runaway Osiris kids get to Pueblo from
Colorado City? Taxi; two hundred dollar taxi ride, p. 317, p. 319
108. In the book, Masterminds, where do the kids go for help when they escape
Serenity? McNally Academy in Pueblo, Colorado, p. 319
109. In the book, Masterminds, who do the kids go to for help after escaping from
Serenity? Randy Hardaway, p. 323
110. In the book, Masterminds, why do the Eli and Malik choose to destroy the barrier
generator antenna on the Plastic Works truck during the Serenity Day Fireworks? The
noise from the fireworks will cover the sounds of them destroying the barrier
generator, p. 275
111. In the book, Masterminds, How does Eli teach himself to drive? By playing Street
Racers 2014, p. 259, p. 277
112. In the book, Masterminds, why do the Eli and the other Osiris kids have to jump off
the cone truck? Eli stopped the barrier generator by destroying the truck;
crashing it down a hill, p. 288
113. In the book, Masterminds, why did Eli crash the cone truck?
To destroy the invisible barrier generator mounted on the truck, p. 284
114. In the book, Masterminds, what member of the group was left behind after the truck
crash? Hector, p. 291
115. In the book, Masterminds, why can't the Osiris kids leave Serenity?
Something makes them physically ill when they leave the city limits, p. 237
116. In the book, Masterminds, how do the escaped Osiris kids get to the McNally
Academy? They take a taxi to Pueblo from Colorado City, p. 317, p. 319
117. In the book, Masterminds, what keeps the kids from dying of thirst in the boxcar?
Gatorade was being transported in the boxcar of the train, p. 303
118. In the book, Masterminds, what was the name of one of the criminal from which
one of the Osiris boys was cloned? Bartholomew Glen, the Crossword Killer, p. 309
119. In the book, Masterminds, what crime did Bartholomew Glen commit?
Bartholomew Glen, the Crossword Killer murdered nine (9) people. P. 309

120. In the book, Masterminds, why did the press call Bartholomew Glen the Crossword
Killer? “The nickname “Crossword Killer” comes from his habit of taunting the
police with clues to his hideous crimes in the form of extremely difficult
crossword puzzles . . .” p. 309

121. In the book, Masterminds, what is Project Osiris studying? Osiris is scientific
study to determine if criminality is the result of nature (heredity – born evil) or
nurture (product of culture or environment), p. 199

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