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Title: ​“The Power of the Internet”

Group Members: ​Caroline, Ashley, Braxton

Synthesized Purpose: ​The main purpose of our podcast is to talk about the influence that
different type of videos that are posted to YouTube have on the way we view the internet
as a whole and whether they are beneficial, and positively shape our perceptions of social
media entertainment. Are the videos we all watch meant to keep our senses of humor
alive? How are we bettering our education through YouTube videos? This podcast will
discuss everything behind YouTube and how videos created and the influencers who do
the creating, continue to keep a positive lifestyle and energy when filming everything
they post.
Synthesized Message: ​In conclusion, our group wanted to make the point that different
videos are meant to get different reactions out of everyone. For example, the vlog squad
and meme videos, like cats getting scared of simple things, are two very different types of
videos, however they are both meant to get a laugh out of the viewers. While not
everyone is expected to have the same opinion on everything, ultimately the creators
promote their videos in a positive way where their authenticity and positivity make the
viewers want to watch.
Design/style and tone: ​The style for this podcast will be a casual group conversation
about our opinions and discoveries on our topic about influencers effects on society. We
will actively engage in each others findings and discuss opinions on eachothers finding.
We also plan to use each others personal experiences to uncover our opinions on this
topic. We plan on using certain music that will fit our theme and examples of influencers
in our podcast.

Organization: ​We’ll begin with a discussion of how Social Media influences everyone
who views it. Then move into the different things that happen like vlogging, clickbait,
and how things that were once just boring can be turned into something funny.

Detailed Outline
1.) Opening
A. Introduce Speakers (preferred names)
B. Brief intro to the ​Context​ surrounding social media and the way we as viewers are
C. Brief introduction of the ​Synthesized Purpose

1.) Persuasive Dialogue (Caroline)​ - Social Media Entertainment, such as blogging and
vlogging, and the creators involved, have positively changed the idea of social media as a
whole because of how influential the videos, blog posts, and creators are. Since vlogging
has become much more popular in recent years, people are able to see the authenticity
behind people who are simply just doing what they love by recording little snippets of
their everyday lives. These videos and posts go well beyond YouTube or other websites
as they are promoted all throughout other social media sites in order to promote the
videos and those behind them.
a.) Original ​Thesis:​ this form of expression (vlogging) has allowed millions of
people globally to feel accepted and come out of their comfort zones, just from
being inspired by their favorite influencers, who ultimately, have their fans best
b.) Appeal to ​Pathos​ in the way that especially with vlogging, the creators are trying
to get a reaction out of the viewers, whether it is a laugh or a different emotion.
They tell personal stories and obviously use visuals to show the viewers exactly
what they are seeing in order to prove that everything they are talking about it real
i.) Evidence (Video) - Tana Monguea’s apology video
ii.) Evidence (Essay/Article) - Pathos used in popular vlogs
iii.) Evidence (Article) - Positive influencers that increase teen confidence
c.) Facilitating Questions:​ If all people have to do is comment something negative
on all videos just to try and get a response from the creator themselves, why do
they still watch every video? At what point would vlogging be considered bad for
the social media world? Who decides what would be considered ‘acceptable’ to
post? Why should a creator ever let anyone tell them what they can and cannot
post? Is it okay for a creator to sometimes post a controversial video if they can
back themselves up enough?

Transition: ​While some may say otherwise, social media entertainment is overall a positive
thing on the internet that allows people all over the world to look up to positive influences and
learn that YouTube is a place to post whatever makes someone comfortable because being
someone’s true self is what’s valued the most.

Persuasive Dialogue (Ashley) - Over the years the world of influencers, YouTuber’s and other
famous icons has impacted today's society significantly. Based on the different types of content
influencers put out, there can either be a positive message or a negative backlash. YoTtube stars
such as James Charles, The vlog squad, Jeffree Star, Jake Paul, The Labrant family and many
other have millions and millions of fans and viewers. Even though these famous influencers have
many followers. Society fails to see the negative effects watching YouTube has. YouTube is
beneficial as a research engine and as an instructional medium when it comes to “how to” subject
matter. When it comes to YouTube, influencers ultimately teach damaging values to its viewers.
Society is constantly comparing themselves to famous people. This creates high and unrealistic
standards to what normal should be.
a. Original thesis:​ Although YouTube has had great success, viewers fail to see the
negative aspects it can have on its viewers.
b. Appeal to logos:
1. “David Dobrik on how friend Olivia Jade has been holding up since college
admissions scandal”


2. Evidence “The Logan Paul YouTube controversy and what we should expect from

internet platforms”


3. “Say what? Turns out YouTube is actually making teens feel better about

themselves” ​

c. Facilitating questions: ​Why do people engage so much in influencers if it diminishes

self esteem and is always controversial?

Persuasive Dialogue (Braxton)​- Social media influences might not only be based on the idea of
someone telling a viewer something specific through a source like YouTube or another social
media platform that allows for content to be shared. The idea that cat videos and memes might
affect the way people think might seem far-fetched, but overall it should become common
knowledge to know that everything seen on social media affects the way the world views certain
things. These platforms for cats and animals as a whole, effects how people treat them and view
them comically for the rest of their lives, instead of viewing animals as very stoic creatures they
might see the comedy in everything they do just because of a few things shared on social media.
a. Original thesis​- Social media is changing the way that cats are being viewed in the
world, and making them a more popular house pet than they once were.
b. Appeal to Logos ​by discussing how these videos and social media memes have changed
the way that cats are viewed by the public and how cats are a more popular house pet.
1. Evidence that social media changes peoples perceptions of cats in young people and
2. Evidence that U.S. pet ownership report that relates ownership to social media trends

c. ​Facilitating Question​: Why do people change their opinions so willingly about things so
important to them while watching simple videos and seeing funny memes that aren’t even
meant to change opinions?

1. Conclusion:
a. Videos and those who post them ultimately want to get a positive reaction out of
all of their viewers. Influencers carefully edit and critique their own videos in
order to satisfy the majority of those who consistently watch them.
b. Ways to ​move forward​:
i. Older generations need to understand that the internet and everything that
is posted on there is actually beneficial to younger generation’s education
and the way we all perceive things.
ii. While there are many positive things about what videos are posted on the
internet, it is also important to note that some very controversial videos
should not always be allowed and influencers should not always get away
with them if they with them if they want to maintain a positive reputation.

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